Vega4 - Life is Beautiful

Vega4 - Life is Beautiful


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Pto uwu
Pto uwu - 13.10.2023 02:31

JoongBo 💚

Luis Alberto Ramírez Alvarado
Luis Alberto Ramírez Alvarado - 08.10.2023 22:47

Sex Drive ♥🍩🎞

katasakti - 09.09.2023 14:37

Still 2023

Daniel Zornek
Daniel Zornek - 08.09.2023 20:58

I watched sex drive and came here and now I love this song LMAO I remember in my childhood seeing in TV every year about 2009/10/11, and now I am here with 19 years old Just want to come back those days

Ответить - 25.08.2023 03:57

sex drive <3

Rheurisson Braga
Rheurisson Braga - 22.08.2023 11:20

top in 2023

Michele Mick
Michele Mick - 10.08.2023 04:46

I heard this during One Tree Hill years ago and then again during the movie Sex Drive. Very underrated and beautiful song.

Michael Jayes
Michael Jayes - 08.08.2023 21:04

Great band, 2 fine albums, should of been much bigger than they were.

Superlang - 10.07.2023 07:16

Yes, life could be beautiful and this song helps me for a moment thinking positive! But in real life mankind is destroying our beautiful planet; don`t forget!

Mar Mar
Mar Mar - 23.06.2023 20:15

Sex drive anyone

Ar riyant
Ar riyant - 18.06.2023 01:09

I hate my life right now and miss my life when this song started

Calv Bread
Calv Bread - 16.06.2023 01:25

Mannheim, Germany

Calv Bread
Calv Bread - 16.06.2023 01:24

Been listening to this song since 2012

Tiara Krider
Tiara Krider - 24.05.2023 07:22

2023 ❤❤ and this song saves me still

Quien eres? Somos legion
Quien eres? Somos legion - 09.05.2023 10:02

Beautiful song ❤

Antonio Miranda
Antonio Miranda - 07.05.2023 08:23

10 años con esta canción y la disfruto como la primera vez que la escuche ❤

Samu - 22.03.2023 22:30


Mohit Rahaman
Mohit Rahaman - 21.03.2023 18:54

Used to confuse between this and Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars.

Rany - 05.03.2023 02:59

vim de Grey´s Anatomy 🥺🤍

Susan Brown
Susan Brown - 02.02.2023 08:37

Autism does not define Dash! 💙❤💙💙❤💪

RubyGrace Moseley
RubyGrace Moseley - 19.01.2023 08:55

My nephew was born early this morning! ❤️❤️ I’m so happy!! Unfortunately I’m sick so when my mom and little sister are at my brother and sister-in-law’s house tomorrow meeting him I’ll be stuck at home….I’m really sad because of that. I’ve been waiting for him to come for nine months and I had to get sick the week he is born! 😭😭 I’m so sad about that! I’m jealous that my mom and sister are going to get to see him without me tomorrow. I just wish I’d get miraculously healed right now. Not just because I want to meet my nephew but I’ve also been sick for over a week now and I’m tired. But right now I mainly want to get better so I can see my nephew. But this song is really just what I needed to hear right now. It’s helping me think about the fact that I now have a nephew! I have two nieces who I adore but this is my first nephew! I’m excited about that! I’m so glad that even though there is a whole lot of bad in the world that there’s one little ray of joy in our family right now with the birth of my nephew. I’m thankful that he’s here and that he is healthy. I’m thankful that my sister-in-law is healthy and well. I’m thankful for the future of watching my nephew grow up and seeing what kind of person he’ll be. I’m excited that my two nieces have a little brother especially my two year old niece! She’s a big sister now! And I know that soon I’ll get better. I’m not going to be sick forever and when I get better I’ll be able to meet my nephew! That’s going to be so much fun and exciting and I know I’ll love him! I already do even though I never have met him so I can’t imagine how much I’ll love him when I finally get to meet him. I’m very upset that I got sick right when he was born and that I don’t get to see him when the rest of my family does but I’m so happy that he’s here and I can’t wait to meet him in person when I get better!

Renee Valois
Renee Valois - 17.01.2023 07:06

This is such a stunningly beautiful and powerful song!

