Tyranid 'Coconut Crab' Paint Scheme Tutorial (Part 1)

Tyranid 'Coconut Crab' Paint Scheme Tutorial (Part 1)


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@sketch316 - 09.03.2022 08:15

Absolutely gorgeous 😮

@hiddensecreturl - 17.03.2022 22:22

Outstanding - never seen a Tyranid scheme I liked until now.

@raphaelsilvestro1710 - 23.03.2022 12:47

HELLO CatgutPainting i need your help do you have a way to be joined? let me explain, i live in French Polynésia in the south pacific and fell in love with your idea of coconut crab, I would like to reproduce it but i came back to the warhammer 40k world after 15 year of stop and my old army is painted in an bad amateur's manner. Could you, maybe, help me in my quest and advise me how to clean off the paint and then what citadel paint i should use and how ? i only have citadel paint here sadly...and everything has to be order on internet there is no local shop...and i got no one that can help me or advises me.

Thank you for your amazing vidéos.

@6TypoS9 - 30.03.2022 14:34

really cool my dude, i like the non stop non ramblimg straight to the point approach, some people forget to use

@firmak2 - 22.04.2022 22:26

im going to have to go mad, arent i?

@jonmetters2616 - 28.04.2022 19:29

Thank you so much. This is really an amazing look, and detailed, useful explanation. I tried it and am psyched with the results. I have a ways to go, but in one try, I think you got me 90% of the way there!

@joshuadtedd - 08.05.2022 11:38

For the white dots could you just use VMA Model Air White neat from the bottle? Or will it need more thinning?

@MindOverManaX - 23.07.2022 03:08


@pebblesthecat3625 - 02.10.2022 14:37

This is so cool, and it looks quite easy to follow and not mess up. Could this type of painting be done with other colours, such as a winter camouflage colour scheme ? (I'm not thinking tyranids, but on a Cadian guard army)

@TallowTheQuoll - 04.10.2022 17:26

Brb imma go make some trans flag colour scheme versions of these real quick

@FrederikEngelmand - 12.10.2022 20:08

soooooo fresh, not just BANG colors and giant contrast between plating and flesh. loved it!

@jonathandoherty9082 - 17.10.2022 10:13

Is it possible to do a ghost rider (black, with a fire like coloration) theme?

@MisterTingles - 24.10.2022 18:16

I don't think I'll ever have an occasion to try a paintscheme like this, aside from futzing with Ork skin maybe, but this is still one of the best painting tutorials I've ever seen...

@turtlegaming4427 - 23.12.2022 21:23

I love this scheme

@cfrka114 - 05.01.2023 04:40


@tonyennis1787 - 15.01.2023 05:23

I love this paint scheme, very creative!

@laurencepenfold - 08.02.2023 11:55

That's really great, beautiful natural scheme. Rumour has it 10th edition comes with Tyranids, I'm much more likely to buy it now. GW should send you a cut.

@I.AM.1990 - 18.02.2023 17:50

Awesome and a very original paintjob! Thanks for sharing, great work

@intergalacticmuffin7071 - 28.02.2023 16:23

This is a very interesting paint scheme awesome job seems very practical looks awesome.

@2013Arcturus - 13.03.2023 15:57

I have great ambitions a few years from now to make a "mantis shrimp" paint scheme. I need to practice airbrushing a lot before I get there though. I'm a pretty good brush painter so I can, I just need time in the seat so to speak.

@whitemiasma5288 - 19.03.2023 08:14

Great video! Looks amazing. Going to use different colors and try this. Many thanks.

@romanor1er - 25.03.2023 14:58


@michaciemniewski9791 - 14.04.2023 10:23

Look GREAT. Very cool theme!
Except for all those visible mould lines and uncleaned spots where frame was attached to the model.

@froehmar - 14.04.2023 19:28

This is the BEST color scheme i ever saw on Nids! Unfortunately I have not enough time and skill to reproduce it in any way :/

@HiveMind3006 - 26.04.2023 21:35

Over from Reddit, thanks for the link. Appreciate it.
Definitely need to get back to my Tyranids. I've done them in a cockroach style, each unit slightly different so this scheme should fit right in.Thanks again and awesome work. Subbed and a big thumbs up.

