Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis


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capes cottages & colonials
capes cottages & colonials - 26.08.2023 07:10

An RF of only 45? My rheumatoid factor is 250. I can't do even do a few minutes of these exercises without fatigue. I wish this report were focused on a person who actually is "struggling" (your word) than someone who is still young, healthy, and strong. You have to be able to exercise in order to benefit from exercise. We're certainly not going to be lifting weights and doing all the stuff she did in this video when we can barely walk across the room because the joints in six or seven of our toes won't bend and are painful to even flex. Let's get real, CNN.

Galdana - 29.07.2023 09:19

You guys deserve the worst of pains in the world, bunch of idiots you are, that stupid lady is not suffering ra good acting though. I wish you truly suffer what have ra means. I bet you would stop doing this false videos giving unrealistic hope for those dealing with this. Shut you fucking mouth up.

Hermes JOB: Observer 144
Hermes JOB: Observer 144 - 26.07.2023 13:15

I had the symptoms from the age of 24 and when i finally had the cyclic citrullinated peptide test around the age of 35 it came back with a result of >250. I'm 40 now and hoping my current change in lifestye choices will at least help relieve me from furthering the torturous effects of this disease. Honestly, i've ignored treatment for so long and am fearful the drugs needed to help will do more damage than good at this point. Wish i stopped smoking weed, changed my diet and learned to better manage my stress a lot sooner. Don't be like me. Be more proactive with your health and your life. God Bless.

RJ - 14.07.2023 15:34

Definitely a false positive. And it does happen. No one with arthritis is moving like this! This video is a complete joke, and an insult to those whom are truly suffering. I hate it!

Tarun Chauhan
Tarun Chauhan - 26.06.2023 08:38

It was a great video. One can take Boswellia curcumin, Joint aid plus, Aamvatantak churna and RumoGin 5 capsules from, Planet Ayurveda to manage this condition.

Sandra Delacruz
Sandra Delacruz - 20.06.2023 18:02

I was diagnosed with JRA when i was just 3 years old.

Kendra Brevard
Kendra Brevard - 15.05.2023 20:22

I was diagnosed before the pandemic and when everything closed I was beyond overweight ( 4'6 and 160) along with being born with a heart murmur But I'm Back in the gym and I'm working on eating healthy and drinking lots of water👍🏾 I have RA, RA doesn't have me

Living4Jesus4Ever - 09.05.2023 08:12

To anyone reading this, I was really struggling about what to eat for putting symptoms into remission and whether to go plant based or Autoimmune paleo and I’m going to go autoimmune paleo to see how it goes!! If anyone else has done this eating plan or has done both and found that vegan is better, let us all know!

Michelle Twardy
Michelle Twardy - 16.03.2023 04:32

I can’t move like this 😭😖

Winsome Wife
Winsome Wife - 15.03.2023 22:03

Her dedication to healthy eating.... eating what? Mostly carbohydrates? Low fat? That's NOT the healthiest way to eat.

Winsome Wife
Winsome Wife - 15.03.2023 22:01

What nutrition macronutrients?
What did the nutritionist say?
My neck and shoulders used to be so bad I couldn't move my neck much for a month. Very hard to drive like that. My shoulders used to snap in pain as I raised my arms. The extremely low carb high natural animal fats moderate animal protein diet fixed my arthritis , diabetes, autoimmune, IBS, severe Plantar fasciitis and more. No meds. No insulin injections. If I had followed the typical nutritionist advice to eat the low fat diet, I would have needed a lot of meds & insulin injections to survive. Did you know that there are no essential carbohydrates for humans to consume? Totally optional. The low fat dietary guidelines were a wild guess at best, not at all based on human clinical trials to prove it was a good idea in 1955 to switch the world to low fat eating.

andrew andrew
andrew andrew - 20.12.2022 14:25

As a chef it's hard to continue my life

andrew andrew
andrew andrew - 20.12.2022 14:25

I was doing gym lost 10 kg of weight.. Had to leave gym after 8 months I got my ligaments torn..

Teddy Mwenda
Teddy Mwenda - 14.11.2022 11:22

im 29 and i was diagnosed recently. trying to figure this out

Sean Ballmer
Sean Ballmer - 15.10.2022 06:05

She mentioned she couldn’t lift her arm above her head. Was this due to weakness? If so can it just affect lower or upper body? My legs are weak af. My hips and knees always hurt and I notice buckling sometimes when I standing or walking. Idk. Should I ask about RA?

