10 SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE AN ENNEAGRAM TYPE 4 "The Romantic Individualist"

10 SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE AN ENNEAGRAM TYPE 4 "The Romantic Individualist"

Hillary McCaskey

3 года назад

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@tasneemali4892 - 03.10.2023 22:10

I relate to pretty much all of these. Couple of things about me that qustions maybe Im a 5w4 instead of a 4w5 is the sitting in negative emotions I will cuz when Im feeling something what choice do I have lol but I dont like it. I want the tide to turn as quickly as possible and if I sit I spiral if I distract myself things will start shifting. Also the stress and growth I connect more to the 5's rather then the 4's. Time to get in touch with Hillary sensie for a consult

@mariavictoriasalita5273 - 31.08.2023 13:29

Yup. I'm a type 4 alright. I just don't know if I'm a 4w3 or 4w5 though. My MBTI cluster by the way is INFP whenever I take the test most of the time. But there would be instances I get INTP as a result.

@pattiepear3090 - 24.08.2023 23:32

I'm a 4 wing 5 and this is all VERY relatable!

@infj-tguy6275 - 12.07.2023 06:53

I dont need to feel special because im unique, im the only rick in this universe baby, none 'o that special snowflake crap

@infj-tguy6275 - 12.07.2023 06:48

The darkest part of life is death n loss, i dont have to have met you to know the fear of losing them fills you with so much dread that you wish you would go to sleep n never wake up just so you dont have to deal with it but quitting isn't how its done

You're an individual consciousness which means loss is part of life, each you that has existed has had to suffer the gift of life, you must face this loss in order to beat it and grow

You must deal with that pain, you must take it head on like a train and let yourself get wiped so that you can deal with the darkness that comes with the loss of your light..

You must for if you dont how will you grow?

To not exist is indeed scary but you didn't exist ounce n you didn't seem to care, i know i didn't and its ok to fear it, tis only natural for existence to fear nonexistence but both are part of the eben flow of the whole of existence itself

We breath in what was daily, the trees come only to go and come again like nature itself, forever in a constant cycle of temporarily here, longing for life eternal but accepting the end

@willow9253 - 26.06.2023 02:23

as a 4 I don't want to fit In ever I don't secretly want to I would rather die then conform

@pavlavuk966 - 25.05.2023 00:37

You just called me out! Thank you for being yourself and explaining this in such a beautigul way!

@MatsubaAgeha - 24.04.2023 10:10

Couldn't determine whether I'm 4 or 5 (4w5 or 5w4), but now I'm leaning towards Type 4. (Thanx!)

@jraelien5798 - 22.04.2023 17:18

Wow! Great video! You do an excellent job of describing the questions we have about so many aspects of being a four. I am a 50 year old male who did not ever put any faith in these kinds of things, and am just now learning that I am a four and have been contorting myself for others all my life. I recently started seeing a girl who is also a four, (yea, gonna be interesting...) and she sent me the enneagram test, where I "discovered myself".
It is both enlightening and embarrassing that I never knew any of this stuff before. I am letting myself do things that I did not think was permissible. Like feel stuff. Thanks!

@joriusmagnus6425 - 10.04.2023 17:36

Based on this list, I believe I'm a 4. I've gotten 4, 5, and 9 on the quizzes.

@VersaFitTv - 05.04.2023 23:38

Resonates 💯💯 4w5

@eyhaa1010 - 02.04.2023 09:36

My people😂😂😂😂😂

@Lilith-jn8gz - 26.03.2023 13:14

Oh, actually I am very sure I am a 4 type, but I am passionate about this! I always love everything that help me to understand myself, because I never felt understand and accepted. I grow up feeling disconnected and different, like there something wrong with me, but now I'm letting shame go.

@avesamaya7531 - 08.03.2023 15:49


@sierra9743 - 07.03.2023 00:45

Thanks Hillary for this video. This has really helped know for sure that I am a type 4. This has further helped clarify that I am spot on, no doubt a 4. My three I picked were 4, 5 and 2. But, the 4 really sounds like me to the core.

