What The Japanese Police Are Like

What The Japanese Police Are Like

The Japan Reporter

4 года назад

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@simergoth - 09.04.2022 22:12

Carlos Ghosn fled because Japanese "law" treated him like an animal from day 1.

@Arltratlo - 10.04.2022 11:56

i ask plenty of cops for directions....
in many countries here in Europe...and i never been let down, but they dont act like US cops do...
nobody pulled a gun on me or tried to convict me of a crime...
i meet plenty of US cops i knew they would not be a cop in Europe...
violent isnt even close to their behavior, they acted like they are in a war zone in standard situations,
our local cops would just smile and wish you a good day...

@jayaweeragerukshanjayaweer4092 - 22.04.2022 17:15

Stupid japanese police judging people by their looks

@mrwhitewolfyt4666 - 04.05.2022 15:35

Japanese police will stop you
American police will shoot you 🤣

@TheFlatEarthChannelcom - 11.05.2022 23:03

What’s the law of antique fire arms in Japan?

@アトゥコーララゲ - 12.06.2022 03:55

Justice system isn't fair for victims and japanese police is racist in a whole another level

@ZERO21-A6M - 13.06.2022 04:49

Japan police is the best. Omotenashi only applies to those who respect the culture and obey the law. If not , you will be potential suspect and people of Japan will support police, not the delinquent gaijin. 訪問者は日本で日本の法律に絶対に従うべし。

@__yt9081 - 07.07.2022 04:04

東京警察一番好きだ👮‍♂️ blue lives matter

@PatrickGeoffreyKnight - 10.07.2022 06:58

The Japanese police saved my life from suicide twice

@exposingproxystalkingorgan4164 - 13.07.2022 10:20

This is very interesting indeed.

@jessicajohnston5693 - 09.08.2022 00:26

Lol, I am an American and I see police officers all the time because I report things that look wierd in the hopes that I am wrong and everyone is okay (Not ALL the time, but maybe more often than other people around me). I like to walk around in the evenings and make sure my neighbors are okay while I get some exercise. I have a collection of business cards from different police officers in my area. I even talked about Pokemon Go with one of the newer recruits. One guy helped me with a kitten on a railroad track and all I had to do was wave at him in his car and he came over to help. I do live in a small town so maybe that helps. At work I call the cops when there is a traffic accident and help with the clean up if there is trash on the road. We even submitted video evidence of a hit an run from our work security cameras.... So, I have the local police phone number in my contacts. It is interesting.

@Subject__ - 23.10.2022 18:24

If THE POLICE stopping you

To make sure someone didnt lose their cute little bicycle

It would be a dream to be a cop over there

@sawanihon8262 - 18.12.2022 03:00

The system can hold you for 23 days - again and again. Not a G7 or system based on Justice … Latest killing in a police cell in Aichi sums up behind closed doors … diabetic tortured to death and naked

@DerekPK_4th - 18.01.2023 17:08

If police try to arrest you, make sure they give you some donuts.

@marketpriceaddict - 24.01.2023 13:38


@Nihonbunkaotaku - 16.02.2023 04:35

The Japanese police detained me for six hours becuase I forgot my passport at the Airbnb, i forgot the address of the Airbnb and Yumi’s uncle didn’t pick up the phone when he saw the Tokyo police were calling him at 3 am in the morning

@democrazy69 - 28.02.2023 05:18

I have only been to Fukuoka and that area, and I didn't even notice the police, which is not a bad thing when you come from the US. In the US, your anxiety goes up whenever you see police lights flashing.

@captainasia1205 - 21.04.2023 08:25

In Japan police are very kind to me and very helpful. Here in America they racially profile my African American friend because they thought he was “stealing”.

@benjackson7872 - 09.05.2023 01:55

You can ask cops for directions here in the US. At least, that’s my experience. The ones I’ve dealt with were usually chill. As long as you weren’t an asshole they weren’t either.

@edwardsedwards796 - 27.05.2023 16:04

Japanese police and justice system do not respect human rights.

@mztokyo7630 - 03.07.2023 16:16

Never fight in Japan. You will be locked up for 30 days. Hostage Justice until you confess. 99.9% conviction rate!!

@mztokyo7630 - 03.07.2023 16:28

McCartney spent a week in jail for Marijuana!! I am happy they let him return years later.

@HikiKronau - 31.07.2023 23:41

acab international

@DiANGELVOICES - 20.08.2023 14:42

NOT NOW - AUG 2023 👎

@charlievibin9076 - 24.08.2023 14:51

Ima get the goofiest bike so I don't get pulled over the cops so often

@nordsterntheelder1610 - 27.08.2023 18:02

I do think the reason why a lot more cops have to resort to violence in the united states is because so many crimes are drug/alcohol related in the US where its almost impossible to talk to/reason with people under these influences who are already very violent. And just the presence of way more violent crime and crime in general in the united states.

