Our Only Hope In The Wilderness — John Piper

Our Only Hope In The Wilderness — John Piper

The Gospel Coalition

1 год назад

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@jboreal7982 - 10.12.2023 20:03

I needed this.

@novitotoso4481 - 09.12.2023 14:03

Will u go to heaven

@bobreese4807 - 06.12.2023 18:35

HOPE, HOPE, HOPE?????? Internal personal HOPE is generated by realizing sanctifying grace transforming one's character (ROMANS 5:4.) THEN....... this HOPE encourages one to continues to cooperate, connect with HOLY SPIRIT/grace to become like JESUS...(1 JOHN 3:3) and fit for eternal life!!!!! >>>Pure in heart, meek, HOLY!!!! This is the relevant, practical concept of HOPE!!!!!! The 2nd coming of JESUS and/or substitutionary death of JESUS does not bring HOPE to worldly Laodicean church attending , lip service, rituals of communion. bible study, sermon soaked, doctrinally constipated, pew potatoes.

@JeffreyGodsey - 11.11.2023 01:32

What a sermon, so grateful God gives us men like you, john Piper!

@theindianwisdom6946 - 31.10.2023 10:19

This message drives me near to our one and only LORD!❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for message sir!

@joashkananura9008 - 30.10.2023 20:52

What a great Surmon!!

@jamiebadour6555 - 19.09.2023 06:12

Amen. To God be the glory! I thank God, the Father, for this powerful and profound sermon in Jesus name. Amen.

@1Audioworks - 19.09.2023 05:57

Piper strikes again.

@blaircourtney6875 - 17.09.2023 17:34

Mmmm our God is so good. He often humbles us to remind us how glorious He is and that He is our source of hope and provision. My favorite section of the Bible (more than a verse) is in 1 Samuel 2. It is a reminder of the greatness of God and the feeble nature of my greatest efforts. God is good when I don’t deserve it. Sometimes, his grace comes in forms that I don’t understand until much later.

@FeleciaHorton-rh6nb - 17.09.2023 00:38


@angloaust1575 - 12.09.2023 17:23

My Lord knows the way thru the wilderness
All I have to do is follow
Strength for the day!

@HelpmeLordJesus - 10.09.2023 04:33

I have listened to this message about 5-7 times since feb 2023. Going through a horrible season in my life. Something I did not ask for. And every time i listen to this message I get something new that I needed right then. Thank you Jesus.

@user-xq2bm3nq8y - 05.09.2023 19:13

This man is so very, very holy. His carefully curated poses reveal a deeply spiritual man. He is without sin. Beatific. Consecrated. Devoted. Deeply humble. Beyond the criticisms of the common man.

@everyonehasanopinion00000 - 02.09.2023 23:59

Such good teaching!

@anselbrooks4237 - 26.08.2023 23:37

Thank You for giving us the signs to look for before Your return. May we not wait to be ready for Your return, because we know not the hour that the Son of Man will return. MAY WE BE READY AND NOT GETTING READY. Let us be Christlike, WALKING RIGHTEOUSLY.❤

@user-xq2bm3nq8y - 26.08.2023 20:18

Piper said that LIFE ITSELF should take a back seat to being against Trump. That he let politics so overpower his testimony speaks reams, and it is not good.

@gregjones2217 - 26.08.2023 01:32

So human self reliance and ingenuity wouldn't be enough? Sounds like religious egotism and arrogance.

@jeanwissinger6013 - 25.08.2023 00:17

No, we sleep.

@sethrodgers1215 - 23.08.2023 17:31

My little sister named her daughter piper after him:)

@riaanolwage2931 - 23.08.2023 13:34

Piper, did God tell you you are chosen or did you just felt like that yourself?

@cindyweatherly4501 - 19.08.2023 18:03

John...you seem to have a good heart. It's such a shame that you're a leader of the worse cult, within general Christianity.
Calvinism is true. I may not be saved.....NOR you.
A great context for LOVE and PEACE.

