Ultimate 10 MIN Six Pack Routine // Flat Tummy & Ab Lines // Sami Clarke w/ @SanneVloet

Ultimate 10 MIN Six Pack Routine // Flat Tummy & Ab Lines // Sami Clarke w/ @SanneVloet

Samantha Clarke

3 года назад

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Diego Rosado Ramos
Diego Rosado Ramos - 31.07.2023 01:52

Diego see bendiciones 👄💪💪🥰🥰😍😍💙💙🥰🥰 rewer my your were they re likey ve be de yes l fe de 😊👍 good to in is diego Rosado 🐏 Ramos my like j is no on you diego Rosado

Tom Strubel
Tom Strubel - 26.05.2022 17:16

One of our fave 10 min ab workouts!!

Kylie Jenner.
Kylie Jenner. - 14.05.2022 04:15

Chị có đi đâu mà anh

ADAM CLEANOUTS - 06.04.2022 04:35

Good job

ADAM CLEANOUTS - 06.04.2022 04:35

Good job girl

Natalia Zdanowicz
Natalia Zdanowicz - 29.12.2021 01:41

That workout is great but i have a problem doing the eagle chrunch my legs are so short to do it :'(

Erich L
Erich L - 12.08.2021 00:47

One of the best ab workouts have found

Sofia-Alexandra - 05.08.2021 14:08

Girls! You're like coffee and milk 🥛😍😍😂👌🏼

Mary Ann Lacea
Mary Ann Lacea - 06.07.2021 09:57

Just looking only at her legs I just realized that's my height from head to toe 😆

Ажара Иманбаева
Ажара Иманбаева - 15.06.2021 09:00


Marco johannes
Marco johannes - 19.05.2021 16:06

Tf is this

anonym - 13.05.2021 17:30

I am new, and i love you and sanne vloet!🥰

CAP-OV8TING - 29.04.2021 03:41

what is this brand you're wearing?

sienna ioana
sienna ioana - 23.04.2021 17:28

You are both so gorgeous and lucky for doing what u are doing.

chumjit pattapong
chumjit pattapong - 23.04.2021 06:37

THE best video.

Szabo02 Csilla
Szabo02 Csilla - 19.04.2021 20:37

Ok Am I the only one thinking during the haul video where these bikinis from? Can someone please tell?

Caitlin Rankin
Caitlin Rankin - 10.04.2021 02:11


Alfred Alfredo
Alfred Alfredo - 10.03.2021 22:16

Nice place ❤️❤️❤️hope you have enjoyed your stay

Alfred Alfredo
Alfred Alfredo - 10.03.2021 22:16

I’m sure it wasn’t so pleasant for the girls in the burning heat. Must enjoyed an iced drink afterwards

world citizen G
world citizen G - 26.02.2021 12:34

It's doable

Smile_uwokeup _2day
Smile_uwokeup _2day - 20.02.2021 23:21

Beautiful ya both r here keep doing ya

Stefano Sarti
Stefano Sarti - 09.02.2021 15:34

Wow,so sexy😍😘💋❤️

K Ambrose
K Ambrose - 08.02.2021 03:52

You need Taylor Swift music

K Ambrose
K Ambrose - 08.02.2021 03:51

Thanks for the work out only

ΕΙΡΗΝΗ ΜΑΓΓΙΩΡΟΥ - 07.02.2021 17:11


HEG VARGAS - 09.01.2021 22:32

I love your videos 🧡🧡🧡🧡

Angela G
Angela G - 04.01.2021 23:31


Arghavan Amin
Arghavan Amin - 02.01.2021 11:56

that was great🤩💪🏾 all your videos are!

Chris Oakes
Chris Oakes - 07.12.2020 03:47

That got my attention UP!

AmAm - 04.12.2020 18:32


CAMILO PEGORARO - 03.12.2020 02:35

muito belos exercícios...

Nina Dapper
Nina Dapper - 22.11.2020 11:17

Nice 10 minute abs ❣️

Michael c
Michael c - 18.11.2020 00:38

Skinny man Jesus.

marie amber
marie amber - 17.11.2020 21:17


Brad - 17.11.2020 14:27

I have absolutely no idea what you're selling, but I wholeheartedly approve of this product or service.

