How a REAL Nomad would play Cyberpunk 2077

How a REAL Nomad would play Cyberpunk 2077


1 год назад

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UnderGoLuckyBoy - 23.09.2023 02:52

I’ve always for some reason pondered on for some reason the life path for my builds. I never got the chance to play as a corpo because I for some reason chose not to and always go for a nomad. My recent build as a tech weapon build got me wondering on which life path to pick. In the end I went straight back to nomad. Maybe a netrunning smart weapons build can be a corpo next time.

Chase Roberts
Chase Roberts - 08.08.2023 00:34

My view of the nomad is a person who is cautious and uses their smarts to get the jump on the enemy using as less noise as possible. You don’t want to get shot because that’s game over. A nomad is a person who cherishes human life and the living experience but being careful doing so. A nomad would want the least amount of death despite the hatred for nomads. V becomes excepting of implants after the beginning of the game their for he realizes like David that fists and sandevistan is optimal to get the upper hand and instead of killing people he can knock them out. Experiencing all the unjustified hate towards nomads he understands what it feels to be chased to lose to almost lose already killing so many because it was the only way.

r1pbuck - 04.08.2023 19:02

The fast reloading double-guns work pretty well in the early game, but I move on to the Crusher shotgun as soon as practical. I don't enjoy manipulating the restock system to amass crafting materials, so sometimes they get pretty scarce for me. Also, it makes for tricky [fun!] decisions between selling weapon pickups for cash or breaking them down for materials. An arbitrary self-restriction maybe, but it feels right. The best way to deal with that mech is to rip an HMG off its mount and blast away. Yes, sometimes those Quickhacks don't work very well...certainly not as well as their info sheets suggest. Sandevistan users can usually dodge away from your direct shots but can be hit a lot more easily with ricochets. Like grenades, this is something a lot of players overlook or discount, but it's a really strong capability of the Power weapons. I generally just leave the cops alone...I feel no purpose served in fighting them. There's one side job where you do need to fight the cops...I always failed the job because I ran away from them instead of wiping out the squad that attacks me. Going really heavily into a particular attribute generally winds up being seriously overpowered...I don't find it that much fun. I normally play as a generalist...moderately strong in all the attributes. It just feels more 'real' to me, and a lot of the high-level Perks feel pretty trivial.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 03.07.2023 17:35

Sandy plus grenades plus shot gun. All you have to do is shoot the grenades with shot gun. You can do this with the projectile launcher system as well, but its tricky to hit it. You can also use a grenade then the launcher arm, but switch in the middle of combat is tricky. You need to be quick and accurate and the launcher has the worst aiming ever. They should update it and make it aim like how smart guns aim. Also the damage is nothing unless you charge it and it charges slowly. Apparently perks can't help it. I figured out how to use it effectively, you need to max health, max armor, resistances, the best beserk you can get with upgrades max health regeneration, max health increase and increase cooldown, increase duration and legendary skeleton. Also get the second life cyberware and last as long as you can then loop. Basically become a immortal or the reaper of death that death is even afraid of. You can be a slow walking immovable object that just can charge projectile launcher without any worry. Though the idea still needs testing and research, but it sounds so fun and gamebreaking I need to try it.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 03.07.2023 17:22

I had to start a new game because the most recent update made everyone fall through the floor and I was messing around with respec mod and the game wouldn't load and crashed evertime I went to menu. So I reinstalled the game and very hard, nomad, stealth power sniper and tech crafting. I also noticed that dps on weapons increase with higher base damage instead of increase effects of weapons, crit damage and crit chance. Since I'm doing a stealth sniper I need to get my hands on sniper rifle. Does anyone know what vendor has sniper rifles? Or where to find a good starting one?

Juanfer - 02.07.2023 19:45

For my nomas I used shootgun, revolver, knife + machete or axe. This with high technical and body low int and medium cool is a beast, funny to play and lore accurate

turnip n7
turnip n7 - 23.06.2023 00:00

Great video fracture. Just bought this game. How did you spec your attribute points?

Star Child
Star Child - 21.06.2023 13:31

Got late for this one. Busy weeks, amazing video dude. Thanks for the content!

Skie Fyre
Skie Fyre - 16.05.2023 07:32

Alot of builds in this game are very powerful especially as you approach end game. The difficulty on this game even in very hard kinda has reverse scaling in that the beginning is kinda hard and the end is ez mode. Other notable builds snipers, pistols, and katanas (probably the strongest in the game but the easiest to die with, it becomes difficult to not one shot things). Throwing knives is pretty fun for abit but gets old. I just finished doing a ricochet LMG build that was kinda neat, just aim at the ground and the ricochet angle will tag anything in a pretty good area in front of the aim point (and if setup right give a healthy dose of extra dmg).

Wisnusyah - 12.05.2023 15:31

You deserve more views for real. It feels like im watching more energetic SpiffingBrit.

Jetflight Neon
Jetflight Neon - 06.05.2023 16:30

next, STREET KID!!

Adam Knighton
Adam Knighton - 06.05.2023 02:53

Fracture, Fracture, Fracture. The only thing I love more than your videos is driving engagement by making inane comments for the algorithm. You're the best!

Mim - 01.05.2023 17:58

Nice vid!

R1sing - 30.04.2023 02:55

great video like always, still praying for dos2 vid

Marcus Porter
Marcus Porter - 29.04.2023 06:19

Okay, next build use a Sandi with max cooldown reduction and craft the uncommon grenade or sticky grenades. Use Sandi to slow time and run up to people, stick a grenade to their faces, then back up and watch the fireworks!

Or use a Sandi with max cooldown reduction and throwing knives and become a ninja!

blazegraves - 28.04.2023 00:30

The enemies who are dodging are using sandevistan... sandevistan is the OP build, especially if you get the QianT MK. 4 with heatsink in all slots. With a melee build, you can walk through enemies. Adding in nanorelays (purple) and a bioconductor (gold) can allow you to be in slow-mo every two seconds or so, while microrotors and microvibration generator gives faster attack speed and increased damage. It requires 18 body, 18 reflex, and 18 technical to build this character though.

Игорь Костоев
Игорь Костоев - 27.04.2023 12:39

It was my 3rd playthrough with a built like this. Heavy focus on melee, shotguns and speed. Was roleplaying corpo who went postal and never stopped.
But the most OP build was stealthy hacker. You can beat entire enemy bases without actualy being there at all. People will just drop dead all around you.
Also, don't know if they pached it, but unliving-one-self-hack is not considered as your kill, so... Do with that information what you will. ^_^

Cyeri - 27.04.2023 11:05

Nice vid, can’t wait for the next cyberpunk as…

Funkopotamus - 27.04.2023 10:33

I feel like an incredibly talented crafter in a cyberpunk future would be using more tech weapons instead of shotguns that wouldn’t be out of place in the 1800s.

Mr. Luca Wolf
Mr. Luca Wolf - 27.04.2023 10:12

I really like the video❤❤
I can’t wait for the next one

chloe nelson
chloe nelson - 27.04.2023 06:04

THIS IS AMAZING. Also on the topic of the grenade perks you mentioned, I REEEEAAAAALLY wish they'd change it so the projectile launch system was effected by those grenade perks. They changed the monowire to get boosted by sharp weapon perks! GIVE THE ROCKET ARM SOME LOVE.
Can't wait to see the Street Kid build!
