The Lottery: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

The Lottery: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


9 лет назад

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@merissaj4518 - 17.11.2023 22:24

I know this is a 9 year old video, but I love David Mitchell's description of the lottery "It's a tax on hope." That is what I repeat to myself when I see the potential winnings.

@claytonhayball4718 - 21.11.2023 07:57

John Oliver should gambling/ lottery for Australia. Poker machines are everywhere and every major sport is sponsored by a sports betting app

@user-hs1xb9tv6e - 23.11.2023 10:29

Of thwre is one thing that my grandpa taught me, is that the lottery is nothing more then a waste if money.

@markus_luik - 01.12.2023 23:25

So it’s just a way for business owners with government connections to lower corporate taxes? Nice, thanks U.S.

@musicauthority674 - 13.12.2023 00:33

Americans are spending more money on the lottery. than they do on America that's the truth. gamblers have no self control it's amazing that they can get through a single day without going off scale. you dumbass motherfuckers get some self control. adding the lottery to cellphone's is a real brilliant idea. there won't be a person in this Country with a dime in there pockets.

@nofreespeechhere - 29.12.2023 18:01

The lottery knows every combination of numbers picked before the numbers are picked. A few magnets and only the numbers they want will be picked. Much like the NFL, imagine betting on a game knowing the NFL controls the gambling sites, the media, the officials, and most importantly, the final score!!

@jordanwalker2804 - 04.01.2024 23:55

They found that fixed odd betting machines - I think they have roulette etc on them... - anyway, they are more addictive than cocaine. And granted, cocaine is miles from greatness, but it's presumably pretty difficult to blow 25k in an afternoon on just cocaine.
Gambling absolutely should be regulated, not managed, by authorities. That includes sports sponsors and adverts.

@timpyrules - 09.01.2024 00:37

No one gonna mention Jonhny "sad fact check" Oliver is missing a tooth?

@larryjanson4011 - 10.01.2024 16:19

i once did a drver change at a casino ( there free coffee sucked) .
but there was this old lade working a slot machine she looked board out of everything . this was at 3:am. she was blowing her ss check. can you say addicted..

@GianniHernandez007 - 18.01.2024 00:40

Damn funny

@mho... - 18.01.2024 16:38

i only met 3 ppl in my life who won the lottery, one dude got the 12k/month for life(at age 56), my grandma once got 15k(having a permanent ticket for 30+years), and another lady that got 8 million at age 85!
but lottery, as awesome as the idea is of winning millions, its just more unlikely then reality!

@visasmom - 20.01.2024 06:41

The lottery is a tax on the stupid.

@jinthevoidmaster2574 - 22.01.2024 20:50

I sell lottery tickets everyday where I work and 3 people used buy multiple of them in the same day and use the money they win to buy more. In fact one guy won a hundred bucks and used all of that hundred dollars to buy more lottery tickets only to win that hundred dollars back.

@sesa2984 - 26.01.2024 16:25

That last bit hit a little hard in NH.

@TebowcaT21 - 26.01.2024 20:44

Complete waste of money. I’ve never bought a lottery ticket.

@Continentalmunkey88 - 01.02.2024 17:22

Singapore sling or Kentucky derby

@Continentalmunkey88 - 01.02.2024 17:32

Out of two billion public, state can authroize 100 million public at a time to receive 2 cents on the dollar from all 2 billion public for each individual ($0.02*2,000,000,000), but again, stressing that 1.9 billion public will lose out per half-decade, so stock market inequalities are better though UPI fixing plastic cards

@MrFordcjm - 06.02.2024 15:19

It's a tax on people who don't understand statistics

@richsackett3423 - 06.02.2024 23:16

This early show is so cute the way is "borrows" heavily from a 60 Minutes piece. Thank goodness John and the team eventually learned how to do their own work. You ain't winning any Emmys with this hack crap.

@markmickman - 10.02.2024 01:53

The lottery feeds into the ego all while making you feel like it's going somewhere good. They just keep it to themselves

@CheifR0cka - 13.02.2024 18:48

Hm. It never occurred to me that crossing your fingers is for good luck, and for when you're lying... 🤯

@justandy333 - 16.02.2024 02:43

Im 37 and when I was a kid, lets just say I was good at maths. By the time I was 15 I'd figured all this BS out. Realistically you're never going to win it, not at those odds!
The gotta be in it to win it bollocks is constantly being thrown at you in all their ads. Because my maths teacher was awesome, I was able to see right through it.
The 1 thing that really gets me is a family friend has her 'lucky numbers' she plays every week. Thinking that they'll eventually show up. That's not how it works! Every single draw has the same odds. Just because you play the same numbers every week has no influence on whether they'll show up in later weeks.
I can't stand the concept of the lottery, it is literally just a tax on the poor. Where that wasted money could be spent on something useful.

