Mastering Midjourney v5.1 : A Deep Dive into the New Version! (RAW, Seeds, Tips and Tricks!)

Mastering Midjourney v5.1 : A Deep Dive into the New Version! (RAW, Seeds, Tips and Tricks!)

Theoretically Media

1 год назад

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Dan Frederiksen
Dan Frederiksen - 24.06.2023 06:06

Why is it called raw? what's the deal. Do they add some LSD to the neural net otherwise?

cho t
cho t - 17.06.2023 23:07

thank you for sharing! like your perspectives!

torgny hylén
torgny hylén - 09.06.2023 22:07

great content. cogently delivered. no unnecessary hype. no repeating. painstakingly edited to always show as you tell. you deserve more subs. +1 from me.

Mark Richards
Mark Richards - 08.06.2023 03:30

While the seed is now available from the upscale it is still the seed from the initial grid (this was added to reduce confusion). Only initial grids can produce a seed that does anything useful. A seed from a reroll, remix, upscale (in other versions) or variation won't be useful at all.
Seed DO NOT span versions so using the same seed between two difference versions of MJ is no different than letting MJ randomly pick a seed for you as it does on every roll. Oddly, 5 and 5.1 raw seem to have the same seed base but because of the stylistic change you cannot seed lock between them even though the same seed will produce a similar feel. V5.1 though, you have to consider as a different seed batch because seed locking between v5.1 and either 5 or raw will produce very different images.

Second Life Around
Second Life Around - 05.06.2023 10:44

If you still want to try try weighing Jack Nicholson, I read online that he weighs somewhere around 240 and 260lbs. Lol

Second Life Around
Second Life Around - 05.06.2023 10:41

“Permutations” sounds like some underground indie 80s rock band that never really took off…. but still has a few hard-core, lifelong devoted followers.! 😂

Greased n Gassed: Automotive Entertainment
Greased n Gassed: Automotive Entertainment - 01.06.2023 06:09

Great episode. Very informative. Learnt a lot. 👍

Jack Daniels
Jack Daniels - 29.05.2023 03:13

Thank you for the PDF, new subscriber here. Sorry that's all I can pay for now.

Corey Collier
Corey Collier - 29.05.2023 00:11

Very nice comparison. I find it highly interesting that the direction of the images has grown so much toward the vivid, eclectic interpretations. Kinda says a lot about the direction we are headed. Hyper reality will soon just be reality

ladyrose358 - 28.05.2023 01:43

Mj stinks.

Nakei Lilly
Nakei Lilly - 26.05.2023 21:31

Thanks for the video, I needed this. It saddens me though that "standard" prompts (French supermodel, young boy, happy kids) for people don't produce people of color.

stripcslashes - 20.05.2023 07:03

Awesome video. Happy to have donated. Subscribed.

kimga - 18.05.2023 20:36

I would like to WARN everyone that MIDJOURNEY no longer has a trial version. Also if you SUSCRIBE your subscription may never be activated because the subscription section is run by volunteers. The subscription is for 1 YEAR even if it gives you the feeling that it is a monthly subscription - MISLEADING!

And if you - like me - are trying to find out why the software is not working, a few hours you will find thousands of post with people with the same problem online, but no Customer Support because it's only available for MEMBERS!!!! So if your subscription after paying having been actives then you will never be able to let them know about!!!

I just spent a whole working day trying to generate 1 single image . NEVER HAPPENED!

The whole process left me exhausted mentally and anxious. Funny it's mental health week 😂.

So only subscribe if you like like to bet.

Lance Gambis
Lance Gambis - 18.05.2023 16:45

I’ve been looking to create 2d editorial type images that you would find illustrating news articles. Having trouble the right type of prompts. Can you point me in the right direction? Thx.

Lance Gambis
Lance Gambis - 16.05.2023 23:10

These videos are so informative. Thanks !

lahvi - 16.05.2023 19:56

Hi :-) Do you know any apps that can combine images with text?
Do you know of an app where I can upload my own image and tell the AI to use the same style to create a new image?

WarpedTrekker - 16.05.2023 19:36

Midjourney is now too restrictive with banning phrases and words. No freedom of expression anymore. After this month canceling and moving on. Building a dedicated server for myself and stable diffusion. MJ are leftists that go against freedom of speech.

rino 54
rino 54 - 15.05.2023 19:12

Another great video with tons of food for thoughts! Thanks for this great work.

Roman Ochelo MMMIII
Roman Ochelo MMMIII - 15.05.2023 16:25

my sentiments extactly Tim . great vid as always i looking foward to more realistic skin texture hopefully v6 and accurate text in v6/7

Simp Simpson
Simp Simpson - 15.05.2023 15:50

Barry Lyndon is a masterpiece

Figaro Calisthenics
Figaro Calisthenics - 14.05.2023 14:19

This is a terrible tutorial, why dont you just show the command line and write the prompts there? You seem to just like yourself a bit too much and want us to see you, but dude, I just want to get this working so less bla bla, more show the real thing. Here an idea. 1.- write a simple prompt and show us the command line not some lameass notepad. 2.- add a seed to it, then do the same prompt with the seed, and then makes changes to it so that we can see the whole idea with the freaking seed. I am so tired of these tutorials.

Yoga Bliss Dance
Yoga Bliss Dance - 14.05.2023 04:46

The moving colors/lights on top & bottom of your images is VERY DISTRACTING...

Yoga Bliss Dance
Yoga Bliss Dance - 14.05.2023 04:41

Loved v4. V5 sucked, blurry, difficult to tame.

