SEAL Team 6 Operator GBRS Group CEO Cole Fackler | Mike Ritland Podcast Episode 100

SEAL Team 6 Operator GBRS Group CEO Cole Fackler | Mike Ritland Podcast Episode 100

Mike Ritland

2 года назад

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floridaBMW - 04.10.2023 09:55

Next level interview,, Cole is an incredible human being.

MidwayShooter - 23.08.2023 01:26

Those weren’t jogging shorts fo sho.

Nolan James
Nolan James - 18.08.2023 12:01

Sempepper fortis my hombre!

Kjell Olofsson
Kjell Olofsson - 17.08.2023 18:47

I was a seal as well. My best trick was to balance a ball on my nose.

Nathan Bieber
Nathan Bieber - 16.08.2023 22:00

he looks like prince harry LOL

Erik Hellekson
Erik Hellekson - 12.08.2023 08:05

Yeaaasss Red Dots

Kate The Wholeness Home & Embodying Wholeness.
Kate The Wholeness Home & Embodying Wholeness. - 11.08.2023 06:47

Blanding is a very small town and lost two extraordinary Special Operations men, it hit the town like a ton of bricks both times. Jason and Aaron. Aaron Butler was my husband’s best friend and they always talked about Jason. Aaron was KIA August 16th 2017, in Afghanistan he was with the 19th Special Forces Group, he went SF after Jason.

john frew
john frew - 09.08.2023 06:45

Its called work for a reason

john frew
john frew - 09.08.2023 06:38

Get to be chil

john frew
john frew - 09.08.2023 06:37

Last resort

Nick 3D
Nick 3D - 07.08.2023 02:17

I would think theoretically if the explosive force has somewhere to go, like around the bullet and ahead of it out the barrel, it would take an amazing amount of explosive power to cause damage to the gun when the gasses have a path to vent.

SuperSwagBro - 01.08.2023 17:46

I wish I could treat trauma for these dudes.. they need neural re-programming..

Joseph Kool
Joseph Kool - 01.08.2023 09:32

Thank you for your service soldier and God bless you and family

JPDIVE - 30.07.2023 21:29

No shit, there I was.......

Kodiakbait - 27.07.2023 01:57

Thank you for this interesting and insightful conversation. While it was all interesting I found the discussion of the medical and mental health aspects of combat experiences most instructive and will be forwarding it to Mental Health professionals that treat veterans.

Randy C
Randy C - 26.07.2023 01:02

Man! I'm so glad people like this exist and take the risks and extreme damage these men make for America!!!

Evan Vourazeris
Evan Vourazeris - 24.07.2023 06:48

He must have owed Mike a favor. This seems like a painful interview for him.

MrWildbill1977 - 24.07.2023 06:32

Love that hat Mike! Send it! to me

Mark’s Laws
Mark’s Laws - 21.07.2023 02:34

It took a pure cobalt steel crowbar to open him up but he was an Outstanding individual.
An Great Interview Mr. Mike.

BP - 20.07.2023 22:40

It's incredible how gifted these guys are athletically!

Scott Crawford
Scott Crawford - 09.07.2023 10:15

Thanks for telling your story. It took epic courage.

Max Cullen
Max Cullen - 04.07.2023 14:29

Mike seeing u talk about dog work is so interesting can tell ur passion straight away 🐾🐾 love it from English civvie only dog lover as can’t own hospitalised

Chris Campbell
Chris Campbell - 03.07.2023 02:15

reminds me of Jake Gyllenhaal in The Covenant. Awesome dude!

Tight Lines
Tight Lines - 30.06.2023 08:02

Should ask would they do it all over again

DEX Imaging Copy Center
DEX Imaging Copy Center - 29.06.2023 22:15

While I respect the Hell out of both these men for their work and sacrifice, the interview was a bit like watching dental surgery. DJ tried to initiate a story but Cole stuck to his SERE training . Thankfully he's no Rob O.
Great job on all counts!

D Alpha
D Alpha - 24.06.2023 18:13

I’ve just started to listen to a few of this military podcast and what strikes me most os of course the way they share the all the stories. It’s extreamly interesting but also how ever different the guys are with the different upbringing how very similar they turned out, all different but same, su humble the humour and the openness without breaking the rules and no bragging.I never been in the military unfortunately but been part of a bike gang in about 25 years, of course I can’t compare under any circumstances but there are similarities, bullet flying close by and the sounds of a ricochet, I am not trying to compare but our kindergarten stuff compare to these humble guys. I can listen for ever. Keep up the good work and thanks for your service. Love & respect scandinavia

Jason - 21.06.2023 06:09

You can feel the hurt in his voice... my heart hurts for the dudes that still carry that...

