How to Create a React Gantt Chart App - DHTMLX Tutorial

How to Create a React Gantt Chart App - DHTMLX Tutorial


2 года назад

7,101 Просмотров

In this video tutorial we will create a basic React Gantt chart app using DHTMLX Gantt. We will build the application using React Class components.
0:00 Intro
0:15 - Prerequisites
0:49 - Component structure
1:25 - Initialization
2:43 - Configuration: Zooming (hours, days, months)
5:33 - Processing changes in Gantt
5:59 - The dataprocessor is initialized with a function that will be called each time a task or a link is changed in the Gantt chart. Whenever this happens, we'll call an update handler in order to propagate changes to the App component.
8:01 - Useful resources

To create DHTMLX Gantt React app on your own:
1) Download DHTMLX Gantt free 30-day trial version:
2) Check a complete demo on GitHub:
3) Consult the tutorial on our blog:

Note that DHTMLX Gantt is not a React library, so to use it in the app, we'll need a wrapper component, which will connect the JavaScript Gantt library to the rest of the app, as shown in the video.



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@salmawael4650 - 06.06.2023 21:06

How Can I Turn Read Only Mode on !
I tried the trial and I have 8 cols but I can't see all of them and there isn't a scroll on the side of the cols

@rabindranathferreira6135 - 04.07.2022 19:32

do you support typescript version? i didn't see on oficial doc
