Reolink Argus 4 PRO Review - 4K 180 Degree Low Light Wireless Security Camera

Reolink Argus 4 PRO Review - 4K 180 Degree Low Light Wireless Security Camera


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@fobguyy - 02.07.2024 22:14

where’s the link for the gutter mounts

@Mobijub - 03.07.2024 04:16

Thanks for the reviews. It's quite a narrow view. Maybe it's just me, but the 4k night vision are no better than a 2k. Still an interesting camera. Questions for those owning or tested one, Alexa works on these? Just that the last time visited Reolink, Alexa "Coming soon"

@jupite1888 - 04.07.2024 10:47

Out of 7 Reolink cameras l bought 4 have problems after 2 years, failure to charge etc.

@lanesplitter8836 - 04.07.2024 20:46

eyfy or Reolink?

@I-Marcano - 07.07.2024 21:23

Hi, I noticed your cameras are cristal clear without glitching…. I have a 16ch Reolink camera system with 7 RLC-811A cameras installed on it. My video footage be freezing especially when I have it on High What settings do you recommend in the streaming section for the Clear and Fluent

@NoGoodGamer30 - 08.07.2024 08:07

Kind of disappointed in the speed of the camera to respond. They advertise wifi 6 ready yet your testing showed that it took quite a while for the app to show the feed in fluent mode. Is it possible that your router is Wifi5?

@vikrambeyondreview - 08.07.2024 18:06

Please compare this with Tapo C325WB. Just only night vision without leds ON

@CG-qw9sy - 10.07.2024 16:31

I just got mine and I'm disappointed. I don't know if it's defective or something but mine has a massive blind spot in the middle. It just shows a split screen and they're facing off in two different directions.

@gojeffgordon24 - 11.07.2024 21:28

Any plans to test the Argus 4 non-Pro model? It looks to have a much wider lens of 2.8mm vs the Pro having a 4mm. You do lose the color X though and are lights and IR only. I wonder why they use different lenses on these two.

@thewishmastur - 12.07.2024 00:26

Warning. Battery operated security cams are total garbage. It can record for about 10 seconds for every motion detection, and the battery will die in winter. Half of the time the motion detection does not work.

@christophergarcia835 - 14.07.2024 15:26

@LifeHackster Is the Argus4 capable of 24/7 recording without NVR?

@mariohenandez1074 - 15.07.2024 04:33

no support for nvr

@sylvanaire - 15.07.2024 22:43

I am thinking of getting one of these to monitor my summer cottage during the winter time when no one is there. Because no one is there, I have always turned off my Internet for the winter. So does that mean that the reo link device would not be able to send images to my cell phone 2 hours away & I’d have to physically go to the property to check the sd card? This is probably a dumb question but I’m new to security cameras & want to be sure I’m understanding correctly.

@tjmag4100 - 17.07.2024 06:36

Hi, where did you purchase the gutter mount compatible for this?

@dovenut1224 - 18.07.2024 08:54

WOW! You actually covered my issue, I'm impressed. You're videos are so comprehensive! I have the problem with the vertical field of view, too narrow!
Also, it doesn't have the flip feature, for those who may need to hang upside down. Thank you, as always for your detailed, honest reviews!

@danieljadeomana6998 - 21.07.2024 05:04

In the market with these 4k cameras and planning to put 12 cameras recording 24/7. Pardon my ignorance but curious how far of a playback can the Reolink RLN16-410 do?🤔

@rickroberts622 - 23.07.2024 06:21

No notification from Argus 4 pro camera. Please help!

@J.R.1111 - 31.07.2024 11:05

Can The Argus detect infrared light?. I don't want visible light on the camera

@halescott1540 - 01.08.2024 06:43

Please show a side by side of the Duo and the Argus 4 pro. From what I've noticed, the Duo still has a better horizontal view. I have a Duo but want to buy a friend one as a gift and I just can't quite tell which to go with.
I love watching your videos and that's why I've chosen reolink in general. Thank You for all of your videos!

@miguelthemen3460 - 01.08.2024 17:45

Thanks for the awesome review. Can the Argus 4K Pro catch License plates clearly at night with the car headlights turned on?

@nift2923 - 04.08.2024 14:39

Does this record 24/7 continuously?

@jfbaro2 - 05.08.2024 19:55

Please, does Reolink have now anything like the AI smart detection offered by EufyCam? I want my camera fire alerts ONLY when unknown faces, or cares are detected. I live in a rural area, so most people and cars getting to my property are known , so if any one is unknown, ONLY THEN I want to be notified.

@EziosBladez - 07.08.2024 17:49

15 fps is LOW. Can you lower the resolution and get higher FPS?

@harrytran3061 - 11.08.2024 02:32

Question please: Can i view footage when there is no motion detected ? I have one car parking on the street, approx 20m away from the camera. If Camera could not detect motion when it's far away, can i view the footage on that night? If the camera continuously recording for 6 hours during night time (recording schedule), how long the battery will last without the sun? how much storage capacity will it consume per night in that case?

