Contrast Paint? Make Your Own Custom Washes Instead!

Contrast Paint? Make Your Own Custom Washes Instead!

Goobertown Hobbies

5 лет назад

442,850 Просмотров

Contrast Paint? Make your own heavy washes for use on minis, using the games workshop contrast paints for Inspiration. I share my thoughts on the contrast paint release. I also talk about the value of experimentation when painting minis.

I gathered up my Dark Eldar test models, primed them white, and went to work! I compared dozens of my own homebrew washes with the shiny new contrast paints, and I had a lot of fun! I found a few great recipes, and I know there are more yet to be discovered. In this video I encourage you all to spend some time just playing with your hobby supplies. Get the feel for them and learn how to modify them. As the artist, YOU control your paints, not the other way around :-)

More Goobertown!

Paint Bravely The Podcast- on your podcast app and

Products I Frequently Use!

Paint Vallejo Model Color
Paint Vallejo Game Color
Paint Game Color Extra Opaque
Washes from Army Painter

Paint Rack (wall mounted)
Chair (super comfy)

Airbrush Kit (compressor with tank)
Airbrush Primer (stynylrez)
Inks FW (intense colors that airbrush well!)
White Ink (smooth zenithal highlights)

3d printer (Creality)
3d printer (Elegoo)
3d printer BIG (Anycubic)
Resin (Anycubic Eco)
Camera arm

Microphone (youtube)
Microphone (podcast)
Stereo Mixer

Glue (plastic cement)
Glue (superglue)

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#contrast_paint #contrast #citadel #citadel_contrast_paint #gw #gw_contrast_paint #games_workshop #games_workshop_contrast_paint #paint_with_washes #mini_painting #age_of_sigmar #warhammer_40k #40k #wh40k #dark_eldar #drukhari #dark_eldar_warriors #kabalite_warriors #artist_inks #ink #liquitex #daler_rowney #contrast_paints_gw #mini_painting_techniques #make_paint #make_your_own_paint #mix_paint #mix_washes #acrylic_paint #acrylic_wash #4k #warhammer #experiment #contrast_paints
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Andreas Karlsson
Andreas Karlsson - 10.07.2019 11:17

After almost 30 years in the hobby, I might very well have a bigger selection of paints than anyone else, and it probably didn't cost me much more than 100 bucks.

I did use Citadel paints back in the 90's, when I first got into the hobby and didn't know any better, but have long since given them up for cheaper and better alternatives. Just like you, I like mixing my own paints, either from thickening inks, or by thinning down professional soft body acrylics.

With all the attention these new Citadel contrast paints have been given, my old frustration with the GW price point have returned. The way they take advantage of hobbyists in general, and beginners in particular, is appalling. I have even been thinking about making a video similar to yours, explaining how easy they are to make.

The main point I would wish to get across though is not how easy it is to make contrast paints or washes specifically, but rather how silly it is buying large selections of paint of any kind. In theory, you only need three good primary colors (plus black and white), and you can mix whatever you want from them.

When working with real pigments though, it's hard to find ones with perfect mixing properties, so I normally use 6 primaries in practice. But once you've learnt how to mix paint properly, that is truly all you need. No color in the world will require you to mix more than two of those primaries to get the right hue, and then you break it with black and white to find your desired shade, tone or tint.

This is how traditional painters have done it for centuries. They find the handful of pigments that best suit their taste, and then mix whatever else they need. And if you ever doubt the validity of this approach, remember that pretty much every single color image you have ever seen in print media (including GW box art, magazines and posters) have all been made using only cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks. Together with the white of the paper it's printed on, those 4 inks can recreate every colour you see.

So save yourself a lot of money. Buy a small selection of professional acrylics that are high in pigment, and complement them with some acrylic media and a couple of mixing agents. I would say that the most enjoyable part of any painting session is to sit down and premix the colors you plan on using for your figures. Just store the finished paints and washes in plastic dropper bottles (which you can buy in bulk from Amazon) and they will keep forever. You even get to name them yourself, which is a surprising amount of fun :-)

Maladjester - 15.09.2023 07:42

Contrast paint works pretty well for me. I prefer to spend money on more and different paints rather than mix my own. I find I have trouble getting a match for mixes I've made myself, even if I wrote down exactly what I did. You don't wanna know how different my Everblight skin mixes turned out. A robust selection of paints allows me to just grab the one I need rather than having to make something. I'm lazy, so that works great. Also, I enjoy having lots of paints the same way we enjoy having lots of models. I may never use Fulgrim Pink, but I feel like it needs to be in there.

Johnnie Rogers
Johnnie Rogers - 13.09.2023 19:16

I think it's great you show people they can work things out for themselves.

