Mick Gordon On Killer Instinct Seasons 1 and 2 - Composing Instinct (Full Documentary)

Mick Gordon On Killer Instinct Seasons 1 and 2 - Composing Instinct (Full Documentary)

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@fmoland - 16.01.2024 06:09

Hey, what happened to season 3 video?

@Zachary_Sweis - 04.01.2024 22:34

If you wanna Mick Gordon from Doom. Yes.
Now make a "How to Mick Gordon" Killer Instinct style. Distill literally the main theme and 17 characters into 30 seconds. I fucking dare you.

@The_Texorcist - 25.12.2023 21:50

Awesome vid on how ya came up with the music. The soundtrack is filled with bangers, my favorite is probably Hinnamatoom. As far as Orchid goes I do love the new song but I guess I am in the minority as far as how I see her older depiction.

When the original came out in the arcade I was like 16 and while I saw she was depicted as an attractive female I didn’t see her as just eye candy. She was a kick ass character who I actually mained cause of her play style. I guess it just depends on if you think she was objectified or if she was an empowered woman who didn’t shy from her sexuality.

All that said though how I saw her may not be how others did and if people did just see her as eye candy and objectified then a change may have been needed as to not offend anyone. To me she is the same as she was, a kick ass woman.

@tedgonzalez985 - 17.12.2023 00:51

Aw, I was hoping to see if he talked about Hatchery 09. Anyone know if there's a video out there of him talking about making that song?

@raickstanley - 16.12.2023 22:38

2023 and Hinnamatoom It's still my favorite track in the game. Thanks, Mick ❤

@electricmirageblack - 08.12.2023 07:52

This is incredibly valuable. Cheers

@Fatelipe - 02.12.2023 12:14

Riptor didn't show it, because it's his weakest creation.

@Kim-NT - 26.11.2023 19:25

Love the soundtrack of this game!
And Herold of Gargos may have been rushed, but its still one of the best if you ask me

@deathcold_longplaysua4846 - 26.11.2023 04:42

Man, Mick is a f-cking legend at this point. His soundtrack for Killer Instinct and Doom games are freaking iconic! And truth be told, I'm listening to his soundtrack almost every single day and it almost makes me cry of how incredible it is!

@hornetgaming2888 - 08.11.2023 10:33

Love hearing Mick talking about his work

@willleese8842 - 22.10.2023 00:38

"I want to represent. I wanted to do the best I could" that's. An understatement. Still listening to TJ's theme all the time and still loving it

@majicweather4890 - 18.10.2023 17:52

So impressed with utter respect they gave native Americans in that Thunder theme. The work in that track alone is astonishing .

@TheSupertoastybread - 13.10.2023 05:24

I have listened to TJ Combo's theme for years and I can't believe Omega did both voices

@AyBee9725 - 30.09.2023 02:05

I hate the sound of the kangling. Reminds me of the Aztec death whistle…. Props to Mick for digging up these unique instruments and giving us a taste of different cultures through these obscure devices!

@Abcde1829 - 15.09.2023 22:04

WUUUUUT?!?!?! Omen is my favorite character. I even have his emblem tattooed on my arm. And now to find out that the singer is in my city AND I recorded my demo with the same engineer?!?!?! 😱😱😱 small world 🤘😤🤘

@killroy123 - 13.09.2023 01:32

Can he please come back to do this for the inevitable KI sequel? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

@garethevans6990 - 05.09.2023 01:09

This man is a treasure

@antwanefort - 15.08.2023 23:59

Watching this in 2023 and this was amazing. I have always loved KI music since the 90's . And this was just one of the best videos I have ever seen .

@dakotawinston7677 - 15.08.2023 13:47

As soon as I heard the solo vocals on Maya’s track I said to my self “Halcyon+on+on” and then BAM! Grew up on the same feeling

@hawkens022 - 04.08.2023 06:08

man, looking back on this its kinda crazy how much of a villain the doom team tried to portray mick as

@rainbowdragon1872 - 30.06.2023 09:13

just anotehr fine example of how management should stay out of all creative projects except to provide funding.
legendary music

@fanglespangle110 - 28.06.2023 16:58

"I was told in the beginning to avoid guitars on this one."
"Noted, however, consider this.... Guitars"

@WeCareAlot4693 - 15.06.2023 07:18

"I make it an active duty to get in trouble on every project" 😂

@Juggalo972 - 24.05.2023 18:10

Dude, correct me if I'm wrong but Pontus Hultgren wrote Spinal's lyrics in Swedish!?

