Ranking My Last 10 Vinyl Record Purchases

Ranking My Last 10 Vinyl Record Purchases

The Omaha Introvert

55 лет назад

9,296 Просмотров

In this video I am ranking my last 10 vinyl record purchases! Consider this a vinyl finds video but in a ranking style!

What records are you loving that you picked up recently?!

Tip me a Ko-fi? https://ko-fi.com/omahaintrovert

I'm Hanna, and thanks for watching! Like my video? Please subscribe and give me a thumbs up! I make all of these videos for fun and to interact with other vinyl addicts. This is my passion and hobby!

Social Media/Contact:

E-mail: [email protected]
Instagram: the_omaha_introvert
Discogs: omahaintrovert (Currently inputting the letter "L"!)

#albumranking #vinylcommunity #vinylfinds


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@curtissimpkins - 08.09.2023 03:34

another nice collection you got there my friend and dont worry you still love cds because i am also a fan of them too

@yournamehere6002 - 08.09.2023 05:31

Do you have any Possum Dixon?

@mrhoffame - 08.09.2023 07:11

Some great pick ups! Love that Kraftwerk!

@scottmcrae3355 - 08.09.2023 18:44

Awesome that you are expanding your GBV collection! I would highly recommend grabbing his solo and side project albums if you come across them as well. I consider a lot of his non GBV stuff to be easily as good as GBV proper.

@marvelmite1 - 08.09.2023 23:03

Man, haven't been to 402 Vinyl in awhile. Also still haven't been to Grapefruit, tried once but they were closed for some family event. Never get downtown often enough but seeing your finds really makes me want to get in there. I also need to get that Exploding Hearts album, heard such great things

@BradyA1124 - 09.09.2023 02:28


@Kevin-ob2nl - 09.09.2023 04:05

Thanks for mentioning the Exploding Hearts. I have been eyeing a purchase of this for years and had no idea Third Man put out a remaster. Just ordered and arrives Monday!

@ErwinvanMaanen - 09.09.2023 15:52

Anybody appreciating Slint and GBV deserves a 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. The music force is with you. Thanks again for your great reviews Hanna! My latest additions include cd’s by C-clamp, The Auteurs cd box, Can, Felt, My dad is dead, Cory Hanson, The Evens, Ida, Scrawl, Deerhoof, Smog, Bonnie Prince Billie and Deer Hunter. And of course the latest GBV on top of the pile to listen to on a rainy day.

@dabsan - 10.09.2023 12:18

Another excellent video and a great selection of Vinyl. I was pleased to see The March Violets Natural History album, I have listened to that album so many times over the years. If you get chance check out The Batfish Boys which was a later music project by Simon Denbigh from The March Violets.

@IainJohnson-l2k - 11.09.2023 10:39

Hey …

I just wondered if you bought DM’s new album ‘Memento Mori’ … I got the red vinyl pressing … sadly with recent albums it’s not great with only a couple of decent tracks …

Regards Iain ( York UK )

@vonzipper7854 - 12.09.2023 06:45

Hi Hannah, as I have watched your musical horizons expand, I would enjoy your takes, reviews and rankings on all thing's music or beyond. Another cool video Thank you.

@wayneatkinson6495 - 12.09.2023 11:59

Off to see Slowdive in December loving the album also good video.

@robertoroberto6200 - 14.09.2023 14:46

Loved this. Always interested to hear what you've been into recently - you've made me want to check out the new Slowdive. My first and still maybe favourite GBV was Sunfish Holy Breakfast!

@mariodc5438 - 17.09.2023 12:58

Wow, Wolfgang Press! I particularly like the albums “Queer” and “Funky Little Demons”. Was introduced to them in 1991 via the single “A Girl Like You” and have been a fan ever since.

@temporoboto - 18.09.2023 05:20

I would consider that Radio Activity more of an early Industrial record than Electronica like their later stuff, maybe that's why you didn't connect right away. Myfav💙bythem.

@WezAndHisRecords - 19.09.2023 14:45

Kraftwerk's "Radio-Activity" LP, magical.

