What Does a Nuclear Bomb Explosion Feel Like?

What Does a Nuclear Bomb Explosion Feel Like?


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@dulsineeas - 30.10.2023 03:30

My father was at Hiroshima and he died of leukemia at 50 years of age. WAY TO SOON

@brielogan8315 - 02.10.2023 23:16

What about black soldiers? My grandfather was there he left the army in 62

@ronburns6920 - 07.09.2023 00:30

I legit believe that they were probably monitred by the government after it toale sure they never spoke about it

@criskatan - 03.09.2023 03:43

Does this mean that nukes are real??

@migram4190 - 11.08.2023 06:07

Its the USSR that conducted it not Russia

@johnsnowkumar359 - 06.08.2023 20:55

Some details were missed. for instance two academic scientists from two small countries near Denmark smuggled blueprints of the Soviet atom bomb to the White House in 1942. they offered to lead a nuclear program based on the Soviet blueprints of their atom bomb. The duo came to Washington Dc and to the White House in about 1942, with detailed blueprints of the Soviet atom bomb along with materials lists and air blast calculations. All Europeans are brothers, as Americans like to say when they leave the western hemisphere. The Soviet nuclear weapons program started in 1936 and lasted till 1945, and building of the atom bomb were delayed by a few dissident scientist there. The nuclear blueprints of the Soviet atom bomb and these Soviet blueprints were already in final stages for production purposes by 1942. Nuclear weapons design teams of nuclear scientists worked in the Soviet Union and these blueprints were made between 1937 and 1942. The Soviet design team delayed production as much as possible, by focusing on air blast calculations per unit increase in nuclear radiation. Nuclear weapons air blast calculations of the Soviet Atom bomb and materials lists were given also given as gifts to the White House in 1942. the smugglers hired by dissident nuclear scientists were two scientists from either Holland Or Denmark or some other country in that area. Once in Washington the duo smugglers of nuclear secrets offered to lead the future nuclear program of the United States, which President Roosevelt had taken a lot of interest in after meeting the smuggler duo and their secret Soviet blueprints and air blast calculations. The drawings of the Soviet atom bomb were smuggled to the White House itself by 1941 or 1942. The drawings of the Soviet atom bomb, along with air blast calculations and materials lists were ready by 1941 at the Soviet nuclear weapons research center. Soviet Union had the best nuclear scientists, with a human tough and humane mentality. At the time the focus of the United States was in radio waves. So, right after the Soviet drawings of the atom bomb and air blast calculations were smuggled to the office of President Roosevelt, President Roosevelt initially put together a rag tag team with G. Marconi, the inventor of the radio, in charge of the American nuclear program in 1942 - 1943. Soon someone mentioned to him that the United States too had a bright scientist trained in nuclear physics who was in a scientific company somewhere else in the USA. In 1942 or so, Oppenheimer called back the White House: he needed two months notice, at the very least. He told officials in 1942 to let Marconi continue, and that he had to give two months notice to his current employers in 1941 or 1942. Robert Oppenheimer and President Roosevelt were both very impressed with the Soviet papers of the Soviet atom bomb, as these were accompanied by extensive airblast calculations . president Roosevelt commented that even he could understand the air blast calculations ND the Soviet design papers, despite being a history major. Their brilliant nuclear scientists decided to have a go slow approach till a Slav (East European) is selected as the Secretary general of the Soviet Union in place of Joseph Stalin. These were smuggled out of the Soviet Union by a few dissident nuclear scientists of the Soviet Union on to the White House in 1941 or 1942. the dissident nuclear scientists of the Soviet Union didn't like the idea of a communist country like their county building the first atom bomb. original atom bomb drawings and materials lists and air blast calculations were prepared in a nuclear bomb research center in the Soviet Union by a team of nuclear physicists, led by Egor Kurchatov. In his younger days, Mr. Kurchatov looked like a handsome man. Soviet chief scientist and project manager of the Soviet atom bomb program looked more like a white beach boy on a surfboard and more like a slim fraternity member an any college in the USA. Later, he started looking more like a mad scientist with age. During the initial successes of the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, Kurchatov and his team of dissident nuclear scientists decided to smuggle out the papers of the Soviet nuclear weapon to the United States. and atom bomb including the original drawings and materials lists and formulas and air blast calculations. These were were smuggled out of the Soviet nuclear weapons research center by two real Europeans:: The two smugglers were two academic scientists from central Europe, actually western Europe. The duo who reached the United States also reached the White House in 1942, give or take 6 month, along with the Soviet designs of the atom bomb were from one or two central / west European countries, either Holland or Denmark or a similar country. came from Igor Kurchatov lead scientist of the atom bomb research center. The rest is history. He almost didn't respond to the President's invitation. He was working in a company working or wired signals and other radio signals. Oppenheimer was the only knowledgeable authority in nuclear scientist in the western hemisphere, unlike the Soviet Union and Germany. Initially he told the White Science he had forgotten nuclear science even he had studied nuclear science. President had an answer to Oppenheimer's excuse at not being in a hurry to join the nuclear program of the United States in 1942. He said his last name is German, and that he may be mistakenly associated with Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany had already been committing a number of atrocities across the Soviet Union. President Roosevelt promised to refer to him as an American Jew. American Jews have German last names. So Oppenheim became a Jewish American overnight after a meeting with President Roosevelt in 1942. before that he was a non practicing Jew. Some say he may have been a Lutheran Christian with a German last name before ww2.

