What It Means To Have A 6/2 Profile in Human Design By Denise Mathew

What It Means To Have A 6/2 Profile in Human Design By Denise Mathew

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#humandesign #profiles #leftangleprofile
The Human Design System has 12 Profile Types that give an added dimension to your personality and how you interact in the world. Today we talk about 5/2 Profile and what it means to have a 5/2 Profile for all Human Design Types .This is the second of the Left Angle Profile series. I’ll be back with the last Left Angle Profile 6/3 soon.

Please note I am not a physician or trained professional and this video is for entertainment purposes, if you are having serious emotional, physical or mental health problems and need help, please consult a trained physician who specializes in mental or physical health.
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HD(Dynamic Human Design)With Denise Mathew
HD(Dynamic Human Design)With Denise Mathew - 03.08.2022 01:13

6/2 as a Manifesting Generator you can be aloof, and you might respond to only the things that feel worthwhile for you. Keep in mind that you will learn a lot through experimentation in your first 28-30 years after which you can find healing and meaning in the first part of your life in your “roof” stage. After your Chiron Return at around 50-51 you step into your Role Model stage and become the fullest expression of your authentic self. By being you, you encourage others to be themselves too. It’s important to only respond to what resonates for you and if you do decide to respond, informing those who will be impacted by your decision is key to how to best work with your strategy.

MJ Langdon
MJ Langdon - 30.06.2023 05:35

Wonderful information!! Thank you!!! 🙏💜😘

Marcin - 19.06.2023 06:41

I can't understand what does it mean to "call out" a role model or hermit as it is supposed to mean a challenge such profile so is it being confronted? What example could that be?

mamaPRISM - 27.03.2023 23:30

Excellent video. I especially liked the pauses between points. I feel like I retained and understood so much in this one watch. Thank you!

The Players Society
The Players Society - 25.03.2023 08:45

Life changing information

馮敬富 - 24.03.2023 00:20

The trust thing is very accurate, once trust is broken, for example encounter hurtful, provocative speech. You won’t heard from us the next day as if we are vanished from the existence, no matter how you make up to apologize.

lonestarrmuzik - 17.02.2023 02:24


SC OO - 04.01.2023 16:33

Question: I have twins, and the hour of birth is different, but still they have precisely the same chart, how is that possible? They are totally different in ambition, study, and character....

TheSilenceBehindSounds - 04.11.2022 01:54

just a feedback: i love the content, but those "silent" breaks are really unnerving lol

Rogue ReEmerged
Rogue ReEmerged - 20.10.2022 20:21

So On Point! 51 & like it here on the roof; absolutely disappointed in humanity. 😢

Jenica Koon
Jenica Koon - 01.10.2022 16:44

Amazing explanation. I’m a 6/2 Manifestor turned 28 in July. I’ve been juggling so much with “self” and learning more about my human design chart, confirms more about what I’ve been feeling.

Evenchully - 29.08.2022 18:43

Okay I was kind of using this for background audio until I heard the "can be recognized by people as familiar even though they've never met"

I've always prided myself in my ability to never forget a face. It might take me 15 attempts to remember your name but I will never forget your face if we've met or spoke or I've been in the same room as you for a few minutes. It's just something weird I've noticed about myself.

The amount of people who have told me I look familiar or that they thought they recognized me from somewhere despite me knowing in my core I've never met this person has started to occur more and more frequently lately to the extent I've been questioning my loss of memory.

Hearing this perked my ears straight up and got my full attention 🤣🤣🤣

Zach Vizion
Zach Vizion - 09.08.2022 00:10

Thank you for this video! I just came across Human Design and learned I'm a 6/2 sacral generator. Part of the journey does feel karmic or even some of the people met thus far does, I feel like an old soul, have done many different things thus far but believe satisfaction is something I seek, impatience and frustration has been something I've noticed, learning to go more by instinct and how the body feels vs overthinking. Does environment play a big role for generator types?

D'Onta Price
D'Onta Price - 03.08.2022 01:01

Would manifesting generator be both types?

M W - 01.08.2022 21:30

I'm 24 years, I've struggled all my life with everything, I've been through alot, I'm a warrior and do everything I can, I've had good times and bad times, mostly bad unfortunately. I've been saying for a while that in can't wait to turn 30, beautiful age. But this does bode well. Although it sounds confrontational, because I'm not yet 30. Would it get better in this phase? So many questions. I'm in the middle of a burnout right now. I feel in everything in my cells that I am on the right path, but there has been fear, trauma, unprocessed emotions, fear of going to the trauma and emotions

Know_thy_self777 - 21.07.2022 11:25

Manifesting generator 6/2 in my experience I do both I'll extrovert n then I'll go up n roof to reasses but I like the hermit but not attached

Jordan Holmes
Jordan Holmes - 06.07.2022 01:56

Wow this is spot on

Dianne v.d. Poel
Dianne v.d. Poel - 25.06.2022 14:08

I I I I yh

cindy anally wisconsin
cindy anally wisconsin - 22.06.2022 19:48

Mental projector 6/2 how do i manifest?

Nike Crystalia
Nike Crystalia - 19.06.2022 15:06

Im 30 now, going 31 things still uncertain and my mental and moody sometimes hit me.

Elizabeth Wolf
Elizabeth Wolf - 14.06.2022 17:53

This is one of the best explanations I've come across. Thanks.

