i have an error that the program after be exe it is run always never stops i have made it in multiprocessing @Bro Code
ОтветитьTHX BRO
ОтветитьI made a program and tried to send it to a few people via discord and email but both got flagged for malware. I cant seem to find a work around on the internet. maybe im not looking hard enough. the program works fine on my pc. Anyone have a solution for this problem?
ОтветитьI installed pyinstaller successfully, but I'm getting this error when trying to convert a python file to .exe. Please help.
'pyinstaller' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
TYSM, Bro, you really helped me, now I can send my projects to other people, even if they do not have a python :).
ОтветитьMac users just die 😭
ОтветитьI did the same but I recieved this error "'pyinstaller' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file." :(
Nuclear launch codes 🤣🤣🤣🤣😎
ОтветитьAnd how make multy file to exe
ОтветитьThanks so much I will try this and this is why it wouldn't work I never set a directory
ОтветитьI can't install pyinstaller
ОтветитьToday I finished writing my first app with this channel. Thank you very much
Ответить"Nuclear launch codes" 💀💀💀
ОтветитьHelp, I have an error.
pyinstaller : The term 'pyinstaller' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable
I changed the directory and it never worked, I downloaded it with pip, pip3 and py -m pip
Great video.
ОтветитьWill this work even if I have some other files to build the exe?
Ответитьpyinstaller -F after i hit enter and it shows pyinstaller: error: the following arguments are required: scriptname ,why?
Ответитьmade some of my programs into .exe but 2 weeks later all my . exe programs say an error message and code return -1.
ОтветитьI want to know the process, can't find info on it 😢
Ответитьthis is gonna be so helpful for pranking my family lol
ОтветитьIt helps alot thx!! :)
Ответитьthank you so much.
Ответитьpip : The term 'pip' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ pip install pyinstaller
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (pip:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
it says py installer couldnt be found
ОтветитьJust nearly find your channel. By watching your video occasionally i starting to luffing )) like your vibe, Bro! 👊
ОтветитьThe best
ОтветитьThis is great but doesnt show how to keep image and music files attached to the game application.
How to do this in other operative systems and the next error on Windows.
C:\Users\Vlada-PC\Desktop>pyinstaller -F -w
'pyinstaller' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I will start from the beginning and show you how little there is that is needed to be done.
Considering you have a full and working code you want to export.
Using only PyCharm, it's terminal and no cmd.
Secure that your project has "pip" and "pyinstaller" which comes with "pyinstaller-hooks-contrib".
To secure that go there: "File", "Settings", "Project: Name", "Python Interpreter".
Secure that they are not broken, incomplete, mostly because accidentally deleted some parts at some point or dependant files.
To secure that they are not broken remove them by selecting them followed by "Delete" hotkey of the keyboard or "-" button labelled "Uninstall" and then install them again by pressing "Alt" hotkey followed by "Insert" hotkey or by pressing "+" labelled "Install", finding and selecting them on the list and then pressing "Install Package".
Do not forget to press "Apply" or "OK" in order to save the newly edited packages.
Also, a package could be deleted and installed with typing in the Terminal: "python -m pip uninstall package_name" and "python -m pip install package_name".
When Terminal starts working, wait for it to finish, do not do anything else in PyCharm while it is loading, for secutiry.
Secure to have all packages up to date.
To secure that from the same window Python Interpreter, compare "Version" with "Latest Version", and also in "Version", just (right) after the version number, shall be a little "▼" or "▲" (I forgot which) that represent that the current package is out of date or that it could update, if is, in the terminal tab, write: "python -m pip install --upgrade package_name".
In "Terminal" write the command he gave (pyinstaller -F -w (icon config here is not needed)
Two files will appear: "build" and "dist".
From "dist" take "main.exe" or whatever your script is called to your computer by cut/copy-paste or drag-and-drop methods.
Delete "build" and "dist" files.
Repeat this process each time you want to update the project to the next version.
So almost nobody cares that Bro has nuclear launch codes on his desktop? Hm...
ОтветитьPlease can you show me, How can I do it on Mac OS?
ОтветитьHave you tried pyscript?
Ответитьit dosent work. the cmd says it dont know what pyinstaller is
ОтветитьOn macbook, I can’t like that.
Please, can you make video, How to do like that on mac OS
RuntimeError: Execution of 'set_exe_build_timestamp' failed - no more attempts left!
ОтветитьI trust a guy with nuclear launch codes
ОтветитьIs it always so bulky?
My 6kb .py file was turned into a 25mb .exe file, which isn't as easy to send around.
Thanks Bro for this video!
ОтветитьI accidentally placed pyinstaller on the C/admin drive and now my C drive is cramped, what should I do to free up space? Can you help me? I sincerely thank you
Ответитьahh yes a very casual "nuclear launch codes" folder casually sitting on ur desktop
ОтветитьHave installed it but: "'pyinstaller' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file." Why?
When i transform it into a .exe, my computer can run it well, but in others computers, doesnt work because of the libraries i've imported in my code. How can i solve this?
ОтветитьSo i tried to do so but with dictionary not one file and my program won't run. There is no even error to let me know what's wrong T,T
ОтветитьThank you! very useful and interesting video!
ОтветитьWhy does that python look different