8 Reasons Why I QUIT Call of Dragons...

8 Reasons Why I QUIT Call of Dragons...


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@OmniarchOfficial - 18.11.2023 17:39

What do YOU think about Call of Dragons? Are you still playing? Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more :)

@joyyonba4853 - 31.01.2024 11:43

only gay players play this shit

@Aijendo - 18.01.2024 01:26

I quit the game after 14 days . Its cute and addictively but only as long as you have peace. When stronger Alliances goes war on your weaker Alliance all goes to shit, 60 people left the alliance, some even join the conquerer, its a so dumb system. You only have fun I you have no strong enemys. But in this game, there are some whales who spend thousends of Dollars and kick your ass all day long.

@noelanzaldo892 - 16.01.2024 09:02

I mean this is a mobile game

@mrbarrett9452 - 14.01.2024 18:14

Question is rise of kingdoms play able f2p?

@peterduffy2073 - 13.01.2024 19:40

I think there is an element of "you can trick me once but you can't trick me twice" it's in 200th grossing on the Google play chart and could soon be under 4 stars. The season reset is also a massive phycology fail! It literally creates a "time to cut and run". Great video.

@yup873 - 13.01.2024 09:50

When they advertise this game they advertise it as if it is a Diablo like isometric RPG. Why ? Is it faults advertising?

@pleasedontgetmad - 12.01.2024 15:52

Free to Play = Pay to Win, Everyone should know it by now. If you're F2P and still want the benefits and the advantage of competing with the whales then you're delusional and should touch some grass. Game companies and devs built this system to reward players that can spend money. Remember they're called whales for a reason, and F2P is their food.

@temjiu9915 - 11.01.2024 22:07

Seasons only work in some kinds of games. PoE is perfect example.
I don't play CoD (I've been watching it in the background), and it's not the kind of game that works well with seasons.
Too many games are trying to hop onto the bandwagon now that they've seen how some season game are successful. But it's because players don't lose much by going to new season. There are a few other games that I dropped because on their season, you simply lose too much of what you worked for.

@JohnBrown-ix7rp - 07.01.2024 21:18

I like RoK, but bot detector kept blocking my account since I would play it on breaks at work, and couldn't always catch the bot detector, or stay on long enough to complete it. Once I was hit with a year long ban on my account, I quit. Call of Dragons skips this, and allowed for a low level spender to at least play. I'm not a whale, but I am a daily player, who grows steadily and joins group activities when able

@Forbiddenjadetheonly - 07.01.2024 03:19

I've quit due to the abusive behaviour ongoing. Literally, the server depleted at week one due to that. COD was a nice game, but servers were populated mostly by sociopaths!
Too expensive, reset stealing stuff we pay for (CP, artifacts upgrade items, the list goes on)... NO, thanks. What idiot wants to pay that much and invest time too only to be abused and stolen from?

@p1nk3rt0n5 - 06.01.2024 00:25

Bro I remember when I pre ordered this game, it was so fun when I started but then it started getting kinda boring, I stick to rok now

@MantelTFT-letsgo - 05.01.2024 23:44

how can you judge design of the heroes when in ROK heroes only look good when you open it,on the field it looks like a character from playstation 1 games.

@skunkcreed9040 - 04.01.2024 22:54

I truly think with this game they targeted more another genre of people. Like the fantasy anime lovers and so on so I think that the design is good in that sense

@zyneros - 04.01.2024 18:34

I started the game, was excited, finally reached 2 million power, felt good, now level 25 guys with t5 troops cavalry keep attacking me while farming resources for no reason and all of my units are always severely wounded. How am I supposed to play?

@Erothaur - 04.01.2024 05:07

I'm a new call of dragons player, picked it up recently to help with a friend's sponsorship. I agree with all of your points in this video and can see myself quitting after my first season reset.
I do like the idea of a season game, but for me the combat is just NOT fun. Controlling the legions in combat feels completely terrible and it really shows and is especially miserable in the dragon trail.
I also hate the character designs, but am willing to look past that part.

@alansvidz - 31.12.2023 01:18

Quit for more or less same reasons, I'm trying too give it another shot but the reset system puts me off, why would I grind then start all over again. By time we done this new content should be created in game simple as that

@dahlizz99 - 25.12.2023 20:27

Why I never started playing: it can't be better than rok.. if it was better then they would just upgrade the already established RoK and implement the new changes there instead of making a new game.