@youridol - 11.08.2024 17:46

What has been your favorite brand and model wireless/solar camera ??

@tessie4204 - 19.08.2024 20:30

If they just made a doorbell with these 2 cameras on it for a 180 degree view.

@bennyb3296 - 23.08.2024 10:14

Quick question? what is the best NVR for all wireless camera with different brand? of camera

@grovermoncada9060 - 06.09.2024 05:23

Love it , two cámaras in one small and wireless ❤

@AnimationDarkMaster - 28.09.2024 23:55

You didn't answer one major question I had. Does it continuously record? And is there a way to review all the footage it's recorded? Let's say in a whole day, etc? I saw a "overwrite data" option which is nice. But I don't want it to "stop" recording after 30 seconds, or not record prior to the event, you know what I mean? I want it to always record

@stargazer6912 - 30.09.2024 18:53

Thanks for the content! QQ: the USB-C connector on the argus, can you use a 5v power adapter instead of the solar panel to charge it?

@luv2hike27 - 06.10.2024 05:17

I like the 4k colorx cameras, can this one be plugged right into a standard security camera power supply and just avoid using batteries and solar?

They have another one that's 4k but it uses an ethernet cable, could I just use an adapter to go from ethernet to a standard powerr supply (since it has a micro sd card slot) and use the app to view it or does it have to be plugged into a switch and normal?

They have a wifi 2k colorx but it shows as a frequently returned item on Reolinks Amazon store.

I'd call and try to speak to a knowledgeable tech support person who speaks English and only reads from a script but that's fruitless, been there.

@MajicSays - 12.10.2024 14:25

I have been watching your Reolink reviews for a while now. I was gifted some of these cameras and although they are great I need one that isn't so wide angled in a spot in my driveway. I was looking at your reviews of Argus 3 ultra. I know it has color night vision with a spotlight but does it have color night vision without? I do have solar lights and use white Christmas lights to help my security cameras. I also have discontinued Argus 2 cameras with starlight night vision and I love that. Thank you for your videos. They are super helpful.

@omarpimentel1047 - 19.10.2024 19:59

Witch is the best solar security camera no subscription

@kazutirudy - 27.10.2024 20:38

Life Hackster....Your expert videos are the best! I do have a question regarding the WiFi Argus 4 Pro....Is it possible to permanently power this camera with an AC adapter? I would like to use this camera in an enclosed patio to record 24/7 to my NVR. I cannot use a solar panel and don't want to be constantly recharging the battery. Thanks!

@alexandermoore5899 - 23.11.2024 04:17


@zafarnadeem1547 - 01.12.2024 03:12

Thanks for the review. I always watch your videos before i buy Reolink cameras. I think they have the best cameras in the market.

@TorqueTheRich - 01.12.2024 15:56

No matter how much innovation, all of the home security camera manufacturers have glaring deficiencies somewhere which subtract from the overall utility of the equipment. When is someone going to design an outdoor camera without these weaknesses?

@nickgibb4687 - 11.12.2024 22:11

is this battery only? so i have to get on a ladder every time it needs batteries?

@คนส่องเลข-พ8น - 29.12.2024 03:32

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@MrNightro - 31.12.2024 21:08

I already have a POE Reolink camera system that all goes back to my Reolink NVR. I monitor all these cameras on a wall-mounted 37" monitor in my home office where I spend most of my time. Is there a way to add this camera to my existing system so I can record video and monitor the video when motion is activated onto my 37" monitor?

@1989rrichard - 04.01.2025 18:47

Might actually try one of these because my eufy s340 suck with motion I don’t have them higher than 14ft I can walk up on it slow and it never go off

@davidwang1188 - 18.01.2025 21:32

I just noticed when Solar connect to camera, silicone cover open up. How to avoid moisture or rain splash in? Thanks

@michaciecie590 - 20.02.2025 10:40

I bought this model, and i cant reset it, i put the button 3 times when i turn on this and nothing. First time i had problem with conect wifi, so i need reset camera to start again , but how this model do not have button to reset.

@ArtieMcYardie - 03.03.2025 14:46

It has Wi-Fi 6. 2.4 5.0 and I’m seeing a lot of complaints about the connection which is confusing me thoroughly

@makavelithedon6072 - 05.03.2025 01:45

How many people/devices can watch the video? Like if 3 poeple have the app can they watch the video from 1 camera?.

@ArtieMcYardie - 06.03.2025 20:27

Can I plug this in if I wanted to to just keep it charged and not worry about needing a solar panel?

@Dr0BoI - 08.03.2025 00:34

I may have over looked It in the video but does this camera have the option to record 24/7?

@theovelentzas7540 - 12.03.2025 14:32

The 50 degree vertical field of view is just too narrow, this means you would have to place the camera so low from the top just to get a decent height. Poor design

@Kaienishere - 16.03.2025 18:06

Something you overlooked is the battery life and how often it drans without the solar panel. Forgot to mention that this camera records events only

@gregparr2018 - 24.03.2025 05:43

the mounting bracket available from?
