[PoE 3 23] My Top 7 Leaguestarters for Path of Exile Affliction

[PoE 3 23] My Top 7 Leaguestarters for Path of Exile Affliction


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@Palsteron - 06.12.2023 16:05

Imagine not playing Cleave

@MangoTheEpic - 10.12.2023 08:59

can you please include POB's and not just the maxroll guide?

@redpandaarara4259 - 09.12.2023 05:20

yeet the camera away. we want too see the HP and stuff, not you.

@mystagogue71 - 09.12.2023 05:13

Do we have confirmation on how Energy Blade works with the new Animate Weapon of Self Reflection? I feel like that could be fun. I didn't play the last league so I'm not up to speed on the meta.

@Bob-zb7bv - 08.12.2023 22:14

Dang about to login and still haven’t decided… thanks for the video though!

@biohz8445 - 08.12.2023 19:49

Is it alot to ask that when showing off a build you turn the f'n map off? As if it's not hard enough to see what's going on LOL

@AgditisVRC - 08.12.2023 12:09

Still stuck between SRS Guardian and BS Slayer. BS Took me to red maps with ease, but nothing is quite like leveling with sentinel of radiance

@montxogandia - 08.12.2023 11:39

Why do you like builds that are so lame, mines, turrets, corpses, hexes and lame shit builds. Even Bonshatter looks lame. I will have to play flicker another league.

@frankcastle9878 - 08.12.2023 10:12

what build is best for low budget

@nicovoigt1544 - 08.12.2023 06:55

Havoc did a RoA into TS run. After Campaign is LA or TS better? I think with the new secondary Projectile quality on TS gem it seems to be viable

@sanstorm9950 - 08.12.2023 01:48

Which ascendancy you guys prefer for cleave of rage.

@drakestreacheroustwin3179 - 07.12.2023 22:32

im looking for a build where i go ham, like with sword axes and go full kratos mode and killing everybody, last league played guardian minions and enough magic now i wanna go full destruction mode with meele weapons

@Bangada - 07.12.2023 22:18

Detonate Dead is such a 'casual'/newbie-trap. Dunno why people keep naming it. 2 + 4 are solid beginner choices though.

@onionsate - 07.12.2023 15:18

Any cyclone build for .23 guy?

@emprox1 - 07.12.2023 15:03

thanks for the vid palsteron

@keithwinget6521 - 07.12.2023 14:37

No, now I am even more torn on what to start with, actually. :P It's not a bad thing, though.

I guess I'm thinking of doing some sort of minion build, but using that pyroclast mine that gives tons of flat fire damage to buff them. Dunno which minion would work best with it. Needs to be a mostly permanent minion, not rely on any damage from me (I'm not detonating the mines, but milking their aura), and scale okay with flat fire damage. Most that hit would, but they need to be tanky enough to survive standing where I toss the mines to deal optimal damage. I'm thinking this will be a bit clunky at first, but might turn into something...Idk if it's league start material at all, though. Definitely gotta get the mines to bring it online. I think Zombies might be the ticket, though, just because they can tick off most of the boxes above, and they can become fairly survivable if I supplement them with decent spectres, I think. I'm not a minion build kinda guy, though, so feel free to poo-poo my idea however you see fit.

Can't anoint the "cannot be damged" since it's a mastery now, but luckily I can justify being near a mine group because some minion nodes are near there...

@OnePiece4ev3r - 07.12.2023 13:46

Is it safe to assume EA will be getting any interesting transfigured gems?

@lunapandaz - 07.12.2023 12:42

I hope someone talks about the Conc path of endurance, I want to try it but I suck at builds :c

@Dingovff - 07.12.2023 12:19

Subtractrums SRS build aren't the best. its fine for completely new players, but it lacks a lot of optimizing to be hornets.

@ThundraBoy666 - 07.12.2023 12:14

I used to play old Hexblast (Curse, wait, blast) and really loved the feeling of the skill, is the DD any similar to that? Hexblast to me felt really smooth, despite also being a 2-button build basically

@pigeon7777 - 07.12.2023 11:59

No spell totem divine ire? :(

@ohboyitsjimmie9409 - 07.12.2023 10:46

which of these is the best / strongest for beginners ?? Guys low gear required

@remus6846 - 07.12.2023 10:19

ancestor was my first league and i had a blast following carn boneshatter slayer its so fun and i didnt expect to get this far into the game in my first league

@sotirisfilippou2769 - 07.12.2023 09:20


@TheBlank1to - 07.12.2023 09:15

why does hexblast's maxroll guide link stormblast and pyroclast with "chance to poison support gem"? Is it some kind of error or does that really work? I've been playing acts and early mapping with pyroclast linked with swift added lightning damage and it works amazing.
Thanks for the videos and all the guides, love your content.