Diddley 0651
Diddley 0651 - 21.06.2023 01:25

That Mohawk was Crazy lolll

Diddley 0651
Diddley 0651 - 21.06.2023 01:23

Great interview with Cole. If anyone who has ever watch Cole and DJ then you Know Cole is Pretty good at Choosing His Words lightly ( as in don’t say much) lolll Great Job As Usual Mike.

Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 20.06.2023 20:28

I wish this country would take care of these guys…they shouldn’t have to work a day in there life unless they wanted to but still shouldn’t have to work a day in there life

Fire boy
Fire boy - 17.06.2023 22:23

I think it’s crazy what the VA does they put you on a shit ton of different pharmaceuticals and basically say “good luck hope this helps”

Fire boy
Fire boy - 17.06.2023 21:23

I’ve watched episode 4 times now and it never gets old but I just ordered 3 hats from Coles merch business and they’re actually dope hats

Dale Juhl
Dale Juhl - 15.06.2023 16:07

😀I am retired military 21 years, yes been in combat been shot at, IED'd, mortared, RPG'd, rocketed... When I listen to any Special Warfare operator speak particularly the best of the best it is as though I know nothing and had never experienced anything. In very many aspects it's true.

Alvin B.
Alvin B. - 14.06.2023 19:26

I wish he could share more details.... he's soo vague lol (and before you all jump my a$$) yes I know he probably can't divulge too much info.

stickman47487 - 08.06.2023 06:26

Cole is someone all men should look up to. Calm, has been there and done it and is still close with his parents and a family man with wife and kids. Great interview.

Lynsay Smith
Lynsay Smith - 03.06.2023 10:56

A feel like this was like pulling teeth no much detail In his storys understand where confidentiality is important but my god x

Michigan Mafia MX
Michigan Mafia MX - 24.05.2023 23:51

“Did you ever work with groups like holy fuck are you guys carrying guns?”😂😂

John McGiff
John McGiff - 20.05.2023 22:52

Excellent show” and a big thanks to your guest for sharing his life’ and everything is been through, and I think he’s proved he’s one certain individual that we will all look up to’ and a big thanks to his service, and all our regards from the UK 🇬🇧

Andrew Brady
Andrew Brady - 13.05.2023 23:22

Hell yea VA represent.

XBack 40verland
XBack 40verland - 12.05.2023 23:58

God bless you brother . You and yours are in my families prayers

Rebekah White
Rebekah White - 06.05.2023 08:49

I don't use the choice of words that you use and that is okay. I don't think that John DeNigro was abusive at all. John DeNigro is a great guy in a lot of ways but he is not a great guy when it comes to staying with the mothers of his children. John DeNigro left two women after they gave birth to his children and I am not sure why but it might be environmental which is caused by economic issues and poverty. This is not an excuse to leave the mothers of his children which is upsetting. John DeNigro was an excellent roommate from about October 2013 to December 2017 and I am grateful for John DeNigro but I can also see the kinds of influences that some people are and the ways that they influence him are not the healthiest choices.

Rebekah White
Rebekah White - 06.05.2023 08:49

I understand what you are saying regarding, "If Mr. DiNigro can't handle that after getting a woman pregnant, then he's not a "great guy", in my book." John DeNigro is a product of his environment. What is an environment? What does environmental mean? It is mostly females that have been influencing John DeNigro and infidelity was the cause of the divorce with Tammy Preato-DeNigro in Rochester, New York which is sad. 🙁 Maybe if the catholic churches had counseling programs to provide support to have healthier marriages then maybe that might have prevented the infidelity that led up to the divorce. 🙁 Maybe economic issues caused the friction too. I wouldn't have what I have now in January 2022 if John DeNigro wasn't here from October 2013 to December 2017. Now, who influenced John DeNigro to move out? Who talked John DeNigro into moving out to live with another woman? A lot of people do not want to do Pre-Cana marriage preparation because it gets too deep and they have to put a lot of thought into stuff.

Rebekah White
Rebekah White - 06.05.2023 08:48

Financial stability can cause break-ups and maybe the lack of financial stability caused John DeNigro to leave the mother of his children. If the mother of John's children and John got enough food and cash assistance to pay rent and for transportation from Social Services then maybe they would have stayed together in about 2003 in Rochester, New York.

Have mercy on people and they will hopefully have mercy on you.

I wouldn't have this place that I live in Frankfort, New York if it weren't for John DeNigro living with me from about October 2013 to December 2017. I only have the home that I live in located in Frankfort, New York because John DeNigro lived with me from about October 2013 to December 2017. John DeNigro moved out in December 2017 to live with another woman which is hurtful but I am also grateful for what I do have and I wish good things for John DeNigro. You have lots of information about John DeNigro so please try to help John DeNigro with the financial issues that he has. I pray that the work be gentle with John DeNigro and I pray that God provides food and shelter and transportation for John DeNigro.

