Things are changing | Get things Now| uk prepper

Things are changing | Get things Now| uk prepper

Ana's Food & Lifestyle

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@anniegreen4205 - 15.02.2024 22:11

Gas cannisters scare the bejesus out of me. Anna, how and where do you store them please?

@nojo1710 - 15.02.2024 22:22

I live in Texas. It is so scary here I'm afraid to go to the grocery store. I'm prepped and ready but the world is 😱😱😱😱

@Chris-uk. - 15.02.2024 22:36

good job we got the kelly kettles for the long term, i pick up at least 1 item everyday to add to the stocks, I think ill go down home bargains tomorrow for a pack of 4, I got fire starter kit in a box on amazon for £35 good for 20000 fires, has all the tinders, woods, strings, etc. its put my head at ease, i think long term now, fishing lines, hooks, foraging books, camping equipment. you can only stock up so much in the house before you need to think long term, shelter building, tarps is a good one to get. in a survival situation stranded and only one item, it would be a plastic water bottle, just a simple bottle makes great water filter there's millions everywhere so no worries at all.

@redfraggle77 - 15.02.2024 22:41

Apparently there is a coming shortage of black tea, due to shipping line delays.

@innocentbystander4650 - 15.02.2024 22:47

One of the first things I purchased when I first started prepping a couple of years ago was a small camping stove and some cannisters. I think you hit the nail on the head when you talked about thinking ahead and buying out of season it just makes sense. Maybe people are secretly prepping which is why the mylar bags have gone up in price. I personally never hear anyone talk about it. A headline in the Telegraph today was "Britain suffers longest hit to living standards since records began" - it's not going to get better any time soon.

@stephenbeevers2565 - 15.02.2024 23:04

I have those canisters and bought 3 boxes of T bags and a pack of loose tea today

@MarkWilcock - 15.02.2024 23:27

I'm quite lucky as I've managed to get double of everything you've mentioned over the last 12 months. I'm maxed out on the long term storage (mylar stuff) and now my total focus is just on expanding canned food storage. I think this is key as it won't need energy to eat and can have everything you need.

@sorciere... - 15.02.2024 23:42

And that's that. Lol loved tje way you said that!
Yes I noticed about 3 months ago shelves that only a few of us in town ever bought yearly( you notice who preps in a small town by what/how we buy) are empty continuously

@PenryMMJ - 16.02.2024 00:10

I was a prepper for years before I knew that prepping existed. This is because, growing up in the UK in the 1970's things like power cuts and shortages were normal. So my parents always had a cupboard of tinned food, a camping stove and butane heater, candles, warm clothes, blankets etc. When I grew up, I did the same thing. It's normal. So when the lockdowns started, and people were having punch ups in Tesco trying to grab the last toilet roll, I wasn't there because I didn't need to be.
Prepping got a bad name because of some channels (mostly in the USA) that make videos that are mostly about politics. People can make whatever videos they want, and have whatever political opinions they want. But prepping isn't a political movement, prepping is about dealing with emergencies and being self reliant.
The zombies are not coming for you. You're not going to have a mob of armed looters trying to raid your house (at least not if you're in the UK). You won't wake up one morning and find a Russian tank (or anyone else's tank) on your lawn. Civilisation is not going to completely break down, but there could be some bumpy patches that we all need to be ready for.
Inflation is very real, so the sooner you get something the cheaper it will be. And floods are very real, so try and live on high ground. And supply chain shortages are very real, so have enough to tide yourself over. Power cuts haven't happened where I am, but they have in other parts of the country. And you don't want to be left cold, and hungry, and sitting in the dark. Prepping to deal with those situations is easy, and everyone should do it.

@nenebops7744 - 16.02.2024 00:27

Could you do a video on how to properly use prepping items. I want to get mylar bags but I'm worried about using them wrong and wasting food x

@lindayoung9834 - 16.02.2024 01:01

Oh yes it is changing.

@binniesbags - 16.02.2024 01:12

I bought two camping stoves, and about 16 cannisters two/three years ago just in case, still unused.

@shaza6547 - 16.02.2024 01:27

I bought a fire safe to store these gas canisters. Buy one each shop.

@kateleese9663 - 16.02.2024 01:55

A distinct lack of teabags in Farm foods today.

@arbiterclan - 16.02.2024 02:41

Totally agree on the Oxy-absorb front; used to have a couple of sources on Amazon, but now they are "currently unavailable" and have been for over a year. Although the cost for shipping is high, worth checking some US sites for a larger order as the price of the items often offsets the additional shipping - that's what I ended up doing to keep the stocks up.

@shandysouth - 16.02.2024 02:44

I just recently bought an eco zoom rocket stove great bit of kit if there isn't gas or electricity to cook on..