@hydrosting - 07.05.2023 13:28

Cinders theme still is easily one of the greatest songs to ever grace the fighting game genre

@jcplays5831 - 29.04.2023 16:27

This game was a passion project disguised as a triple A title. Everything felt deliberate and it also felt like there was little to no interference from the higher ups.
This game was always gonna be a gamble, nothing was ever guaranteed, but god damn did everything pay off. The fact this game is a decade old and still feels new is a testament to how much love and care went into it

@josephallen3076 - 26.04.2023 14:28

Here for the spinal theme lol
The passion is heart warming in the most…punchy of ways

@kaytiecakes - 19.04.2023 14:03

Thank you for this. Sooooooo good! Hisako drums and bass line hype me so much!

@Gon.Barest - 14.04.2023 20:00

This video helped me a lot to re-think some of my own musical arrangements, and it's awesome because I was kinda stuck for 2 or more years with that.
What a great influence Mick is 🤟

@ricksterdrummer2170 - 10.04.2023 16:53

Why am I not surprised that the Doom composer has a femur flute at home 😂

@ort2456 - 31.03.2023 09:20

Killer Instinct is among the few games that I never turn the music off, I absolutely love and adore this game to this day

@asemy1503 - 25.03.2023 15:46

What about shatterhail and type 03?

@goawayleavemealone2880 - 25.03.2023 08:17

La, la, la, la - AKA Mick and Erika reinterpret Poltergeist.

@Plumtree1187 - 01.03.2023 04:40

God Mick Gordon is a treasure

@Azurantine81 - 30.01.2023 14:02

I was with this until the political claptrap started happening, the music is great though.

@EntidadLibre - 29.01.2023 04:24

Imagine having the right to brag you were one of the voices singing in Hinnamatoom, my friends wouldn't hear the end of it.

@MeatCatCheesyBlaster - 26.12.2022 20:47

it's cool that Mick loves the games, you often hear composers who know nothing about what they're making the music for

@amishrambo4096 - 23.12.2022 14:54

This is why i believe mick on the Doom Eternal Soundtrack, he cares deeply for his craft and would never want to turn in poor product

@0ctopusComp1etely - 07.12.2022 06:22

Absolutely adore this soundtrack.
Hilariously, I DO say that Herald of Gargos is my personal favorite, and a huge, huge part of it is those final sections of the song. The "reworking" of Jago's theme into its corrupted, unleashed state is fantastic throughout, but from the section that's more calm at the end right up until the walls come crashing down and song just goes full throttle till the end of the "Killer Instinct" combo section... that part gives me chills every time. It really sounds like someone having one final look at their life, before just letting loose and having fun at the end of the world. No more tomorrow, no more constraints. It's the perfect embodiment of someone embracing the apocalypse as a final opportunity, and I could not love it more.

@BlackBeltGamers88 - 03.12.2022 20:58

Having the crowd at Pax record a segment of the audio is awesome. I had a similar situation albeit much later in the games life but, when Shadow Lords came out, I found some ways to break it horrendously with some of the buffs, consumables and guardians you could use. So much so that after sharing some clips James Goddard reached out to me and I got to personally chat with him on Skype for a couple hours. Killer Instinct being one of my absolute favorite games of all time since childhood, best gaming moment of my life. After our chat quite a few changes came to Shadow Lords and he also gave me a couple of codes to games he developed as we both had a liking for shmups. It's something I won't ever forget. Just wish I had a picture or something to put with my collection that I got to influence my favorite game.

@GlaciusTS - 16.11.2022 13:06

That’s awesome…. I like the vibrating vocals in Hisako theme, they we’re a really nice touch. I wonder if that took a little inspiration from that one really unsettling ghost scene from Kairo. I still think back to that a remember how refreshing and unsettling it was that the anxiety kept building and there was no jump scare to release it. The vocals during that scene linger in my head rent free. Hisako’s theme also gave me major Tales from the Crypt vibes.

@soulsparx - 12.11.2022 00:27

goddd, we need a new ki game ASAP. or at least something to get people talking about and playing the game again. what a genuine masterpiece of a game

@seamonkey2010 - 28.10.2022 05:06

needs more pinch zoom
