5 Secret Tips for Becoming the Ultimate Guild Leader!

5 Secret Tips for Becoming the Ultimate Guild Leader!


2 года назад

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Nixxiom - 07.05.2022 22:01

Are you going to get yourself a Bald cap?

Appeal Mitsunari
Appeal Mitsunari - 06.09.2023 06:37

Lol so true.i agree with everything in this video

Jeff Mario
Jeff Mario - 16.07.2023 00:06

I’m gonna ninja my guild bank tomorrow lol

Ryan Scott
Ryan Scott - 23.04.2023 06:39

I was looking for actual help :(

obliviousthunder - 16.04.2023 18:47

im no GM, but in my experience the success of a guild sometimes rely heavily on the experience the GM has with the game and its Content. i do believe it goes a long way to know the game well as a GM if you want your guild to be taken seriously and prosper

The StormLord
The StormLord - 17.02.2023 05:13

lol, as a former GM this was way to fkn real. sent it to my new GM :D

Phéoline Bluemill
Phéoline Bluemill - 15.01.2023 17:23

3 years GM here. I can rely to this shit xD. Especially the "do it again" part xD. Recently I've noticed that I'm the only one player in the guild who was already there at the beginning 3 years ago. So when I say "our guild is 3 years old" well, the guild is... me and myself. I think that GMs who are too utopists or emotional cant hold on a long time. I focus on my own objectives (for example : achievements in WoW) and found guildmates who wanted the same thing. Common interest is the best thing to maintain guilds alive. Friendship is not.

WombatMuffler - 14.12.2022 12:02

You forgot a step: Making a good guild name that people will like.

Zombie Pie
Zombie Pie - 15.10.2022 05:31

Came looking for advice. Left annoyed.

LILXBOBBY - 22.09.2022 01:18

i thought only my guilds go like this

Tomas Cavanna
Tomas Cavanna - 26.08.2022 13:57

Nixxiom, this video's comedy is top notch. Love the aussie dude. Can't wait for another vid just like this!

Jason Dilts
Jason Dilts - 24.08.2022 07:05

Having tried to run a few guilds, i can vouch for the accuracy of this video.

PeterPlful - 22.08.2022 13:48

I miss Wildstar

Lulu nu
Lulu nu - 19.07.2022 13:58

As someone who has made some successful groups in a few games, this video is very accurate not only to games but to real life companies as well. However you forgot to mention the people management bit. Which for new guild/tribe/kingdom makers, yes you do actually have to manage members. Which means giving people tasks and checking up on them frequently. Otherwise you run into the problem this video mentioned of basically having freeloaders or people who don’t help or do anything.

DoughyInTheMiddle - 18.07.2022 06:49

RIP Sleeper Cartel - Perenolde

Black Sabbath Matters
Black Sabbath Matters - 12.07.2022 23:47

As far as i can see its pretty simple.....you start a guild then pick someone as a raid leader then just allow them to run the guild by proxy....then all you do is log on to run mythics and for raid while doing alot of drugs and blathering alot about nothing.

Steve August
Steve August - 05.07.2022 23:11

Had literally forgotten to like the video until dude reminded me to and called me a fuckhead. 😂

Motörhead - 05.07.2022 06:37

We have a very intersting community on EU. The 50 Twink Community, basically a place for people without Shadowlands or people intersted twinking or playing BfA endgame, PvP in special - Modrov, one of the community leaders

Billy_Cross - 28.06.2022 07:35

Ask my desk radio is comical and entertaining but it’s all bullshit you create a guild you invite everybody to it I mean you literally run around a populated areas inviting people who can be invited because many of them already been built by to invite people then you call out things and guild chat play come in all the world boss that you’re doing you call Rodan and Jill Chad and or whatever activities you enjoy your call I was in jail Chad and Jody’s that are interested will come join you does that seem like they’re never interested will end up leaving your golden moving onto another ultimately you will retain some people how are you doing the things you like doing and participate and the people who don’t all other leave or you’ll never see them anywhere so you will kick them and you will move onto others because ultimately most guilt back in his owns have a limit to the number of people you can have in your dealt and you’re going to want to fill those with people who are participating people are driving up your guild ranking and getting you more perks people who are contributing it’s not hard it’s not remotely difficult the hardest part about guilds is recruiting do you have to always be recruiting people and warm portly if possible give your members the ability to recruit J. Cole and again through attrition you will lose those that don’t participate or really don’t care are you OK tell me if they’re just using your guild SCA mechanism to buy guild perky items but ultimately you will retain people who seem to enjoy the same activities you and you enjoy and your guild participation will grow it’s not a science you don’t have to do any other things in this video you really just have to create a guild and start inviting people and and then you have to call out activities you’re doing and people will join in from James yeah it’s calling out when bosses are up yet either the time boss is in games then one for dad you have to wait for a response well when I Gilday call VA Rollinghill Chad and all the Gilbeys see it and some of them show up then those people enjoy the same things that person and Joyce that’s how bills work honestly

I'm too good at pvp
I'm too good at pvp - 26.06.2022 04:53

That was hilarious but absolutely depressing.

Christopher Lockwood
Christopher Lockwood - 25.06.2022 07:36

don't forget about guild bank access. people really dig a guild that has some good access to a guild bank....you know, so they can ninja stuff out and all. You put that in your advertisement, and you are sure to have lots of people join the guild, well, at least for 5mins until they leave with items from your guild bank XD

Chamblizi The All Mighty!
Chamblizi The All Mighty! - 19.06.2022 09:16

If your watching this you cant be a guild or clan leader....

Leadership comes within and your fallowers are just like an apple falling away from a tree.

