Elon Musk gives ultimatum for Twitter employees | GMA

Elon Musk gives ultimatum for Twitter employees | GMA

Good Morning America

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@creolerican - 18.11.2022 06:35

Did you hear Twitter doesn’t work any more? I read about it on Twitter

@lv1543 - 18.11.2022 06:36

I got to say the N word to black people on twitter. its ok if its gone. that was money well spent

@Em3ga - 18.11.2022 06:37

Free money and go work elsewhere. Sweet. Elon is a moron. IT always in demand. I have recruiters trying to poach me from my job every week. If I worked for Twitter, it would be duece.

@williambright363 - 18.11.2022 06:56

Like Elon would give a care what little georgie porgie and GMA thinks

@mattdias8051 - 18.11.2022 06:57

Every single person that has anything to do with a computer should refuse to work for this narcissist.

@nhennessy6434 - 18.11.2022 07:15

A dress rehearsel of his quest to make himself Emperor of Mars.

@westfield90 - 18.11.2022 07:17

It’s hilarious. All these lazy twits were bragging about working 4 hours a day, getting endless vacations and had the previous incompetent management in their palms thinking they all had jobs for life. Amazing how the pendulum swings back when you least expect it. So good.

@RH-lg9uc - 18.11.2022 07:25

This seems like a scene from Atlas Shrugged.

@richardnunziata3221 - 18.11.2022 07:34

Musk wants to declare bankruptcy for some reason must be big write off. Then rebirth the company as something else

@johnwest7993 - 18.11.2022 07:35

I've worked at HP, IBM, and SONY among other tech companies. It appears to me that this clown just lost $50 billion dollars. Four more times and he'll be out on the street, while the former Twitter employees will be happily working from home for the company that replaces Twitter.

@richardthompson6387 - 18.11.2022 07:47

To all you assholes at Twitter, Elon tried to back out, but you forced him to buy the company. Now you pieces of shit are GETTING WHAT YOU DESERVE!

@pjlaveus3964 - 18.11.2022 07:56

Lol let him be

@parasoul26 - 18.11.2022 08:48

if the future is Elon Musk catering to entitled quitters, then a dark future awaits us. He's looking for professionals who aren't scared to work their hours. To be in the same team as the person who built Tesla and SpaceX, damn, the things you can possibly learn along the way... I hope Musk filters out the trash from the hardworking and conscientious in the Twitter workforce. It won't be for a while till we see results from Musk's changes to what and how Twitter will look like, but I bet the output won't be something ordinary.

@malcolmabram2957 - 18.11.2022 09:08

I work for a Pharmaceutical company based in PA. Their attitude to their staff is diametrically opposite to this man's. You cannot expect a company to perform unless the staff have high morale and feel valued by the company. I once admired Elon Musk, no longer. He will learn that wealth does not correlate with genuine respect.

@studioashlan7960 - 18.11.2022 09:42

Don't take impulsive decision.
Ignoring own baby and caring for adopted baby.

Actual story is actually incomplete

@studioashlan7960 - 18.11.2022 09:43

Years of efforts is getting wasted because of the adopted baby.
Think and Act

@livingripped1811 - 18.11.2022 10:19

It’s his company lol

@iftak01 - 18.11.2022 10:39

😂 .. finally, employees fight back 🙏 .. in world where software Engr can work multiple jobs this Dufas wants ery1 to work 40Hr min from office .. mans needs a Deefaz!!

@carlosdiniz5480 - 18.11.2022 11:36

Welcome to modern capitalism. Now put this chain on your leg and go to work. I still have to pay! Musk Slavery Industries.

@frank1672 - 18.11.2022 11:38

Oh brother I was just about to buy one of his cars 'NOT NO MORE' 🤔🤔🤔

@massimo931 - 18.11.2022 13:42

Demanding that employees show up at work is obscene.

@marilon - 18.11.2022 14:40

You would think that a topmanager could find more creative ways to save money but all his braincells can come up with is 'let's fire everybody '. A three-year old could have done that.

@j.madelozo8222 - 18.11.2022 15:04

This'll create jobs for competent and hardworking people. Nice.

@EOh-ew2qf - 18.11.2022 15:52

keep doing what you're doing elon!! I'm rooting for twitter and elon's complete downfall

@nocomment3294 - 18.11.2022 16:00

Musk is really playing 4D chess here. Investing 44 billions to run a company into the ground so he can get some tax deduction.

@jasonrh73 - 18.11.2022 17:11

I am with Elon. Don't want to work hard? Leave ASAP. Half of the Bay Area tech workers under 35 that I interact with now spend more time 'self branding' and advising you of their identity decisions than they spend in the workplace. Most seemingly expect to sit at home doing 4 hours of work a day while making 100k+ with stock options, great benefits and 18 months parental leave.

So if they don't think earning that salary and benefits is worth going to work every day, putting in a shift or respecting the boss - the door is not locked.

Head on out. Please.

