DCS WORLD - Top 10 Things You Should Know

DCS WORLD - Top 10 Things You Should Know

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As DCS World continues to grow and increase in popularity, new users often have similar questions about the game. This video is designed to answer the 10 most common questions we see.

10. Do I need a HOTAS to play?
9. Does DCS World support Virtual Reality?
8. Can I use Track IR with DCS World?
7. Does DCS World allow multiplayer?
6. How do I set up controllers?
5. Do I have to start up the aircraft every time?
4. Are there Free Flight modes?
3. Is there a Mission Editor included?
2. Are tutorials included?
1. What is DCS World?

Find your answers to these and other questions here.

Download DCS World here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/world/



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@ronringwald5120 - 05.12.2023 17:48

1st thing you need to know is that you better have alot & i mean alot of money to even think about getting into this ridiculous game for millionaires only. This game is a real high price to play if you want to get involved, plus no-one to help you, you are on your own, it takes depending on how smart you are & lucky skill level it may take you up to a year before you can do anything with the jet you PURCHASED.

@miniviperexe6021 - 03.08.2023 21:47

should give me a free f-16 fr

@matthewjackson5325 - 01.08.2023 04:10

When does the (insert current module here) release?

@Darius_Garland - 26.07.2023 18:32


@Steano - 26.05.2023 22:04

Diese musikalische Untermalung ist einfach nur geil, genauso wie dieser Simulator. Big Love😍

@voidvr045 - 14.04.2023 16:41

do you have to complete the campaign to fly the plane in free flight mode?

@samohtlp1985 - 12.01.2023 22:11

awsome video... i love this sim so mutch... this bring me back to my childhood back to my deam 😎

@moax_the_hoax - 04.01.2023 07:56

"controller setup is a breeze" yeah sure dcs

@jake010993 - 19.12.2022 16:07

I wish I could learn this.. I just don't think I'm clever enough to do it 😔 I tried the f/18 full fidelity trial and I just can't get it to sink in

@mharkvibritania4881 - 25.11.2022 14:08

can you play DCS offline?

@jjeeqq - 10.11.2022 18:58

What means "If you are nutidy see as world"?

@OkiDingo - 29.10.2022 03:10

Setting up controls are not a breeze in my opinion

@aidenaviation - 23.10.2022 14:14

I don’t really get the point in trackIR because if you want to see behind you, you won’t be looking at the screen

@Oxtoc - 03.10.2022 17:21

all you need to know is that you need to pay for planes

@williamrobertsbolin.9960 - 28.09.2022 18:50

Its about thought with technology not technology with no thought everything we create with hand or mind has a aspect of thought now thought is no longer apart of technology making tech do game on and technology going to spank your ass for the oversight lol all in fun 😉

@gamer-jm6my - 10.09.2022 01:51

What kind of specs do I need on a pc to play dcs world I am a long time warthunder player and I play on consol but I want to get a pc for stuff like this so if anyone has advice it would be appreciated

@nathangregory_ - 02.08.2022 21:32

So, you have a "Free" game to download, but to have more "Elite" aircraft one could spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to acquire them. Does that sound to be correct? And don't get me started on maps.

@icemanderfranke - 30.07.2022 19:32


@JynxedKoma - 05.06.2022 18:18

The prices for buyable Jets are an absolute rip-off. Daylight robbery... Just one jet costs like the price of x2 AAA games!

@larrymoran_THE_CODGER - 19.05.2022 00:48

Really pretty and impressive graphics. Well done DCS!!!👍👍

@Im_kenji - 01.04.2022 20:12

pls make lill more free planes

@AceBullion - 28.03.2022 22:30

I would love to see this on the PS5 VR. OHHH I will be downloading it on my pc. Eeek

@DatTheRat - 20.03.2022 20:50

One question. Is DCS World safe to download?

@Sanuske4 - 09.02.2022 12:54

1: Saying you don't need a HOTAS for DCS is like saying you don't need a mouse to use windows. Yes..you can play without one - but you will hate yourself.

2: 'Beautiful' VR. DCS is quite unoptimized for VR but I do at least see this improving in the future.

3: TrackIR or some form of head tracking goes back to my point 1. After you have any amount of experience at all you will want head tracking of some form or forever be at a disadvantage.

I could go into deeper detail but someone on marketing was being quite disingenuous with a lot of this. Don't say this to knock ED. Just know anyone who is interested there is or at the least WILL be additional investment required after you get into it.

@smudent2010 - 31.01.2022 05:05

This might sound dumb but is there anyway to do IFR Cross country flights with ATC control and working NAV aids and needles? Be awesome to do some scenic VMC approaches or some IMC radar trail. Would also love to do some low level navigation on here.

@Bigmanwang69 - 06.01.2022 02:17

I wish this game was on console so bad

@kaidenwatts528 - 09.12.2021 08:29

I love this game, hopefully I can become a pilot in real life so I can fly there amazing aircraft in real life!