If you do dirty business and tyrancy its bound to fallow

Dejavu - 19.06.2022 06:03

Never played any mmo except ffxi and I was deep, deep into that one. I ran 3 successful guilds with very specific endgame purposes at the same time and my leadership group was the same for all 3 groups. It was my 6 man very tight group of extremely well geared characters who did any 6 man event together. We had a 18 man group shell called fail who did limbus, a 33 man shell that did einherjar called einhergizerbunnies, and a 64 man dynamis group that I inherited from a different endgame group that I can’t remember the name of.

All 3 guilds were extremely successful and most of the players who joined one wanted in them all. After a time we were turning people away from all guilds and you had to join the big one to have a chance at one of the smaller ones. Also I had a reputation of replacing people on the spot for not showing up without letting anyone know in advance. Someone in the dynamis shell, yo you still want in einherjar? If so we got an open spot and you have 15 minutes to get here come on x job.

But what makes a successful shell? Successful raids… if you are doing an Odin every 2 weeks, full time extensions/full clears in lower dynamis zones and atleast one omega a week you are going to be getting gear very fast and you are going to be dealing with 10-20 applications for every one you accept.

I also had a reputation for “fairness” in that I gave job priority to no one… if you want it and you bid the most dip, it is yours as long as you are within 10 levels of equipping it on any job.

Silluete - 09.06.2022 13:59

So making guild are basically gacha. No wonder my GM spend shit load of money for guild.

Brick breaker
Brick breaker - 08.06.2022 07:36

What about Merchant guilds

Knight - 04.06.2022 01:12

that was epic!

HackermanACK - 02.06.2022 19:20

This sums up WoW too perfectly

Sainguin - 02.06.2022 14:40

This is really only relevant to WoW tbh.

You keep showing games like ESO and saying MMO, but none of this is how it works in ESO or many other MMOs.

Like the types of guilds.

I also get this is largely comedic, but the jokes only land if you're constantly assuming WoW.

Lazaro J Montejo
Lazaro J Montejo - 31.05.2022 04:54

lol why did you put naruto in FF14 part xD

Symbolesk - 30.05.2022 13:09

Ahhh I'm proud to be an Aussie :)

Josef Niederer
Josef Niederer - 29.05.2022 21:46

rofl, most accurate video I've seen yet. I ran my guild "Myrmidons" on Incendius then to Netherwind during vanilla classic. The Pve loot description of players is spot on.

Teknishun7 - 28.05.2022 21:06

Such truth has never been spoken to my ears before.

Jinx4x4 - 20.05.2022 15:49

Came here from Asmongold's channel, hilarious!!!

Grinsha - 17.05.2022 16:48

Literally just started a guild a few days ago. This vid does fuckin wonders for my self esteem lol

mgzy89 - 16.05.2022 16:54

You should try playing Guild wars 2. The leveling is decent but the end game is Amazing!

eurosonly - 16.05.2022 11:24

It's missing one important element which is if you're a streamer, you'll have virtually none of these issues because people will flock to you and stick on you like flies on shit.

eurosonly - 16.05.2022 11:17

I've been in a guild for like 6 years since 2015 on a horde character and I have yet to get kicked. I've played on that character like for a month and forgot about it. They seem active though so I might jump back in.

Helder Fagundes
Helder Fagundes - 16.05.2022 02:06

If only wow players could be more polite instead of rabid monkeys. Things could work...

Zulatobari Greatforge
Zulatobari Greatforge - 15.05.2022 13:39

Obviously the solution is to make a RP/PvP guild. Where its in character to go fight in the open world, then only the tryhards you murder as a raid in the Zereth Mortis portal room (since its not protected) scream at for not having rating, but they're just salty. *sagely nod*, love from both Clan Battlehammer of Emerald Dream AND Sunfury Battalion of Wyrmrest Accord!

Justin - 14.05.2022 09:01

I just stepped down from a GM position in WoW classic TBC after 4-5 months and I can say testify that this video is 100% accurate in context to the GM experience. Also, great work Nixxiom.

Babych Dave
Babych Dave - 14.05.2022 05:51

The bald cap sponsor just did it for me 😂

LiLBearTv - 14.05.2022 01:51

You’re an absolute unit for the Asmon bald cap ad

sikhjatt23 - 13.05.2022 21:58

big matty! <3

Electro Spot
Electro Spot - 13.05.2022 19:55

I'm a guild leader in wow. <My Personal Guild> we specialize in plugging mythic+ not recruiting anyone, just my alts and my gf. No drama, or listening to what you are making for dinner when your mother in law comes over. Nobody cares about your real life problems when I'm in the middle of a dungeon.

Pierre Jordaan
Pierre Jordaan - 13.05.2022 18:55

i love ur vids but disagree , i have made ALOT of guilds and it always works out well just made one on silvermoon alliance we use to be a raidguild but pve sux in SL so made a pvp guild and in 1 month discord has 75 members guild has 300 with average 30-50 active online we do arena , gank horde do bgs , casual pve with keys and just talk shit and have fun. My advice invite EVERYONE every damn level does not matter soon you will find people who are likeminded and social and want to have fun same as u and build the guild, u make them officers and kick ass.But NEVER stop adding players as people get bored etc and u will have drop in online players just keep adding do events when possible and just go for it .

StahliBoi - 12.05.2022 20:22

"How to get your video on asmongolds stream"

Dal the Warrior
Dal the Warrior - 12.05.2022 08:08

my guild is just a bigger reagent bank and its just me in it

eensteen - 11.05.2022 20:32

that doesnt look too bad, statistically i only have to repeat this process 100 times to be succesful POG
