Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - Sump Guard Fitting Guide

Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - Sump Guard Fitting Guide

TEC Bike Parts

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@marvinr5054 - 30.04.2019 20:32

I really like the Bar end mirrors! are they OEM or are they something you have on you site?

@markmasztal2253 - 30.04.2019 20:58

Those damn birds.

@AsWPT - 30.04.2019 21:40

i was wondering if you go off road with this, are the tubes lower than the sump guard ? Could you damage them ?

@bhavinparmar581 - 30.04.2019 22:37

What U did with air filter ?pls make video of them.

@jhaskoll - 30.04.2019 23:21

Very Uncle Ernie...

@RoyZ84 - 01.05.2019 03:29

Much better than the RE sump guard!

@richardebersole3876 - 01.05.2019 04:22

Love it 💛 I wished you made one for the 535 Continental Gt 🏍💨 💨

@anildamodaran - 01.05.2019 06:37

Looks excellent. How can I buy this in India? Along with all the other parts - led indicators, mirrors, etc.

@johnsteamer828 - 01.05.2019 13:14

Do you have a price

@johnDukemaster - 01.05.2019 13:16

Maybe fixed nuts on the rear bracket? Or just threaded holes (if the bracket is thick enough)

@VamsidharaChakravarthy - 02.05.2019 01:12

Hey i had the same question how can i buy these in India and also what do you mean by a full system of exhaust like a scrambler style ?

@katana258 - 06.05.2019 02:44

great video .. a must on the R.E. and TRIUMPH ...did mine in 2002 triumph ..remove to change oil and filter .. no big deal ..time to check out anything wrong underneath and clean ..18 years of getting to know the underside ..

@tinks43 - 08.05.2019 09:49

Common sense fitting 👍🏻

@jstanley011 - 11.05.2019 23:06


@madmac6528 - 18.05.2019 17:11

Your videos are all very interesting and helpful. I drive Triumph for 16 years (Tiger 955i, Sprint RS and Bonneville T100 Spirit) in the next few months I want to buy an additional RE 650. I have not decided yet, whether Continental GT or Interceptor. I will test drive both models and decide afterwards. Then I will sign up for a few parts that you have presented in your videos.
See you soon and greetings from Switzerland

@asifrajan1664 - 28.05.2019 15:18

How do i get this product in USA?

@Spazik86 - 18.06.2019 17:24

Now we all know he is the "best dad" :))

@Spazik86 - 18.06.2019 17:27

Fitting of the original guard seems really stupid... :-/ if it is like he is saying.

@rosselder2775 - 08.07.2019 20:42

Will you be making this in the original OEM finish as well?

@warlordgaming09 - 05.08.2019 18:02

You don’t have to take off the full exhaust system. You need Ball-End Hex keys to do the job. They can be at an angle while opening the hex bolts. So, you don’t need to get the pipes out of your way you can open the bolts with the hex key angled towards the ground. 🙂

@SouravAcharya9444 - 21.08.2019 19:36

i installed the RE sump guard it works great

@RetroBiker - 27.08.2019 22:39

Looks a great piece of kit [thumbsup] Have you thought about fixing some mesh behind the front holes to maintain ventilation but also reduce / alleviate the possibility of a small stone damaging the oil filter?

@andrewbull3537 - 09.02.2020 11:39

George ,i dont know if you know but ,on your site the bash plate is sold for 69.99 ,and on ebay it is sold for 79.99!!!!,
Any comments ???

@DARisse-ji1yw - 16.03.2020 01:24

Are broken sumps a thing ? I never saw one .

@artman6789 - 08.08.2020 01:38

Just added your bar risers they are great and hope to fit guard this weekend. Great video and magic to have Northern lads doing such great invention. Ride safe bud. Tony

@kerutc - 03.10.2020 05:18

I just installed the the TEC Sump Guard on my Interceptor 650. Thanks for the video, it took me a little longer for a few reasons. 1: If you are following along be sure to use the shorter screws for the rear Guard attachment and the longer ones on the front bracket. I had to take it apart and switch them. The video could be a little more clear on where washers go. The product came with a ton of washers and it is not exactly clear from the video where washers are to be used. Overall it took me almost 2 hours. It looks solidly attached and it looks great on the bike as well. I already had some stone dents on the oil filter so, happy that I got one. Cheers.

@paulorton1 - 02.12.2020 18:49

I was left with an unused M6 spacer, which can only go on the M6 bolt at the rear of the sump guard, but it isn't used in the video. Is the spacer important? I also had 2x M10 nuts and washers left over.

@ChrisMurphy-lg3pj - 03.08.2022 12:26

Captive nuts in the rear cross bracket (the same as the front) would make this so much easier. All in all a bit of a faff on but once done you never have to do it again and it does look good. Hopefully I wont find out if it actually does its job ! Another nice bit of kit George, cheers

@scottruczko236 - 29.05.2023 18:49

An excellent kit that has obviously been very well thought out. Took me two hours to do it start to finish but that includes a few redos as I assembled the front bracket wrong way around a few times 🙄 The upper bracket in my kit did not have any anti-rub strips on it so I cut two pieces of peel and stick Velcro (the soft loop side) to act as a buffer between the bracket and the frame tubes. I wish I had purchased this kit before buying the RE kit ☹️

@trislel - 03.07.2023 14:10

Looks much better.

@giftedmarvin - 03.02.2025 22:45

Does that fits the bear 650
