Disgraced pastor, Carl Lentz comments “I’ve got nothing to say” when asked about Justin Bieber

Disgraced pastor, Carl Lentz comments “I’ve got nothing to say” when asked about Justin Bieber

Famous To The Famous People

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@amehos - 11.04.2022 02:42

Disgusting waste of a human being, not for the crimes he committed, as we’ve all made mistakes, but the multiple cover-ups and denials.
I left religion a long time ago. When will people wake up and stop worshiping these losers as celebrities.
If you’re going to be delirious and believe in a religion, fine, but for god’s sake, stop putting people up on pedestals as your leaders who haven’t had the psychiatric training, schooling, or training in dealing with moral issue dilemmas. Honest to Christ. SMH

@patrickc3419 - 11.04.2022 16:59

Calling Carl Lentz a Christian is like calling Olive Garden Italian.

@TopQ428 - 13.04.2022 18:07

This guy looks like a douchebag, he prob had sex with Bieber too

@marcelosilva9429 - 14.04.2022 01:53

Parks like an asshole aswel. All pastors are good dead.

@Pastor_RogerSherwood - 14.04.2022 18:28

I believe that he is forgiven if he has asked for forgiveness. But how can you stand up and preach in front of thousands, possibly millions, telling them how to live their lives as Christians, but not living your life as a Christian yourself.

As a minister, I would think the you have to prepare hours for a sermon, And spend hours a week studying the word aside from the preparation of his or her sermons. How can you blatantly sin and not feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit after all of that time in preparation with God?

It would lead me to believe that it was all a show to this person.

@positivevintageclothing8346 - 14.04.2022 23:28

That was the perfect time to turn the camera off & to pray for Carl 🙏 everyone makes mistakes in life & sometimes we make horrible decisions ! we need God daily never forget that ❤️

@sdm101869 - 17.04.2022 07:36

As a pastor, I am blessed to lead a small congregation with few resources at times because who knows that such prestige and fame can do to you. I pray he climbs up on the altar as that living sacrifice and lets God complete the work he has started in him. I pray he responds in humility so God can redeem his life. Praying for him

@matw1x - 17.04.2022 21:34

That parking job is the biggest sin.

@Oldman808 - 20.04.2022 02:53

A boil on the Body of Christ.

@am7442 - 20.04.2022 04:38


@DISP-CEPTED - 20.04.2022 19:43

Mega Churches are "Mega" for a reason. A church where you are told that you still have sin in your life because you love it more than righteousness will not become a mega church. We will continue to sin in these tents we live in, absolutely. But there should come a point where we start to love the righteousness we once hated and hate the sin we once loved. These churches are not teaching/preaching the gospel. I pray that Carl repents and gives glory to God for his new direction.

@krisl2838 - 22.04.2022 06:28

Carl is gonna be better for this. God is disciplining him, to be honest this is a blessing for him, He literally got out of the false church.

@chadparsons50 - 11.05.2022 19:19

I'm more bothered by the poor parking job here.

@Angie17211 - 13.05.2022 15:00

Aw i feel so sad for this guy

@StillVoice_ - 19.05.2022 17:14

He is not a pastor,he is a motivational speaker.

@trashyturboguy1517 - 21.05.2022 05:03

He definitely parks like a dude who drives a jeep...

@discipleoftheLordJesusChrist - 22.05.2022 05:54

| James 4:4 |

Ye adulterers and adulteresses,
know ye not that the friendship
of the world is enmity with God?

whosoever therefore will be a friend
of the world is the enemy of God.

this man made himself friends
with the world(Justin Bieber),
making himself an enemy of God.

The Bible clearly commands the
believer to "Love not the world,
neither the things that belong to the world. If any man love the world,
the love of the Father is not in him..."

@Lovingwhisperer - 22.05.2022 18:57

He preached lies
They were great but weren’t real

@ldannya6796 - 26.05.2022 06:22

Press on! God can still use you.

