Are US health insurance companies covering COVID-19 patients?

Are US health insurance companies covering COVID-19 patients?

Al Jazeera English

4 года назад

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@eavyeavy2864 - 18.11.2021 14:57

To quote Mark Hill ", the biggest obstacle America faces in battling the coronavirus is people with no insurance  not getting tested out of the fear that the hospital bill would just be a slower death"

@JesusChrist-xk9ee - 01.10.2021 20:05

I got coronavirus two months ago and was literally in bed fighting for my life.... the lady from the financial department calling my room 5 to 6 times a day trying to find out how I was going to pay for it got to the point she literally came up to the room and I had to call the nurse to get security.

@Ghostintheshell3551 - 29.08.2021 09:07

The united states will soon fall just like Rome did./

@nickyc829 - 09.10.2020 11:46

I don't think it insurance get coverage the new unknown pandermic ,this corona virus will may be specify lists with new type of bills and participate policy in the globe to benerfit the traveller or at least company policy
But it free testing and treatment because it treat national security issue ,health public crisis and danger disese to control .
It bad in US because the bussiness deny the way of doctor and emergency laws reccommend , this will be one of american disaster from virus since 1918 spanish flu
There on employment ,the job seeker and self required or be travel(in 72hrs) should be pay personel virus testing at market public /clinic hospital viral PCR under governtment prices 100$ exceptable .

@verawhite8803 - 28.09.2020 03:37

I got cured from hpv warts through herbal treatment from Dr Oluta who I met through the internet, I actually couldn't believe it at first because it sounded impossible to me knowing how far I have gone just to get rid of it. Dr Oluta send me his herbal medicine which I took as instructed and here I am living a happy life once again, a big thanks to Dr Oluta, I am sure there are many herbal doctors out there but Dr Oluta did it for me, contact him [email protected] or WhatsApp +2349065326267 He is capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, CANCER of all kinds, DIABETES and so many other infections.

@zoroluffy355 - 13.07.2020 19:28

These devils insurance companies take money but refused to give back our money for life and death situation during COVID-19! United States strike against insurance companies.

@zoroluffy355 - 13.07.2020 19:03

These devils insurance companies take money but refused to give back our money for life and death situation! United States strike against insurance companies

@margaretcampbell2681 - 04.05.2020 15:11

This country is sick

@troublegum7322 - 02.05.2020 22:16

"Healthcare industry" Healthcare can't be an industry. It's a right for every humanbeing. Honestly I can't understand the system of healthcare in USA, If there is a system out there.

@merlin3921 - 15.04.2020 22:08

There's no difference with health insurance and vehicle insurance. If someone hit's your car and they don't have insurance or adequate insurance they have to pay (and likely will need to litigate). Why do people look at health insurance differently. If someone doesn't pay for insurance they don't deserve exceptional treatment. I find it sickening that people and reporters can't report this properly. Instead, insurance companies and hospitals are made to be villains when it should be noted that IT'S THE PERSONS RESPONSIBILITY TO LOOK AFTER THEMSELVES - NOT THE GOVERNMENT. If the government is going to look after everyone then they should enforce things like weigh scales at all restaurants and deny people service if they are overweight. Yeah, that's insane right - yeah, so is universal basic healthcare.

@tedd4146 - 15.04.2020 13:19

If you lose your job do you lose your health insurance with it?

@deozeo4442 - 14.04.2020 20:48

To test. ONLY if I had symptoms and was in critical risk category which I did and am.
Required doctor office appointment which took 2 days and $40 copay plus $430 for covid test. Insurance would reimburse $430, once they received verified clinical test results from physician office. Test done (felt as if nasal swab took brain matter) and went home to suffer.
Had to wait 4 "working days" before verified clinical lab sent results to doctor via mail (involved weekend wait thus 6 days). Required a day before physician could speak to me. Test was negative, yay, just the flu (?).... meaning I might have to repeat this again.
Insurance took additional 2 "working days" before they received fax from doctor. Finally received reimbursement from insurance 8 days later.
Lesson learnt: will not do this again unless they wheel me thru ER on a gurney!!

@phoque121 - 14.04.2020 13:09

But who could imagine that a system based on greed and selfishness could lead to something so bad??

@musicguy20 - 14.04.2020 11:04

I hate being an American 😞 and no if I’m not wealthy enough to afford healthcare what makes you think I can afford to move? I can’t even move to another state 🙄

@herbertpearson5665 - 14.04.2020 02:45

Doctors, lawyers the insurance industry no different, it's business at the end of the day that solely relies on the social ills of the people in order to prosper.

