Multiples and Fertility Treatments: What Are The Risks? What Should You Know?

Multiples and Fertility Treatments: What Are The Risks? What Should You Know?

Natalie Crawford, MD

1 год назад

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The Hip Review
The Hip Review - 03.10.2023 16:42

Did she really say "if you're old"? Wow. Ok then.

Pooja Yadav
Pooja Yadav - 30.09.2023 16:18

I wish meri bhi twins pragnanci ho pray for god's 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Shontelle Payne
Shontelle Payne - 19.09.2023 15:17

Hi there! I’m a new subscriber and been finding ur videos super helpful ♥️
I would love ur opinion on our upcoming embryo transfer!

Bit of background - we started IVF back in 2016 when I was 36 and my husband was 34. The fertility issues were found to be on his end - low count, slow swimmers.
So we did 6 OE cycles, each egg collection was giving us low numbers and even with 4 of those cycles being flare up, I only ever had 1 embryo transfer - which was unsuccessful 😢

So our Dr talked to us about using a DE and because we don’t have a known donor, we decided the best thing for us is to have treatment overseas - we chose Greece.

We traveled to Greece from Australia in June 2019 (I was 39) and through our anonymous donor we got 6 healthy embryos 🎉

Now in Greece they freeze in pairs - so the first transfer was 2 embryos and it worked!!! Though sadly I miscarried @ 10 weeks.
Determined to try again we made the trip in September 2019, again 2 embryos got transfer but this time it didn’t work…
It had been so much heartache that we thought ok let’s have a break and recover mentally, financially and physically… well then Covid comes along and we can’t travel to Greece!!! We can’t get our embryos brought in due to the laws against anonymous donors here in Australia 😢

So this brings us to now! Im 43 😢 and we are going to Greece for our transfer on October 10!!

Should we only transfer 1 knowing they will have to unfreeze both then refreeze one again?

I am so worried as I feel like it’s our last hope, but im also trying my best to stay relaxed and to not stress ect..I just don’t want to do anything wrong, it’s so tough.

Absolutely any advice u have is welcome with open arms.

Thanks so much ❤

Raina - 28.07.2023 22:42

This was so informative! Thank you

Blair - 01.05.2023 16:38

Hello. I'm considering Clomid (or its alternative). Advanced maternal age, I've had three miscarriages in just over a year. At 41, in Feb of this year at 42 and a few days ago in April at 43. At this point, I just want ONE healthy baby. If I use a medicine such as Clomid, is there any way to avoid twins? I wouldn't be using IVF (I don't think Clomid is considered IVF), just taking the medicine in hopes that one of the multiple eggs that comes will be the right one.

L. KA - 29.04.2023 05:20

Dr. Crawford: my hubby is half-Japanese, so I’m wondering if my chances of having twins are even lower than I though? Or do they think that’s more related to Japanese women rather than the man? We have a 16 month old daughter (naturally conceived) & I’m 33. We’re hoping to have two more babies and I would love a two-for so I only have to be pregnant one more time. 😂 But now I’m thinking that’s probably less likely unless we need to do IVF and the risks are higher than I thought.

Ashley Elizabeth
Ashley Elizabeth - 27.04.2023 03:59

I've always wanted twins but thank you for new perspective

Maria Nemashkalo
Maria Nemashkalo - 26.04.2023 18:07

I was di-di twin, born 1500 gramms, my sister about the same . My twin di-di girls were born at 37.5 weeks, 2500 and 2800. Not ivf, but laparascopy for endo, some hormones for 1 month, natural pregnancy the next month 🎉🎀🎀

Jessica - 12.04.2023 21:56

Thank you for your video. I had Mono/Di twins after IVF. Unfortunately they did not make it after twin to twin transfusion syndrome surgery. I was referred to the specialist too late. It’s important to bring awareness to these risks.

Allie - 26.03.2023 03:26

So love all of your videos, any advice for poor responders with low AMH who medical professionals say they can’t “help” but to keep trying naturally? Are there any viable homeopathic options to help to regulate a monthly cycle? I’m sure there are other woman out there in a similar situation.

Nicole van Niekerk
Nicole van Niekerk - 23.03.2023 20:40

I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant with dizygotic twins after a single embryo transfer. After years of trying and multiple doctors saying that we won’t be able to ever conceive naturally. So we have one IVF baby plus one natural baby = 2 miracle babies 🥰

Kathryn Louise
Kathryn Louise - 23.03.2023 08:55

I was 39 when I got pregnant with my twins (DCDA or DiDi). I got my boy and girl with one pregnancy. A lot of people think this is amazing (which, it is) and it’s like “Ah two for the price of one!” Etc. (Ugh… no! Two for the price of TWO!) 😂 They are incredible, however they were born at 30 weeks gestation and spent a lot of time on nicu and special care (australia). They are fine now at 15 months old, but it was so HARD!! And yes, for the millionth time…. I DO have my hands (and my heart) full.

lewamush - 23.03.2023 01:08

I’m currently 12 weeks with twins following my first double embryo transfer in January. It’s super uncommon in the UK for clinics to even allow a double transfer, but my clinic seemed to encourage it and even froze our 7 embryos in 3 pairs plus one lonely one of lesser quality - without prior consultation. I’m 26 too so seems bizarre! So we were forced to transfer both or let one perish as it likely wouldn’t have survived the thaw and another freeze. Crossing everything that all ends up being well with them, thanks for the informative video 💞

Alexandrina Silva
Alexandrina Silva - 23.03.2023 00:55

Hi... From Portugal 🇵🇹...😊 After one IVF cycle failure, I've got pregnant naturally and it's a mono/mono pregnancy (two babies) ... So my miracle happened...😊🙏 Right after an IVF cycle failure and before a new IVF cycle... Thanks Dr Natalie for all the information... Was useful for my IVF cycle... I knew the right questions to ask my OB-GYN/fertility Doctor... Thank you so much 😘

Mekha - 22.03.2023 20:00

Hi! Does this mean that if you take letrozole and have more than one follicle you should not have an IUI that cycle?

Carol G
Carol G - 22.03.2023 19:33

Me: hello! I’d like to have twins or even triplets if possible so I can catch up with my friends!
Doctor: Stop it. Stop it right now.

duckyone20 - 22.03.2023 18:17

How you going to call me old with Jon & Kate plus 8 and not mention Octomom as well 😂 My older sisters are twins, born in 71 so they're definitely natural twins.

Naila Mudassar
Naila Mudassar - 22.03.2023 17:40

Ovulation boosting tablets are for egg production?
