Base Building on the Rim

Base Building on the Rim


3 года назад

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Spades of Ace
Spades of Ace - 02.10.2023 05:54

meanwhile my basebuilding: ah shit, we're out of rooms. just add a random box to the side, im sure it will be perfectly fine there

me watching my colonists slowly walk across the whole base to get to that room about 3 hours later

A man of no reputation
A man of no reputation - 26.08.2023 13:57

I like to use a combination of a barracks and seperate rooms: I can save the rooms for greedy or unhappy colonists while keeping the more chill and easy to please colonists in the barracks to save space and resources. I also like to put double beds in all the single rooms to maximize the use of space for when pawns get married. A barracks isn't as bad as it seems at first because the more optimal use of space also gives better access to recreation and beauty which cna often make up for the debuffs anyway.

Silverkingx2 - 04.08.2023 20:48

Oh, dogs and cats give mood bonus by "nuzzling" actually! So its nice to keep a mascot dog or cat, altho multiple means more frequent nuzzles on more colonists, too many will just drain your food, plus you can train at least dogs to haul, good for moving corpses so pawns dont have to move rotting bodies, plus dogs can always chow down on the dead badguys

And barracks are actually viable late game, a very impressive barracks with your dining and rec room together will provide way more mood in a much more space efficient layout then the -3 for disturbed sleep, since pawns mood hits for barracks go down when it is very impressive or getting there

Silverkingx2 - 04.08.2023 20:40

My first mountain base, had a couple as my starter pawns kept them alive, gave them a gold bed, they had a separate ultra nice room from the plebs, I loved them

Bugs spawned IN their room, destroying all my work and my little couple I was attached to, I felt awful, the scrub pawns were too far away to help, my base was overrun, I had them near the crafting room since the husband was the main crafter, my workbenches all got destroyed... I started a new colony after that and avoided the mountains for a while, usually doing the trick of building alongside the mountain and only digging in a little (before I learned the mechanics)

Wujek - 17.07.2023 01:38

Bro imagine building a hospital instead of tending to your colonist in an outhouse that i wouldn't wish my worst enemy to take a shit in

Miniature Jayhawk
Miniature Jayhawk - 10.07.2023 18:44

On my first serious playthrough I just built a prison and locked up some raiders until they starved to death because I didnt know what to do with them or how to feed them.

Cavegi - 14.02.2023 10:14

you say dogs add no benefit, but when you look upon my dog army you weep, for i have discovered that you dont have to care about chickens lives when you mute the warning sounds.

Louis Castano
Louis Castano - 16.10.2022 07:16

How do you tell your colonists to put food in one zone and other stuff in another?

The Casual Gamer
The Casual Gamer - 18.09.2022 02:03

Otherwise if your playing the game to win or do well, try not to go for beauty, at all, your severely limiting yourself that way, it needs to be as efficient as possible

Ertyname's world
Ertyname's world - 03.09.2022 12:55

Bro you said 8x8 but you made 6x6 bedroom

Also I respect the science team.

Refraction Rotor
Refraction Rotor - 24.08.2022 14:56

i solved power this way:
neuroquake in royalty against mech clusters, and watch them fight themselves/ afterwards, youl be left with tons of shiny loot, AND most unstables power cells will be intact. this is how i make 30000 w in a 12 by 11 room

Ghost Toast
Ghost Toast - 19.08.2022 09:57

I love that intro <3 blah blah blah I don't subscribe to many but the uniqueness and humor of it deserves something at least

Ello Chickennugget
Ello Chickennugget - 15.08.2022 05:09

I have 2 cores filled with wood and cemfuel gens... The amount of times I've screamed "REFUEL THE FUCKING GENERATORS DUMBASS!" is ubelievable.

AverageBoxingEnjoyer - 12.08.2022 02:15

Him: "Make 8x8 room"
Well I'd just stick with 2x3 room with silver bed and a torch, thank you very much.

commentator,may give tips
commentator,may give tips - 03.08.2022 12:44

I use my dining room as a priduction room,and of course I add a recreational item too,u?

Cody W
Cody W - 03.08.2022 07:15

i feel like my hydroponic setup only had 2 unused tiles🤔

Andy - 03.08.2022 05:04

I'm only going to say this once. You don't need the DLC. Just use the workshop and mod the effervescent shit out of it. It will add tremendous amounts of replay value.

Hozic - 28.07.2022 09:41

I just smash shapes shaped like ohio into eachother until i get a base 😭

YouNeedHealing - 16.07.2022 23:40

insectoid nam flashbacks
the higher risk higher reward

First Name
First Name - 14.07.2022 11:12

I actually like the medium sized dogs (like the labrador) because they can be taught to rescue and haul things. I don't really teach them to "guard" because it might put them at risk during combat, and you can't put armor on dogs I don't think, but they are somewhat useful in my opinion

Local Man
Local Man - 14.07.2022 04:40

I just got this as keep hearing great things about it. Bought it with the 2 x DLC's as well as they looked interesting. Watching this to get some tips, but it's probably just going to end up confusing me, ha ha. I should probably just try and play the game.