Krishna Cohen
Krishna Cohen - 13.05.2023 18:49

Kudos. Great channel. Keep it up ❤

Paulie77 - 13.05.2023 11:51

Do you think version 5.1 is better than 5 and 5.1 raw for creating art in the surrealism/vaporwave genres, as the "artisticism" and "imagination" of version 5.1 is more aggressive? I've been obssessing over hybrid images that are a mix of vaporwave+surrealsim+3d rendering style and can't wait to try 5.1 myself, but I ran out of images count with my subscription

ImperturbableLight - 13.05.2023 07:52

Great video, except for the disco lights during the prompts. What the heck is that all about?

Laxa - 13.05.2023 05:11

Yeah your permutation prompts keep giving me back invalid parameters errors. No space between or should there be? Capitalization or no capitalization I just copy and pasted from your PDF.
This is frustrating the shit out of me

Snuggs - 12.05.2023 23:09

I can't seem to get this to work. I am using "A beautiful woman with lavender hair in space buns and stunning blue eyes, Quirky cute blushing uninhibited laughing and full spontaneity, wearing a low cut low v lace dress, super detailed {{--V 4, --V 5, --V 5.1, --V 5.1 --STYLE RAW}}". It starts out saying... do you really want to make multiple images and I say yes... but then it gives me the error "Unrecognized argument(s): V /imagine A beautiful woman with lavender hair in space buns and stunning blue eyes, Quirky cute blushing uninhibited laughing and full spontaneity, wearing a low cut low v lace dress, super detailed --V 4".

Hugo Black
Hugo Black - 12.05.2023 22:27

Midjourney continues to disappoint in some flagrantly conspicuous ways, as proven by your permutation example. That was a very simple prompt with only 2 subject commands - Nicholson & Napoleon/Waterloo. Everything else is a style command. Still, with only 2 subjects to choose from, MJ can't recognize Jack Nicholson?? How many pics do you think there are of JN on the internet? There are more pics of Nicholson than there are of Napoleon! But Nicholson is the subject that confuses MJ. Instead, it slips in Michael Fassbender, Jeff Goldblum, Orson Welles, et al. This flaw is so obvious that it is undeniably intentional.

Milsim Fanatic
Milsim Fanatic - 12.05.2023 19:27

Instead of using the envelope reaction to find the seed of your generation, you could also just add "--seed 1" to all of your generations to streamline the comparison process.

CaptainDangernoodle - 12.05.2023 09:07

Permutations work with only one pair of curly brackets.

Douglas Grubbs
Douglas Grubbs - 12.05.2023 06:28

I'm so glad that I found your videos, Tim. Great work!

Andrew Stuber
Andrew Stuber - 12.05.2023 01:36

Hello, i'm fairly new to MJ - the {{-V 4, --V 5, --V 5.1, - V 5.1 --STYLE RAW}} command didn't work for me... any suggestions?

G HAPPY - 11.05.2023 23:37

Just Imagine in few years Midjounary will be very easy to get exactly what you want

TheHolyFlipster - 11.05.2023 22:56

Raw looks more unrealistic to me.

Timothy Chase
Timothy Chase - 11.05.2023 07:01

You stated that using the same exact prompt and seed more than a few hours apart would result in different images being returned. I'm not sure why they would do it that way as this would seem to defeat the purpose of having a seed, but I figured I would give it a test, leaving all of my settings the same, then using the same prompt and same seed almost exactly 24 hours apart. I got the same results. At least with 5.1.

Are you sure that beyond a certain period they will return different results? What period of time did you wait in your experiments?

Harry Goldhagen
Harry Goldhagen - 11.05.2023 04:03

A good summary of the new features! But please stop using the changing colors behind the images and text prompts -- it is SO distracting!

Meyli QG
Meyli QG - 10.05.2023 23:05

What I’m noticing is that in place like Etsy some vendors are almost gifting the designs which probably will hurt more the “organic” artists

Enrico Fossati
Enrico Fossati - 10.05.2023 22:49

Very nice video Tim.

PlanetMusk Vlog
PlanetMusk Vlog - 10.05.2023 17:43

I got flagged for using the word “sultry” when describing Elvis’ voice

J.Levin - 10.05.2023 16:06

Thanks brother!

B. Geral
B. Geral - 10.05.2023 12:15

I really like you and the way you think and teach! Thank you! ❤

RU - 10.05.2023 10:53

Thank you for your opinion

davy vettorato
davy vettorato - 10.05.2023 09:59

5.1 has more consistant faces when you reroll.
On paintingstyles there are alot more watermarks/signatures. People who are selling their watercolors should study every image because the watermarks can be subtle or hidden in the textures.

StrawberryZA - 10.05.2023 08:36

Please do ab aesthetic strengths comparison between the different versions 🙏 need a cheat sheet

AG - 10.05.2023 07:53

Thank you for this overview. 👍
Based on a lot of playing around with them, I believe the raw version needs a lot more input which can really target in on what you're looking for. Soon, if not already, the novelty of things looking so real will wear off, so I'm happy they're also tending to other styles. I believe surrealism and abstract (among many other) styles are so much better in 5.1. Textures are more pronounced and realistic. Coherency is better. For those who wish to prompt as little as possible and get some interesting results, v5.1 seems to be the way to go. Raw for everything else.

And thank goodness for the hands! Massive improvement. More extreme aspect ratios tend to affect iterations a lot, and usually not very well. The chaos parameter is much more prevalent. Overall, I think both versions of v5.1 provide us with an ever-growing palette, which is always great.

Again, thanks for the video. Look forward to a deeper dive. 🙂

nahiddotai - 10.05.2023 05:32

I'm realising the same - v5.1 is great for illustrations and artistic results and v5.1 raw is great for photo realistic results

Kochanski - 10.05.2023 03:47

Great video, as always! Thank you!