@aurnkunar5645 - 24.12.2023 18:27

I'm quit this game too
Reason because I'm f2p and
I'm bored to fight epic hero's.. Only p2p players get strong legendary commander's.. I'm tired .. Over 100+daily logins I only get .garwood. Nika. Theia. Niko. Bakshi. Thats all 😥😡

@jimmykhawlhring - 22.12.2023 20:58

couldnt agree more. i quit 2 months ago. when there was a survey when i started the game, i immediately complained about the hero designs. when the season ended and everything resets, thats when i quit. but i love about the combat though. from your list, i would cross that out and add war pets system

@memyselfandi593 - 21.12.2023 02:02

Most boring game ever... spent more than half he season doing nothing... grinding and farming. Events? What events. Genuinely, truly, there is nothing to do in the game. Fighting mechanics suck too - you have to snipe from afar and you travel back only to have to redeploy and it takes forever to engage/travel... it's like 10 mins of prep for 10 seconds of battle. If you enjoy watching paint try, or the kettle boil, you'll love this game.

@rengoku2915 - 17.12.2023 19:09

Tbh i jsut played this game for 1 months and then im done , like , this game has no kvk , cannot migrate , season reset our progression lost , like , HECK ITS BORING BRO , ROK IS MORE BETTER

@albion-lover-123 - 15.12.2023 16:02

let be honest omniarch , these are not city building "STRATGY" game , u use no stratgy , the only stratgy u using is using your IRL money stratgically , so u dont spend unnecessary , as long as you spend a decent ammount in this kind of game u can make all those dumbest mistakes and still will have more power than a low spender / f2p , i joined a jumper grp in rise of kingdom and after jumping i kept getting kick and one guy told me " just use a 10$ bundles buddy and get the power" at this moment anyone who start ROk , start with the intention of spending a very decent ammount , applicaple for COD too , its just worse in cod becaise everything reset + no community

@the_superior_nerd2439 - 15.12.2023 01:12

We need new factions i heard a rumor that we can have dark elfs in call of dragon,s we need different kind of orcs and we need dark elfs as a faction puls a dragon clan i might comr back to call of dragons

@jomudesimedia - 12.12.2023 21:02

Total bummer with mining gems too. Limiting and making you gather at slower speeds is bs during end of season.

@craigcj5953 - 12.12.2023 14:11

To me it seems that this game was taken over by the suits and illith/farsight. The changes they made were made to "balance" the game between whales and non whales, but in eect it made the game pretty much a whale only game. I played sine early launch, had a great alliance of guilds and we had a peaceful server where the whales and mid - low spenders could progress together to get ready or future dev updates with KvK etc. . .

Well two weeks in the Whales left and proceded to destroy everyone. . . .

Because they were bored.

Ok Ok we thought, we can pool together and defend. . .




This pretty much lets whales destroy everyone, as long as they put more money to resurge and re-up their policies...WHICH THEY DID. It made it impossible to defend and THE WHALES KILLED THE WHOLE SERVER!

This was before season one ended.

The fact that THREE PEOPLE were able to take on like 15 guilds on the whole server and beat them ALL, without ANY resistance, made me realize that this game was just a cash grab.

This is the ONLY game I've gotten a refund over. Period. Everyone should stay FAR AWAY from this game and from this company. This game was a total scam.

Fuck this game and company.,

@endriu1201 - 12.12.2023 09:46

Only stupid people spend this much money on that game .. i do prefer world of Warcraft that cost me 9.99$

@endriu1201 - 12.12.2023 09:45

I like call of dragons but i expected a lot more. For now it is just pay to play game… with f2p players not having any chance. Pet system is rubbish. Hero design is rubbish. To compete with other players you must spend like 300-800$ a month minimum

@fokkazz1252 - 11.12.2023 22:28

как плаксивая девчонка мне нечего не дали я больше играть не буду

@mailomailo3086 - 11.12.2023 10:25

I quit rok too after 4 years of playing. Was fun but all good things come to an end. Hope new players to enjoy as much as i did. Unluckily lilith dont let us pass accounts to friends to keep account going. Say its against rules to share! Cant even unbind.

@ridexgaming6034 - 10.12.2023 06:12

I wish it was made 8 wks ago. Then I would not have invested so much in this game..

@ridexgaming6034 - 10.12.2023 06:12

I wish it was made 8 wks ago. Then I would not have invested so much in this game..

@simaocouto8106 - 08.12.2023 17:31

i think the main reason is noone is playing 2 city builders and ROK has firt mover advantage. Also COD is stable in the metrics. wich is fine. Also hate the graphics and seasonal resets. But the fight mechanics are much cooler for me.

@phantomblade2047 - 08.12.2023 16:00

The pet system had me quiting , I did not like it.

@akashrakshit2657 - 08.12.2023 13:44

Season reset is useless it dont equalised progression that it meant to do.. its a annoying system.. dev should know game is p2w and take decision based on f2p prspective

@antonholota5355 - 08.12.2023 04:43

must be really mad to talk about character design for kids in mobile game that not realistic style. same shit in rok. not realistic. cringe history

@robingroenbech3876 - 07.12.2023 19:48

50% of the Game works against the other 50% its a terrible Game.

