Learning Growing and Thriving (and unlearning)

Learning Growing and Thriving (and unlearning)


1 месяц назад

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@papamarik - 03.02.2025 03:54

What do you think about the new book Shari Franke came out with? Aren’t you going to talk about it coming from a vlogging family?

@mia_thomas33 - 03.02.2025 03:59

video ideas:

birthday trip
girls day w/ Jules
grocery trip
neutral makeup look
road trip
disneyland vlog
workout routine
Disney World Trip
girls getaway w/ Jules
sister tag w/ Emmy
cooking class
best friend tag
Valentine’s Day vlog
deep cleaning my apartment
girl’s movie/sleepover night w/ Delilah
delilah does my makeup
acting classes
TikTok decides what I eat for 24 hours
shopping trip
boxing classes
Erewhon shopping trip
Spain vlog
Italy vlog
girl dinner vlog
going to a dance class
birthday vlog

@roisinjones2022 - 03.02.2025 04:22

avia i love ur vlogs sm never stop posting pls xx

@readingwkatelyn - 03.02.2025 04:58

your vlogs never fail to motivate and inspire me

@Kingdeez19 - 03.02.2025 05:51

Lmao i knew when she grew up she was gonna have some type of channel feel like a proud E dad 😂😂

@Kingdeez19 - 03.02.2025 05:53

And lol i know you have to edit the videos now don’t be so critical of yourself your doing great 1 Day at a time ‼️

@The_onset_tutor - 03.02.2025 06:07

As someone born male I can attest that people can be genuinely nice but may also flirt. If you’re not in the right place for romance or you’re not interested in them, all you have to say is no thank you. Sure you’ll get different reactions, but that’s how you can tell who they truly are and you may change your mind if you see them again.

@cloverrfaerie - 03.02.2025 06:11

I've never thought about you looking like Emma Watson before but now that you've said it I definitely see it-- BUT! I have ALWAYS thought you were so similar to Hermione!!!! In behavior, tenacity, attitude, communication, you are SO Hermione! <3

@tyreesetjjoyner1995 - 03.02.2025 06:47

Good video, PrincessTARD

@TwoBrokenWyngs - 03.02.2025 07:22

Actually, yeah! I do see the Lily Collins comparison!!! Girl it's the eyebrows, those are your defining feature, NEVER let them go

@pizzaearthpancakesandother2549 - 03.02.2025 07:29

your vlogs never fail to motivate and inspire me to eat cookie d'oh

@TwoBrokenWyngs - 03.02.2025 07:39

by the way if you can afford it, you REALLY should think about investing in something like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh or one of those. they come with detailed instructions that make cooking so accessible and the skills you practice and learn making those meals you'll use for the rest of your life!!! it's like a solo at home cooking class. and it makes it fun, AND it turns out delicious every time!!!

@Marblea - 03.02.2025 08:37

If a straight male randomly compliments you and you're a female its because he wants to smash, its that simple. All your assumptions about men are correct, they are really simple and you would be wise to be suspicious about the true intentions of random men. Particularly for a horny male they will lie and be fake just to get with a girl. Say all the things they know you want to hear and do all the things they know you would like them to do just to get in your pants.

The guy who complimented you is trying to build a rapport with you

@bezdelniza_rukodelniza - 03.02.2025 09:20

Since you mentioned it, in my mind you're a perfect mix of Lily Collins and Nina Dobrev.

@gdeanuk - 03.02.2025 09:22

Wuss-ta-sheer is how we say it in the UK ❤

@bobdonda - 03.02.2025 10:17

it's only been a few days since your last video and I missed you

@edwardleecaliforniausa - 03.02.2025 12:14

Good morning Avia how are you happy Monday morning to you and I enjoy your channel and you are amazing supporter

@rachelhope7194 - 03.02.2025 14:59

“I want to go to Europe”
Bruh you were literally just in Paris 💀

@Annamarsellaa - 03.02.2025 16:15

You look exactly like my sister Rosa! She loved watching you as a child, we always used to say she was like you and I was like emmi ❤

@ianfrase1281 - 03.02.2025 17:09

Ok Avia if you don’t know who Bob Dylan is you HAVE TO go listen to his music

@mitchelljames484 - 03.02.2025 18:15

From a male’s perspective, I would only approach a female at the gym if I like what I see. Other than that, it would be just a waste of time and lack
of focus and productivity. Trust me when I say that he likes what he saw.

Be careful out there.

@HowCaseySeesIt - 03.02.2025 20:38

Back when I watched the Shaytards YEARS ago when you were like 7, I always thought you looked like Emma Watson even back then ha

@alexfernandomusic - 03.02.2025 21:58

Just Got your Taco Bell ad on Yt , sick!

@ItsATwinThingvlogs - 04.02.2025 04:55

i love the optimism in this vlog and as always in your vlogs, Avia :)<3 also definitely go up to those actors next time, i am sure most of them would be happy to help and give advice! i yolo'd it and asked matt bennett for acting advice when i met him and it was a great and encouraging conversation

@amyhenricks - 04.02.2025 06:11

love your positive energy!!!

@lilyypeters - 04.02.2025 10:19

You are an inspiration Avia!

@zunayramasood - 04.02.2025 16:11

Yasss! You do look like Emma a lot 😍

@Jennifoofoo - 04.02.2025 20:15

Girl same I have such a hard time cooking too 😂😂

@yannemottus1642 - 05.02.2025 03:31

Girl I was taken aback when that clip of you eating cookie dough came up, and then got the best laugh for you calling it out like what was thaat?!😳

@giselle4582 - 05.02.2025 03:33

Your curls always look so good 😫😫😫 I loveee

@bellaguzman9 - 05.02.2025 09:00

Try gardening!✨

@baileyy.scott101 - 05.02.2025 20:49

I feel like in a couple years you are going to fall in love with cooking and do cooking videos

@JennyWithTheRedHair - 06.02.2025 03:05

handymen are the backbone of society and i believe that in my soul

@smichelle_mp - 06.02.2025 19:45

Hiiiii Avia!!
Regarding cooking - My girly you need some “sofrito” in your life! It will make cooking a little more easy for you! Sofrito is like a “complete seasoning” but better! add it to all your meats/ beans/ soups 🫶🏼 I hope you can try it xoxo

@GumballWater50 - 06.02.2025 22:59

Can we be friends? One of my goals in life is to be your friend

@kymniii - 06.02.2025 23:36

You’re a true inspiration avia <333

@noelannette5103 - 07.02.2025 00:55

pavlov yourself into loving cooking! only listen to certain music, watch certain shows etc while you cook!

@dreamergurl2008 - 07.02.2025 20:26

When you were at the restaurant opening it reminded me of Emily in Paris❤

@cumomsandcureloms - 13.02.2025 22:23

What are you "unlearning?"

@BaileyHepworth-h7n - 14.02.2025 13:32

I'd definitely go see movies with you bc I'm a movie fan

@beargurl3113 - 15.02.2025 07:43

You do look like Lily Collins! So gorgeous! Slay queen, you’re adulting so well 👑💅🏻🎀

@isabellat7816 - 17.02.2025 14:06

Try mediterranean recipes! Easy to cook and super healthy, greetings from crete.

@alpinesnow - 21.02.2025 22:43

omg the song of achillies is SUCH A good book

@Meesha1994 - 24.02.2025 22:23

As a girl not far from Worcestershire it’s pronounced “wustershere sauce”

@TheOverfiendDj - 04.03.2025 10:59

Are you into yoga? What's unlearning? Is it like learning to not make the same mistakes by being wiser than before?
