The Best Pandora Boxes of 2023 & 2024 [Pandora Box Round-Up]

The Best Pandora Boxes of 2023 & 2024 [Pandora Box Round-Up]

Team Pandory

1 год назад

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@gogosegaga - 05.12.2023 21:12

Pandora 3d ex 2 is the best for Dreamcast Naomi

@WickedGamerCollector - 06.12.2023 00:59

Yes, I agree my friend.
Awesome TOP video 🙌

@charthers8903 - 06.12.2023 01:44

Can you connect an x-arcade tankstick to that gunmax pc?

@홍석순-m6f - 06.12.2023 02:09

판도라박스10주년 앞으로 업데이트 될 가능성이 있나요?

@neocvera - 06.12.2023 02:17

Maybe I should try one of these for Nova Blast.

@srvuk - 06.12.2023 05:02

This does illustrate the problems with such boxes, deliberate inconsistency with lack of care for the final results.

There are also rather too many other vendors badging or describing their products as being of a Pandora variety.

A good example of a great concept ruined by consistently poor implementation. As long as people continue to buy them, there is little chance of them changing their ethos.

@bill5974 - 06.12.2023 11:27

I recently put together a 1TB Retrobat external ssd drive to carry around with my laptop as I'd always wanted a Pandoras Box but work away from home a lot so wasn't ideal for me. Using retrobat on my ASUS strix I can play way past PS2 and any arcade games. Love the idea of the PB though.

@killbun - 06.12.2023 15:17

Does the Alpha 3D Max Arcade work as fine with a jamma adapter? Generally for all non-jamma boxes?
Thank you for your reviews... <3

@DJmetronik - 06.12.2023 16:37

Have you guys tested a Mister system? Would be good to get the team Pandory breakdown

@johnboydojo - 06.12.2023 22:07

For the price of the Gunmax you're kind of better off just using an old pc. Great for just plug and play though but at those prices I think you're best off with one of the many mini PC's you have featured. Great Video as always though! I trust you're well dude 👍

@craigprocter1232 - 07.12.2023 12:28

I wonder how well the pandora mini PC would work if you removed the M2 drive and stuck it in an Intel N100 chipset mini pc? :)

@MrKalmindo - 07.12.2023 14:01

I have the DX with a custom set games from Potatoes Resurrection Project: excellent

@pyjama9556 - 08.12.2023 11:31

Just when I was thinking we need a list you give us a list!!🎉
You mention the pandory versions so much, do you ever plan to make a video on how to upgrade one of the boxes??

@victormattina - 10.12.2023 03:56

Amazing list, top notch boxes.
Any chance we can get links to the Alpha 3D Max through an aliexpress vendors?
Brazilian subscriber here and Alibaba is not really an option due to high taxes. Thanks!

@wardogdauwdd3020 - 13.12.2023 12:17

Do you know how I can either port a single nes game and have it be a single game arcade or a adapter to plug a new cart to play a single game I know most people want to play all games but I'm getting into nes game deving and I want to have my game as a single arcade

Also is there any way to clear all games off the Pandora's if you didn't want them

@Patrickpsd-hv4xj - 17.12.2023 18:45

Awesome Video. What would you recommend for a 15hz arcade machine? Would you prefer the 10TH ANNIVERSARY or DX? Thanks for the help

@Mclaneinc - 21.12.2023 19:41

Just a comment to wish Tim and all his followers a very happy Xmas and a great new year. Cheers for all the help over the year Tim. Still buzzing over the mini PC choice. Ta muchly.. Paul..

@Bogues_88 - 25.12.2023 13:12

Anyone try the supretro Pandora box ?? Better cpu gpu with trackball .. im try find more information

@mehere3013 - 05.01.2024 18:17

it wont be the bestof 2024

@benjaminfernandez4091 - 08.01.2024 07:46

I wanted to get the dx but i heard that it is pretty similar to the pandora cx that is cheaper, are there many differences in performance? (i want one to install games and play games like super mario 64 or crash bandicoot from ps1 and donkey kong country from the snes) thanks in advance

@moumou6558 - 11.01.2024 02:31

Can we burn the software of gun max to a pc and run it?

@MrCroky123 - 15.01.2024 18:29

Very nice video ! Congrats !

I've got just one issue. I have a vertical cabinet from the 90's. It runs a 15hz crt monitor inside. Now, you say the king of the air 2 can run 384x224 at 15Khz in CGA mode but if you go to the aliexpress page, it only lists hdmi and vga as output interfaces. There's no mention to cga and the jamma interface definition has no RGB pins associated. Therefore, officially, such support is non existent. I have two questions:
1 - Is cga 15 Khz and crt 15 hz the same thing ? Means, if I connect my cabinet jamma interface to this pandora box, I'll be getting any image ?
2 - Is this video output achieved using the jamma interface ?
Thank you very much !

