03 - Desktop GUI Frameworks for Python

03 - Desktop GUI Frameworks for Python

Mouse Vs Python

10 месяцев назад

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@SHONNER - 20.07.2023 01:35

I have been playing with various DarkTheme repositories for Python. Most of them are only half implemented. Fonts I'm using for PyQt5 are overridden when a dark theme (or light theme) is overlayed onto an existing GUI generated by Qt Designer. I've also played with QtPy, which tries to solve the problem of not needing a particular GUI installed to use a program. It will detect PyQt or PySide if installed. But then QtPy uses UIC for loading .UI files. And PyInstaller doesn't like .UI files.

@SHONNER - 20.07.2023 01:46

I've used wxGlade (yuck!). I've used wxFormBuilder (a lot better). But Qt Designer is so much quicker for me to design GUIs with. And has more features. I would never try to do PyQt5 code by hand, though. You do need a PyQt license if you are selling software. I'm writing for myself. Hobbyist.