@thevagabond9228 - 18.11.2022 19:38

he has to fire alot of employees because of the upcoming recession. he just wants to keep the most motivated employees who are open to change and innovation. it's a risky move but potentially a great one. i am excited to see how twitter will advance. if anyone can do it, it would be elon musk.

@Honor.DreamsCODM - 18.11.2022 20:16

Wipe it clean musk, then rebuild it stronger!

@ked1013 - 19.11.2022 01:18

This musk is a fool and shouldn’t work with peoples leave it to somebody else. Such rude and arrogant attitude

@tonysmith2045 - 19.11.2022 02:07

This is so great why should only the soy flakes get an echo chamber while we are not allowed to speak Our Truth hypocrites

@teterouge1472 - 19.11.2022 04:07

See you Elon? Fuck off

@nwyk153 - 19.11.2022 04:29

People still use twitter?

@LW13rc - 19.11.2022 08:10

Say what you want about twitter but it is one of the biggest social media platforms and thus has some pretty qualified employees. Those people know their worth. Pretty sure they have lots of other great job offers.

@bimrebeats - 19.11.2022 08:26

Biased reporting. He asked them to show their work of the past 6 months. Keeping only the “hard” core of productive people will make Twitter profitable.

@niueanlaho - 19.11.2022 13:30

lol...this is what Elon wants and its going to plan ...........this guy is always a few steps ahead of the pack......maybe running twitter to the trash is the plan lol...........

@lilly473 - 19.11.2022 13:34

What if musk sells it to trump 😂

@arielsanpedro9954 - 19.11.2022 14:12

Musk employees must all be robots.Just like hes robotic mind.We are all humans and he is not exempted as one.

@iwantabiscuitplz - 19.11.2022 14:42

Getting rid of employees for being vocally critical of you?! Sounds like a dictator-style leader

@marylynnhughes8772 - 19.11.2022 15:32

He has no people skills. He has been a wealthy little a**** all his life ❗

@shelbyrenovations3740 - 19.11.2022 16:31

This is awesome get rid of all that crap let the real solid employees come in once we're willing to do what it takes to get the job done this is great news for all us dedicated workers job opportunities anyone Twitter's hiring

@channelnameiguess1933 - 19.11.2022 16:43

Twitter is bout to dead as a dead bird

@newdog587 - 19.11.2022 16:52

I don't know the details but I don't like what's happening with Twitter. Is Elon at fault?! Absolutely yes! But it takes more than one person to sink a major ship. I feel like company loyalty was not strong and I can sense people were used to specific workloads and models and were not willing to make changes which tells me the workforce was not all that good tbh. At the end of the day if you work somewhere you have to adapt with the policies and objectives leadership decides. If those prove to be wrong then make recommendations. I am going to be honest if any of Twitter employees apply at my company and says I quit at Twitter because of what was happening I wouldn't hire them. It is what it is. It's not that they are wrong or anything but I do value adaptability and transferable skills and I want people who can work the way I want them to not how they were used to doing things. I still don't agree with the key positions firing though. The rest of them I feel were never considered an asset and didn't have credits under their belt. It's easy to say they built Twitter but trust me not 100% of them had anything do with that. It didn't start as a major company. Eventually this might work best for all but it all depends whether Elon reflect on what he did wrong and tries to build a great working culture within Twitter. If you don't have blue blood you don't belong at Twitter!!! I feel like applying for work at Twitter tbh!

@paulcernava7091 - 19.11.2022 19:03

Let's watch the elitter box implode

@stevenmarshall9274 - 19.11.2022 23:55

I really don’t understand what has happened in the last 10 - 15 years. The same people that are demonizing Elon Musk for having a strict approach to how he handles his employees, are the same people that said Steve Jobs was a visionary and a great guy! Steve Jobs was a very talented and smart guy, but he was also worse than Elon when it comes to dealing with employees. So why is everyone now saying this is a horrible way to run a company, when just 10 years ago it was totally different???
And to be honest, Elon is much smarter than Jobs and a lot nicer to the people that work for him, and I mean the people that actually work , when someone commits to being a great employee to Elon, he will take care of them very nicely. But Jobs would not . So why all the harsh words for Elon?????

@uselesseaters1315 - 20.11.2022 00:39

Fuk twitter and elon mother fuker

@HilarityBribo - 20.11.2022 12:09

Enjoy your new starbucks jobs libbabies, hows it feel to get canceled???;

@Personinspain - 21.11.2022 09:02

Great way to clean house.....too many folks have been complacent and laid back. I see way too many people in stores, at Malls on golf courses. So clean house and then rehire, with new positions with better pay. Great way to hire the creme de la creme......I know millions of foreigners looking for jobs with great-work ethics and degrees....🤣🤣🤣

@DragonLady764 - 25.11.2022 05:39

He shouldve stuck with making cars and spacex. He has no business when it comes to social media. Just because he has alot of money. Psshh. Piss off!

@TheRealAsteria - 18.12.2024 13:11

I love how this aged like milk... SUPER appropriate that he renamed it after everyone’s ex😂
