Find Substring Within a String in Excel : MS Excel Tips

Find Substring Within a String in Excel : MS Excel Tips


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Scot Serhan
Scot Serhan - 14.05.2023 17:04

very useful thx

mach smith
mach smith - 20.09.2018 09:58 have a text string of 20 numbers as follows: 02-03-07-09-14-16-25-26-31-33-37-39-40-45-47-52-53-54-69-72, and this column contains 100 or more of these types of numbers, all 20 numbers long but with different sequences of 20 numbers...what function do i use to "comb" down thru the column and tell me each row/instance that has the following substring contained anywhere within it, "02-26-72"?