@G0thmog322 - 06.12.2023 19:36

Can I pilot your account? I'll play it F2P way but still hardcore

@Decker-ng4qi - 06.12.2023 06:31

Dang, never knew I was in the same division as you. Different server but quit at the same time too.

@gsg4985 - 05.12.2023 00:49

The hero design is really nice fits the whole aesthetic of the game but yeah it looks nothing like RokK, maybe y’all just want an updated RoK and not a new game. Also to all your other points you are so wrong and have no idea what the game actually needs.

@GamingontheDarkSide - 04.12.2023 21:46

The hero design at first was the biggest talking point between a lot of my friends and I…we came from Dawn of Titans and the character design in that game is the best I’ve ever seen. So by comparison the cartoonish characters were a bit strange…but honestly, don’t even notice anymore. The gameplay is great, and love the ability to team up with friends in real time. Actual ranged combat…rock/paper/scissors…PvP and PvE content…overall the game is great.

I’m curious what is the best F2P kingdom builder out there…all the games like this seem to be pretty spender friendly….

@randomvideos3007 - 04.12.2023 06:12

I swear i install it and not even open it uninstall 😂 when i see the video 😂

@freddiebrewington8475 - 03.12.2023 16:17

I love the design of the characters. Absolutely nothing wrong with them

@H1ghwaters - 01.12.2023 17:02

Today, I have decided to quit CoD for many of these same reasons. It is not casual and it seems like you are punished for just simply playing the game. As a very low spender reaching 30mil power seemed awesome, but there is not shot of me reaching end game level. Plus 4 or 5 days healing troops for 10 minutes of fighting a t5 is absurd to me. I had fun and did enjoy the community I played with but this game isn't for me.

@DARKking649 - 01.12.2023 12:44

Is there a migration like Rise?

@fusiek1009 - 01.12.2023 00:07

A lot of things you mentioned like gathering gems or seasonal tokens goes the same way for everyone and there is no way f2p or low spender could be stronger than whale. Second thing, idk if you looked for it but devs changed some things in newest season: about grinding hero levels reset to 30lvl if they are above it and artifact levels dont reset at all. Alliances system: if you end up season in specific alliance you start the next season in region the alliance was created and automaticaly join this alliance.
Of course i agree with some things like hero skills and the fact anyone can switch side at any moment is for me the worst thing in this game.
And btw your story is at chapter 1 because on the new map they added new story quests and most likely this will happen everytime on new map. And the tokens are not limited to seasons but generations. Right now we are getting 2 new heroes per season and second generation contains 2 heroes of each type so you can gather seasonal tokens for 4 seasons before you can use them on all "new" heroes. During 4 seasons even f2p players can get a lot of legendary tokens.

@Xatrax - 30.11.2023 22:22

I start call of dragon couse one problem RoK have right now is, as a person who want to start, you feel like you are minute one, 4 years begin everybody, every video you see is "Just get to t5 and well don't invest anything in any commander you have at hand couse they all are trash at the end" the power creep in that game is massive.

In theory with CoD they are going to work more in expanding mechanics than just making a better version of the hero, is too soon to tell that right now, so far the new heroes are just another way to play, like kinnara/nico been defense breake, and syndrion/ffraegard been crit archers.

The graphics are petty, even RoK is going to have like a glow up of the graphics, but the character design is....weird, and not like a cool weird like something like Warframe, is only weird

The combat is amazing, the best part of the game so far, but is true he wants more of you, i think at the end is a preference if you want a more active combat game or more like a send at forget kind of game

And the community is a big big problem of this game, is really hard to mantain a community in this games, they have been working in more guild permanence in the last season, but still need work, yeah is a war game, but you can't war all the time, and between war you should be part of the community, do other stuff, if i only want a PvP game i play the other CoD (call of duty) or league of legends. This tipe of games are a middle ground between a PvP game and a MMO.

I don't have much time for other games so i will see how CoD evolved xD hope is for the better

@DJKaleMusic - 30.11.2023 09:29

Started in your same server. Quit around 3 weeks into reset. That first reset really separated the whales from the rest.

Losing all your buddies to other alliances was tough, not to mention when they start rallying you a week or two after you had previously been taking dragon together.

@jufipratama9114 - 30.11.2023 07:15

hwheh i play this game to im quit in october after play since may, very uncomfort and bored when they reset all every season

@primesworld7895 - 29.11.2023 21:08

Yea this game been so dumb on the resets n the limitations. I’m only still playing this game cuz of my alliance peeps. I’m leaning towards quitting depending on this new season