Joshy Bosley
Joshy Bosley - 21.09.2022 17:21

Good for you. I literally can't sit down because my hips hurt so fuckin bad, but I'm glad you can say that we can live a normal life like everyone else. Let's just pretend that the vast majority of RA patients DON'T live with unending, debilitating pain. No diet or exercise will ever fix it, it will only help manage symptoms. I'm glad she's doing better but this kind of reporting is exactly why no one gives a shit about the pain we experience. It's always gotta be our fault somehow.

Al Sabado
Al Sabado - 26.07.2022 09:15

I was diagnosed with RA when I was in college. I was probably 18 at the time. I'm now 50 and busy repairing our parents' house. Stay healthy. Rest. Thank God every time.

Tina Bloomfield
Tina Bloomfield - 07.07.2022 05:46

She says her RA factor was pretty high at 45...ok...then where's mine sitting at 375? So many foot surgeries to fix them, looking at both shoulders needing to be replaced as well as knees and hips in the future. Literally just had to have three vertebra in my neck fused. Nothing we have tried has worked. On Enbrel now for 4 months....only slight improvement with three flares while on it. So tired of this disease!!!! I want my life back!

Mariselle Stolz
Mariselle Stolz - 13.10.2021 13:36

50 and was the fittest EVER beginning of this year. RA have me down for nearly 2 months now, this really motivated me that I could keep up my fitness life, as i was told to not do anything now until this infection wave is over other than walk slow...THATS HORRIBLE i feel like a OLD WOMAN i want to be vibrand and fit till i fall over. Thanx for the interviewl, ill keep searching the internet for more tips nos

Rudy Milla
Rudy Milla - 01.06.2021 21:47

who else cam here from osmosis

R Teja
R Teja - 27.01.2021 11:37

I have Ankosing Spondylitis with peripheral arthritis
Presently i am using Ayurvedic medicine
Before starting Medicine I have
Esr = 85 ; Crp = 62.3
After 15 days of using aurveda
My Esr = 54 ; Crp = 36.3

Cost of meducine Around
2000 Rs or 30$

Medication Going On Now

Carolina Carmona Jorge
Carolina Carmona Jorge - 30.08.2020 03:20

I have SLE (Sistemic Lupus Eritmatose) which includes RA symptoms... I need to be extremely careful with the sun, wear sunscreen everyday, hats and sunglasses, can't go to the beach before 4pm , have joint pains everyday due to inflammation and sometimes they are so bad I can't even move that joint like my hands for example. I get temperature sways like sometimes I feel too hot and 5 minutes later I feel too cold. I experience also hotness when I wait more than 2h30 to eat. I experience hotness if I don't pee for a while (when I don't get enough sleep).
I need to take hydroxocloroquine everyday and prednisone on flare ups which causes weightgain, increases cortisol and therefore stress and depression. Some days are so hard... but I'm fighting each day with the help of lifting weights and staying active!! I have been diagnosed with Lupus since I was 17 (I'm 22).

Elvira Gomez
Elvira Gomez - 13.08.2020 07:36

I was diagnosed at 16yrs old and finally I found the keto diet and working out along with Embrel, it's has given my life back I turned 40 this June and I couldn't be liberated and much more blissful

D S - 25.07.2020 05:20

I got diagnosed with RA last year in my hips and knees the pain was bad ..I since then I lost 40 pounds changed my diet to plant base and I’m also a personal trainer as well now ... I’m probably the healthiest I ever been. RA changed my life but I took control of it ! ✊🏽
Keep your heads up .

Jose Cerenio
Jose Cerenio - 15.06.2020 00:10

How do move your body if there have paint all call arthritis is paint

J Studios
J Studios - 16.03.2020 19:43

Guys, try Moringa leaf powder. Research it, being called miracle plant, especially for RA.

david brooke
david brooke - 08.12.2019 12:09

I have this, soooooo painful...
I changed my diet to vegan after being a massive foody, it has helped a lot.
sadly I cant function without the methotrexate they give me 😣

Naida Ari
Naida Ari - 21.11.2019 07:23

I’m not trying to minimize her pain but I’m trying to figure out what her pain level is with 45 rheumatoid factor. Mine was 404 when I was diagnosed. Now because I’m on treatment, it’s at 200. While the treatment don’t get rid or alleviate the pain, if I go a week without it, I’d be bed bound. There’s not a day that goes by for the past 5 years that I don’t have pain. Don’t even get me started with the flares. I get those 3 to 4 days a week.
The day I wake up without any pain and fatigue, will be the best day of my life!

eddie - 04.10.2019 21:02

Theres no cure?? ...LOL!!!!!!!!!!....I have RA and its almost all gone completely thanks to the paddison program. Look it up. RA is completely curable just like most other diseases. The medical industry has dooped so many people and its all about money. The body was designed by God to heal if you put the right things in it.