Meg - 20.05.2022 23:09

6/2 generator sacral authority thank you so much!!

Melissa Clair
Melissa Clair - 13.05.2022 04:34

What will make a Manifesting Generator come off the roof? Will they come off the roof before 50?

xValidated - 18.03.2022 02:57

The 3 phases are not based on age. As sum ppl have old souls. The age is in fact irrelevant to the phase. We have evolved to the point that all humans no matter the design. MATURE at different rates. So to say I can’t reach phase 2 until 30 is ridiculous. I’m not even a 6-2 but I become spiritually aware at age 17 n I would have a hard time sayin I’m not in stage 2 at this very moment lol unless 6-2 scientifically mature slowly than other profiles, the phase ages are wrong.

Sheet2Do - 06.03.2022 04:56

Wow this resonated so much for me. I’m always thinking about my life purpose but ppl def get karma from me. I’m a generator. I doooo want everyone to fish. I say it all the time 😭

Trust issues all crazy
I’m trying to just not care and do it

Angela Fliehman
Angela Fliehman - 19.02.2022 21:03

amazing video

Jadee Rae
Jadee Rae - 12.01.2022 22:52

Cannot find anything on the cross of uphevallll.. help?

Udisha Uniyal
Udisha Uniyal - 18.12.2021 10:49

6/2 splenic projector here. I am 29 yrs old and I cannot believe that I was in my 'trial and error' phase. Feels like a relief as i was loosing some confidence in myself with all the 'errors' of life so far! Feels great to know this at the end of the year!

Jesse - 29.09.2021 23:13

Been here years ago, now I am back here 🕊 it's time Denise 💚 splenic authority

Maya Pace
Maya Pace - 20.08.2021 03:52

So glad I found this channel ☺️

Ursa Minor
Ursa Minor - 19.08.2021 19:32

6/2 emotional projector, coming off roof now. Trust is huge, as I live emotionally and ideally, however am an empath. If I’m violated or trust is not solid the door closes and that’s it. I will have compassion for others but they will never get near me again. I love deeply and live passionately. There is only one way for me to be- complete authenticity. Thank you for sharing.

arda aksoy
arda aksoy - 13.08.2021 06:02

i found your north node in Scorpio video when I was in need of a guide to shed light on the crisis, change, surrender and accepting not having it all the comfortable way
I cried a lot watching that video, and then I watched this 6/2 video, and I'm working as an amateur astrologist and I felt like we have very similar astrological charts. Could I check your chart if you have a video talking about yourself?
btw I was born in January 16 1995, 2 PM, Ankara/ Turkey

Illest Ken
Illest Ken - 03.08.2021 20:58

How do you manifest for being a 6/2 type: manifesting generator ?

MissWarrior Emerald
MissWarrior Emerald - 31.07.2021 12:54

I am a 6/2 generator ! Knowing I’m coming to the end of my first phase of 3 feels fitting ! Really started understanding myself more since learning more about me ! It’s important for us to know us , how can we ever know anyone if we don’t know ourselfs ? 💖

IAmAshleyEstelle - 18.07.2021 20:06

I didn't hear anything about the manifesting generators though!!

Arn Todd
Arn Todd - 26.05.2021 10:25

Im watching becouse my friend is projector 6/2 when I'm projector 5/1.
We are best friends 🖖

Natalia Martin
Natalia Martin - 12.03.2021 07:26

This resonates with me so strongly. I've been looking for this. Thank you.

SAM ASTRO STAR - 24.02.2021 16:15

What about MG 6/2 ? I’m a manifesting generator

Jin J
Jin J - 09.02.2021 14:11

Yes it turned into pessimism

SVTEnergy Skincare
SVTEnergy Skincare - 03.01.2021 10:17

Thank you for the explanation. I'm 27 6/2 Reflector and soons to be 28 on March 2021. I've been experiencing awakening lately. Found Human Design because on of my favorite singers use that and trying it out of curiosity. Everything is make sense now, I'm so glad that I found your explanation on my late 27, gain a knowledge and prepare my self. Universe bless you 🙏

Danijela Strauss
Danijela Strauss - 26.10.2020 20:54

Where to find more about Spleen Projector 6/2?

megan land
megan land - 05.10.2020 00:10

What is “on the roof” mean?

Jess Light
Jess Light - 24.09.2020 07:45

I’m at the age of 23 and have just learned about the human design I am familiar with the natal chart but this is new to me. I have a 6/2 profile.

Kati Magoon
Kati Magoon - 03.09.2020 22:44

Great video on 6/2

Global Music Festivals
Global Music Festivals - 03.08.2020 14:48

Am a 6/2 and just hit my 30s... the first 30 years of my life was hectic but also amazing! Truthfully, I learnt I can’t trust everyone even though I always choose to see the good in others if only a little. Have been in hermit mode since 27 years. So much to learn.

Haartransplantation - 10.06.2020 21:58

It's great that u explain, inform us , thank u very much, but u r speaking very fast, I couldn't follow, I had to stop and replay more than several times to understand...

Eighty_Four - 25.05.2020 02:27

actually had to slow the video down to hear you better, goddamn you speak hella fast

Dreams Catcher
Dreams Catcher - 23.03.2020 21:15

Sounds like doesn't matter what type of the 6/2s, we just don't want to come off the roof.
