Base Lovin 22 : Ultra Late game Builds: Oxygen not included

Base Lovin 22 : Ultra Late game Builds: Oxygen not included

Francis John

3 года назад

154,922 Просмотров

Sour gas boilers, regolith melters, insulation melters, arrays of petroleum boilers, solid O2 core and all the piping in the world. I can try and explain it all but realistically I can only skim the subject.

Gamer43 : spacerock prefreeze.sav

Roland Ireland : Finally done.sav

Credits song - Dan Lebowitz - Surrender


#oxygen_not_included #ONI #base_lovin #base_exploration #fun #designs #base_tour #super_base #regular_base #volcano #mega_base #sour_gas_boiler #sustainable #petroleum_boiler #regolith_melter #frozen_O2_core
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Ichai - 17.09.2023 12:57

That first one, oxygen was included.

Ethan Black
Ethan Black - 17.09.2023 12:04

I comment to help statistics

Lion Llew
Lion Llew - 05.09.2023 17:25

"When you start your project by melting steel you've probably gone too far" ~ Francis John circa 2021

"we start melting the rocket walls by melting steel using a refinery" ~ Francis John circa 2023

Dave Cannon
Dave Cannon - 01.05.2023 21:27

"There is a sour gas boiler around here somewhere."
Did you check under the couch cushions?

Space Doge
Space Doge - 09.01.2023 01:22

the 90 billion shine bugs: "taste the sun!"

g00gle minus
g00gle minus - 18.12.2022 03:17

that shinebug setup wont work current patch as it would be the most radioactive place around...

Sean Davis
Sean Davis - 07.11.2022 07:16

he tries that decor trick now and the dups die instantly from radiation

Sicarius Dracus
Sicarius Dracus - 23.10.2022 02:56

Two years later...

BlankPaper - 11.10.2022 02:11

The "American Dream" map, looks like a microchip or electrical schematic design.

I really wish this game had better thought put into the game. Having transformers for 1000w, 2000w, and one for the lower "high power grid". Not sure why there is even a 4000w transformer at all. Pipes and pumps need a "high pressure" version, which can fit 100K packets. (If only to cut down on processing 10x of the 10K lines.) It would also be nice to have an air pump that actually fills an entire packet on both the normal and high-pressure line. But, there would be a good use to use multiple low-pressure pumps on a line too.

Circuits need to be built "inside of machines", or "inside circuit-boxes", just to reduce the need for massive circuit building with oversized circuit components. Additionally, a "sensor module", which just has to have desired sensors built within it. Both inside any machine, or inside any single circuit-box. (So you can throw all sensors into a box, where air lines, liquid lines, power wires and atmosphere all intersect. Each respectable sensor interacting with the appropriate item in that single location. Ribbon wires, or just four physical outputs for wires would work.)

They need to reduce, or remove, the horrible "random motions", which takes more processing than just simple basic physics calculations. 8,000,000 complex math calculations can be done in the time it takes to "generate one random number", which is what makes all the gasses and liquids "vibrate", to simulate flow and motion. (Totally ignoring the fact that they don't actually flow at all. Often getting stuck, because of horrible random number generators. While simple, real physics, would ensure that they never get stuck and actually "flow".) Bonus for making hot things rise, where they end-up cooling and loosing pressure, expanding... While cold things fall, and compress, exchanging heat faster as they fall. Which is how we actually get a "sea-level" pressure of equilibrium.

Love all of the creative hacks in these setups.

Honestly, they also need plants to behave correctly... Plants suck-up CO2 in sunlight and spit out O2 and H2O (humidity/low-temp steam). At night, in darkness, plants reverse and they consume O2 and spit-out tons of CO2, which is why we get tired at night. Our oxygen intake is reduced by the rising CO2, which floods the air. The more CO2 you feed a plant, the faster it grows. Also, algae creates CO2, it doesn't absorb it. Algae absorbs O2, 24/7 but more in light. Mushrooms also absorb O2 and spit-out CO2, they don't "like CO2", that is mushroom waste!

The worst offender of logic in the game, is the air and liquid bridges. Those just need to be simple bridges, just a span over other pipes. Intersections need to have "flow-controls", like real connections have. (Normally by design, like gravity, or by physical "one-way" flow gates, or automated "priority gates"... Bridges in the game are treated as mini-pumps, which don't actually pump and have counterintuitive "flow" and priorities that just don't make sense some times. They made it more complex than it needs to be, demanding hacks to get things to work as intended. Like the inability to mix wires, based on "down the line loads". We should be able to use 1000w wires, leading to devices that only draw 1000w or less, from a 2000w wire, which delivers 2x 1000w wires to two branches, without the need for a transformer. Power doesn't work like that. Transformers are for increased voltages, over the SAME SIZE WIRES, to reduce the amperage draw, so they can provide more wattage on the same thin wire.)