Thom007 b950
Thom007 b950 - 17.11.2020 09:35

I need help with my stretching routine and workouts.

chandlerbing80 - 14.11.2020 04:16

Need proper close up so that I too can lose some calories just by looking at it. ⚘❤

Mary - 11.11.2020 01:31

People that dont need wear sunglasses at the beach you have my respect. Cause i just couldnt do it.

Der Frosch im Brunnen
Der Frosch im Brunnen - 10.11.2020 18:27

Quo vadimus? – Wohin gehen wir?

Wollen wir überhaupt mit diesen „politisch-demagogischen“ Innumeracy Geeks weitergehen?

Ein "falsches Maß" (z.B. COVID-19 RT-PCR-Testung mit nur „Testfallpositiven“) als Messgrundlage kann keine valide Arbeitsgrundlage bieten und abgeben!

Wer viel so misst, misst tatsächlich nur viel Mist!

Was ist los mit und in Euren „Gehirnen“?

Lasse ich mir gegen meine eigenen Erfahrungen und Empfindungen (sog. Selbst-/Eigenkompetenz) von ANDEREN einreden, dass ich mir in die Hose gemacht habe, obwohl ich genau weiß, dass es nicht der Fall ist (nicht so ist), nur weil diese Anderen es wollen, dass es so sei, wie diese es wollen!

Nach Prof. Dr. Mika J. Mäkelä, Tuomo Puhakka, Olli Ruuskanen et al.: "Viruses and Bacteria in the Etiology of the Common Cold" J Clin Microbiol. 1998 Feb; 36(2): 539–542, wird im November 2020, wieder die vollkommen natürlich auftretende Influenza- und Corona A-D-Virus-Saison, wie jedes Jahr, beginnen (sog. RNA Viren, wie auch SARS-CoV-2, Tollwut, HIV, Ebola usw.).

Durch diese natürlich vorgegebene „Spät-Herbst-Winter-Frühjahr-Erscheinung“ von RNA-Influenza- und RNA-Corona Viren (A-D) wird die sog "natürliche RNA Nuklein-säure Belastung" (Kontamination) in den Probenmaterialien (wie Nasen-, Rachen-Sekreten u.v.a.) massiv ansteigen, und mit dem „zweckentfremdeten RT-PCR“ (= „falsches Maß“) leider vermehrt als "positiv" getestet (= horrende Zunahme der asymptomatisch, nicht manifest erkrankt positiv Getesteten = "politisch" als Infiziert deklariert!) dargestellt und mit allen möglichen, - meist vollkommen ungerecht-fertigten - unangenehmen Konsequenzen begegnet u. entgegnet.

Jetzt wisst ihr, was in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen, vielleicht sogar Monaten, durch die „monistischen“ und politischen "Test-Zahlen-Fanatiker" verursacht - blickt doch mal vorurteilslos nach Schweden! - auf uns, "politisch" gemacht, zukommen wird.

Kary Banks Mullis (1993 Nobelpries), der Erfinder d. PCR Methode, „dreht sich gerade mehrmals im Grabe um“, denn er hat schon in den 90iger Jahren vor dieser unerlaubten, momentan en masse stattfindenden, „Zweckentfremdung des PCR“ gewarnt.

Gegen die diversen sog. „virale Erkältungskrankheiten“ gibt es bisher auch keine direkt kausale (direkte antiviral wirksame) Therapie, daher, wenn wir die unter-schiedlichsten "Erkältungen auslösenden Viren" in ihren uniformen „klinischen Verläufen“ kennen, ist es eigentlich nicht notwendig, diese noch in irgendwelchen „suspekten“ Tests „materiell“ nachweisen und typisieren zu wollen, da bis zum endgültigen Test-Endergebnis (RT-PCR?, Ag-, IG-G-IG-M Test), die meisten Menschen gar nicht schwer erkrankt waren und meistens schon bereits wieder genesen sind.