@JoelLinus - 20.09.2023 13:05

About the bicycle situation, maybe you can get a fitting sticker that you can put on a vest AND your bicycle, crooks can do the same but maybe it could help a bit short term.

@aishi_rei - 25.09.2023 12:08

No matter how polite they are, they are merely cowards and useless. They’re not knights.

@bleppyy - 18.10.2023 17:13

Officers in America are too corrupted and I don't feel safe here at all even though I'm American.

@statinskill - 13.11.2023 14:35

I've never felt more safe in any country both from criminals and the police than in Japan. Where I live, I try hard to avoid both.

@whitewolfcrowley6550 - 12.12.2023 05:41

.....god your misconception of American Cops is astounding.

@daviddavidson6289 - 06.01.2024 06:36

This pasty bawtiomore cuckasian is annoying, I don't give a fuck about his worthless feelings. Stick to the objective facts, not your subjective crybaby bullshit.

@tombombadilofficial - 03.02.2024 10:23

Do a tour inside one of these Japanese police boxes.

@4FYTfa8EjYHNXjChe8xs7xmC5pNEtz - 14.04.2024 10:21

I've never been stopped by Japanese police. :-)

@Alaninbroomfield - 22.04.2024 04:31

I've never been to Japan and don't know any of the people, but I admire the country as a high-trust\low-crime society, and the standard of living they've achieved.

@merchantilelaw4246 - 05.06.2024 08:37

The Philippines they are combination of japanese and american cops

@internet.cookies8531 - 08.06.2024 09:48

yes this happend to me, last mont in may when ealry morning, i just want walk around gotanda, there's a police's car stalking me, this is really make me uncomfortable, i was not doing anything there, just walk and walk, as a visitor i just want to know about around that street, but the police stalking me with his car until i realise and see that car and then he turn around to other way and leave me alone. really this is make me uncomfortable. At around April when i just wanna go to a book store in early morning too, but that book store is close, so i just see a building beside that store, idk about that building what it is, and when i see the glass close enough i realize it just like club or bar or something, when i walk out there are police car stoping me too, this is make me uncomfortable too, i was not doing anything there, just chek the store, the police ask my identity, so i just show my passport, and then he realize that i am a visitor then they just go.

@itsallconspiracy2035 - 12.06.2024 08:14

One of my favorite things about Japan is they flat out say it.. Japan is for the Japanese.

@oliverstianhugaas7493 - 12.06.2024 21:42

Japanese police when a Japanese does something: I sleep.
Japanese police when a gaijin does not say "thank you": I am awake.

@oliverstianhugaas7493 - 12.06.2024 21:43

"Most common crime in Tokyo" What? Like three bikes a day in a 40 million city?

@himajinkazutaka98 - 16.06.2024 05:52

As the number of foreigners increases, it becomes more difficult to maintain public order.
Therefore, restrictions on entry into Japan for foreign immigrants, refugees, workers, and tourists should be tightened.
The law should be changed to limit the number of tourists to 20 million per year, and immigrants, refugees, and workers to 2% of Japan's total population.
If these numbers are exceeded, it should be possible to refuse entry to Japan.

@theoutdoorguy8740 - 06.07.2024 13:46

I'm former State Police here in the US. There's more paranoia coming from this individual than anything else. I can say that my interactions with the general public when not involved in the situation where there's a traffic infraction or crime has always been very pleasant. I've always interacted with the public and pretty much everybody else I know has done the same as well. US police are not aggressive unless they have to be. Saying that you're afraid to ask for directions is paranoia. This individual is not a very good example to be interviewing and comparing Japanese police against the United States.

@randywoodworth5990 - 25.07.2024 20:23

I wonder how long Japanese cops would last in Chicago?

@moshadnasida8225 - 20.08.2024 19:41

American police have no work except hurting Muslim . They are not slave of Israel.
Japanese police are not annoying because it’s need to safe country from stranger .

@MrGrimm-gy1mu - 10.09.2024 20:13

They're busy harassing the foreigners instead of handling the unsolved murder cases

@tediawanid3789 - 13.09.2024 08:20

The police in my country are extorting money from their own citizens. Lol

@claudiashirakwa7014 - 07.12.2024 16:39

please , do not exaggerated !

@TheJapanReporter - 20.12.2020 00:16

Have you ever been stopped by the police in Japan? And what was your impression of them?
