China's Struggle To Survive During World War II | China's Forgotten War | Timeline

China's Struggle To Survive During World War II | China's Forgotten War | Timeline

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えどがわしんいち - 06.10.2023 19:03


Hanni - 05.10.2023 16:20

Not forgotten by the Chinese for sure

Abrar Bin Noman
Abrar Bin Noman - 21.09.2023 17:09

The accurate thing to say that the world forgot about the war. While China remembers it as a part of their historical period "Century of Humiliation". Japan knows about it and denies Nanjing massacre, comfort women and other atrocities.

Doug Ellis
Doug Ellis - 17.09.2023 07:22

The Japanese massacres in China were horrific. Thank God Mau took power and stopped the mass killings. Oh wait....

Ruben Perez
Ruben Perez - 11.09.2023 06:43

Just that the Chinese are a race of weaklings no comparison to the Japanese lol

Chunyan Mi
Chunyan Mi - 09.09.2023 14:26

Do you think we are not struggling after the war for all these years to now? Do you think the Japanese have ever left us alone after the war?

Lala Shwante
Lala Shwante - 07.09.2023 07:59

The Great World War I & II were caused by Japan. Had Japan not involved in these wars, the War would be a European war, affecting some parts of Africa.

grand canyon
grand canyon - 06.09.2023 19:32

Chinese suffered more than Jews

SilentWolf 655
SilentWolf 655 - 24.08.2023 06:19

Chen Kai shek screwed his country over, he’s a dictator that should be remembered for his lack of military action and desperation against the Japanese

张梓云~ - 23.08.2023 23:09

Uh? The title should be Japan's forgotten war. We Chinese have never forgotten about the damage that the Japanese have done to us. We are still waiting for an apology.

aaya - 23.08.2023 15:59

As a Japanese, I apologize for our past war crimes.
blame me

Jeremy Mao
Jeremy Mao - 07.08.2023 05:09

Idk... dropping nukes on innocent civilians seems worse. 😂😂😂

Engtea Hmar
Engtea Hmar - 03.08.2023 08:50

Sad to know that after all these struggles, China forgot the real heroes the Kuomintang who did all the fighting during WW2. China was then engaged in a civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communists. The Communists took all the credit in liberating the country from the Japanese. The Kuomintang was exiled to Taiwan.

Sophie Bullis
Sophie Bullis - 31.07.2023 18:58

There’s so much more to World War 2 than what the Nazis did, we should always be educated on what else happened. To deny any massacre is to deny history and so denying history is to deny our greatest depravities..

Brian Bushfamily
Brian Bushfamily - 30.07.2023 15:36

That old lady lieing you can tell. The way she told her story it's fake. She and her country are known lie and never tell the truth. It was probably Chinese solders or it never truly happened

Eks Bocks
Eks Bocks - 26.07.2023 03:34

If I had a time machine, I would go back to this war. And give Chang Kai-Shek a bunch of tooling for Sten guns and MG-42s.

See how quickly Tojo freaks out about it.

Choo meng Lee
Choo meng Lee - 18.07.2023 05:03

My late uncle my mother's younger brother fought against the Japanese from 1939 to 1945 came back to Penang in 1949 after the China - Burma Road campaign as a colonel of the Koumingtang National army

Gim MarkMark
Gim MarkMark - 13.07.2023 23:52

As Korean I am reading Rana Mitter’s book “Forgatten Ally”. Interesting to see the writer in this footage.

C Chen
C Chen - 01.06.2023 20:21

Why did the Chinese start this war?

Kevin - 04.05.2023 16:05

Now, I am understand why Chinese military developed rapidly.

Jamie - 22.04.2023 12:41

That year, the sky was filled with gunsmoke, and I only saw black and rumbling planes

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 19.04.2023 05:45

china si a such pooor nation.

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 19.04.2023 05:45

your real step is over here.

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 19.04.2023 05:44

wang jingwei shoaudl ahve rueld hasngahid and nanjing.

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 19.04.2023 05:44


蘇蘇 - 03.04.2023 16:24

🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼 China

Lou V44
Lou V44 - 24.03.2023 09:41

Humans are the true demons

Chad - 19.03.2023 20:20

Real China only survived on Taiwan after WW2. China died on the mainland after Mao took advantage of a power vacuum. Soviet Union Asia is where mainland China used to be.