Die "uneinsichtige" politische Mach(t)elite kann auf diese "Messzahlen-Explosion von positiv Getesteten" (Laborpandemie) nur einseitig linear logisch mit einem 2. Lock-down (und 3., 4., 5., usw. und sofort) antworten, weil sonst müssten Sie ja die "statistische Zahlenblindheit" (Innumeracy) und politische geführte „Covid-19- Inkompetenz“ (PCR-positiv ist nicht gleich Infektion!, ist nicht gleich krank!), seit Ende März 2020 absolut grassierend, zugeben.

Politiker sind halt absolut makellos und fehlerfrei! Wissenschaftler arbeiten mit evidenzbasierten Fakten, Politiker leider mit Meinungen.

"Nicht Experten zählen, sondern [unabhängige, belegbare] Fakten... Die Epidemiologie ist ein Paradigma, das keinen Begründungszwang kennt. Daher kann sich die Epidemiologie auch nicht vor Selbsttäuschung und Vorurteil schützen ... PARADIGMA ist die Sichtweise, in der die Adepten des Paradigmas "wissenschaftlich" arbeiten. Nach dem Sprachgebrauch der Alchemie [A] sind Adepten sowohl Schüler wie Meister des Paradigmas [P] ... Der Autor [Immich] misst epidemiologische Studien an den gängigen Methoden der Biometrie. Das Ergebnis ist niederschmetternd. Die zeitgenössische Epidemiologie missbraucht Daten, um wirklichkeitsfremde Paradigmen glaubwürdig zu machen. Doch niemand scheint sich an diesem Missbrauch zu stoßen. Eine ungehinderte Diskussion über den Missbrauch gibt es wenigstens nicht ...Aber es gibt wahre Forschungen. Allein die Geschichte zeigt es uns. Wer jedoch an wahre Forschung glaubt, vielleicht allzu naiv, dem kann niemand helfen; er muss seine Kritik überall dort anbringen, wo er die wahre Forschung in Gefahr sieht. Und das ist bei der Epidemiologie der Fall..."

Prof. Dr. med. Herbert Immich (1917-2002), war Prof. f. Biometrie u. Medizinische Statistik UNI Heidelberg und FA f. Innere Medizin. Aus: Herbert Immich: "Paradigma Epidemiologie" Selbstverlag St. Peter-Ording 1991

"Hinter dem, was wir für die Regierung halten, thront im Verborgenen eine Regierung ohne jede Bindung an und ohne jede Verantwortung für das Volk. Die Vernichtung dieser unsichtbaren Regierung und Zerschlagung der unheiligen Allianz von korrupter Wirtschaft und korrupter Politik ist die entscheidende politische Herausforderung dieser Zeit."

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) Von 1901 bis 1909 der 26. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika 1906 Friedensnobelpreis (als 1.Amerikaner), für seine diplomatischen Initiativen, die maßgeblich zum Friedensschluss des "Russisch-Japanischen Krieges" (1904/05) beigetragen haben. Aus: Daniela Dahn: "Wir sind der Staat. Warum Volk sein nicht genügt" 4. Wie wird geherrscht? Die Bereicherungsmaschine der unsichtbaren Clans, S.85, 92, Rowohlt 4.Auflage 2017