Ben Miles
Ben Miles - 11.09.2023 05:04

It's good watching this video again. Every time I find myself tempted to buy a Citadel shade or contrast paint, I rewatch these videos and remember why I haven't bought them. I can make my own.

Chris McKnight
Chris McKnight - 03.09.2023 01:24

You had me at "home brew"

lupo1185 - 31.08.2023 12:56

I think it really depends on what and why one is painting. If I want to own a Space Marine-Army, that looks great on the desk I want them to be finished relatively quick, than it is a good idea to use a contrast paint for the base colour, that will really safe time and look good. However, I would not start to buy the whole collection for all different parts on the mini.

Manuel Mangual
Manuel Mangual - 20.08.2023 05:48

Thank you so much. I just recently started this hobby. I’ve been on the fence about miniature painting for quite some time but your message really inspired me to keep trying and focus more on honing my paint skills rather than cranking out a finished but rushed model.

Slugger not
Slugger not - 15.08.2023 22:04

Are contrast paints also Speed Paints? They appear to be in every way.

Box Mountain
Box Mountain - 12.08.2023 03:12

Thank you. I’ve been painting figs since the 80s and every time I asked someone about contrast paints they described them like they were magical. But their description sounded just like a wash. But they would swear up and down that they weren’t. Your in depth explanation is exactly the information I wanted.

TAG Slays
TAG Slays - 29.07.2023 20:57

Kinesthetic learning is the way to go! Great video, thanks!

Dice Adventures
Dice Adventures - 19.07.2023 20:19

So, 4 years later how does this hold up?

Robert Kennedy
Robert Kennedy - 13.07.2023 19:29

Hi Brent, this is Robert Kennedy with Typhoon Paint Products. Great video above and I sent you an email that I hope to hear back from you. Take good care and thanks again for great video.

Kalimba Newbie
Kalimba Newbie - 25.06.2023 14:38

Hello, where can i order those ingredients?

Mi chi
Mi chi - 09.06.2023 22:57

Just bought the liquitex stuff... Trying to convert my Vallejo paints into contraist paints, since i love the new slopchop peinting technique - but i struggle in painting the my miniatures after i drybrushed them with white/black

Shawn Claude
Shawn Claude - 30.05.2023 13:05

I was hoping youd show your attempts with making acrylic paints more like washes. I have so many and dont want to buy contrast paints or inks if I can avoid it lol.

Erin Anderson
Erin Anderson - 17.05.2023 21:21

I keep coming back to this video for a number of reasons, and I enjoy it and find something new that I missed (or forgot) each time I watch it. The sad truth is that I have yet to touch a single GW product (aside from the original Hasbro / GW collab Hero Quest) 100% due to the price point of their products. The fact that this has been the case for 20+ years is telling, and it is absolutely a deterrent to new people looking to get into the hobby. I'm always glad to see videos like this that give folks some great options to accomplish what they're looking for without paying the GW tax. Thanks, Goobertown. :)

matt kijek
matt kijek - 17.05.2023 09:26

Love your stuff! Keep it up!

David C
David C - 11.05.2023 05:38

I pray to God you reply. Would chinesse inks work? Or they do not fit at mini painting?

Frosty Jim
Frosty Jim - 07.05.2023 09:24

Hey, Mitch Kramer, does your butt still hurt from all those swats?

StarLink - 06.05.2023 22:33

Hi there! Can I mix citadel contrast paints between each other to get new color? Sorry for silly question, I'm new to the hobby.

Escher Le Duc
Escher Le Duc - 30.04.2023 16:39


Adler Rapturian
Adler Rapturian - 19.04.2023 20:14

In my experience, I’ve been using ceramcraft paints for specific purposes. While some people consider craft paints to not be useable, I say it depends on the brand and the specific paint.

Rayth Gaming
Rayth Gaming - 13.04.2023 05:23

Hey Brent, loving the videos. I've watched a ton of your videos over the last few weeks. Would you say that this method of making your own contrast paints is viable for saving money compared to purchasing paints? I plan on getting some speedpaint 2.0 but for now I need to stay on a budget and have a huge backlog of models i want to paint and display

David Cashin
David Cashin - 12.04.2023 17:10

Like you I have been using this technique way back for large areas like horses, vehicles, capes, Terrain in general. But recently watching the "slap chop" videos, and wanting to extend the life of the paints I have, I have been looking for a formula to experiment with. (I never loved the paint wash dry brush low light highlight method too many steps) Pretty much only try to buy "miniature" paint for specific colors. But as paint gets more expensive I am going to try to roll into using Art Acrylics. Taking some classes to learn and practice color theory and practice mixing acrylics. Thanks for your advice and inspiration!!