@c.carter3654 - 06.06.2022 22:15

This is his drug. Got right outta rehab and boom there it is…fame lol

@monkeydad16 - 12.06.2022 01:33

Trash can of a human.

@fiddah - 27.06.2022 23:25

We Muslimeen believe Isa (“Jesus”) ‎عليه السلام is a great Messenger of ALLAH . Isa (“Jesus”) ‎عليه السلام never told people to worship him. He worshipped only ALLAH. Isa (“Jesus”) ‎عليه السلام is a great human. A human eats food and drinks water. ALLAH CREATED us. ALLAH Doesn’t need anything. ALLAH doesn’t need anyone. We should worship ALLAH Alone. Do read the Qur’an

@sashleymo4 - 06.07.2022 07:48

Nothing to say?????? Amazing…..

@Itsjcold0 - 23.07.2022 16:11

Mr root

@stephanielittle254 - 30.07.2022 16:21

I don’t know how this video is on my stream but what is the purpose of doing this to him or any person?

@boston312 - 12.08.2022 08:28

"Religion is the opiate of the masses"

@klarahaluzan1753 - 20.08.2022 00:31

Gosh.. All those people in comments having the audacity to speak about this man with such pride and feeling of being better than him. Honestly you make me sick.

@plansforus - 08.09.2022 07:15

Sad when the unbelievers and so called Christians have the same response to someone in sin. Here’s how Jesus did it: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” And His follow up, just a few verses later, my favorite part: “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”

@breddary - 16.09.2022 20:16

Carl, if you ever see this, there is mercy and forgiveness at the cross. We as people sometimes can be harsh, but there is hope, mercy and forgiveness at the cross. Don't let this thing beat you down. Repent, return to God and be free. And if you already have, trust God in the process. Be blessed.

@lizbethy3214 - 22.09.2022 07:07

Timothy 3:1-11 1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.

@kasen9487 - 02.10.2022 20:05

God bless God loves you

@BenZDE777 - 12.10.2022 22:18

You‘re never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You‘re never gonna let me down
Because you are good, good oh ho

@jsheridan02 - 26.12.2022 23:02

Learn to park geesh

@kittenbrave1003 - 29.12.2022 07:18

Comments are hilarious 😂

@Bupkus68 - 31.12.2022 04:00

He parks like the asshat he is too

@ToniCarrington - 09.01.2023 05:45


@cougarsorwhat - 10.03.2023 00:39

You are all idiots in a cult. Wake up you dumb sheep

@ricdavid7476 - 30.03.2023 16:10

Can God deliver a religion addict? That was a quote by someone who truly knew the inside on pentacoatal religion but it applies to all religion

@ricdavid7476 - 08.04.2023 17:04

Certainly has a celebrity set of wheels

@ricdavid7476 - 08.04.2023 18:34

Anyone see the similarity between all these characters lenz Houston hinn dollar Jake's all of them with Jim Cunningham in the film Donny darko

@JoeyRose26 - 04.05.2023 04:25

Being called by God is a high calling and to be above reproach. Carl made a huge mistake being caught up with the world and fell into Satan’s biggest trap, “ deception.” I can’t even imagine the guilt and pain he feels. He’s blessed to have a Godly wife and children who have stood by his side. I pray he can use his experience to Glorify Gods love and forgiveness.

@marcdenhartog9697 - 23.05.2023 01:21

Any religion is ignorance

@Paul-wu7xd - 14.06.2023 04:52

Learn how to park

@pfcworship6074 - 18.07.2023 23:25

Hes not disgraced. Hes human just like everone else...and forgiven

@Jon_Hing - 27.07.2023 13:45

I stand corrected if I'm wrong but I think he was trying to protect Justtin Bieber indirectly

@terrlaw328 - 29.12.2023 06:31

Scum lying hypocrite.

@gerasimovichs - 03.02.2024 03:48

is is blm woke advocate! trash

@SARAHLROSADOPEREZ-lj4xw - 29.04.2024 16:01

Justin Bieber Pastor payed Dearly for cheating on his wife 😢. The trust is gone.😢😢