@tonette6592 - 16.02.2024 03:29

I think more are getting extras, but nowhere near as many people as should. I also think that more people are realizing that putting a little away doesn't make you a crazed survivalist who are ready to kill everyone off to protect themselves. (They do exist,BTW.)
Sam's Club have so very little rice compared to the tons they used to have, and are missing a number of things, (paper products are low.) Fortunately, I loaded up earlier on.
They ARE going to do with us as they want. I think more are picking up on that, but again, not enough.

@EricaD61 - 16.02.2024 06:53

I've just started making bread at home and realising my flour stash is no where near enough. This month is lead up to a massive meat haul for the end of March and after that it will be flour and oil. Both bulk items are so much cheaper in 12.5kg and 20lt portions. Easter is huge for camping sales so i might list that in my purchase pile aswell. Thanks!

@davidmorton8332 - 16.02.2024 09:13

I've noticed more gaps on supermarket/food shelves since late December. Nothing major but the system is clearly under renewed stress. Gaps on shelves, less choice, inshore maintainence not being done etc.

@pheart2381 - 16.02.2024 10:38

We have gone from the Lunatic Fringe to the Smart Ones.

@clivedunning4317 - 16.02.2024 12:29

A small camping stove is essential. I would advise anyone with a family to have two stoves in their cupboard to enable you to use one for cooking and the other for boiling water simultaneously.
Another small point, make sure you have lighters and/or matches as an ignition source, in case your stove doesn't have automatic ignition or that function breaks down. Non-smokers always forget about lighters and matches.
Have a good weekend.

@ladyjane6846 - 16.02.2024 13:00

Looks like the preppers and the Amish were right all along. We knew.

@davidgraemesmith1980 - 16.02.2024 14:38

It was on Facebook in a prepper group about knives are no longer able to be sent in the mail 🤔 not sure if it's only royal mail or even couriers too. I bought a couple of Mora blades from a shop based in Stoke on Trent years ago and received the blades via royal mail signed for parcel delivery, not going to be able to support small business like that unless I go to Stoke on Trent for some reason 😂 not going from Hull to Stoke just shopping.

@Dingleowl1582 - 16.02.2024 15:50


@khankrum1 - 16.02.2024 17:49

Some good Sleeping Bags are useful @PENSIONER PREPPER

@holymonke5165 - 16.02.2024 18:36

Thank you for these useful tips. We xan all remember the panic in 2020, it appears these time are nearly back.

@debbiecolyer7564 - 16.02.2024 21:34

Hi,just bought 28 canisters on Amazon for £30. I think thats good.

@lorrainesimpson9482 - 16.02.2024 22:10

I'm wary of buying cheap unknown gas cannisters, I only buy camping Gaz ones. £10 for 4 from amazon. Same with camping stoves Halfords or again camping Gaz are the only ones I'd have. The unbranded cheaper ones are probably ok, but just prefer branded. Thanks so much for your videos!

@amfearliathmor9747 - 17.02.2024 03:44

EK Archery Torpedo Compound Crossbow for £280 is a reasonable price at Pellpax. Or even the EK Archery Accelerator 410+ Compound Crossbow for £360

@karenamiger8027 - 17.02.2024 14:22

IV bought those not much gas in them

@tonyorwin-nt6um - 19.02.2024 01:34

Don't know if this problem is common but the thing that holds me back is good safe dry storage space, got the cooking facilities, independent heating, light etc, dozens of gas cannisters,really paid a lot of attention to water purification and storage,medical supplies and then the long term storage of food items in food grade containers,myler bags, use a vacuum heat sealer going into testing the use of things like kilner jars for cooked food storage etc that should be a laugh,but I'm almost at bursting point with the space available, PS don't forget personal protection,and barter goods essentials, Good luck all.🇬🇧👍

@BarbosaUral - 19.02.2024 05:59

I have redundant sources for cooking. I have 2 Trangia methylated (we say denatured) alcohol stoves and a few gallons of the alcohol. I have several cans of that canned jell stuff that caterers like to use to keep their food warm. I have 2 propane 2-burner camp stoves with 120 pounds (I'm American; as if you hadn't guessed already) propane and about 10 of the small (1 pound) camp stove propane canisters. And 2 large bags of charcoal briquettes (40 pounds?) with a small 3 legged BBQ grill. Of course, I've been "collecting" stuff for many years. Redundancy is key. Different forms of items that will do the same thing insures you that you have something to cook with if any of the others break. Also, if you're somewhat altruistic towards your family, friends and neighbours, you can give them something to cook with as well.

@SkyeGirl28 - 19.02.2024 16:32

I popped into my local Home Bargains and they had those packs of butane gas, 4 for £4.49, which is very good, the price will increase towards Easter when the weather improves and people start camping again. Stocked up my supplies. I have 2 gas camping stoves, a trangia cookset with a spare spirit burner and a kelly kettle so got all bases covered.