@johncameron4172 - 18.02.2024 00:37

Lottery money goes into the pockets of congressmen and their families period.

@Hunkfish - 20.02.2024 01:36

Got buy got hope!

@jennarussell1537 - 26.02.2024 06:25

When I finished watching this video it played an ad for FanDuel Casino.

@Baltimoreed - 07.03.2024 02:25

A ripoff. Was supposed to be for the public school system but they just put it into the NC state general funds and the schools don’t get any more than before the stupid lottery.

@DennisMSulliva - 13.03.2024 20:07

Oregon lottery machines. Oh, no other states copied them?

@electric_whelk1653 - 16.03.2024 12:58

My mum always called the lottery "The optimism tax"

@tonyclifton265 - 21.03.2024 11:55

he drops the F-bomb too much. unfunny & lazy

@tonyclifton265 - 21.03.2024 11:57

US lotteries lie about the prize: "win $1m" but they pay you $20k a year for the next 50 years. the net present value of that is only $600k, not $1m. give me my million bucks you liars

@Thumper256 - 29.03.2024 01:03

When you have nothing 2 bucks for a new life is worth the chance.

@jonnovember2136 - 04.04.2024 11:27

It is only a dream away!😢

@marekd.7350 - 05.04.2024 07:19

Where does the money go? Politician's pockets?

@gqueirogabr - 06.04.2024 04:44

Bro standing 10 toes down

@julian1657 - 10.04.2024 12:12

Or like lil Wayne would say:,, half a billy''

@julian1657 - 10.04.2024 12:13

A portion of thr sale everyone wins thank xou for being a friend

@pryingeyes1551 - 11.04.2024 20:09

9 years later, realizing Sparkshark Gillionaire would have been a better title.

@Gsoda35 - 24.04.2024 09:49

go buy something instead of gambling and at least you got some guaranteed victory.

@Phryxil - 29.04.2024 10:46

"Channing Tatum has passed"

@cathyleatherman3097 - 29.04.2024 19:50

Keep exposing John Oliver !

@cathyleatherman3097 - 29.04.2024 19:51

Boy do you expose our best liars

@veganbutcherhackepeter - 08.05.2024 09:35

The American Dream(™️) not happening and trickle down not working for you? Play the lottery to at least have a 300,000,000 : 1 chance of making it in life!

@mhick3333 - 11.05.2024 22:01

What I always wondered is who gets the business concession and how much do they pocket ?
Starts w M and ends with afia ?

@sdowden369 - 19.05.2024 08:42

I know it's the last line but I'm watching this while drinking alcohol from my provincial liquor control board... 🙃

@MindsEyeWitchBubble - 01.06.2024 07:38

The Sipper's Manual
Unfortunately, there is no manual on how to sip, except for sparse church lessons, old backpacking manuals, and wine enthusiasm, which is pure deception as wine is only bad grapes and sugar left to rot then sold in a fancy bottle for a markup.

The awful truth is that to sip through life as a way of living is to live a long and prosperous life, while to guzzle and gulp is to experience tragedy ten-fold. Sipping does not only apply to wine, or water. Sipping is a way of life and concerns everything including money and learning. Deep in people's minds they have a vague dream about someday joining the sippers.

The proof on this is difficult to collect and, therefore, most people who attempt to sip end up in miserable failure. Why sip? Why not guzzle and gulp? This requires careful observation untestable by scientific scrutiny, though some sparse science would lend a hand. The awful truth is that sipping is everything and its really just not available to a mass audience. To sip is to be like steel. It is like the refined edge of winning at playing cards where every decisive move gains in odds in one's favor.

In westerns they would make you guzzle because they knew it meant death, then they would kill you if you sipped. You were dead either way. So. Guzzle up! Guzzlers die halfway through the game. One may try and guzzle a few to collect the result. I think you know where it ends up. People try and force themselves to sip, therefore it doesn't work. Instead, keep it in the back of one's mind fermenting until it develops in truth, then you may eventually sip with ease. If guzzling would only make more sense. Right?

The key is understanding the true measure of one's lifespan. People have a natural mathematical fallacy that life is short. one must, instead change that into life is very very long and that Karma may even place after death into the same place to repeat and endless cycle. One must assume they will live forever. Then naturally they will conserve life by sipping. Guzzlers assume they are going to die, therefore risk is meaningless (as is life). They see life as short while in reality life is long. They generally believe when they die they will be washed in a river until new.

This is not necessarily true. These are mathematical fallacies.
-Francis Aodh