@user-hj9cf4im3y - 14.08.2023 12:59

Nu stiu engleza 😢

@user-xq2bm3nq8y - 13.08.2023 00:07

John, help a brother out here, would you? I’m trying to figure out why you won’t say a word about your assertion that life and freedom must take a back seat to Trump-disdain, or, how you awkwardly put it “Christians communicate a falsehood to unbelievers…when we act as if policies and laws that protect life and freedom are more precious than being a certain kind of person.” This is a HUGE bombshell, as life and freedom are, really, what God offers us through Jesus in the afterlife and, if we aren’t blithering idiots, in the here-and-now.  Why is it then, John, you put such a huge premium on Trump-hate? Weren’t you supposed to be a prolife champion? Leading prolife marches, going to jail, even adopting a poor black baby-girl? What are we to think, John? Given that Trump, irregardless of what you may say, was the single most effective prolifer in history*, were all these things purely for optics? Putting a fresh shine on the halo, were we?

*as the one God used to end Roe, in terms of actual LIVES SAVED, no body comes close. What other definition you may have for being prolife would obviously be the result of some kind of foggy, fuzzy Orwellian new-speak. (As an aside, I’ve heard progressives say that to be prolife is to care for the baby conception-to-grave. Food, health care, housing, education, enriching-employment, retirement, etc. If you don’t believe the government is responsible for each one, any waffling at all, would mean you’re not really prolife. Is that what you think, Johnny? Maybe Biden, who never saw a pregnant belly he didn’t want to slice and dice, was, by your definition, the TRUE prolife candidate. Like I said, Orwellian new-speak.)

@user-uu9lf4lv2m - 12.08.2023 20:32

Pray a lot for me I was the victim of a lot of witchcraft and I have a lot of psychological problems depression anxiety etc I'm about to go crazy my name is André Gulherme and pray for my family and I'm suffering a lot with envy I need a lot of prayers and jenjum
I thank whoever does this for me and I'm Brazilian

@explore.365 - 11.08.2023 04:20

From a Jewish 🔯 point of view....its Christian Philosophical of Hope, at best. That gentliles seem to lap up... (the Greco-Roman philosophical message - super imposed onto Jewish text) Cool message for gentiles.... As Paul the helinised pharisee intended it to be... Developed on the scriptural interactive tools of allegory and typology theology..... And the philosophy of spiritual foreshadows.... This "gospel " message of Greco-Roman origin , which seems to hold positive value with Pagans (gentiles) , in that it rescues them from a negative reality, helping them to put trust in a Jewish Messiah (faith in a man = Yeshua Anosy). Maybe this is part of Hashem's greater plan bringing a Pagan world unto himself, in stages over centuries, in the old end. 🤔 maybe??

@user-xq2bm3nq8y - 09.08.2023 21:22

“Therefore, Christians communicate a falsehood to unbelievers (who are also baffled!) when we act as if policies and laws that protect life and freedom are more precious than being a certain kind of person. The church is paying dearly, and will continue to pay, for our communicating this falsehood year after year.” Are you saying that it is better to be dead and/or in chains rather to support Trump? Remarkable. That is EXACTLY what you are saying. Yet, Jesus Christ says He came to give us LIFE and LIFE more abundantly. I understand you diminish the words of Jesus by ascribing a far off, pie-in-the-sky thought to what Jesus said. Fine. I still don’t see how facilitating abortion, transgender medical surgery, crime and war can possibly be construed to be what Jesus came to earth for. Not even close.

@user-xq2bm3nq8y - 09.08.2023 19:50

Piper writes “Therefore, Christians communicate a falsehood to unbelievers when we act as if policies and laws that protect life and freedom are more precious than being a certain kind of person. The church is paying dearly, and will continue to pay, for our communicating this falsehood year after year.” Piper? Really? Churches aren’t supposed to protect life? Didn’t Jesus say He came so we could have LIFE more abundantly? That is one price I am more than willing to pay. If your "church" is unwilling to do that it isn't worth a bucket of warm snot. At the moment when you had an opportunity to stand for righteousness, for maxim effect, you folded. There is no greater indictment. (Are you trying to say death and living in chains is preferable to Trump? Explain.)

@user-xq2bm3nq8y - 09.08.2023 19:46

You and I are in an enviable position. We are both at the end of life. I will be able to go to my grave with the hope that I did my best to leave a society that was livable for the next generation of Christians. Your legacy will be one of death, chaos and destruction. That death and living in chains is preferable to supporting a “certain kind of person.” You may never live to see the foul fruits of what you’ve done. I hope I don’t, either.

@steelmilkjug - 09.08.2023 05:43

The US “Au Pair” program sells foreign girls as indentured servants to rich Americans and bans their rights to join a Church, get married, or work for any other employer and punished them for such “violation” with threats of exportation. The US Government uses citizenship to traffic young foreign girls, not just for sex, but for underpaid overworked indentured servitude and cheap labor for the rich. When I saw the legal bondage they were under, I became enraged.