I don't know but maybe if John and the mother of his children had more financially in 2003 in Rochester, NY then maybe John would have stayed with the mother of his children. I don't know. Thank you for your time.

NOUN compassion or forgiveness is shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.
"the boy was screaming and begging for mercy" · "the mercies of God"
leniency · lenience · clemency · compassion · grace · pity · charity · forgiveness · forbearance · quarter · humanity · humaneness · humanitarianism · mildness · soft-heartedness · tender-heartedness · kindness · sympathy · liberality · indulgence · tolerance · generosity · magnanimity · beneficence

Rebekah White
Rebekah White - 06.05.2023 08:48

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rebekah White <>
Date: Wed, Sep 8, 2021, at 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: Sad Fwd: Praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy from the Catholic church

I try to apply Christian love which is the kind of love that people should have for each other.

Gentle ways of doing stuff. I pray for John DeNigro. I pray for healthier things but my ideas of what healthier are may not be his ideas of what healthier is.

If a man is divorced from his wife, then why? What caused the divorce?

Financial stability is an issue. The lack of food or not having enough food can cause divorces. The financial strain in the relationship can cause a lack of interest in sex. When there is financial strain then I lose interest in sex. I don't want to have sex when there is financial strain. I don't want to have sex when there are issues in the relationship that are not being addressed. I don't want to have sex every day because I don't think that sex is something that is necessary. I don't take birth control pills. I haven't taken birth control pills since I was about nineteen years old. In about 1992, I stopped taking birth control pills when I was in college at SUNY Delhi in Delhi, New York. I took birth control pills when I was in high school in Walton, New York in about 1989 and 1990 and 1991 and 1992 because most of the teenagers in that high school took birth control pills. The only reason that I took birth control pills is because that is what those females in that environment were doing during that time span.

Rebekah took birth control pills when she was age 16 and age 17 and age 18 and age 19.

Rebekah took birth control pills in about 1989 and 1990 and 1991 and 1992

I pray for John DeNigro and I hope that God provides for John

My door is open. I am here if John wants something. I am here if John needs something. Maybe I am not the woman for John DeNigro. Maybe John DeNigro might need a different kind of woman. Maybe Lisa might be the woman for John.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 5:44 PM < wrote:
nice thought.............

On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 12:12:17 PM EDT, Rebekah White <> wrote:

I am grateful to have what I do have and I wouldn't have what I have without John DeNigro being here in October 2012 to December 2017... so I am going to pray

I am not insulting John DeNigro when I say that maybe he would want to live in New York City and go to the Village a lot but why? How do people become the way that they are?

I pray that God will provide for Lisa and John so that they can stay together. The lack of financial stability causes break-ups in relationships. If they had financial stability then they would stay together. The relationships would be healthier and happier if they have financial stability.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 10:55 AM < wrote:
John is not the solution to your life going forward....up to you.

On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 07:14:18 AM EDT, Rebekah White <> wrote:

So if this guy John DeNigro who moved out in December 2017 decides that he wants to move back in, does that mean that I, Rebekah have to be forgiving of John DeNigro's infidelities(having sex and living with some other woman)?

Whoa :( Geez, okay I agreed to be engaged in about June 2013 which means that I, Rebekah made a commitment... whoa... wow... let me pray some more

I am grateful to have what I do have and I wouldn't have what I have without John DeNigro being here in October 2012 to December 2017... so I am going to pray

Uh, okay John DeNigro can sleep in the other room and I will sleep in separate bed in another room

