A Microsoft Project Tutorial for Beginners 2023 - Including a Gantt Chart

A Microsoft Project Tutorial for Beginners 2023 - Including a Gantt Chart


2 года назад

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Zeta Lay
Zeta Lay - 31.08.2023 23:42

Appreciate the video but the audio quality is not great. Sounds like it was recorded "hot", that is there's slight distortion because the soundwaves went above the noise ceiling.

Derek West
Derek West - 28.08.2023 08:33

When would you use the auto schedule tab?

Rajib - The Crazy Traveller
Rajib - The Crazy Traveller - 26.07.2023 11:19

I wanted to create a Project for Automation. I have only received a Charter as of now.. Can you please help

John - 23.07.2023 19:07

It's such a pity Microsoft want one of your kidneys to pay for this program. In fact I think it might have went up to a kidney and a liver. Greedy fuckers.

April Roy
April Roy - 19.07.2023 07:25

Great demo!

Cathy King
Cathy King - 27.06.2023 21:55

i have 2010 Ms Projects. Just started working with a company and they use MS365 - I can't seem to find a video on how to use the new Projects - anyone out there help me ... I am getting a tad frustrated. I don't know what I am looking for. or do they and I need to buy Project Plan 3?

Sabreet kaur Sidhu
Sabreet kaur Sidhu - 25.06.2023 21:26

Can we use it for free ??

DeeDee - 17.06.2023 07:58


Kwstas Vamvakousis
Kwstas Vamvakousis - 05.05.2023 16:34

very nice video for a very quick view of MS Project. Keep up the good work!

Tamires Ronchini
Tamires Ronchini - 03.05.2023 16:04

nice quick lesson

Catherine Douglas
Catherine Douglas - 23.04.2023 13:00

I wanted to see how u add resources and assign them etc

tyson sittu
tyson sittu - 09.04.2023 01:43

I really enjoyed your video! I just have a quick question about organizing the dates in my project. Is there a way to sort the tasks in order of their start and finish dates, so that they are in chronological order? I'm asking because I have OCD and it's important to me to have things arranged in a certain way to help me stay focused. Do you think it's necessary to arrange the dates in this way, and if so, is it easy to do in Microsoft Project? Thank you for your assistance!

kavinyker - 08.04.2023 04:12

its kind of complicated when you start explaining the party tasks, its best to correctly write tasks in order and then input in project for easier presentation of data.

Pierreluc - 05.04.2023 21:43

Would me nice is there was an app of this software :(

Lizzy B
Lizzy B - 31.03.2023 23:34

Thanks for the video. I am unclear how Cook Food time is 8hrs. but the summaries of Bake Cake (1hr.) Prep Salads (1hr.) and Prep Appetizers (8hrs.) combined are 10 hrs. and exceed the total allotted time for the Cook Food task of 8 hrs. Could you explain this? Thank you

KRAFTED KITCHEN - 20.03.2023 14:47

Short and simple! Thank you.

Kawal Preet
Kawal Preet - 18.03.2023 03:44

Thanks for such an informative session. This will definitely help me in my course to perform better and do my work in future as a project manager well. Highly appreciated! 🙂

professorclown - 10.03.2023 13:59

Great 'walk through', with a simple project, while being relatively comprehensive, yet concise enough not to be overbearing. Thanks for taking the time and effort to do this - much appreciated.👍

Angela Smith
Angela Smith - 09.03.2023 07:15

Where is this Gantt chart. I don’t know how you got to this Gantt chart and I can’t find a video explaining how you even got to the Fanny chart. My ms project just opens up to excel sheet

Ashleigh Pfluger
Ashleigh Pfluger - 01.03.2023 16:31

this was great...one question. When you click on Summary, it adds the line above the New summary task above Cook Food, but then on your screen it suddenly jumped below, but does not on mine...was there a step you did that we didn't see?

Tony Guerrier
Tony Guerrier - 16.02.2023 20:39

just getting project next week. If I have multiple projects (equipment sent to different locations) but same steps for all do I need to have a separate form for each project or could I have multiple projects on one page?

Nelson Xaxa
Nelson Xaxa - 10.02.2023 01:49

Thanks ..was helpful

빨래요정 - 02.02.2023 19:55

Is that all for MS project? It looks not difficult based on following your tutorial. A new job asked me if I could do MS project but I have never been before and that's why I am curious

Geordie Duncan
Geordie Duncan - 17.01.2023 04:57

The sound is terrible! Very distorted.

Giulia Licciardello
Giulia Licciardello - 06.01.2023 09:44

Thank you so much it very very good made and very useful

Breydon Kokas
Breydon Kokas - 10.12.2022 03:22

Really great intro for a newbie thank you

James Cole
James Cole - 24.11.2022 20:01

I thought this was really useful. Thank you! Only thing I do not understand is how this works if you have multiple parties. I am looking at onboarding and so have numerous starters, but by this plan it looks like I then require multiple projects, repeating the same steps mostly but all in different plans?

jairgonzz - 15.09.2022 00:37

Is this using the cloud based option or the on premise option of the subscription?

Shad Bastarche
Shad Bastarche - 07.08.2022 14:32

I don’t know if I’m loosing my mind but there doesn’t seem to be an app download option or they have made it very hard to find.

Coffeeman2017 - 26.07.2022 21:05

You go too fast. And explain to me how when you add a summary, it automatically changes to "cook food" in bold?? I have the same version of MS Project and mine doesn't do that.
