SCUM Radiation Guide and New Town!

SCUM Radiation Guide and New Town!


1 год назад

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Killerwasps - 17.08.2023 21:26

i once did drink 3 hands full of water from a well in the middle of that town ....well i had to parachute 1 hour later xD

The TILKA - 22.06.2023 13:38

yes to much stupid stuffs add in game. after 3k hours me and my frends stop to play this game,thay destroy game to mich. And what its whyt radioactiv zone if everyone avoid this sector and nobody going in. One zone on map not functional. To much sheat stuff like u play hospotal tycon. To much eating,healing,sickness ina game and a lottle game play. Thay tell listening players what thay saying about game,and i see thay give sheat about what whe say for game,Creator just whant to make more and more support pack notting else. Gj for destroing this good game CREATORS OF SCUM @TomislavP

Xtariz - 08.06.2023 22:39

The fact is... why would you go trough radiation if the loot is exactly same as everywhere else

No Ma’am
No Ma’am - 05.06.2023 10:40

Nice video! 👍 Are there actually spawn points for vehicles in this area? 🤔

Oleksandr - 04.06.2023 03:52

I invite you to the new HARDCORE SCUM server: "EverJoy EVEREST Ukraine".
Tough zombies and heavy damage from Robots!!!
Test yourself on the HARDCORE server...
Have a nice game everyone...)))

John _ Dominator
John _ Dominator - 01.06.2023 22:16


Előd Darvas
Előd Darvas - 01.06.2023 16:40

The only thing is worth to go to that zone is to collect uranium if you need a tons of money, but for looting anything else is just a waste of time. :D But anyway thx for the video ^^

headshots989 - 01.06.2023 11:25

This is a good tutorial for new players on how to decontaminate radiation for sure. Now that you can easily pick rad suit lockers and force open the uranium containers at the powerplant with crowbars. Sucks that the loot you get from the rad zones is so so, hopefully they do something to make it more worth it.

Someone said War ??
Someone said War ?? - 01.06.2023 00:21

You can deal with one or two .2 but you can’t deal with multiple .2 so wash everything but your guns. The guns are gonna air out quick. But lets be honest. You cant go in there without the hazmat

Skinner - 01.06.2023 00:17

Also, everybody is a gangsta until the soap used to decontaminate gets contaminated 😂

Skinner - 01.06.2023 00:04

I don't remember the amount, but I remember them nerfing the price of uranium from the nuclear plant to like 2k a piece or something similar, which even that I don't see as worth it giving the risk and how much you have to invest to get clean after that.

imboredasf - 31.05.2023 04:00

Yeah I’m gonna just avoid the radiation all together after seeing this I’m good on all that cleaning stuff lol. Nice video helped me make my decision to stay away from the new POIs.

Jimmy Owens
Jimmy Owens - 31.05.2023 02:11

I had planned on going to the B1 bunker to get a radiation suit and go to the areas you went to. I may still eventually do it but, after watching the video I'm not going to be in a hurry. I've been getting better loot just going to the police stations. I mainly go to the B1 and B2 police stations. I also go to the Quonset huts and Hangers at the B2 airport. Lately the airport hasn't had very good loot. I'm still in the process of trying out cooking. I did cook some bread and it's looking promising. I also planted 24 plants for vegetables to cook with. It'll still be a while before I get produce from the garden. Good video. I appreciate you taking the time to make it.

W1CK - 31.05.2023 00:11

This was very appreciated buddy! Thank you for your work 👍

TrooperA1868 - 31.05.2023 00:06

Thanks for the guide! Keep up the great work!!!!