@terrymann1341 - 21.09.2023 04:19

Thanks Hanna for this video, I just love looking at what people are adding to their record collections, you've certainly given me some new albums to look out for and to give a listen to. Inspirational, informative and lot's of fun, so again thank you for this vid which fits into all of those catagories for me, so yeah. Keep these latest purchases vids coming....

@ericgmd1294 - 24.09.2023 23:10

Hello. Once again, a real great video with nice LP's..Gonna check some I don't know. My favorite GBV album is "Alien Lanes" I think... and Bee Thousand...2 classic ones..Under the bushes is n°3 for sure...but the last albums are really really great! So great that you talk about Close Lobsters! I discovered them via the Wedding Present's cover of "Let's make some plans" on their "Hit Parade" comp. That's how I discoverd Bow Wow Wow too, with their cover of Go Wild In The Country. Cheers from Belgium!

@robisherwood527 - 26.09.2023 16:33

Headache Rhetoric!!!

@chriswilde8565 - 26.09.2023 22:21

I remember seeing my cousins band & 14 iced bears supported I didn’t have the heart to tell him 14 iced bears were better

@conradpoos2859 - 01.10.2023 01:16

Thanks for the GBV review, I'd like to recommend Cool Planet to you. There is just so much it's kind of possible to ingest it all. Also, there is a stripped down, terrific version of Ironman song that Robert did for KCRW which is lovely.

@jeffsims8270 - 04.10.2023 21:35

Diggin the TH tee! I saw an ad about some kind of anniversary edition of Stop Making Sense but not quite certain what that means i.e. is it being released in theatres? Have you heard anything about this? I'll probably just end up googling the deets, but just thought I'd ask you jic you happen to know. On a dif note, lookin forward to RSD Black Friday! Thanx for the great vids, Hannah! Take care.👍🙂

@michaelgraetz8600 - 05.10.2023 19:47

I will be passing through Omaha next week on my way to Michigan. Are there any other record stores besides Homer's that are worth checking out?

@tmw3108 - 07.10.2023 07:24

What’s cool in amaha😊

@AdamforPresident2.0 - 12.10.2023 18:10

After years and years of leaving GBV on the back burner, I finally got my first GBV record last month. A friend gifted me Propeller and I can’t believe I’ve been missing such awesomeness.

@shaynebraid - 19.10.2023 06:55

Please make a new video 😬

@michaellowrie-ne1rh - 01.11.2023 14:08

Wow lots of good news music coming out from the classic rock band s so cool

@michaellowrie-ne1rh - 01.11.2023 14:09

New music

@michaellowrie-ne1rh - 01.11.2023 14:09


@jakedjoker - 04.11.2023 10:13

Hey, Hanna ! New here, from Brazil. Lovin' U & vids !!! U know 2 much ! U have 2 much !!! Love Lobsters & Bears !!! U should tell da people 'bout Sarah Records !!! U RULE, grrl !!! And U gorgeous !!!

@retromusings - 15.11.2023 12:26

Fantastic selection of albums. So enjoyablel and interesting to watch. Trying to do more listening and less buying these days but always enjoy what people are picking up! Great video.

@gruesometwosome6098 - 17.11.2023 20:37

Hi lm new to your channel, which is great by the way.
A while back you were talking about Bauhaus...& you mentioned an lp called, press the eject & give me the tape...
Over here in the UK it came with the sky's gone out.
It was limited but

don't know how many copies had it in..?
Hope this helps....
All the best from the UK 😀

@Love_Street - 18.11.2023 22:19

Hanna are you still out there?

@chuckdibble1425 - 21.11.2023 03:55

OMG!!!!! You gotta run straight out to the record store and buy Sunset 666!!!

@denbrah1481 - 27.11.2023 08:52

You should check out Trentemoller albums Memoria and The Last Resort.

