So I tried to learn FL Studio...

So I tried to learn FL Studio...

Venus Theory

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Byron 101
Byron 101 - 01.10.2023 14:42

former Bitwig and Reaper user.
Now on FL. And very happy. Much faster workflow.

GusherTV - 01.10.2023 03:41

Holy shit 2 minutes in this was tough to watch

Mykl IV
Mykl IV - 01.10.2023 01:11

Thanks for this. I am largely in the same place as you were/are. Have considered getting the F out of this. That I have bitten off WAY more than I can chew, and it seems to be centered on FL Studio.
Suffice to say, I've been here before, with other things, and agree with most of what you've said here. My position now, is basically: It's in the DOING, where the beautiful stuff lies. So DO.
Wish me luck.

Also...FL studio is a harsh task-master.

Desmond Son aka cloud9savagehenry
Desmond Son aka cloud9savagehenry - 24.09.2023 03:24

Thos video was great. I felt the message and identified with the concept. When I bought my drum pad and sequencer. I asked myself... did I just get burned? Will I ever learn to program these things?. The answer was yes. I'm fairly good with them now. But originally I wasn't so sure. For every bit of success I've had with computer programs there was a brick wall that arrived along with it. The answer was to learn and grow.

Victor Vincent
Victor Vincent - 24.09.2023 01:28


Andrew O'Neil
Andrew O'Neil - 23.09.2023 05:34

Well played sir.

Bobby Chaos
Bobby Chaos - 22.09.2023 03:21

I feel this video 🖤

Hela's Hand Productions
Hela's Hand Productions - 14.09.2023 22:14

As an FL Studio producer and composer for some 16 years, this is how I feel with Ableton and Logic lmao.

Andrew Colman
Andrew Colman - 13.09.2023 16:01

Needed this at this moment. Thanks :)

Natroll - 09.09.2023 16:00

the daw doesnt really affect the final product too much. just the vsts you choose (and obviously your level of skill)

DeWitt - 08.09.2023 18:29

I don't get this video. It feels like fluff. It seems like a lot of the viewer base is appreciating the slice of humility and the opportunity for a little commiseration, but past that, this video feels kind of pointless by the time it's over.

It feels like the opposite of inspiring to me. It just left me feeling annoyed by the lack of a conclusion. It's all buildup and padding, then "so anyway, I got it done. And you can too! The end."

rareguy - 07.09.2023 08:01

bro reliving my 6 years in 6 days

ECKØ - 06.09.2023 07:33

I get you totally 😂😂😂. As a primary FL studio user making a mock-up of any kind in FL studio is a big pain, that’s why I learned cubase and ableton 😂

CheeryHex - 06.09.2023 07:13

lol this is how I feel about mixcraft 10 :/

El Pibe de Sistemas
El Pibe de Sistemas - 05.09.2023 18:08

1- Foundation. Give the thing existence.
2- Details. Give the thing a life.
3- Define. Give the thing a face.
4- Refine. Give the thing a purpose.
5- Substract. Give the thing only the right things.
6- Assess. Give the thing one last look, and do not look back.

Man, what a perfect summary of the creative process. I thing I'm gonna print it and hang it near my desk.

Awesome video as always.

Jay Bee
Jay Bee - 04.09.2023 08:33

The fact that there is so much content on Fl Studio speaks volumes. People who don't even use FL are now trying FL for views because its the thing to do... it cracks me up. Fl gets a bad rap because of its beginnings. It has evolved into a powerhouse. Yet it still gets sh*t on, mainly because its workflow is so different from all the others. First impressions really can be lasting. It started out as pretty much a toy or a game and many think it still is.

CheekyCicc66 - 03.09.2023 19:52

I have been with FL studio ever since I started producing back in 2014 and it took me a whole year to figure out how to make a track but I do feel same frustration as you do when I use every other DAW lol

Ruoppo - 03.09.2023 15:55

bad video

Kim - 02.09.2023 16:22

😂😂amazing video

NonProphet - 02.09.2023 06:14

when you feel like the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. damn.

Mr Pudikin
Mr Pudikin - 01.09.2023 15:22

this is a really good video.

RhinoReign - 31.08.2023 00:58

BRO! Simply humbling & Revealing listening to you fight the same battles and sharing your Feelings & Thoughts openly for all the Freelancers to realize that they too are not alone. I'm right in the middle of that crazy battle (Product Visualization) and have fought my way through learning 3 Brand New 3D Application... completed the round and ended up going for a totally different approach... Sometimes we just need to keep hitting until you've hit the right note! Thanks for sharing. 😉😉

JAYA Records
JAYA Records - 29.08.2023 13:57

So u tried <3

Inspela Records
Inspela Records - 28.08.2023 02:39

I know EXACTLY how you felt - I’ve owned FL Studio for 14 years and have hardly ever used it because it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all - so I always end up going back to what I know (usually Logic Pro) and give up on it. Last Christmas, it finally started making sense to me and now I actually use it. It’s still not my main DAW, but I so related to your video and the frustration you felt. At least I know it’s not just me!

Swammie - 27.08.2023 10:47

Not everyone has Ben Jordan on speed dial tho :)
I recently decided to give fl studio a try after years of Logic Pro, and it’s been very frustrating not being able to instantly do what I would want to do. Might stick to using it as a plug-in, because it does have a lot of synths to explore.