Arthur Rogers
Arthur Rogers - 07.11.2020 23:14

Get a fit board. Did same exercises and found fit board is better

Štěpánka Armič-Sponza
Štěpánka Armič-Sponza - 04.11.2020 20:33

Relaxační hudba

cristian dario gomez davila
cristian dario gomez davila - 01.11.2020 08:26

Son bellísimas♥️

Sergio Tremblay
Sergio Tremblay - 31.10.2020 03:04

Sexy très belle

Afifa Rouane
Afifa Rouane - 29.10.2020 20:53

They are terribly skinny wich muscles work🤔

Сергей Инструктор
Сергей Инструктор - 02.10.2020 10:45

if no fat, vagina hole is very big

P.L. P.L.
P.L. P.L. - 24.09.2020 13:16

Spaghetti workout

Abdull Tarzi
Abdull Tarzi - 24.09.2020 03:05

What if you loved God and God is false...your love would be false. Abdull Tarzi

If you live you are better. If you love human that is fine. If you live universe that is good. If you live woman children man that is good because you are one of these human. If you love nature trees ground diet oceans that is good. AT
Human jokes. Universe jokes.
You should not put Allah God in the millinium in the home. You should not put God now at your home. Well someone agrees. God Allah with Muhammad. Jesus Lord Buddah Mary John Maryum 1 person same sentence is wrong. To believe in God at all may be wrong. You may put 4 or 10 people in sentence with God. I do believe in Nature and I believe in universe and in people. Some human gets more stronger with no belief in God that Is how I feel. I also believe you can be more friendly peace love all human with no belief in God. You may feel better more healthy with out belief in God. It is like 100 million pounds of weight is out of your body when you do not believe in God. The human prayer is for human and for universe to people to universe. It is good family and good human species. Let us go in the home and let us go outside with no belief in God. You can do it. Abdull Tarzi
Should we eat sugar food and go to 7 11 to shop. Well only when they do not make Afghanistan people terrorist 9 11 2001 and if they did please make it on all human. How about if the 200 nations made this on Afghanistan this great about God you must believe in God or do the same thing you did to me my family to all Afghanistan people living in foreign country and in all nations hurt them the same if you want human life 2020 to 2040. Remover we started Wars in 100 years on these Afghanistan all Afghans German Italy UK France Poland Arabia India Mexico Brazil Australia alive 10 years war of 100 years get all human equal. We like life peace 10 years 2020 to 2030 best. I am sick if you harmed the first country and the people from first country. Do not be cheap. Harm all human equal and make peace with all human. What is this. I do not want it. Qur on the type writer on computer Qur 1st like Gh in center. Qur is home in Afghanistan pashto. Gh in center God in Afghanistan Gh. You are killing us making us bad there. There is Allah in my house On the top of the home wall with Muhammad Allah. La Illa I'll Allah Muhamad Rasul Allah. Laila and Muhammad. Lahila Laila Muhammad we have both in our Afghan family which is wrong 200 nations harming us with this Muhammad most man name bull shit lies. This is all lies. Burn judgement what judgement Koran Bible you hurt Afghanistan people. We like all Afghanistan people alone. You can help 10 years make the first country and 200 nations in peace safety kind to make 1 World map nation with zero 0 Wars. You can do this in 5 years 2020 to 2025 make peace kind.
My brother loves all human. Give home and family 5000 free for him. This some wrong American competing with 1st country. You are not and you will never be 1st country for Russian Chinese wrong eyes Black and German Italy Mexico Iran Arabia Poland. We are first country and we like peace. 20 years better so you do not harm us more in first country. Forget it. Yiu are sick mother killer. Mother fucker doing bad on Afghan people. No burn on human. Get away from me. I hate you in mu body. Abdull Tarzi

How much money. I hate you for this in 200 Nations. Do not give human money in my behalf. Or Afghans behalf. My doctors in the world are wrong and you need to see doctor not me. You cam do all this. For human life torture human same thing same religion Muslim Christian. No Jews no Buddhist allowed. It is same religion or lie in religion. You can determine live me what is religion with info available that is religion and that is allowed.
Be good be kind safe got human. My brother is nervous worried. We are all worried and nervous. Find better ways.
Be good be nice life. We want human life. Even when Koran Bible says bad I say bad or human says bad very bad say no that is wrong joke. Joke is big in Bible Koran and in human speech in our language. Every time we like to joke. So do not so many Wars on human and try not to do any Wars on human or universe. Human jokes. Universe jokes.
I think we care for and love man and boys and girls and woman same equal. Abdull Tarzi
We wish human has more safety peace love for human love for hunan move for universe love nature.
My teeth is hurting and they bring me more food. Rich is that powerful over our planet the over 5 million in cash 10 million and billionaire. I have not been wealthy In real money. In my view I am very wealthy and very healthy person. Abdull Tarzi
If we can give very good life to all human. Make human kinder safer happy life and people men woman children living well peace. We like to have live and loving human and loving nature life. Abdull Tarzi