@wtfenc0reenix - 07.12.2023 08:38

Not sure about the new Discharge and Cold Snap Gem, but i guess this league i gonna try CoC Discharge.

@jakerobb7 - 07.12.2023 08:09

Very disappointing that you feature tripolarbear, the guy steals builds and takes credit for them. Unsub from me.

@jammuu - 07.12.2023 06:17

played your hexblast mines last league, loved it! can't wait for the CA guide!

@minttrald.7845 - 07.12.2023 05:59

What do you think about toxic rain balista, can Leaguestarters be good ?

@joywen7840 - 07.12.2023 05:41

How about cobra lash? Aer0 made a video on that.

@felemeria - 07.12.2023 05:19

Are the maxroll guides format new? They load pretty slow. I tried a couple and it took 8-10 seconds before they fully load. The maxroll Diablo guides take ~1 second to fully load. I almost thought that they weren't built out yet.

@LefMr - 07.12.2023 05:19

schaue deine buildguides schon seit einigen seasons an und mir ist jetzt erst aufgefallen (an deiner taskleiste)... das du ausm deutschsprachigen raum kommst. dein englisch kommt echt sehr natürlich rüber 👍

@geekphysique4564 - 07.12.2023 04:56

I am starting divine ire totems, will play rolling magma until I get divine IRE totem or what ever works best. I really hope you or anyone can make a build guide

@dongshenghan1473 - 07.12.2023 04:56

my league start will be crit glacial hammer. Zerker going blitz charges always had the problem of not having enough crit synergy on the tree, and this skill gem basically allows you to go crit with very minimal investment, and you can simply focus on accuracy and other normal zerker scaling stats (don't even need to focus on crit multi because of the crit multi amulet and innate skill gem crit multi). If this proves shitty then im going duel wield varunastra rage cleave.

@3nfy - 07.12.2023 04:41

I love the new outro

@steamh4mmer264 - 07.12.2023 04:24

1:EQ Jugg
2:EQ Berserker
3:EQ Chieftain
4:EQ Slayer
5:EQ Gladiator
6:EQ Champion
7:EQ Raider

There, fixed it for you

@markuslc1888 - 07.12.2023 04:11

would it also be able to level the EA champion with CA?

@Sanlezz - 07.12.2023 03:45

What about Toxic Rain. The quality buffed it really good

@KeaneKamina - 07.12.2023 03:41

Imagine thinking Boneshatter > Infernal Blow. Naaaah

@frequentsee3815 - 07.12.2023 03:33

I refuse to use a tripolarbear build. Dude is a clown

@thomasgrimm1664 - 07.12.2023 03:12

I've played hexblast miner last league and the build performed very well. Be warned however that putting detonate on left click will make a clicking noise roughly every second as part of the detonate skill. If you have any mines up at all, it will click. And the mines will refuse to detonate unless there are enemies around.

@Jyuxx - 07.12.2023 02:56

can't decide between lightning arrow and EA ballista , the thing is I did EA too many times so I want to change , but the dmg is so good and the capability to clear almost all the content , to lightning arrow I dunno how will far in simu or ubber bosses

@michaelh370 - 07.12.2023 02:22

Guardian Sent is so OP, you could go fireball and destroy content.

@JadonTheEternal - 07.12.2023 02:16

I hate the days before leaguestart. I never know what to play lmao. I'm between SRS Champ cuz I've never played minions, CF Champ cuz it looks fun, or maybe CA Ballista, since it seems good this league, but I've leaguestarted TR ballista in the past so I kinda wanna do something newer

@korive - 07.12.2023 02:13

top 7 maxroll builds :o

@collinisballn - 07.12.2023 01:49

“Since I still don’t have a slogan I’ll….see you next time?” should be your slogan

@machopi - 07.12.2023 01:35

storm brand/arc+crackle lance have never been in a better position
just saying