@SantaCruz-tr8qy - 07.08.2023 02:51

Ever wondered why God created you? What was His purpose for giving you a body and placing you on this planet? He does nothing without purpose and intent. 1 Corinthians 3:16-20 You have been given a body to house the Spirit of the living God on this earth. We are not the owners of this body only the managers and stewards and the body is a vehicle given to us to fulfill His plan, will and purpose of God while on earth.
The eternal purpose of God in Jesus Christ is to give us this new relationship with God (John 3:16; 6:37, 39; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21).
Make you self understand; that this is GODS WORDS, Not Mine.
Acts 17:27 and Jeremiah 23:23 The problem with God is not that He's so far away that we can't see Him. Rather, He is so close that we overlook Him.That means, if you can not find God within your self, you will not find God in any Church, building, Tabernacle,Temple or place of worship. Including Yours

@EmeleDaunivavana-bf6de - 05.08.2023 01:06

Thank you Pastor John for the timely message

@shamsdoha952 - 01.08.2023 05:54

Jews put Jesus OnThe Cross Recently Jew Rubbis observed spiting on the Christian Nuns at a street at Jerusalem Hate Forever between Christian and Jews.

@jesuschristcannotchangenev6031 - 17.07.2023 06:17

The manual which you call the bible is revelatory, God has to reveal himself, and he has to reveal his written word. Lo, he cometh in clouds and every eye shall see him. This means he came back on the day of Pentecost in people. It says Christ is formed in us, they can only see him if he's here. Let me shorten this up, if you cannot see God in me, you'll never see God. Know ye not that you are the temple of God. How much more back do you need him to come because the only flesh he has is ours, or mine. Sad, I don't hear any anointing. I don't hear any revelations, I just hear theology, and someone that paid to go to school. Or was schooled by another man. When I talk concerning God, wait a minute, I don't talk concerning God, I just give him my mouth and he says what he wants to say. Without sacrificial love which we call agape love, actually it means unless God is in you, unless heaven is in you, you've not made it. Only those that are Christs at his coming. The book says I go in and out of heaven, and that my words travel through the heavens. I know who I am, and I am alone. Peter said, Lord when are you coming back, and the Lord said there are some standing around you right now, they won't taste of death until I'm here and back with all my glory and all my power. See, you can't read that even though it's in the bible, because you're not anointed to hear it. I am the cloud he comes in, I am the body of Christ, the second coming, I am the temple of God, I can change the weather, I can raise the dead, I can cast out devils, heal the sick, and I am the gospel, the good news. When I go to the hospital and they say you're dying, you live. Christ has been formed in me. I am a part of a royal priesthood. He's King of kings and Lord of lords, which one are you? Chosen generation, pure without sin, Satan is not my father, not because of what I believe, but because of what Christ did to me, he baptized me, and cut that fallen nature out of me. And gave me a new heart and a new spirit, the nature of God. It is impossible for me to want to sin, my nature is heavenly, I just want to love. I do want to irradicate evil, and we have people on the earth that you aren't going to save, I don't care what you do. The Pharisees and the Scribes, let me say that in modern words, the religious folks and the theologians, they think God is a book and they worship the book and they quote the book. That isn't going to save anyone. I'm sorry, you're a far cry from where you should be at your age, you're worshipping God with you brain, you think you know God with your brain, your brain is the natural man, he hates God. The parts of me that are going to live forever, are my soul and my spirit. Soul is my essence, my life, spirit is my personality, if you know me now, you'll know me then. It's so sad, Pharisees and Scribes, it's so sad. Jesus said you search those scriptures in them you think you found life. There is no tree in crucifixion, and I had to get crucified, the tree is symbolic, and there is no water in baptism, and I had to get baptized, and the water is symbolic. God sending his Son into my vessel baptized me, I'm a new heaven and a new earth, old things have passed away, behold all things are new. You don't put wine in an old wine skin. For me to have the Holy Ghost I had to be new, without that fallen nature. Now, the things I just wrote, they're not my words, and it's not my understanding, it is Jesus Christ who is talking to you. The only thing that I know is Christ crucified. Lord, I speak the opening of their eyes, I speak to their understanding, and I curse every gospel that's not of you Lord.

