12 Bedroom Colour Schemes & How To Choose The Perfect Palette For Your Bedroom

12 Bedroom Colour Schemes & How To Choose The Perfect Palette For Your Bedroom

Reynard Lowell

1 год назад

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@gracegamboa1819 - 16.02.2024 15:28


@faridekhani2703 - 16.02.2024 16:15

Exactly what I needed! Thanks! 💙Can you please add the link for " How can we choose a color scheme for our home? "

@nieco8746 - 16.02.2024 16:19

What type of Bonsai is on your background
Been looking for indoor bonsai

@Kaplanova - 16.02.2024 16:58

Thank you very much! So many beautiful examples and a lot of great info! Love your channel, greetings from the Czech Republic 😊

@ee5647 - 16.02.2024 18:09

So interesting because they should be cozy but dark woods/walls & yellow lighting make me so depressed because they bring me back to being in poverty in the house I grew up in.

@marzenas8727 - 16.02.2024 19:16

Thank you! Eye opening lecture.

@ninjal7588 - 16.02.2024 20:25

I have medium gray wallpaper in my bedroom, on all 4 walls... Just looks quite bad and no idea how it could look good. The room is also quite dark and the flooring is quite dark brown... Guess I'll just go functional and get a more beautiful home once I have more money.

@razamughal4582 - 16.02.2024 21:26

Loved the video. I am struggling with which colours to put with a greige floor with warm undertones. In some lights it looks taupe.

@MeanOldLady - 17.02.2024 02:04

As a severe & chronic migraine sufferer, the ideal colors for my house are on a subtle blue & green spectrum with taupes & light to medium wood tones. Bright colors & exposed bulbs cause migraines, dark & very light colors make them worse.
My ideal style is rich & moody, but for my health, I'm also enjoying a Japandi-boho style.

(I inherited a lot of dark, walnut furniture that I drape lighter cloth over to have the grounding feeling of darker, Asian wood tones & a lighter wall color. House wood is medium toned & new furniture is light & blonde.)

@MeanOldLady - 17.02.2024 02:16

Please don't use green in your homes... It looks as terrible as it did in the 70s as well as the institutions of the 40s-60s...

@iLoveLeatherNYC - 17.02.2024 06:48

I've learned so much watching your videos, thank you for always posting top tier content.

@HeronCoyote1234 - 17.02.2024 10:26

When we bought our home, the main bedroom was school bus yellow. I got a headache whenever I walked in. We painted the bedroom Ben Moore “Hidden Sanctuary”, and the ceiling “Peace and Harmony”, leaving the trim a soft white for contrast. Ten years on, I still love the colors.

@mistek - 17.02.2024 12:40

I'm moving within the next week, thank you for this specific video!

@SilviaN1 - 17.02.2024 12:56

Very useful! I love the way you incorporate pictures to show what you mean 🙌

@Spungle15 - 17.02.2024 22:12

I had no idea white walls could highlight shadows in dark rooms. Now I feel more comfortable shopping for dark colors- thanks Reynard!

@Akash-Jack7 - 18.02.2024 21:23

Nice Video, can I talk to you?

@surajithkm - 19.02.2024 05:42

Thanks. !!

@Zarga8 - 20.02.2024 03:29

I have changed over the years, and one has personal history to take into account. I am currently not into dark and moody.
Also the part of the country you are in factors in.

@karenschmoutz6785 - 21.02.2024 16:43

I have had pink & green bedrooms since 1979, and last summer took a notion to ‘go modern’. After purchasing several of the modern decor books on your list of favorites plus others seen in YT decor videos, I stripped down the room in September—took down almost all the art, rearranged books, cleared surfaces, etc. to create the more ‘calming’ atmosphere I thought was what I needed. And you know what? It’s boring as all get out!! Perhaps a professional would do a much better job but it didn’t accomplish what I had hoped. I found out I really miss the pink & green, so plan to incorporate a few touches of it this summer & see how things work out. Guess I’m not a ‘neutral’ person after all. I just love your videos Reynard, and am always inspired by them—keep up the good work!!

@MsSalanghae - 21.02.2024 19:06

I LOVE all the images that you use. Where do you find them? I would love to get more inspired. Can you add the sources or designer?

@TheGrandeGillies - 28.02.2024 00:52

We painted our bedroom walls and ceiling a soft dark chocolate brown and it is the best choice we could've made. If you are not sure about painting the ceiling, do it!! It makes us happy every day, it is so much cozier and gives a different hue of brown at different times. The golden sun in the morning, the sidetable lamps with warm lights give a beautiful glow on the walls. Best choice eve!

@aileenoliaei3340 - 03.03.2024 00:14

Thanks for the video. It was really informative ❤
Can you please make a video about bedrooms that have no natural lights? Like how to lighten these kind of bedrooms, or what colors to use?

@coolsnowgirl92 - 09.03.2024 05:58

Very informative! I have an open concept kitchen and living room. My kitchen cabinets are cool midtone grey. It looks like a "millenial grey" kitchen and we have warn (orange) wood floors. I am having trouble selecting a color palette due this. Since both of theses are high cost and fairly new, we don't want to change it but is there a color palette that can work? Our walls are all white and we aren't sure where to go from here.

@erickahidalgo3144 - 07.04.2024 08:04

Beautiful work

@vm9429 - 22.04.2024 12:20

I love your videos. I wish you talked more about dark blues and colour combination that goes well with it such as blush pink, browns, yellow or natural colours.

@CamrunThomas - 13.06.2024 04:14

bro just loves the hotel look (subscribed)

@Thomas-ij9wq - 27.07.2024 20:33

Off-topic, but i love the buttonless polo you’re wearing! Could you tell me where you got it? ;)

@24ghosh24 - 15.08.2024 18:00

I started with vibrant walls, teal n coral..but now switched to off white n chocolates....it looks elegant n justifies my love for coffee n chocolates.

@catharinewhitby3649 - 11.09.2024 20:39

So, Reynard, do I surmise you are not a fan of colour drenching in the bedroom?

@davedfrench7309 - 04.10.2024 09:06

Rey , your ideas a so good realist and home like keep up the great videos😊

@gloglos100 - 27.10.2024 11:09

As a child in the first home my parents built, my sisters and I chose chartreuse in decent depth for our timber floored room and repeated this in our bedroom in the beach house. Wonderful colour greenish yellow colour.

@mirandasworld - 14.11.2024 04:47

looking forward to this one

@ReathaArrey - 25.11.2024 02:22

You made this seem so simple!

@Lulu-oi9ue - 27.11.2024 04:11

My home is a warm white called milk cloud with beige tiles. It’s a tiny coastal cottage with a white weatherboard exterior I am keeping it white. I add warmth and interest with my linen, vintage art and furniture. I just love how bright, light, airy and fresh it feels. I love colour but the space lends itself to a neutral wall colour.

@laurareinoso4684 - 16.12.2024 22:18

We are gonna stay with the white base schemes since we are renting. it was such an interesting video!

@AndreaMas123 - 20.01.2025 03:09

Could you do a video with tips on how to warm up a kitchen or bathroom with grayish countertops? Not sure what would be a good color combination that does not make my bathroom look like a hospital :(

@howtolearningchannel - 05.02.2025 15:43

Like the soothing and calming colors!

@sandrataylor4291 - 07.02.2025 21:17

Thank you as always for your informative work!

@Bla274 - 26.02.2025 15:56

This is exactly what I needed! Very informative and helpful, thank you