Human is good and happy. There is money on our mind and that is most problem I think today. Everyone I know likes money or needs money for something. Letters and language 26 is more stromger than 10 numbers.
I hope we make better language and numbers system. Math is good. Language may be very good healthy safe for human all the time. We think language is best. Abdull Tarzi
We hope all human is good healthy. You need equal money for that 2000 to 2500 month. If we have 200 for one and 1 million for one and 10 billion for one person we will find bad illigal crime and Bible Koran hate. I do not know for sure. You can check it. 10% only die of the most wealthy 50% richest and 10% only die of most poorest should for any reason last 50 years happened . Total 20% can die only with now need over the limit population last 50 years. Last 100 years we do not know maybe the 40% population out of 100% may have died which is wrong. Total population in 100 years age 100 none should die in future. Or only 10% max in 100 years dies maybe on earth today future no. Age 100 all lives with 100 age. Abdull Tarzi
Human jokes. Universe jokes.
We do want good a weather. Good enough we want is right is not joke is not joke.
We want good enough.
We should be all 1 human species my ideas. We see one kind safe living life loving happy life. We are good safe honest life. Abdull Tarzi.

The technology asked why is someone behavior and speech like mine. Well that is ok to see the good info but you should have your own view. To make all human different. That is good. 10% x 10 types of people we have I think because you have 10 fingers. We are one human species. Remember you have bigger problem than me. I do joke a lot. You have Qur type Dead W Save W Gh God in center Kill Bill Kill Jim Joy Million Billion. I do not believe in this bull shit.
Human jokes. Universe jokes.
Bible Koran hate pregnancy Nancy or man baby from sex I think is bull shut and I do bot believe in this. That is false. Human can be made with your vision and 10 fingers and I like credit for something and company can make human. Your face is from people drawing now not made in the stomach of human. Human is made sit all human making human draw pictures company internet computer. Abdull Tarzi
We want peace safety kind happy human true. Love is not everything. You do not get better things by saying love. Enough good is all we need.
Check it.
To get good idea you may get my other info from the internet emails I sent mostly to government. Privacy should be respected. Some things can be shared with the public as needed. Example we need 1 country map and all human can fit in the map let all human join. Abdull Tarzi

Abcd klmn kill man alphabet . Koran " Hate Jews". "Hate her "woman Bible. You have to be honest that this words in alphabet harmed you and your life and language and may have caused pain suffering in your mouth body. The pregnancy food 40000 pounds jail could be from this. You can joke but say it is joke only and that may explain this but you can do this bad things or say these bad things. There may be technology that has interest to harm you make business tv and food and pregnancy good and that is bad which they do to me now. You are in my mouth. You are trying to make illigal things in my view good jail gun fast car and t.v. bomb gun and pregnancy Coke illigal English Abcd klmn kill man illigal Koran Illigal to say Kor house of pashto Hate of Jews . and most Afghan like or care about Jews as nice people including myself. Most Afghanistan people like and care for woman girls the most some times more than men. We should not say these bad words Hate Jews hate woman. We can say we like and care for all Jews. The Jews are not all woman or like woman. We like care and want the best for women and for man.
Abdull Tarzi
Human jokes. Universe jokes. Do not harm human. Do not harm universe. Do good enough for human. Do good enough for universe.

How can we be more kind. We want to own house and 2 new cars for my 4 family for human and our safety please. We want bigger 2 hours or 1 big house for my 4 family for free moft please.

We hope all human is good and free healthy safe.
We can not see doctor or dentist with this much God Jesus Muhamad Buddha which may have caused cancer covid aids tb Ebola flu cold false names about disease to make us scared in heat and burn human as Bible Koran starred. We must be careful and do not believe this Koran Bible. Do not believe God with so much jail gun disease. Be kind and care and be honest human. Check it. How do you check God exists ? You can look and find it or God is uneen. You may not believe or you can believe in God should find it somewhere. Where is God. How is God. When did you find God. What is God. Did someone give you God. How about no God.
Abdull Tarzi