@HonestFred - 23.01.2024 06:07

Hey where did you purchase the neo geo mvs game pad?

@pantofliaras - 04.02.2024 10:02

I keep seeing you mention that Pandoras box 10 has naomi and dreamcast support, but it literally come preinstalled with only a couple of games and even they dont run great. Most naomi games are also unplayable due to I/O and dremcast requires a controller because of additional buttons.
But main point is that compatibility is very bad, and it feels like a rippoff as I exclusively bought it for that kind of system emulation. Do you perhaps know of a romset that works best?

@oscaregame5070 - 09.02.2024 09:57

Hi guys, what is the better pandora box for install the last pandory in a Naomi monitor 29" crt with jamma?

@mightywhiskas3880 - 01.03.2024 23:27

Do ps1 pbp games work when added on the pbox 10th?

@RESIDENT-EVIL-Fan-since96 - 03.03.2024 15:49

Hello. Can we add games by USB stick on the Pandora Gun Max ?

And it emulates up to what system at most PS1, Dreamcast, Atomiswave, Naomi ?

Thank you, for your answers, have a nice day.

@748tech - 11.03.2024 13:55

what would be the best for 2&4 player arcade games. must run MK,street fighters, world heros, nba jam, x men, Simpsons and tmnt & 80-90's arcade classics ( bobble bobble etc)

@alanpearly - 01.04.2024 10:36

"and if you want something more customizable best picking up a MiniPC and using Batocera"

Best line!

@nastarychsmieciach3659 - 02.04.2024 02:46

Witch one will be best for air bike cops ?

@lassmirandadennsiewillja3943 - 08.04.2024 15:44

using a minipc and turn it on/off vie power is probably not that funny for a long time?

@mhgame - 03.05.2024 04:15

How much latency we get ? in Pandora 10th

@TontonJiel - 15.05.2024 14:50

Hi ! Do you have info about compatibility of pandory with S812 ? I didn't find on your website. Thanks a lot ! :)

@Opsib6gj - 29.05.2024 20:50

Any new update about Pandora Box pls . Make a video

@undeadlight5221 - 22.06.2024 11:27

I Want Buy a Sega Astro City. What is the best Pandora Box for Vertical shmups?

@bahadirkaplan-k3p - 20.07.2024 05:51

can you say ? what is best amazon pandora box retro console? thanks.

@justintheparkenator - 26.08.2024 23:30

Thank you. Which version is the best for jamma with the best audio/video performance?

@raighnejamesolino1448 - 07.09.2024 01:03

How about the 3d pandora pro? Is it same with alpha 3d max?

@zffaqta1648 - 14.09.2024 17:24

Hi Can you please share the link to the joy stick you are using?

@MrDavidthelibrarian - 20.09.2024 23:26

Can you share a link to a Jamma version of the Pandoras Box DX?

@MoroboshiAtaru79 - 05.11.2024 16:01

what happened to the pandora box and 3A 3H.... Will they make other Pandoras? When do they come out? Why can't they be found anymore pandora?

@johnyyyyy0000 - 24.11.2024 04:25

I wonder what software runs on the pc version ??
It says that boots on windows first, and it runs great on that low specs machine.

I would love to copy the entire hardrive and boot up on a more powerful machine.

Ha ha ha 😈😎

@pandabearmadness6263 - 22.01.2025 03:10

Hi I'm trying to buy a Pandora box that allows me to plug in a joystick with buttons using PCB with USB

@dav3yb - 27.01.2025 21:43

I thought I'd ask this on a video about Pandora boxes: Any idea if the official Pandora box store (3A games) is making or selling boxes anymore? I was on AliExpress recently, and their store is quite barren now. I know it's around Chinese new year at the moment, but it'd be pretty sad to see the official store close down.

@andyolike7593 - 28.01.2025 02:52

qual a melhor com JAMMA?

@jamesa5934 - 05.02.2025 11:27

Hi, not sure you’ll see this as older video but I’m looking to mod my street fighter 2 arcade 1 up machine. What is the pandora box I should buy that will work on this whilst giving me access to arcade classics as well as n64/ps1/dreamcast games?

@hogcia66 - 17.03.2025 05:58

Good video 😮

@curlydanmagic7597 - 19.03.2025 20:04

I want to put a pandora box in my Arcade1up MVC2 cabinet. They have stopped making the Pandora box 10th anniversary edition and are charging £150 for one AliExpress. I would like all the classics CPS1,2 &3, neogeo and Dreamcast if possible. Which other pandora box do you think would be best and can I use the A1UP stock joystick and buttons with a pandora kick harness. Any help greatly appreciated.