Subliminal - 10.07.2022 12:40

14 days left to finish my 2 years old preparation exam, afterwards I'll have time to finally play Rimworld. Best game ever

Nxght - 08.07.2022 02:05

the idubbz gag was creative and funny to me that i couldnt help but sub

Nxght - 08.07.2022 01:46

im not autistic enough to come up with such a beautiful base. mine consists of squares of differing sizes

Alex D
Alex D - 05.07.2022 00:27

yes... I created the "Kerriton"- my cannibalistic, blind, fanatics tribe who live in the deep of the mountain and eat any travelers that are funneled through the only tunnel to the other side to the map. They care not for the native tribes, they care not for psylinks and cyborg body parts. They have no mercy, no sorrow, and no remorse, they live so deep in the mountain that no airstrike can ever get to them, they hunt insectoids for sport and of course they consume their fallen friends and family members. Their only real love and sacred thing are dogs. They would see the whole planet and all of its inhabitants burn before they let any dog come to harm. For dogs are the only truly pure beings in this universe. everyone else can and must be consumed. Long live the Kerriton long live our k9 Gods (600 hours in rimworld does this to your brain)

Mpo machine
Mpo machine - 29.06.2022 06:02

Aye just don’t my girlfriend I’ve been looking at bases okay

Shamarr Stewart
Shamarr Stewart - 28.06.2022 01:17

Teach me thine ways of video editting, m'lord

Civilized human
Civilized human - 24.06.2022 17:45

My pyro maniac pawn just “accidentally” burned my base

ender gamer2007m
ender gamer2007m - 11.06.2022 11:21

junior said that dogs and cats dont serve any purpose yet they make good haulers when you have a big base plus you can train them to make bullet sponges

Deplorable Degenerate
Deplorable Degenerate - 05.06.2022 03:24

One thing I strongly disagree with is multiple entryways to your kitchen. Pawns will path through them and track filth in there.

I always make it so you either need to go through the freezer to get to the kitchen or make them next door, with the kitchen at the end of a deadend hallway.

The only people that should ever go into the kitchen are cooks. Likewise...

The only people that should ever go into a hospital are doctors and patients.

The only people that should ever go into the lab are researchers.

I don't give a shit about the sweat shop though lol I store dead bodies in there to remind the slaves what happens when they fail to make quotas.

GAMBIIT - 25.05.2022 01:19

I wish my computer-like brain would stop making plain, utilitarian bases. Yeah sure my bases are basically undefeatable and 100% optimised, but they don't look beautiful nor interesting, at least not after the 10th savegame

Deplorable Degenerate
Deplorable Degenerate - 24.05.2022 14:22

"But if you build under a mountain you get zerg rushed!"
More meat.
"But if you build wealth too quickly the raids are larger."

Runo - 07.05.2022 20:25

I disagree with the dogs and cats anecdote

My list of essential animals is this
- milk producers (like muffalo or dromedaries)
- high quality fur producers (depends on your location due to temperatures)
-chemfuel producers (boomalopes, can also be used as weapons :3)
-haulers and rescuers (larger/smarter dogs like labradors and huskies)

Daniel Bláha
Daniel Bláha - 09.04.2022 13:06

Even my 1st hospital was a lot better D: i knew that you can just fit easily Vital monitor between 2 beds .. this just now was too dry of tip for my EYES !! Aááárrgggghh (>_>) (O-O) also double walls for even better isulation, reason of the mountains .. case you have most of mountain isulating the temp with these rock walls !!! make airlocks for moth Temperature&Security (at least 5 blocks apart so doors can close before 2nd opens)

Adam El Estratega
Adam El Estratega - 09.04.2022 12:49

why should I give my prisioners a good quality of life?

BodaciousChad - 06.04.2022 02:28

8×8 bedrooms?! 6×3 marble rooms with royal marble beds (normal) can reach very impressive for a fraction the space. I guess this won't have the depth I'm looking for...

KingOfLynx - 04.04.2022 19:54

This is the only great video i’ve found on this! Thank you so much!

Issac B
Issac B - 21.03.2022 06:21

Never watched you before, but dude you were so funny in the first two minutes of this video I insta subscribed.

HoodySaintz - 29.01.2022 22:43

good shit bro. this guide underrated AF. THE required Rimworld room must have!

Nathan Gerig
Nathan Gerig - 06.01.2022 00:21

I've started playing this game recently and there is so much to take in. It's almost overwhelming, and this was very helpful.

Diana Winters
Diana Winters - 10.12.2021 03:10

You only need to have the kitchen be sanitary; the food storage area itself doesn't need to be sterile

Malamutex - 06.12.2021 12:46

why have I never thought of shelves in the hospital????? thank you so much wow

Mike - 25.11.2021 17:53

Anything new added to the game in the 15 months since this video came out that I should be aware of?

Just Another Youtube Channel
Just Another Youtube Channel - 18.11.2021 03:59

Cat and dogs are great colony animals because they can be trained to haul your stuff around.

Dr. Manners
Dr. Manners - 14.11.2021 16:52

This channel is so underrated. Have a sub.