@taradoris6543 - 25.02.2023 13:26

This was great. I"m doing a soul search at 50 as I venture into new things and i wasn't sure if i was a 4 or 7 as i mask extroversion a lot. This nailed it for me. And my 5-wing research means i have done a thorough, intensive search on this!! But your explanation of why we love personality typing system was like a AHA moment. And the thoughts and feelings merging was what nailed it for me, as this is my deciding factor. I am doing repressed. Anyway thanks, this completes my research ha ha!! I get now i am a 4w3 wing and i grew up with a mother (3 or 1) who said put a smile on your face so that really confused me as i habitised to do this. I get now its kinda the 3 chameleon aspect. I can switch it on when i am out publically but i love my alone time. People think i'm an extrovert, and when they say that i think you really don't know me at all. I am now trying to carve the second half of my life more authentically true as a 4, as i see i have not honoured this within me due to a generation that just didn't understand my differencE!!!

@Benjamin-ej6qx - 21.02.2023 12:21

Autism: I am inherently different
Type 4s: I am inherently flawed

@loralubimaia2783 - 20.02.2023 16:21

I've come to realize what a hardship is it to be a type 4. I thought how difficult it is to be my friend my spouse my coworker...then I read online that the hardest enneagram type to work with is 9 and I felt a little better about myself. If anyone has had similar thoughts 🤣

@SeriousSam101 - 13.02.2023 06:06

I am a 4w5 I related to all of the10 signs, especially feeling different than everybody else.

@daniellecamp9115 - 01.01.2023 19:13

Thank you. I am a 4 and proud of it. I hate to be called normal. I take it as an insult as I prefer to be the weird person.

@delilahhart4398 - 17.12.2022 20:53

I'm a 4w5 INTP. If I could, I would purge myself of all emotion, so I could see things objectively.

@delilahhart4398 - 17.12.2022 20:50

I've always felt different, but that's because I'm autistic and didn't get a diagnosis until I was 44.

@melchornowellesolinapjr. - 26.11.2022 09:34

Yes, i like how you say that type 4 are not afraid of darker side and that's very accurate for myself and also the last one i'm into enneagram and other personality types.

@millenials_best - 14.11.2022 05:13

How many 4w5s do you see testing as INTJ. and being androgynous doesn't mean being female isn't relevant..... does this change the narcisstic label as that belongs to a man, not a self sustaining woman?

@OC-CPA - 06.11.2022 23:00

I'm definitely a type 4. I wish there were some way to connect with other local type 4 individuals; I wonder how well we would actually be able to get along, given we've spent our entire lives feeling different and outcast. I wonder if we'd feel like we finally found like-minded peers or if we'd just feel alone together.

@zenebornman7917 - 11.10.2022 06:28

I am definitely a four but specfically in sign 8 I found really funny because I've had SO MANY situations like that. With math, my mom says this is how it's done and I'm like: Why? Is there a more creative way?
With wearing pink because I'm a girl. I'm like why? WHAT'S WRONG WITH BLUE?
In shaving my legs--yeahhhhh I kind of figured that out myself but STILL WHY? SHAVE YOUR LEGS BOYS YOU DISGUSTING 😂😂😂
Like so many situations.
All my friends think I'm obsessed with personality tests. The worst criticism I get is being too philosophical and being a rebel when I'm just really empathetic and think very deep about things and I just have QUESTIONS. Not like I want to break rules or anything.
And I've also been told a lot that I'm too sensitive. But I feel like when people talk around me, they internally mean something toward me due to body language and how they shape their words and tone to dig into ME. And when I try to address that they say I'm sensitive too fast and every little word bothers me.

@kateydyck1005 - 06.10.2022 02:13

Yes!!! Just discovered I'm a type 4 w 5, after mistyping as a 9 and 2 for years but not fully resonating. Every point was spot on for me. Thanks for the video:)

@kaeleighgilmore - 01.10.2022 00:30

I had to pause this video multiple times because I was just shocked because it felt like you were making a video about me 😭 i've never felt like this, like I really feel like I discovered myself

@RheaBoo1 - 28.09.2022 14:48

Everything bang bang bang on. Except num 9, for me.

