How to Collect Microbes for Free - JADAM Microbial Solution - Recharge Your Soil with Microorganisms

How to Collect Microbes for Free - JADAM Microbial Solution - Recharge Your Soil with Microorganisms

Soul Soil

2 года назад

25,503 Просмотров

#Microbes #Microorganisms #SoilFoodWeb #JMS #JadamMicrobialSolution #OrganicGardening #NaturalFarming

Microorganisms are an important part of the soil food web and are a must for any passionate gardener or farmer. In this video you'll learn how to make JADAM Microbial Solution (JMS) to innoculate your soil with beneficial microbes. These soil microbes will go to work breaking down organic matter and making nutrients available for the plants to uptake. It's a symbiotic relationship they have with the plant by communicating via the rhizosphere. The plant sends out exudates which the microbes trade for plant nutrients. The soil food web is a fascinating ecosystem on it's own and JMS is one of my absolute favorite garden inputs to help balalnce that system.

Will you join me in making this incredible DIY gardening input? Have you already? If so, what's your experience been with it? Let me know in the comments below and happy growing!


#microbes #JMS #JADAM #Jadam_Microbial_Solution #Organic_Gardening #Natural_Farming #DIY_Fertilizer #Microorganisms #Soil
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