バンジョベンジ - 26.08.2023 22:07

I try n use every DAW at my disposal as each offers a different workflow.

I find FL has the best piano roll so composition is easier. Also, it's stock plugins are best-in-class.
Ableton has the best sample-driven workflow (as well as M4L being great for sound design) so making 'dancy' music is its forte.
Cubase/Nuendo is really good for orchestral/soundtracking cause of video/AAF/OMF and expression control (and Nuendo Game Audio Connect is amazing for WWise).
Audacity is great for making multi-channel scores (5.1/7.1/10.2).
Reaper has a crazy userbase so teaching newbies in design agnostic conditions is really easy.
and Bitwig is great when you're on Linux and want to use Ableton :P

Eugene Zhitnikov
Eugene Zhitnikov - 24.08.2023 10:53

OK, I thought it was some review-ish-based video, not an existential essay. 2/3 into this and still nothing about FL directly. OK, well, just misunderstood.

Earthlyng_Official - 21.08.2023 21:46

I despise fl studio so much but I wish I could use harmor without it

DJ Ross K
DJ Ross K - 19.08.2023 00:38

Just before you went on to ask for help I was thinking "this guy needs to ask for help", so that made me very happy. I'm a data consultant 9-5 so I've learned by now that if you find yourself in a situation where you need to do something quicker than you're able to learn to do it then IMMEDIATELY you should seek help. glad you did it bro! :D

Billy Barton
Billy Barton - 18.08.2023 00:51

Profit vs Frustration. Hard call for you. But…no loss of blood.

Matt McNair
Matt McNair - 16.08.2023 20:05

What were your biggest challenges with FL? I use it for different reasons and find it pushes me to be more efficient. FL to me just seems disjointed and a mess, but it has some great work flows. Plugins are good too, but I just can't get past the whole arrangement chaos. I prefer either reaper or Ableton for finishing in post.

Twang_ZE - 13.08.2023 23:20

I entered an audio academy wanting to play with FL Studio so bad and not knowing what Ableton Live was, now I graduated and Live is my all time favorite while not wanting to touch FL Studio ever again. Pretty funny how things can turn out.

TapDaddy - 13.08.2023 07:58

Man this was a great video. If anything it's kinda a nice escape from, as well as affirmation for, what it is to be under pressure and uncertain on a big project.

LKT Originals
LKT Originals - 28.07.2023 10:22

I would love if you does an review of Mixcraft Pro Studio. For beginners I can't find anything like it, it's easy to get tha basics and then as you learn more you got advanced features. It's also affordable. I have not tried version 9 and the latest brand new version 10. But Mixcraft Pro Studio 8 is more than enough for me. Check it out and do a review - I'll think many would be surprised about the power of Mixcraft Pro Studio. And at last, keep on doing this great videos. I only LOVE your approach to music. Sorry for some bad grammar, English is not my first language, but I think you got the point?

Andréas H.
Andréas H. - 19.07.2023 18:46

So inspiring, loved the realisation, thanks

Bud Labitan
Bud Labitan - 05.07.2023 17:55

What is your favorite small keyboard with full size keys; and what is your favorite DAW?

Robert Bennett
Robert Bennett - 28.06.2023 21:55

I love that dog! What kind is he?

Etiennne Lacroix
Etiennne Lacroix - 25.06.2023 23:32

Do you plan to still use Fl Studio? Would like to see a full video with your assessment of this DAW tbh, not only this video which is great, but deals more with the existential challenge to start from pretty much scratch.

Cerberus - 20.06.2023 10:53


AdmiralFatcock - 01.06.2023 04:40

Fl has so much shit, I don't know what anything does or how to use it. I honestly gave up so many times. I feel really lost

Gg Wifi
Gg Wifi - 30.05.2023 19:13

Yo the patch plugin for FL into reaper is AMAZING

pigphatnick - 28.05.2023 20:15

Inspiring topic and writing. Thank you.

the ashen
the ashen - 26.05.2023 23:39

Love this channel, and this was a great video. About your takeaway,I think you meant “test your mettle”. Unless you’re doing some sort of metal mashup. That’s why the world play works in the knight proverb - metal / mettle … or did I miss the joke?

Athema - 25.05.2023 21:36

I remeber when I started to jump ships from... eJay to FL Studio 5. That was 20 years ago. The same cycle repeat when I tried Reaper. And now still produce in it. It really is learning curve. I now know (i think) almost everything in FLS as I was using it for over 20 years, and I'm shit at Reaper. All my stuff you find on my channel was done in FL Studio.

alby - 15.05.2023 06:08

your voice is so satisfying to listen to. you should do narration for documentaries or something

Diego Peralta
Diego Peralta - 10.05.2023 06:27

Gotta love the Swanson chair

WeirdChristmas WeirdChristmas
WeirdChristmas WeirdChristmas - 09.05.2023 01:45

I wish more creative folk put out honest things like this. It's much more reflective of the real process. And the thing is that we all know that internal, what, despair/fear/hopelessness/existential-angst-way-out-of-proportion-to-the-reality-of-whatever-the-specific-project is... But seeing someone else go through it, too, makes it easier to bear. Or, well, that may not be true. It still sucks just as much to go through it. But when you can remember that others shared that same feeling, you don't feel so alone and like the spotlight of failure is shining just for you.