@nastaran225 - 26.09.2022 01:42

OK so I am going to see the video about type 9 and then I may be able to find my type🤣🤣🥴

@lbailey2006 - 23.09.2022 03:26

I am a 4 great job! Yes to all 10. Not feeling understood is a daily exercise for me. Mostly I seek to understand myself.

@TheBohoChickVideos - 13.09.2022 21:33

I would say number 6 stood out the most to me! But I have a question about "thoughts vs feelings" and I'm not sure what that means? Also, I have tested many different places online and always come up a type four. I came here wondering if I might be a type five but I have ruled that out watching your videos. Thank you for your input, I appreciate it so much!

@sunshinecasey - 05.09.2022 08:24

I used to test as a type 7 but I've consistently tested as a type 4 for the past few years. It's so funny because I am obsessed with personality typing. I am an infj on the mbti personality test. Almost everything in this video resonates with me. Great video highly accurate ❤️

@sunshinecasey - 05.09.2022 08:18

I don't even know how to begin to try to separate thoughts from feelings... Like.... What? 😂 How is that possible? If I'm feeling sad, I'm thinking sad thoughts, if I'm feeling happy I'm thinking happy thoughts.... Is this not normal? 😆

@kurama7 - 02.09.2022 23:47

I am an extroverted type 4 haha and all those itens ressonate with me. Even in social situations im very good at responding, but not always I feel like approaching people that...you know...just ``don`t interest me.

so good well thought out

@JeanMarcCapaul - 28.08.2022 03:49

Can you tell from how someone looks (not clothes ... more like aura) what type the person is?

(Some people say I look like a 5. I see myself as a 4w5 ... or at least more likely.)

@beigekitten89 - 26.08.2022 04:27

I'm such a type 4 it isnt even funny! Geez. Btw I dont feel im misunderstood...i KNOW I'm misunderstood

@LONNESYRUPBITCH - 09.08.2022 18:46

Remember folks, relating to these signs does not make you a type 4. Relating to these signs more than signs of ANY other types makes you a type 4.

@CarlaN355 - 03.08.2022 07:58

Yes! #8 LOL

@freespiritsuzy - 14.07.2022 04:36

OMG…I am soooooo a 4

@alexkenchel - 09.07.2022 03:36

I’m a 4w3 and you absolutely nailed it when you sad 4s love personality typing systems and why! It absolutely makes me feel seen and not alone, I do wish people would use the enneagram to understand me better. I’m so grateful my wife (1w2) now uses it to understand me, I have no doubt our relationship would still be very strained if she hadn’t discovered it.

You were also spot on that I do love meeting other 4s. People often incorrectly assume 4s individuality are threatened by other 4s and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve had so many instances where I’ve hit it off with someone, only to find out later that they’re a fellow 4. I think a big contributor is that I’m able to jump right into deep, emotional conversations with them which makes me feel a stronger connection with them.

@annaandrea8320 - 22.06.2022 15:51

I am an INFJ-T, Enneagram 4w5 and you described me to a T. I am exactly that weird and annoying.

@wesal7041 - 13.06.2022 14:00

this was a good video:))) You remind me of Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls

@scrimgamingchannel9573 - 03.06.2022 21:12

Me as a 4 im rebellious by nature i dont even know why especially if i know someone is right this weird feeling of wanting to go against them is just there always thought i was alone in this.

@woovenlace9142 - 21.05.2022 04:34

This was so helpful!! I thought I was a 9 for years, but as I've gotten older I've really started to feel like 9 doesn't quite fit. Your 10 signs of being a 9 video didn't resonate with me at all, and this video resonates a TON! Pointing at these specific behavioral things really helps narrow it down. There are just too many ways for me to spin the more abstract descriptions around in my head. Thank you! I laughed out loud at your last point about loving personality systems hahaha :) That is definitely true for me.

@TessavandieKaap - 20.05.2022 01:25

This is me.

@mrtwism - 19.05.2022 03:31

All of them were right on.

@Ashlieimaginepeace - 08.05.2022 16:07

Im so confused how thoughts and feelings are not the same

@travhxc1174 - 04.05.2022 12:31

I feel exposed 😢