Shahad Alamoudi
Shahad Alamoudi - 04.10.2019 12:47

Yesterday I was diagnosed with RA and I’m only 23. The struggle is realllll this video helped me a lot to live my life normally. Sorry to hear that you all as well diagnosed with RA. I wish you all the best and we are strong enough to have a normal non painful live 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

Cerrone Samuel
Cerrone Samuel - 01.10.2019 14:18

I needed this. I'm struggling. Thank you for this.

Iona Knight
Iona Knight - 17.08.2019 20:15

At the moment I can't exercise at all (except walking) or I will flare up so badly that I won't be able to do anything for days. The video doesn't tell us what medication she is taking. I long to be able to exercise, as it is I can only just about get through cooking food and cleaning the house and even that causes flare ups. I have been so careful with my diet over the past 6 years and improved a lot but things are worse again now.

Tricey Boo
Tricey Boo - 01.07.2019 05:59

I'm really happy I came across this video! I'm 27 years old with RA, and I stopped working out & I really miss working out ! Now I feel like I can get back in the gym, but just light weights only❣😇🙏🏾🙌🏾

Celtic Pride Custom Drums
Celtic Pride Custom Drums - 24.06.2019 01:21

"devastating disease like this?????" Are you kidding me? If she has ANY RA I would be shocked!! I was a fitness freak and a professional skier when it hit me and I wheelchair bound within weeks!! my struggle with this illness for over 25 years has NEVER yielded results like this. This lady has no idea what RA is. She is a poor spokesman for this illness. no one I know that suffers with RA can train like her. This is a disgusting video.makes me want to present a REAL video. I think I will. She better not ever tell any RA person she "suffers " with RA because she might get a crack in the head!! signed "pissed off"

Shahzad Mirza
Shahzad Mirza - 19.06.2019 15:59

Diagnosed at 33...still on medication mainly painkiller and steroids right elbow is giving me tough time...cant sit on low surdaces
Is there any hope for me
I am 42 now

mariafe 00
mariafe 00 - 05.06.2019 23:42

This was so motivating... I’m 19 and was diagnosed 3 months ago. My RF was at 30 last time I got my blood work done so just hearing her experience and how hers was just as high as mine yet she keeps pushing through it is inspiring

mabis sanabria
mabis sanabria - 04.05.2019 19:52

Dr said walking but how i gone walk. My feet hurt so much.

Anita Sharma
Anita Sharma - 30.04.2019 16:01

which treatment...ur r factor is normal.mam plz tell me.m suffer with r factor last 25 years now m 37 and i have 2 kids.m not live in normal life today....plz help me for this time thanks😢😢😢

Settowin - 28.02.2019 14:10

I'm struggling with pain really bad.

chronicfish - 26.02.2019 00:14

My rheumatoid
my factors are 120 ...

Claudi - 05.02.2019 21:16

I'm 20 and diagnosed Rheumatoid Athritis. It stress me out. Can anyone one tell me, how to cure this disease? 😢😔

22jamaly - 01.01.2019 15:03

Inspiration 💕💕💕💕 i’m 41 years old and also have RA when I was 21 years old. The exercise help me a lot, thinking positive, do yoga, smiles every time with my self and people around me.

I had operated my knee 2 time, take injection (enbrel 50 mg) every week.

I still living and keep going with the exercise (work out, go to gym,) 3-4 time a week.

Every thing is batter and better.

I hope everyone can find you best way to due with it and never give up.


Susan Renaud
Susan Renaud - 02.12.2018 18:04

healthy diet IS a cure for RA. many people have cured themselves with RA. stop saying there is no cure. thats not true!

Anu Sharma
Anu Sharma - 30.10.2018 20:37

What exercises can be taken initially

Imanuel Young
Imanuel Young - 29.10.2018 04:18

We need more stories like this to be promoted +1