Polarfriends - 18.03.2023 17:54

My great great grandmother survived the China’s World War 2 ❤

Lord infamous
Lord infamous - 12.03.2023 12:11

One movie that made me realize chinas struggles during that time was Ip Man. I never learned in school about what china went through when Japan invaded

Србија до Нептуна
Србија до Нептуна - 09.03.2023 20:05

does anyone know about a movie or animation about china struggles against japan?

WS - 02.03.2023 04:59

People are so evil during war🤦🏾‍♂️😤😫

Wanda Meadows
Wanda Meadows - 28.02.2023 12:09

You'd think China would remember after losing backing from Russia during WW2 it was America that came to there aid.

Lobos222 - 23.02.2023 18:42

What? China lost the civil war. CCP took over. They did not control China before the civil war. China original is today Taiwan.

Luis Avila
Luis Avila - 20.02.2023 08:55

China is currently operating concentration camps. Look it up. 02.19.2023

Xiaotao Liang
Xiaotao Liang - 19.02.2023 16:18

My great grandpa’s first wife died because of a Japanese war crime and it’s so sad that the Japanese still do not recognize that this ever happened.

Arim Oh
Arim Oh - 18.02.2023 22:25

All the butthurt and salty Chinese Nationalists in the comment section make me laugh.

Japan has not been in a war since World War 2.

China however continued a Brutal and Bloody Civil War. Has gone to war with South Korea, the USA, and the UN. Has invaded Tibet and murdered many Tibetans. Has invaded India and stolen a piece of their territory. Has invaded Vietnam to defend the genocidal Cambodian regime of Pol Pot. And is most likely going to invade Taiwan!

Japan is a beautiful pacifist democracy while China is an authoritarian regime that is Culturally genociding Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. Massacred their own citizens in Tiananmen Square in 1989. During the Cultural Revolution, 5 million innocent people were raped, butchered, and cannibalized by Mao's Red Guard Students. During the Great Leap Forward implemented by Mao, TENS OF MILLIONS of Chinese people died from famines! China has killed more people than the former Imperial Japanese Empire ever dreamed of. The Cultural Revolution and The Great Leap Forward easily dwarfs any atrocities by the Imperial Japanese Military like the Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731.

Which of these two countries would you side with? Japan a democracy that is a truly one of the greatest forces for good that has blessed humanity with its culture and technology or China the new Imperial Empire of the 21st century that wants to conquer all of the Pacific because Xi Jinping's regime views the Han Chinese as the superior master race among Asians and is having border clashes with India another nuclear power.

Mukangwa Kalonda
Mukangwa Kalonda - 16.02.2023 18:54

What I don't understand why the most is government and gorvenment disput but who will die is civilians

Zain Mudassir
Zain Mudassir - 16.02.2023 16:14

China is a Forgotten Ally

JustaRandom - 15.02.2023 10:28

I'm a Chinese person and what they did to my home land makes my blood boil I hate war very much and they killed children and raped women and burnt babys alive

Touik lau
Touik lau - 10.02.2023 11:06

The Japanese might pretend like nothing happened ,but we chinese forgave u but we never forget you ,it will never happen again gaureentee our nuclear arm force will be use against Japan.

J I - 09.02.2023 13:17

commander xie and the 400 its chinese leonidas lol

E Z - 09.02.2023 02:51

Although it has been almost 80 years since WWII I would wager that almost every Chinese citizen knows of the atrocities which Japan committed during their invasion of China. Although I was born in the USA my father was an officer in Chiang Kai Shek's army and he told me of the fight against Japan. Today, Japan is a puppet state of the USA and a tool of the USA's containment policy towards China. The US is encouraging Japan to remilitarize so that they can help fight China. This is akin to supporting Nazis in order to contain Israel. God help the world if stupidity prevails and the US and China go to war. China is no longer the sick man of Asia, they are the world's #2 economy and they have advanced nuclear weapons.

Bruce Ma
Bruce Ma - 03.02.2023 01:56

The Nationalists fought a brave war in China. They should get all the credit of the resistance.

cae gear
cae gear - 24.01.2023 15:48

I cant watch this. The audio is so terrible and out of sync I feel sick after two minutes. Impressively unprofessional.

DJ Corvette
DJ Corvette - 22.01.2023 05:16

Why start a documentary on China with the damn holocaust narrative?

kellus68lee - 20.01.2023 21:18

Always All in but never enough!

kellus68lee - 20.01.2023 21:16

Japs we're ruthless!

Fro Mra
Fro Mra - 18.01.2023 09:16

Pikachoo says this never happened
