Updating Local Copies of Remote Branches - How to Use Git and GitHub

Updating Local Copies of Remote Branches - How to Use Git and GitHub


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white mocha
white mocha - 09.11.2023 08:20

Hand + pen is incredibly distracting and not helping

Sumuka Gummaraju
Sumuka Gummaraju - 19.06.2023 23:52

First video that I had to watch at 0.75x to understand xD Great content though

Rafael Mendes
Rafael Mendes - 23.01.2023 17:02

I did what you are saying git fetch origin

git fetch origin

git branch
* master

Sounds that did not work, any ideas?

kyleds8888 - 25.07.2021 20:35

Not a video for learning how to use git and github. As someone who has already been using github for a couple years I actually really liked it because its a fast-paced refresher, but for a beginner this is awful content. Too much terminology they don't understand, too fast-paced.

Ammar Seud
Ammar Seud - 05.11.2019 11:24

Personally, I like videos like this which are short and contain a lot of info. Even though they're hard to keep up with, I'd rather watch a video like this 5 times to fully understand it than to watch 5 different videos to get the same amount of info.

William Low
William Low - 07.10.2019 19:28

Came back to this video. Makes perfect sense now that I understand it. But the first time I watched, I had no idea what you were talking about. Why make a how-to video if the only people that understand your terminology are those who already know?

muhammad touhid
muhammad touhid - 05.08.2019 14:40

this is the first video of the series, I didn't understand properly after rewinding back for 2-3 times

Kripa Sindhu
Kripa Sindhu - 30.05.2019 04:29

Good explanation..

Ibrahim Ibrahim
Ibrahim Ibrahim - 30.04.2018 16:05

set speed to 0.75 and voila!!!!!!!!!

Ramon Carlos
Ramon Carlos - 10.03.2018 00:34

I like the pace/speed - despite having to scroll back a couple of times in the first part of the video. I'll watch the rest of the course even though I'm pretty handy with Git.

Kurniawan Iqbal
Kurniawan Iqbal - 05.03.2018 03:59

too fast, i can't understand it

Vincetroid - 15.09.2017 00:42

Too fast, I had to put the video in .75 speed

Himanshu Ladia
Himanshu Ladia - 23.08.2017 16:03

This is too frustrating. Had to stop at every 5 secs to gulp what she's explaining.

Roger Oliveira
Roger Oliveira - 19.07.2017 16:58

Thank you, very helpful

Jorge Amengol
Jorge Amengol - 20.06.2017 02:51

Why talking so fast? Give us some milliseconds to process what you've just said one second ago. Also, you look to be explaining it as much as mono-toning a book synopsis to yourself.

Poszlakowane opinie
Poszlakowane opinie - 02.03.2017 01:26

I've started to think about me on that plane and lost track of what the video is about :P

TheBuckwoody - 31.12.2016 11:47

Yes, i had to repeat it like 80 time to catch the first 30 seconds. For sure the thing you learn from all Git instructional video's is that Git exists because everyone who uses it is about to get/git on a plane. Most excellent information thanks. Its worth rewinding 80 times. Can't someone using Git finally say, "Let's suppose your about to go to your cabin to hunt Elk for two weeks and want to work remotely!" I am still waiting for Linus to say I created Git to forward the cause of Global Oil socialist Corporations, and the sale of Uranium to Russia.

Pidnas 133
Pidnas 133 - 25.12.2016 11:24

You talk to damn fast
