6 Best Drag and Drop WordPress Page Builders Compared 2024

6 Best Drag and Drop WordPress Page Builders Compared 2024

WPBeginner - WordPress Tutorials

2 года назад

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Julian Moreno
Julian Moreno - 19.09.2023 12:44

People, this is a self promotion video, its blatantly obvious, all of those tools or almost belongs to the same owner, wpbeginner so do your research, their business and pricing practices are very questionable, don't buy from them youll regret it, also their support its awful

Aslak K
Aslak K - 03.08.2023 12:11

I wish there was a theme that worked as building with lego. I want to post blog content not spend time on building and customise

FightLife UK
FightLife UK - 30.03.2023 21:02

Divi was a nightmare to work with. They got popular because of their affiliate schemes so everyone promotes it. I can see that going on here

Richard C
Richard C - 04.02.2023 20:22

It's 2/2023, are your recommendations still the same? A lot changes in a year.....

MΛCHINΣ CØDΣ - 26.01.2023 02:31


Iltaf Vlog
Iltaf Vlog - 10.11.2022 12:08

i only used elementor but 1st one is so cool
should i use or not ?????

Jules Humboldt
Jules Humboldt - 25.09.2022 22:03

Any arguments for the order? I cannot find a comparison. This is just a list of personal favourits to me.

pabna hridoy
pabna hridoy - 25.07.2022 16:43

hi ,,,,I hope contact with you

dkppdkpp - 16.05.2022 23:51

Thank u.i also subscribed ur channel

Beaver Builder
Beaver Builder - 15.04.2022 18:18

Great breakdown! Thanks for the mention and the kind words. <3

RJMCTV - 08.04.2022 11:31

Loved this. love you guys too. You have always become the go-to website for any of my WP issues. My only niggle with this video is you don't use a consistent 'scoring' for each option. Sometimes you give something an 8/10 and then for other options you give it an A- . I get that the words you speak are more important than the score you give. But a scoring system that was consistent across all options to help compare them quickly, would have been useful. That being said, this is a very, very, very minor niggle, and you guys continue to be my LIFESAVER for almost all of my wp issues.

Lamar - 10.03.2022 03:29

Wish beaver builder would make a bit cleaner code including flex and grid out of the box for devs who know it's value.

designer arch
designer arch - 24.02.2022 19:21

why elementor is in 4th position?

souad zaid
souad zaid - 24.02.2022 18:10

How i can costumise theme of astra

Mylri Irlym
Mylri Irlym - 24.02.2022 17:57

Totally disagree with your list and the order you selected them.
Amazed that Brizy is not even featured here and it is one of the newest and best page builder.

thailandheron - 24.02.2022 17:00

Great video. Which one would you recommend as the easiest to learn for a beginner? Thanks

Philippe Rp
Philippe Rp - 24.02.2022 16:13

Elementor has come a long way in optimizing it's codebase. With some good design and a few optimisations, it's easy to get 95+ in gtmetrix etc....