Rebekah White
Rebekah White - 06.05.2023 08:48

At approximately 2PM on Saturday, August 14, 2021, there is a load of laundry in the washing machine. I don't have a clothes dryer. I have a wooden dowel rack to hang clean wet clothes on.
John DeNigro moved out in December 2017 which is sad.
John DeNigro moved out to be with Lisa in December 2017 but he did not tell me this.
John DeNigro moved out almost three years ago.
John DeNigro moved out in December 2017 which is almost three years ago.
John DeNigro did not stay with the mother of his younger two children because he did not get enough attention from the wife
John DeNigro and Tammy Preato-DeNigro were together for about a year and then Tammy got pregnant from John. John DeNigro got married to Tammy Preato-DeNigro in about 2002 and the children were born in about 2003 in Rochester, New York. But Tammy got fat from being pregnant and when Tammy gave birth to the children then John did not get enough sex so he left the mother of his children
Thanks 🙂 Well, Lisa left the father of her children to be with John DeNigro in December 2017 and Lisa did not tell the father of her children that she was moving in with John DeNigro. So maybe Lisa and John are a good couple. geez, Lisa told the father of her children what? And what did John tell me? So maybe John and Lisa should stay together because they seem to have similar ways of doing stuff.
It is sad. I just thought that John DeNigro would have developed inside himself. In about 2003 John DeNigro's two younger children were born and John left the children and his wife because why? 🙁 Some kind of self-reflection on why the relationship with the mother of his children did not work out might be helpful? It is hard to stay married when you have children. It is sad to sit there changing stinky diapers and bottle feeding infants. So maybe John DeNigro left the infants and their mother because he couldn't deal with all the sad emotions????? I don't know. But John DeNigro just seems to want to um...
It is sad. Where did John DeNigro learn about marriage from? What did John DeNigro learn about being married?
Where did John DeNigro learn about being a parent from? Where did John DeNigro learn about infants and taking care of children from?
John DeNigro did not get enough attention from me so he left. John DeNigro did not get enough sex so he left in December 2017.
Yes. John DeNigro lived with me from about October 2013 to December 2017. And John DeNigro left because he did not get enough attention from me.
People grow and develop. How do people grow and develop?
I am just a friend to John DeNigro. John DeNigro is someone that I know.
No. John DeNigro is not my husband.
Maybe John DeNigro should stay with Lisa. And maybe Lisa should stay with John DeNigro.
It is sad. If sex is what he wants then maybe he should go live in New York City in the village and have lots of casual sex because it is socially acceptable there. The Village in downtown Manhattan might be where he can live and have lots of casual sex with lots of different women. Those women will USE John DeNigro for sex. At first he will like the attention that he gets from lots of different women. But then he will feel like shit because then women don't give a shit about him and he is just a party man that they party with.
I don't dislike the Village in downtown Manhattan.
The Village in downtown Manhattan is interesting.
The way that the people think in the Village in downtown Manhattan is sex is just something that they do and they are very casual about having sex.
In the Village they have sex with both genders and that is how they are in the Village. It is a different way of thinking.
I don't like the ways that they do stuff in the Village but I am not them. They have the right to think how they choose to. And I have the right to think how I choose to.
I don't like casual sex
John DeNigro might like casual sex with lots of different women. But after awhile then John will feel like shit because the women don't want relationships and the casual sex is not fun anymore.
Just a little bit of the Village is okay for me.
If I go to the Village too often then I get annoyed and irritated. I am amused by the people in the Village in downtown Manhattan.
I appreciate the people in the Village in downtown Manhattan. I don't think the ways that they do. The ways that I think is different.
John DeNigro did not expect me to be able to keep this place here where I live. John DeNigro lived here too in about October 2013 to December 2017.
spelling errors
If John DeNigro stayed here in December 2017, I wouldn't still be living here because John DeNigro spends too much money at restaurants and uses credit cards to buy stuff that he doesn't have to have.
It is sad. John DeNigro has a heart but what causes him to have emotional feelings? John DeNigro gets very sad and cries a lot. It is interesting because what makes him feel the emotions that he feels?
Thanks. Two people should NOT have to have sex almost every day to want to stay together. There should be other stuff that two people do together for their relationships.
It is just bodily sensations. It has not feelings. Numb
Food tastes good which is bodily sensations.
Sex is a bodily sensation. Physical touch is all it is.
It doesn't last.
The two people have to have more than sex to want to stay together.
Some people like to have lots of sex. Some people get high from the bodily sensations and then they don't get the same physical satisfaction from it.
Some people don't know the difference between love and lust. That in-love feeling is usually lust which is sex. If the man doesn't get sex then he won't be there which is LUST based marriages
Most men don't have what I want.
My heart doesn't get excited over sex.
My heart doesn't develop emotional feelings over just sex.
Financial is an issue. The men cannot help with paying bills. The men cannot help with paying rent. So I live in my own place.
What does environmental mean? What does different kinds of environments mean? People are products of their environments
Herkimer County Social Services in Herkimer,NY will say that the person cannot have food stamps because they will say that Rebekah's SSDI checks should pay for it
It will be an issue for someone who has to have food stamps and HEAP and cash assistance to live with Rebekah
Herkimer County Social Services does not follow the criterion for public assistance the way it should be done

Rebekah White
Rebekah White - 06.05.2023 08:48

If low-income affordable housing were available then I wouldn't have lived with John DeNigro from about October 2013 to December 2017. Economic reasons which are housing and food are why I was with John in October 2013 to December 2017. John DeNigro is a very kind-hearted man but I knew that he had children with two different women when I met him.

Josh Netherland
Josh Netherland - 28.04.2023 08:33

God bless cole thank you for your service