@MyKillpro - 06.12.2021 18:31

DCS world is the mohommad ali of SIMS .
Best in the world

@jessecarlton2021 - 10.10.2021 04:35

Got a really good gaming PC last month, got my oculus 2 connected. Downloaded this last night, saw a video yesterday. Did the start up and take off for the free plane this morning. Took my breath away.

@theopot5798 - 04.10.2021 23:11

Biased game , I unloaded my Mgs on a P47 and not going down...I lock my Fox2/Fox3 and they never hit the target , they always get my no matter what I do ..manuvers flares , everything ...very promising game but still it is broken

It ditched it , Microsft flight sim is the one to go

@mycoalx - 02.10.2021 21:35

is there freeroam in this game?

@mason480 - 22.09.2021 19:03

is it the same as the steam edition?

@Gregorydaerr1971 - 08.09.2021 22:14

You need to take the sound track off of this vid.

Or lower its volume.

Or use less frenetic music.

Its just too loud over the level of the voice.

My humble opinion

@TheAnonymous916 - 13.08.2021 00:35

How big is DCS world? Is it real world based similar to MSFS? Can I fly anywhere in the world?

@TimelessWorldOfGaming - 11.08.2021 04:12

I dunno, I tried it but it just didn't click. Probably because with my life I don't have time to spend trying to memorize every button and develop the muscle memory to play the game the way I'd like. I've never fathomed using a keyboard for a flight sim so I researched controller options and found that the video to set up a controller for the game is an hour long with pausing and troubleshooting in-between and after 2 hours messing with it I realized I just don't have the time or patience to set it all up. Let alone the disposable money during covid-19 to go out and buy the proper hardware to enjoy the game the way it's meant to be enjoyed. Then once I pay for the plane I want which is the F-15C I'm gonna have to take hours to go through the set up all over again with that one before I can even use it and I might lose interest again before I can actually enjoy it and I don't have a disposable income like that unfortunately. It seems cool and if I had the time I could really get into it but holy crap, just getting what you need and setting it all up takes so long you wonder if it's worth it in the end. It's like it's designed to get you invested in getting it all going and then exploits that effort you put in investing your time and money with micro-transactions. Keep in mind if a game is free to play there is always a catch and some developers are smarter than others at how they lay their groundwork. I really thought this was an honest to goodness flight simulator for people to enjoy but getting into it I sense it's only for people with deeper pockets and more time to spare than the average Joe. I get that the game is meant to be more of the real thing, but it's also advertised as a user friendly video game of which it absolutely is not and this video is bogus for saying it is. It shows all the features and how cool they are but doesn't specify it may take you weeks of research and study to learn to use any of them properly. Unless you have a friend to teach you DCS there's really no appeal to playing the game, it's just work. lol

At the end of the day if it's for you, more power to you, play the game. I just feel people deserve to know what they're getting into first and this video doesn't cover any of the cons about it. It's just like tennis or Golf, you have to commit to this game financially and mentally. If you don't think you can or have the time for it, don't try just to be disappointed and butthurt like myself. lmao

@RedTie89 - 09.08.2021 23:08

Have been debating whether or not to d/l and get a HOTAS. I've played Ace Combat throughout the years but want to get into Sim and play with other people. Just learned about this form a friend today. Was worried that I'd be WAY behind the curve but this seems beginner friendly. Is it east to find a community of people to fly with once you join?

@landonjernigan6502 - 05.07.2021 19:10

This game is beautiful. I would say it has the best game graphics.

@fadingcoyote5749 - 05.07.2021 15:51

What devices can you play this game on?

@RoiratNews - 11.06.2021 05:37

DCS crashes to the desktop for me. I'm not able to create an account on the forums page because no matter what my answer is to the challenges. It isn't right and I'm forced to try again which,, yup you guessed it WRONG AGAIN! TRY AGAIN!

@redrunnercfc5438 - 24.05.2021 03:15

Bro the dlc is rip ass dear i know its reallyr realistic and alp but no single aircraft warrants a £65 price tag and thats just for the plane itself then u have to buy the upgrades to it then the story for that plane like its a bit much for the entire a 10 warthog set it could set u back easily £100 its a bot much

@HelloThere-iw2sb - 17.05.2021 15:19

you also need a killer gpu to play it otheriwse it lags A LOT

@Frank_SB - 13.05.2021 18:44

Steam or download from website?

@extractedvisions8158 - 29.04.2021 03:21

That music level... jeez

@arroa3634 - 25.04.2021 00:34

you forgot to mention how fucking legendary the trailers are...

@H3nry2077 - 18.03.2021 00:44

is it free to fly as a co-pilot of a friend?
edit: (as in do you need to own the aircraft?)

@Marcin79W - 15.03.2021 01:06

Please, make ATC response for Emergency Landing. Waiting in a queue having Bingo and damaged aircraft doesn't feel realistic.

@andreastz1190 - 11.03.2021 17:06

Just to mention you need 2500 euros to get all the aircraft
