Word: Collapse & Expand Headings by Chris Menard

Word: Collapse & Expand Headings by Chris Menard

Chris Menard

5 лет назад

82,042 Просмотров

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Sarah mina
Sarah mina - 28.10.2023 16:25

Thank you! That was helpful

h duman1970
h duman1970 - 11.10.2023 09:22

Can this option also be used for Outlook

riko14 - 25.06.2023 19:57

Thank you

Vinc Wong
Vinc Wong - 26.05.2023 04:55

i don't have collapse option in my right click menu, nor the little collapse bullet beside my heading.

Nasim Ahmed
Nasim Ahmed - 27.04.2023 00:45

i have office 2016, is this a new feature? collapsing a 15 page document would make it so much more clean 😂

Joan-Maria Brooks
Joan-Maria Brooks - 12.09.2022 19:15

I have wasted 3 days on two documents which featured this and no one ever mentioned they were using it. Now I see what the issue is with the documents and my inability to edit them; even more, I use Apple which this feature is not available. So nice to know Microsoft keeps certain features unavailable for users who don't use PCs.

Stefan Grabe
Stefan Grabe - 01.07.2022 21:49


NCS National Credit-reporting System, Inc
NCS National Credit-reporting System, Inc - 29.06.2022 21:44

Is there a way of converting these collapsable section to PDF? I am trying to create a product FAQ for our clients.

vk se
vk se - 29.04.2022 15:34


Jake W
Jake W - 24.01.2022 10:06

How do I limit the field of a Heading. All text after my last Heading collapses into it, not just the text I want to.

Sai Mounika
Sai Mounika - 09.12.2021 20:25

hie...please tell how to remove the expand or collapse command in word document

Razorgirl - 04.11.2021 02:09

I fucking hate expand/collapse and I wish I could turn the fuckers off. I appreciate that this has a use in certain contexts, but for the love of god give us the option to turn this frustrating "feature" fucking off.

Ken Vũ Đình
Ken Vũ Đình - 25.09.2021 09:38

how to delete that

Mahesh Kokkula
Mahesh Kokkula - 28.08.2021 21:32

this is great Chris. thank you for the tip. I am looking for doing this in outlook message. is it possible?

Lisa Amante
Lisa Amante - 16.08.2021 04:27

Las Vegas, NV, USA: Hi Chris, say, how do I expand all the subordinate headings under just one Heading 1 section? I have a large document where I created a multilevel list and each of the levels are formatted as headers (1:8). I start with all heading levels collapsed so only Headings 1 show. Then, I often need to just expand one Heading.

For example, assume you have heading levels 2 and 3 inside your heading 1, Financial Summary from your video above. How do you just expand all the heading level 2s and 3s that are just under the Financial Summary section?

rhoye yumol
rhoye yumol - 12.07.2021 10:08

You didn't explain how to make it, you just showed how it works 🙄

Divya santosh
Divya santosh - 10.07.2021 05:25

Thank you for that. Can we send the document to someone in a collapsed form? In other words, can we save it in a collapsed form and share it with another person.

Vincenz Mautner
Vincenz Mautner - 06.06.2021 13:43

Didn't work for me and took me some time to figure out why - it is because this feature is not available on Mac unfortunately

Ashutosh Prasad
Ashutosh Prasad - 09.05.2021 04:54

thank you sir