@earaud - 05.07.2023 16:35

Amen. Wonderful preaching. A reminder to TRUST GOD in the wilderness. Lord make is so. Thank You Father for the blood of Jesus.

@helenpervis4983 - 02.07.2023 01:36

thank you Pastor John
I needed this today!
certainly a wonderful way to explain trusting our Rock of Salvation

@JimJamJuicy - 29.06.2023 12:47

Wow Praise God I got very much from this message

@marlitacagas1958 - 28.06.2023 17:11


@conversationsoncharacter3069 - 27.06.2023 06:30

At min 9: "Why do you test the Lord? There's a warning. Don't try God's patience! It runs out
for people who don't trust Him and despise Him! It runs out! We know how this story ends in the wilderness."

@Bruhdude5548 - 18.06.2023 09:09

Thank you, Pastor John. 🤍 All Glory to God.

@Christina-jm2fy - 18.06.2023 03:02

Thank you Heavenly Father for your great love, provision and mercy.

@user-fk1ts6th6l - 14.06.2023 19:53

Good preaching it clear

@chahali-iiawc-wr5fw - 14.06.2023 16:32

Am so grateful for his ministry , 1 and a half year ago God led me to hear the Gospel message in brother John's channel, his conference about " when I don't desire God" I got saved, and God has changed me to a completely different person, freed me from porn masturbation addiction, homosexuality, idolatry, pride, lust, envy , emptiness, from being a slave of make up, gave me courage, love, hope, freed me from fear of death. And now I hope one day I will be faithfully preaching and serving God too. Praise God, God bless you and your family , give you good health and strength.

@karabomasemola6408 - 23.05.2023 19:02

Here are a few Scripture verses that support the themes of John Piper's sermon "Our Only Hope in the Wilderness":

1. Isaiah 43:2 - "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you." This verse emphasizes God's promise to be with his people in times of trial, protecting them and keeping them steadfast.

2. Psalm 46:1-3 - "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling." This Psalm also reminds us that God is our ultimate refuge and strength, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.

3. Romans 8:28 - "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." This verse can bring comfort in the midst of trials, knowing that God is working all things out for the good of those who love him.

4. Hebrews 4:16 - "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." This verse reminds us that we can approach God with confidence and find mercy and grace in our time of need, no matter how difficult our circumstances may be.

@jonbradley4289 - 21.05.2023 19:07

Such a powerful sermon! Thank you, Father! I needed this in the midst of my wilderness! Help me to trust you and your goodness to give me water to drink in the wilderness! And help me to love you more than life! You steadfast love is better than life! Psalm 63:3.

@davidpremkumar352 - 21.05.2023 09:40

This is just for me as I am struggling right now to come to terms with the spread false doctrines and how it's a great challenge spreading the true Gospel. Thank you, Tim Keller for encouraging me even as you were dying. Praise God for your life.

@stephenkombe5804 - 20.05.2023 10:06

I request, we need to have downloadable versions of these sermons. God's grace.

@mariainesnoriegahermosilla - 14.05.2023 22:12

Aunque estemos tristes, pobres y con hambre, Nada nos puede separar del amor de Cristo, ni siquiera una medida cautelar para que no puedas entrar a la iglesia.

@Lili-Benovent - 05.05.2023 15:58

You have all been misled about the Rapture, this is how it will happen -
Jesus and his Angels will be sitting on their clouds holding fishing poles, they will tie bibles on the end of their lines and lower them to Earth.
All the faithful Christians will see the bibles hanging in mid air and naturally they will grab them and be reeled up to their giant prison in the sky called Heaven.
To anybody observing this spectacle it will seem as if they are all floating upwards. When all the Christians have gone the World will be left to us evil Heathens, and what a great World it will be with no God freaks around.
No more street Preachers screaming about the horrors of Hell and the vengeance of Jesus and no more Jehovas waking us up from our hangovers at 11AM every Saturday. We'll turn all their churches into bars, pool halls and Dens of iniquity. Let the fun begin ..........
Jesus, bring the Rapture on now.

@Fred-mp1vf - 28.04.2023 00:48

❤ "and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word; until it is given to him to know the mysteries of God, until he knows them in full" - Alma 12 :10 of the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ. 😊

@adelalax3553 - 27.04.2023 01:24

Amén! Brother I agree with your last prayer in the name of Jesus, put trust in my heart Lord. Amen 🙏🏼