@giloliveira9644 - 14.04.2020 01:14

In Brazil we have a Unified Health System (SUS)that provides all free treatment to any Brasilian,even foreigners especially to the poorest.

@giloliveira9644 - 14.04.2020 01:01

In Brazil we have SUS free medical treatment for everyone,especially for the poorest.

@samanthaw4955 - 14.04.2020 00:40

This is what happens when shareholders needs are met at the expense of people's health and wellbeing. The only first class system is an universal healthcare system which most western countries have apart from America.

@AWholeWorldOutThere - 13.04.2020 22:36

Insurance companies have required prior authorizations for many plans for decades, not just since Obamacare. The requirement is dependent on the plan. One person's health plan may require an authorization for, say, a CT of the chest, but another person's plan from the same insurer may not, even for the exact diagnosis. Some plans may approve the CT for one person and deny the same CT for someone else with the same diagnosis and medical history, but who has a different plan. Many people have deductibles so large that they cannot afford to have medical testing or treatment. Still others cannot afford the premiums. It is worth noting that Blue Cross Blue Shield for Federal workers does not require prior authorizations. They quality of healthcare you are allowed to access depends on the insurance plan your are able to afford.

@sailorsmarineservices1773 - 13.04.2020 21:42

Tayyab erdogan take great decision about heath care ....
turkey NO 1 health facilities.........

@AlphaDogLXIII - 13.04.2020 21:26

if this wont push America to a universal healthcare system, then nothing will.
Cull the poor

@healthsense5741 - 13.04.2020 19:32

They better cover. Pray for all the people in the world.

@amania9254 - 13.04.2020 19:23

You are the Product.

@IKWithBike - 13.04.2020 19:10

Covid19 should be covered by insurance and president need to do something

@BoydGilbreath - 13.04.2020 18:53

If trump said it, it's a lie! How can anyone ever listen to this guy? He has done nothing but lie! Over 17,000 lies and counting daily. US insurance companies are paying for nothing now.

@gauge6513 - 13.04.2020 18:20

My insurance premiums are absurd. High premium high deductible They'll just bump it up more next year. Watch and see. Our Government officials are completely as reprehensible as the insurance companies. Follow the money and the re-elections

@Dr.covid19 - 13.04.2020 18:09

People should learn from kerala health care model..

@Dr.covid19 - 13.04.2020 18:09

Worst health care system..

@blossom89076 - 13.04.2020 18:05

This is what happen when a "democracy" country is run by United of Corporates Elites thru their proxy - elected goverment...

@theasian3159 - 13.04.2020 18:03

Turkeys lockdown unbelievable , is erdogan care about turkies people

@babydrumphf8262 - 13.04.2020 18:02

Only if you have a Platinum Health Care coverage will your insurance company begin to cover the huge expenses if you are smitten with tRumps CovFeFe 19 Morona Virus. It capitalist America it's all about the money honey. A test to determine whether you have CovFeFe 19 will cost you anywhere from $1200-$3000. Heaven forbid if you contract tRumps Morono Virus & are hospitalized. The costs will run you into the tens of thousands of $$$!

@Frenchkisssss - 13.04.2020 17:50

All for the rich

@schatterjee9218 - 13.04.2020 17:33

Main thing you forgot is immunity. If you eat healthy food, your immunity becomes strong and corona virus wont attack you. You can see the least affected countries are the Congo basin in Africa because their is strong and the most affected countries are Europe and USA (the highest) because they are too much into eating innocent animals i.e mincing cows, sheep, pigs etc and eating them in a civilised manner and unhealthy food which is extremly bad for health. Become veg to make your immunity strong.

@itspossible3390 - 13.04.2020 17:28

Making a profit off of others people illness is a big no, no, but nobody has any fear of god in this world......

@msparker3500 - 13.04.2020 17:22

Rich Americans first right?! What about everyone else....
The American health system sucks.

@lf1496 - 13.04.2020 17:08

The US has a barbaric, immoral healthcare system. It's like everything else there, it's all about greed. A sick, depraved country.

@hibomaxamad4844 - 13.04.2020 16:48

He is lying 1🙋‍♀️

@jamesallen1431 - 13.04.2020 16:40

corona is a virus insurance is a parasite, they only suck our blood