@Peterjameslewis69 - 27.04.2023 20:25

Would this scheme work over a wraithbone spray undercoat or would the warmer huw of off white change the overall effect too much?

@bigolbearthejammydodger6527 - 04.05.2023 02:49

Really nice colour scheme for nids, inspired by nature. Love it!
Personally I went with a scheme inspired by nature too (insects), also inspired by HR geiger Aliens - as geiger made the original concept art for both Aliens and GW nids/genestealers. Had a hell of a time getting iridescence and that dripping wet look but experimental painting is fun, even when it goes wrong.

@aleksanderolszowka2734 - 09.05.2023 14:58

Hi and thanks for the tutorials. Helped me a lot! Question to anyone here, given the dotting take the lions share of time even with proficiency has anyone experimented with a nail dotting tool lik this?

@PaullyShores - 25.05.2023 20:29

Watching this again to prepare for 10th edition.

@Mnkylord - 08.06.2023 13:29

Man, I do love this scheme! Reminds me of the German WWII "Ambush" camo pattern, where your color outlines are diffused using dots of neighboring colors. Very, very cool and fun to paint... if i bit time intensive. :P

@nobkinite - 12.06.2023 20:41

just a amazing scheme painting my lethithan tyranid with this!!!

@chrismurphy3745 - 15.06.2023 04:56

Stunning stuff going to try this in purple any advice?

@jasoncaldwell5627 - 18.06.2023 09:11

Amazing effect!

@AR15UserRev1 - 04.07.2023 23:02

Might have found my paint scheme for leviathan.

@carysage - 06.07.2023 03:36

Yeah this is incredible. I've always loved Tyranid models but pretty much hated every color scheme I've ever seen on them except maybe a few good "xenomorph" inspired ones. But this natural pattern is just fantastic! Thanks for inspiration!

@madnessbydesign1415 - 08.07.2023 23:32

That looks totally badass! I've been trying to decide how to paint mine, and I think we have a strong contender! :)

@Cyd99 - 22.07.2023 01:36

lol, I’ve been using the good ole gut test for years. Also the girlfriend test, I hold up my model like a 5 year old and ask her if this looks like shit

@kuriraion5580 - 30.07.2023 22:25


@Farli-Gaming - 02.08.2023 02:00

that is one of the best colour schemes 35 years i have every seen

@nonlinear3084 - 16.10.2023 19:21

god that is so impressive.

@gwyn5144 - 15.11.2023 15:54

That is very cool. But... I cannot imagine doing this for a entire army. The amount of time required must be crazy.

@Blonc - 17.11.2023 12:39

I'm thinking about doing a bright green and black version of this scheme and have a wash question. Would it be a good idea to switch out either the soft or light wash portion for army builder's olive green wash or can I just add 1/2 or 1 part of it to the mix?

@christopherbonner4454 - 18.11.2023 02:08

Simple yet amazing! Working on a Tyranids army currently. May cross this technique with a grim dark color scheme. It would come out perfect I think.

@christopherbonner4454 - 18.11.2023 02:13

Airbrushing this technique would be good also.

@robberthess1587 - 30.04.2024 22:34

Hi super nice color sheam can you do this on a aos sepharon warrior and a skinks
Greeting from a dutch fan

@constantinbiersack - 29.05.2024 16:35

Where can u buy the Colour

@fernlenker - 07.07.2024 04:14

Hello Catgut, OH so genious! such a super cool desing, and way to get there!
AND i learned so much about Coconut Crab now =) )
Thank you for showin us your work!
and to teach, if it should look good, do not hurry, enjoy the way =)
greetings from germany
if there is someting new about tyranids desings, please tell me!
maybe i try some Orks like that =) )
im smiling from ear to ear THANKs a LoT

@GitShoota - 18.08.2024 07:24

Delicious great stuff

@ChimpingBulldog - 07.09.2024 02:13

One of the best schemes ive ever seen for 'Nids.
