NAMM 2019: PianoManChuck's "Pick Of The Year" for digital/stage piano

NAMM 2019: PianoManChuck's "Pick Of The Year" for digital/stage piano


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@Zoco101 - 23.04.2022 11:43

Chuck. I remember that some of your reviews hint at ways of powering keyboards (particularly the 12v variety) from things like car batteries or maybe from other types of battery. I'm looking for an adaptor that fits my motorhome 12v power socket (looks like a cigar lighter socket, but provides more amps) and can charge my Casio CTK-6200, which runs on 12v, without going through the vehicle's inverter. Ideally it will charge/power other devices too (laptops & my dp) with assorted voltages all under 20v. One at a time is enough. I live in Spain, so I can't get to a Wallmart, but a product name or description might still help me to track something down.

@jamnee - 08.02.2022 11:26

I agree and just purchased the Casio PX-S3000 on sale a few days ago. Totally in love with this keyboard. The design and functions. The really pretty piano sounds. This one is a keeper!

@veerchasm1 - 28.09.2019 11:33

You know what else hasn’t been done? Non storable settings (s1000) 😆

@abohsukampret - 14.05.2019 10:06

Which one is better overall, the Casio PXS-3000 or the Studiologic Numa Compact 2x?

@TimWinarso - 24.03.2019 06:24

Hi Chuck, excellent review! I have a question regarding PX-S1000 and PX-S3000 Touch Response (up to 5 levels of sensitivity). Will it work if you use the digital piano as a MIDI controller? Thanks.

@ivanfrangugic8355 - 15.03.2019 03:02

omg you are kaybord guy i thought i have a lot kaybords but you have more. I love your videos

@hjsworld3299 - 21.02.2019 02:11

Looking forward to your review on the keybed action of the PX-S1000 and how you would compare this to Casio PX-160, Roland FP-30 or Kawai ES-110, or perhaps some of the Fatar keybed brands. Thanks in advance!

@barryaston3436 - 10.02.2019 18:09

What advantage would the PX 560 be over the PX-s3000?

@jonvincentmusic - 08.02.2019 22:48

I am of an age where i can't take anything made by Casio seriously. I associate them with 1980s pocket calculators and low-end toy keyboards with micro keys that sound like a GameBoy. Probably my loss.

@Nightworkband - 08.02.2019 06:17

Hi Chuck, You are the best. Love all your demos. This is the only time I have to respectfully disagree. Between the two, I am psyched about the CP88. Have already pre-ordered one. The layout may not be new but it IS new to the CP series, having owned the CP4 for several years and loved it. I do realize they took a page from Nord and even Korg SV-1 features, but put them together with an aluminum chassis and all that ability to tweak on the fly and I say it is the winner.. My one concern is only a total of 57 voices but they have some new great pianos and that action is amazing. They claim the 57 are all a live performer will need and I am counting on that. I definitely get your point about being done before but to me this is all new, and all good stuff. Excited to receive it, I guess around the end of March. Hope you don't mind my input.Thanks Chuck.

@piperman63 - 07.02.2019 18:55

Hi Chuck, I love your videos, I am looking for a keyboard, and had considered the Yamaha P515, because of the keys and the Grand Piano sounds. How would the Casio PX-S series compare to that? You have I'm sure played both. I'm just wondering if I should wait for these new Casios?

@MHMaximus - 02.02.2019 00:33

Im about to buy a new digital piano. Which would you say is better; roland fp90, casio px560 or casio px-s3000?

@regmason2329 - 01.02.2019 08:48

Chuck, you picked a winner it appears- but I have one additional question. Does the PX-S-3000 read off the left or right hand when accompaniment is engaged (assuming full range chord)? The 560 reads off the right, but the CTX-3000 reads off the left.

@clothearednincompoop - 31.01.2019 21:00

The negative way to look at it: short pivot length has already been done. Nothing new there. And instead of designing a brand new good action they designed a brand new slim action.

But in reality I have no idea how good or bad the CDP-S/PX-S action is, so the above doesn't really have any value. :)

@meaviad - 31.01.2019 19:25

Why the AKAI already have been done? by who? Doepfer? for what price?

@TheódórHelgiKristinsson - 31.01.2019 14:44

No, this was a very bad choice Chuck. The Yamaha sounds much better and have you forgot that it has better action then Nord? I even think it has tripple sencor technology.
I don't like the sounds of Casio. However, they might be a good beginner brand.

@loung71 - 31.01.2019 12:45

Same Pick for me....totally agree....

@sanctanox - 31.01.2019 09:58

This shadow behind you distacts me big time in all your videos. You really should use a second lamp.

@rogercornia8535 - 31.01.2019 09:48

You the man, thanks for all of your efforts to keep us informed and up to date.

@hugoriders - 31.01.2019 07:56

I totally agree with you Sir, good job on your channel.

@MePeterNicholls - 31.01.2019 05:42

Wow. Casio have upped their game!

@joeblow593 - 31.01.2019 04:45

I would have picked the same. Good choice chuck.

@equinoxpete - 31.01.2019 04:41

I think the new Casio Privia PX "S" Series looks and sounds great. When are you going to get them so we can see your hands on review? Thanks for the great info.

@antoniocarlosacsjr7128 - 31.01.2019 04:00

Thanks for your videos, friend. Off topic now, I would like to know more about some not weighted keys piano like instruments. They make some sense to me both for the budget and for not causing me any arms hurt. That told, could you please make some video reviews (love yours!) with machines like Yamaha NP-32 Piaggero and Alesis Recital? Thanks a lot and best from Brazil!

@rjgthuro - 31.01.2019 03:33

Thanks chuck
