Sekiro Ashina Incarnation Mod - Isshin Ashina

Sekiro Ashina Incarnation Mod - Isshin Ashina


2 года назад

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John 47
John 47 - 31.03.2023 20:29

I wish they kept the cough animation. It really tells a story. Isshin maybe the greatest warrior but he is no longer in his prime and is sick. Making one last effort to stop you.

Edgar Gross
Edgar Gross - 05.04.2022 00:02

Which song is this?

Potato Man
Potato Man - 05.11.2021 19:30

if you look at this in the eyes of isshin this is kinda like a boss battle, you even went harder after the first stab

Snipercomrade - 04.11.2021 13:45

I really appreciate how this mod stays true to the game's tempo. The offensive and defensive balance is superb, a lot of the mods that change the bosses make them a terminator in which they attack you with a 1000 hit combo but this version is really well, the only long combo is the one-mind but even that has a cool twist with him coughing and giving him a long recovery, allowing you to heavily punish him.

I tried this AI modulation mod a few months back when it was first released but as I understand it's been updated, so I should check it out. Thanks for sharing.

hashim bokhamseen
hashim bokhamseen - 29.10.2021 05:12

finally got all achievements for the game.

toogee - 28.10.2021 21:33

so is it only when you get a perfect deflect on the combo he does the coughing, or is it just scripted to do that at some point in the fight? cause that's hella cool and just reminded me of emma when you deflect her combo and push her away for a couple free hits

Archaon Hedgeworth
Archaon Hedgeworth - 28.10.2021 13:07

Excellent visual story telling with the flurry of attacks followed by a coughing fit. Huge kudos to the mod maker.

Vergil [The Art of Power]
Vergil [The Art of Power] - 27.10.2021 18:11

I always feel Sekiro is like a semi-fighting game

(sounds stupid I know)

Kastang 14
Kastang 14 - 27.10.2021 07:59

The coughing animation was awesome

Dan Engel
Dan Engel - 26.10.2021 12:20

Where in gods name did that coughing animation come from? Is it an unused anim? Adds some amazing color to the fight

Zarfo26 - 25.10.2021 16:34

Yoooo the coughing and then attacking is so cool, should've been used in vanilla. That feels so sad though, dude was ill and only has few hours left before death yet still try to defeat the demon

Nathan Frandon
Nathan Frandon - 25.10.2021 13:30

Finally a mod that adds lore to this battle ! We've constantly heard that Isshin had a grave illness but this wasn't reflected by his fighting style (except maybe when he's clutching his sword with both of his hands after the final deathblow). It really makes me feel bad for him.

Heat Aries
Heat Aries - 25.10.2021 12:40

crazy fight

El Mina
El Mina - 25.10.2021 12:02

That animation of Isshin coughing and attacking is unused in the base game, right? It's so cool!
