Red Alert 1 Remastered | Soviets vs Allied | First Gameplay Review | Remake | 4K High Definition

Red Alert 1 Remastered | Soviets vs Allied | First Gameplay Review | Remake | 4K High Definition


4 года назад

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ivision - 24.09.2023 01:55

Cuantas horas perdidas con esta mierda 🙂

J - 12.09.2023 15:33

Aaah 1 of the PC games ive ever played. Now that i look back at it the graphs look bad but back in the day this was standard.

Verunka Beck
Verunka Beck - 24.08.2023 21:48

Super game Windows 98

richard ore ramos
richard ore ramos - 04.04.2023 08:24

En q consola da ese juego???

Mikkel - 31.03.2023 20:20


Jyrgosaurus Sex
Jyrgosaurus Sex - 29.03.2023 12:29

Achcklonnidge , repoort. Ofcorrs. Yesser! (Perfect english: unable to comply)

Affermative.. this game was the best when i was a kiddo.. re2 was great too. Good times skirmishing with my friends

Lewis Odonnell
Lewis Odonnell - 03.03.2023 01:43

Could spend 6 hours on this without even knowing

James Marshall
James Marshall - 17.02.2023 06:07

I use to build lots of guard dogs

Joseph Gannon
Joseph Gannon - 10.02.2023 21:30

I personally belive I hold the World record for having played Red Alert Command and Conquerer for the most hours - especially concerning skirmishes.

we had the game on ps1 which later worked on the ps2 console when it came out .
I also downloaded it onto a PS3 system which u still have today.
so I've been playing this game since 1997.
I dare anybody to try and beat me on a Skirmish just ain't happening and i play the Game on HARD mode just to he clear .

i am the ultimate C&C general.

I remeber in the year 2000 or 2001 I had a skirmish level play out for over 48hrs (C&C hrs) .

I also believe I have the record for building the most units and most construction/buildings ever on this game.

so just to be clear I do have a major addiction and or fetish if you will for Red alert Command & Conquerer .

I've never admitted this outside my family structure .

I am Red alert C&C king .

Also I would like to ask if anyone has ever built so many structures that the game glitches and wont allow anymore structures or units to be built .

I played this game constantly without fail from 1997-2022.
I surely do need to have a little skirmish soon .

I retired in 2022 from this game as Grand General Joemuth I

Li Bin
Li Bin - 30.01.2023 17:21

Where can I download this version?

SnortTroll - 29.12.2022 16:04

how does one zoom out like on the old version? I want to play and see more of the map.

SnortTroll - 28.12.2022 01:33

let us dive in and play red alert as a first person shooter while someone else is playing from birds eye view. mix em up.

SnortTroll - 28.12.2022 01:31

looks great, but I could run the old game zoomed super far out. so I could see the whole map and stuff. is that not possible anymore'? and the space bar thing is not workign when I try the game. and the game is zoomed artificially far in to impress you with the graphics on the vehicles.

Jake the Doggo
Jake the Doggo - 22.12.2022 10:55

I was playing this game when I was a child, and now as an electronics engineer, these tesla towers should have been avoided easily xd

Abdulaziz - 14.11.2022 18:59

Real video game

Ahsan Ali
Ahsan Ali - 31.10.2022 21:08


Moni Stoilov
Moni Stoilov - 27.08.2022 16:22

Най хубавата игра да не може да се свали на телефона. Това е тъпизъм.

ZoranderX - 27.08.2022 10:34

Ahhh this game! Probably the game i have spent most time on ever, maybe except civ II.
Remember i used to play random maps, destroying everything except one enemy building. Then i expanded until my base coveret the entire map. When respurces were depleted i just put the harvesters on pause, and went outside to play or whatever. Hours later the map is full og respurces again, i put the harvesters to work and then build some more.

Time was apparently infinite in the 90s… 😅

PaanDrAagoon - 06.08.2022 16:29

according to remaster videos i watched may say that the only positive change is graphics. maybe better sound. it's better to download OpenRA, which is free and has many more options than this as e.g. different units with better balance, lot of ranks for units with battle experience not to mention fine planned tabs for buildings. and yes, there are also missions from the original campaigns as well for Tiberian Dawn as RA. for those who like creating maps there's a great map editor, which has everything that the original hadn't. sorry for all those who spend money on this abomination :d

يحيى الزهراني
يحيى الزهراني - 23.07.2022 09:44

ي لبيه والله جيل الايباد م يعرفها