@secreteobsession3584 - 30.07.2023 12:18

I cannot believe these beautiful men didn't get no compensation why is that the soldier that said that he didn't have any children is probably best he didn't after the stories of the other soldiers experience with their own kids being affected. Why do we take a movie Oppenheimer to learn and go back in time about the nuclear bomb we should have let me from school

@katecarlisle8383 - 25.07.2023 21:51

& the lesson we can ALL take from this is YOUR GOVERNMENT'S DON'T GIVE A FK ABOUT YOU!👹💩

@joqu6971 - 25.07.2023 08:33


@amandamiller94 - 06.07.2023 03:26

When they all get silent for a moment you see the look of their faces and plainly they're reliving it.

@Lol_Pig - 19.05.2023 23:29

Now, in year 2023, we are closer than ever to nuclear war b/c of NATO, UN, and Israel

@randyduncan795 - 17.05.2023 22:40

I'm shocked at the suggestion to get rid of nukes by an Englishman. Here's a newsflash: the other guys get a vote! Unilateral disarmament leaves you a sitting duck for larger nations. Mutual disarmament is a fantasy that offers the same result. Who would really believe Russia, China, North Korea, and others if they claimed to dismantle their nuclear arsenals in an agreement with the West doing the same?

@laurenmatthews8080 - 01.05.2023 08:54


@rarehecate9324 - 17.03.2023 11:25

if a bomb with the same power but without the radiation exite, it would be amazing and out of this world deadly
if a bomb that does nothing but the radation exists it would be the same thing

but a nuclear bomb does it all, truly feels like object made from hell too scary to experiance, too interesting to not consider seeing and feeling a such thing

@mjlivie - 09.03.2023 18:35

its worrying how the younger generation are clueless about nukes they think they are just bigger bombs, if they knew their cell phones and computers would FRY in a nuclear explosion they might listen more

@crystalwest8900 - 08.03.2023 07:05

Great video, but you mispronounce nuclear like George Bush.

@olivejuice1424 - 07.03.2023 14:13

How has this only gotten 2mil views?

@ImBotTheOnlyOne - 16.02.2023 05:41


@larry1824 - 08.02.2023 03:43

My second divorce

@moseptyagami606 - 01.02.2023 01:17

It feels like:

… you’d be to dead to care

@thedarksideoftheforce6658 - 11.01.2023 21:36

Weapons like this should not exist. It's only use is to kill millions of innocent people.

@bulletbaleno - 02.01.2023 06:42

Just imagine what the people of Nagasaki and Hiroshima would ve experienced...unimaginable

@Joaocruz30 - 20.12.2022 02:50

No words to express myself! Just an agnostic saying: Jesus Christ and God almighty save us from this ever happening again!
Imagine seeing the Tsar Bomba 2 km from you?!

@nightshadehelis9821 - 19.12.2022 00:30

Lots of redditors and Twitter users in these comments...

@colonialfiend - 09.12.2022 07:17

We should have another video like this as we're a million times closer to nuclear catastrophe now than 4 years ago. We're poking the bear!

@AvanaVana - 08.12.2022 07:14

Can you believe after dropping these things on huge cities and then testing thousands of them, the people that were in charge of the world thought that making even more of these things, thousands upon thousands, each more powerful than that which came before, would somehow make the world a safer place? 🤯

@garyturner5739 - 18.11.2022 17:02

These veterans should be given compensation from government for what they went through then. Modern day cannon fodder this was disgraceful.

@garyturner5739 - 18.11.2022 16:57

Chilling stuff!

@pflegerbenni1381 - 08.11.2022 09:14

Look how this criminals live in age :)
Bombing Natures Gift makes you a lot of love and Money from Humans in Age. This hard and important work really sells out -_-

@allisonmaldonado3705 - 30.10.2022 07:48

They all deserve reparations

@DarthPerc - 29.10.2022 06:37

It probably feels like death

@annamacchi2823 - 26.10.2022 13:53

Poveri pesci e povera natura

@ashleytaelour453 - 14.10.2022 02:55

They should probably use on all schools

@leonela1605 - 13.10.2022 09:50

I had no idea of news like this , until today 😢😢😢wtf this is a crime 😢😢😢😢

@JohnSmith-me1px - 10.10.2022 01:25


@100iliasm - 09.10.2022 22:54

what a stupid thing is this kind called humanity. . .

@Frank_Ammerlaan - 02.10.2022 19:45

If Putin drops a bomb at 10 km (6,5 miles), first there will be a flash, then heat, shockwave takes about 30 to 40 seconds, then sound and reverse shockwave. Just saying ...

@geoffwhite7535 - 01.10.2022 07:01

jokers, old farts

@jayh1734 - 13.09.2022 04:42

Shoot. Our leaders talk about saving the environment and what to do in case of nuclear attack in the same newscast. What do you think?

@vivolinergame5533 - 27.08.2022 05:56

The nuclear bomb is big

@knifeturtle - 20.08.2022 08:33

horrendous, i can't even imagine going through something like this

@MariaCosta-yw7ef - 17.08.2022 21:45

This is American ethics.

@shawntepitts488 - 16.08.2022 11:58

I'm in

@Alan-of3en - 10.08.2022 00:08

Shame on the usa!!
usa dropped a nuclear bomb on peaceful Nagasaki on Agust 9th 1945

@arturboras6615 - 05.08.2022 00:55

dinner was given 😊

@arturboras6615 - 05.08.2022 00:54

high death toll 😌