BLACK LIGHT - 09.10.2022 21:44

Me who never got past fay 200:(*confused hunga bunga*)

Berk Gümüş
Berk Gümüş - 08.09.2022 09:23

i was having fun in my poor base and now i have questions

tomaka121 - 06.08.2022 22:30

They used kiquid steel as coolant for refinery? lmao

Bolinar - 03.08.2022 11:29

and i barely manage the start of the game about 100-150 days in :)

Mauricio Rodrigues
Mauricio Rodrigues - 23.06.2022 06:49

😲 wow incredible,

Harold - 11.06.2022 08:28

and yet here i am trying to overcome food shortage LOL

Soo Yang Ong
Soo Yang Ong - 22.03.2022 06:40

The first one is a hollowed out world... Its sad... I have never see a pleasure world in Oxygen Not Included streamed by anyone... Only mass Hive Industrial Planets...

Hollowed out the planet, no nature reserves...
Mass energy free systems and industrial mechanics but limited recreation choices...
Radiant bugs covering an entire hot tub to showcase its luxury but Dupes forced to bunk in barracks without own bedrooms...
Aesthically the whole map is dissappointing like other hive industrial maps given by all other generic ONI streamers.

Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 21.03.2022 01:25

These bases and systems make me feel so stupid 🤣

Aidan - 03.03.2022 05:14

200th comment

David Thomas
David Thomas - 28.12.2021 09:39

I can't believe this is even the same game I play. and these maps are two years old at this point..

Eric F
Eric F - 14.11.2021 11:16

Frozen Oyxgen Included

Thetreetroll - 23.10.2021 10:09


Lathat - 26.07.2021 21:44

guys how do i download roland and gamer43 bases please help me out

ajay gulia
ajay gulia - 26.07.2021 17:14

best base ever seen to see my weakness!!

Red leicester Cheese
Red leicester Cheese - 11.07.2021 23:00

when is the next base loving video

_ ASleepyDragon _
_ ASleepyDragon _ - 06.07.2021 00:21

Won't they get sunburns from the shine bugs?

bobenskiwatontop - 22.06.2021 05:21

have you ever gotten a hotel before in this series i wonder

Davionious - 26.05.2021 03:22

So what happens in a few thousand cycles when you overpressure space with all the CO2?

Alexander Bukh
Alexander Bukh - 19.05.2021 18:03

1st map - you can say that Oxygen is now Included!

Yato333 - 25.04.2021 16:20

I wish we could dump CO2 into space here on Earth 😆
Those bases are absolutely ludicrous. And I haven't even built a single rocket yet and I've been playing for a couple of dozen hours

Eugene Jackson
Eugene Jackson - 19.04.2021 10:19

"that is some glorious piping" hehe

Ban Lee
Ban Lee - 02.02.2021 08:00

Hello Francis, I enjoy the "you have gone too far" base loving video very much, I hope you will make more video.

Enrico - 11.01.2021 15:48

Space is having a hard time dealing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

newborn grandpa
newborn grandpa - 01.01.2021 16:35

Crazy, pure craziness.
Both my brain and my i5 16gb laptop can't handle those

Himanshu Agrawal
Himanshu Agrawal - 29.12.2020 10:18

Hey John

How can I submit my base for tour evaluation for base lovin series?

Captain Cornhole
Captain Cornhole - 21.12.2020 04:46

The end game for ONI summed up: Dump as much CO2 into space to give it an atmosphere at the edge of the universe where it's expanding creating a continually expanding atmosphere due to constant CO2 generation. Filter out the carbon and create a breathable universe, then fly your machine planet to another machine planet to create one single world of all interstellar bodies with enough gravitational force to create a black hole, and with the excess power and CO2 you just rip a hole in the space time continuum and then do it all over again.

Captain Cornhole
Captain Cornhole - 21.12.2020 04:35

I wish I could give these glimpses into these minds more than just one like, so I'll drop some info in the comment. Press alt then 2 4 8 on your num pad to type the degree symbol. 4000°C is mental.

Captain Cornhole
Captain Cornhole - 21.12.2020 04:01

Imagine the big brain builds these guys could do if this game was in 3D and you could build in every direction. Yourself included, I absolutely loved the rocket steam trap generator.

Kayson - 17.12.2020 03:37

Those pipings in the last base reminds me of factorio belt bases lolol

IamCoalfoot - 04.12.2020 23:25

This base is chock full of things you make not because you need them, but because you just want to prove you can.

kaldo - 20.11.2020 04:51

I didn't know you could "win" ONI. I was wrong.

XrumStick - 14.11.2020 23:36

My laptop started freezing just from watching the video about the last base.

TheMule71 - 09.11.2020 23:59

Aaand apparently he's no longer back :(

Yash Jain
Yash Jain - 09.11.2020 15:54

Hi! Just started playing oni and your vids have been a great help. I was wondering if you could do a reverse video, wherein you look at some noobier bases (like mine) and see what rookie mistakes there are and how to fix them.

denkih272 - 05.11.2020 03:07

I do the same thing with generators, they don't overheat because they stay the same temperature as the CO2 that they give off and any extra heat is vented off. The CO2 generated always comes out at the same temp.

Blue Light
Blue Light - 31.10.2020 10:04

That’s a type 2 civilization!

Henry Hamilton
Henry Hamilton - 30.10.2020 08:29

Obligatory over 9000 joke

mike hanks
mike hanks - 29.10.2020 20:37

Roland you're insane. love your base!