Red Runeblade
Red Runeblade - 09.04.2023 08:53

Honestly, so much of this was things I needed to hear. Thank you! It really takes the pressure off. I'm very excited to get back to learning painting ❤

Dark Miss
Dark Miss - 07.04.2023 00:50

Ive been painting with craft paint for years and no one has any idea until i tell them,mostly i use them for dry brushing and bases. This video was great! Im not a fan of GW stuff at all,its over hyped,over priced and boring. I prefer to make my own washes and buy from smaller paint companies or local hobby shops :)

Jason Statham
Jason Statham - 06.04.2023 16:07

You're painting an army of hologram battle arena figures...

Franken J Stein
Franken J Stein - 17.03.2023 17:56

Thanks for the recipe! As an Artist I've never liked buying premade washes. Companies charge as much and sometimes more for thinned down pigments. I'm going to use Dr. PH Martins liquid acrylics and the two Liquitex mediums. I use Golden for Canvas/Boards, but my3D prints/Sculptures will get the aforementioned concoction. I like to keep my different mediums distinguishable.

Blackwolfe - 04.03.2023 19:11

Liquitex isn't exactly cheap either. :(

Blackwolfe - 04.03.2023 19:10

I didn't hear you say "dry brush" *L

Carl - 04.03.2023 11:44

You could say, he is Painting bravely..

Amity45 - 23.02.2023 07:41

I feel like this is missing a recipe ... like what ratio of parts to the other. I guess the whole point of the video was "experiment," though.

General A
General A - 20.02.2023 12:06

Craft paints work fine. You just water them down and layer them up. Its more work, but it works.

Hcaz1113 - 14.02.2023 21:58

You're like the offspring of Bob Ross and Mr Rodgers of the miniature world. Seriously thank you for sharing this and thank you for sharing the way you do.

Darth Daddy
Darth Daddy - 25.01.2023 00:10

I think you and I met in San Antonio at a common friends Game Store that is now closed. I too make my own washes with Liquidtex and FW inks.

Kyle Scott
Kyle Scott - 16.01.2023 21:06

Whats the ratio of flow aid to ink/medium? You went equal parts ink and matte medium, but then what ratio for flow aid to the ink/medium mix? 1/10? What do you think about adding water to the mix?

only1symo - 16.01.2023 12:21

Possible to use ink instead of pigment?

Yoshua AT
Yoshua AT - 06.01.2023 12:44

I know this is an old video, but in case someone notice my comment.. Will this work for slapchop technique?

BluedragonINK - 17.12.2022 01:11

So no Chlorine and Bleach with blue pigment?

beeble2003 - 04.12.2022 14:19

Instructions unclear. Used homebrew heavy body wash in shower. Skin now purple.

Akuma Souls
Akuma Souls - 03.12.2022 04:01

Hello! First of all, thanks for the video, it's amazing and really helpful.
I'd like to ask you if you if you could share any link of the products, since I can't see them at the description, neither find them on amazon, I'm not sure if they've rebranded the packaging or something.
Again, thanks a lot!

M G - 01.12.2022 04:59

Thank you.

George Dorn
George Dorn - 29.11.2022 05:49

I'm so glad that Army Painter's Speedpaints have offered up competition here. When Contrast Paints came out, I didn't see the point; why spend $7.50 for a pot of paint when I can get nearly the same effect with a dark wash for way cheaper? But now Speedpaints are way more reasonably priced, I don't feed bad about using them as a base coat that blends easier than normal acrylic paint.

Justin Time
Justin Time - 28.11.2022 10:15

I keep exactly 2 colors of GW contrast paints on my shelf at all times. Black templar for when you need something really black like right now and Cygor Brown because I find it does brown hair amazingly well. Other than a few random GW paints I keep around I generally use Vallejo or army painter for 2 reasons. Reason 1 is that they are way cheaper and reason 2 is that GW paint pots are the worst.

Ifeyecouldpaint - 18.11.2022 00:35

I had so much hope for this video and you delivered absolutely nothing you didn't tell us what actual bounce you used for what colours thank you for wasting my time

Assad Layne
Assad Layne - 03.11.2022 06:57

Anyone try the acrylic ink/matte Medium recipe? Any need to add floor polish?

Assad Layne
Assad Layne - 02.11.2022 13:59

Actually got really close with acrylic paint (although gunk settled on the bottom) and mod podge ! .. finally getting acrylic in on.. is mod podge a decent matte medium? Anyone try it?

Some Guy
Some Guy - 31.10.2022 09:18

You inspired me to purchase 100 army men to use in experiments! I metaphorically agonize over techniques and colors (not volumes! Haha). But not anymore. Will be fun to try it all!) Thanks!

Robin Hartley
Robin Hartley - 25.10.2022 14:10

I agree with you GW is pricing this out of the hands of the beginners, I bought every pot of thier products a few years agoand now i wouldnt pay a cent for there stuff anymore. There are better paints and products out there, just like you said trial and error.