@marktaylor5030 - 27.11.2023 16:48

14 Iced Bears were actually from Brighton not London. I saw them play the Jericho Tavern, Oxford first time around. I bootlegged the show and sent a tape to one of the band who sent me a personal letter and signed photo back to say thanks

@chuckdibble1425 - 05.12.2023 11:59

I absolutley waht love you do!! I know i turned you on to the Radio Birdman But if you love the Jangle Pop I havent seen you show Bram Thaikovsky Strange Man Changed Man out The Motors!! You will LOVE this record!!

@johnconti1087 - 08.12.2023 07:18

Hanna, what’s the most you have ever paid for one vinyl?

@6Jackets6Sleeves6 - 22.12.2023 19:35

The Slowdive is amazing, nice pickup

@shopkinsillystories5009 - 14.01.2024 10:35

The second time saw the Close Lobsters, was in the back room of a pub in Bedford in late 1988 or early 89, memory fades, but I do remember that there were only about eight other people in the audience all of whom were there to see the support band Mega City Four. I saw The Close Lobsters a couple of other times thankfully, I forget exactly where but, with the Shop Assistants and Soup Dragons in 1986, the actual NME C86 show at the ICA, but I believe that that Bedford gig was a special low point for them. I knew Andrew Burnett a little later in passing, as he worked at our local whole food store. Equally I saw I4 Iced Bears, supporting the Pastels, once or twice...I think in that period I saw the Pastels more than any other band. I loved Wolfgang Press.

@shopkinsillystories5009 - 14.01.2024 11:59

Red Lorry Yellow Lorry...made my mind jump to the Fire Engines, who I haven't listened to for decades...and I think there are musical similarities...but you likely know this...

@RacerRecords - 15.01.2024 06:28

Thanks Hannah really like all your front facing bin choices ! Great selection

I listen to Autobahn often! They were way ahead!

Thanks very much for the video!

@albrook1018 - 04.02.2024 18:32

I wonder if u ever heard records like Niki & The Dove - Instinct ALBUM or Addy Edward's Picture of youth album ( it's a musthave for your collection) Желаю удачи!

@JWD1992 - 27.03.2024 01:25

I am moving out to Omaha next week. My record collection won't be coming out with me right away, as I have to get set up first. (I am just going to be in an AirBNB at first.) But it looks like I will be able to keep the collection growing once I am settled in!

@justinrenwick8500 - 10.11.2024 22:45

Give Radio-Activity a few more listens, I found it definitely not as instantly accessible as the next four. I found an OG Winchester pressing not far from the border (a little northeast of Niagara Falls ON) about six years ago at a flea market. I grabbed an OG Canadian Gem pressing of Bowie’s “Hunky Dory” as well. I noticed “The Trinity Sessions” in the background. I bought that new when it came out not far from the church it was recorded in. 😊 Great Undertones LP as well. Enjoying the videos!

@Stonecutter334 - 13.11.2024 22:04

Ok anyone who loves the Close Lobsters is a ok in my book.
Love that band so much. Was fortunate enough to see them at CBGB’s in 1989. So awesome!
I have some excellent live stuff from them,If you’re interested let me know.

@jbradshaw7 - 22.11.2024 22:14

Good to see 14 Iced Bears - have you got into Sarah Records' catalogue?

@allanramos4803 - 07.12.2024 07:36

Spiderland is such a classic! Definitely, one of the best albums of the 90s, Hope you get it.

@laurastokowski9683 - 19.12.2024 06:04

I love Hypnotised by the Undertones you have on the wall. Funny story about it. A while back I mentioned on a Twitter thread about Hypnotised that I liked their cover of Under the Boardwalk. The guy who started the thread said he hated that cover. But then Michael Bradley (Undertones bass player) actually chimed in to say that the reason they covered that song was because the Clash had covered an older American rock-n-roll hit ‘I Fought the Law’ and so they were emulating the Clash when they recorded Under the Boardwalk

@markgreet3543 - 11.02.2025 05:47

I love vinyls, sex pistols, adam and the ants lots more, i collect bootlegs, demos an ltd editions etc, i find ive made my 2 best friends, who love music, gigs, vinyls, i do like cds as well.