Victoria Greentree
Victoria Greentree - 11.01.2023 23:05

OTH <3

Mahmoud Harmel
Mahmoud Harmel - 01.01.2023 01:44

This song makes life make sense

RubyGrace Moseley
RubyGrace Moseley - 10.12.2022 08:42

This is one of the most honest, vulnerable songs I have ever heard. Everyone in the world at some point in their life can relate to this song. It’s just so…human…It helps remind you of all the good in the world when everything seems like it’s horrible and awful. It helps you think of things and people that you’re grateful for. It helps you stop and think of all the people that you love and how much they mean to you. It helps you remember all of those small but wonderful moments in your life…the time someone you loved smiled at you, a family vacation you took, little moments of joy you’ve had over your life…just simple moments you’ve lived through but now that you can see the big picture you realize just how precious and beautiful those simple moments were. Basically how I feel at Christmas in song form. I’m surrounded by family, everyone seems much happier and kinder than usual, I’m having fun, I’m reflecting over and thanking God for all my blessings, for all the people in my family, for the fun and joy you can get out of life. It’s like the best homey, peaceful feeling…One of the best songs to cry over out of joy, sentimentality…I really wish more people could hear and know this song. I wish I could remember this song better. Like I said even though I adore this song I haven’t heard it that much in my life and only when my mom took out her iPod that has hundreds of songs on it did I hear it. It’s such a beautiful, meaningful, heartwarming song and I wish more people knew about it. And I’m so incredibly thankful that I know about it.

RubyGrace Moseley
RubyGrace Moseley - 10.12.2022 08:15

I have had the bridge of this song (which is my favorite part of the song) stuck in my head for like a week…but I COULD NOT remember the name of the song, the name of the band or any other part of the song besides the bridge. I knew I loved this song and I remembered the bridge was my favorite part but I couldn’t remember anything else about the song. Finally I just typed in the lyrics I remembered and hoped I’d get some results. And this song popped up so I clicked on it and instantly felt so happy because I knew this was the song that had been stuck in my head!! For a while I thought that another band did this song so I kept listening and looking up their songs trying to find this one. I’m so happy and relieved that I found this song. It was really driving me crazy having this in my head not being able to remember anything about the song 😂 This song is so beautiful…It makes me feel so comforted and hopeful. It makes me feel like everything will be alright no matter what horrible stuff is going on in my life or their peoples lives. It’s such a powerful, beautiful message and song. It’s like a hug in song form. It gives me comfort, joy, hope and makes me feel protected…I love it so much. I’ve never heard this anywhere other than my mom’s iPod in the car which is where I first heard it. That makes me sad because it’s such a beautiful song with such a beautiful message. I wish more people could hear it.

Ottoniel Troncoso
Ottoniel Troncoso - 07.12.2022 23:38

Me gusta esa canción porque la escuche en la película Sex Drive fabulosa

Edward Villarruel
Edward Villarruel - 06.12.2022 09:02

Keep listening to bad bunny..stupid generation!!! Vega 4 real music and talent

Luis Rogel
Luis Rogel - 06.12.2022 06:34


Osmar Junior
Osmar Junior - 13.11.2022 20:47

This song is really sad.
Only the ones who listen it with soul can know

Sable Herl
Sable Herl - 02.11.2022 04:39

Izuku midoriya And Sable Herl Dub
Music Video Life is Beautiful Vegas

Luis Guerra
Luis Guerra - 29.09.2022 17:20

I'm here cause I just watch part grey anatomy this song comes out

gean carlos
gean carlos - 25.09.2022 02:00

Judia não haha

Bryan Rendleman
Bryan Rendleman - 12.09.2022 11:38

An Old fart from 60s/70s music and this is a killer tune and lyrics and baby does it ROCK !
RPM! rating 33 to 88, an 88 !

The Gadget Center
The Gadget Center - 01.09.2022 14:42

Heard it first in September of 2014 after my younger brother's demise. This was last song he had heard. Still this song is so underrated.

A shout out to anyone who has memories attached to this song. May you heal!

I love you always, Haris. You shattered us all in million pieces and we still have not been able to get over it. </3

Dhinakar Roy
Dhinakar Roy - 30.08.2022 08:00

Thank you Sex Drive movie for introducing us one hell of a song.

NEGROH - 24.08.2022 12:15

Lindos momentos de one tree Hill

magnethomewood - 03.08.2022 20:11

One of the best songs ever written.

Wd - 23.07.2022 10:22

Sex Drive 2008 bring me here

Elow Bragisht
Elow Bragisht - 16.07.2022 02:02


Jhelo - 10.07.2022 12:57

Heard this song randomly while riding on a jeepney on a Sunday night in December last year. I got thrilled because the sound seemed so familiar, but I was so shy to ask the driver what the title was, so I video recorded the part "It's amazing where I'm standing , there's a lot that we can give" and searched it online. It took me almost a week, but then, everything was worth it, hahaha. That jeepney chose me and gave me a gem!

fairyfay30 - 02.06.2022 06:47

this song made me tear up

Cara Mason
Cara Mason - 17.05.2022 15:18

So beautiful ❤️

Degs Dexter
Degs Dexter - 03.05.2022 00:08

Would be perfect for Snow Patrol. Surprised Johnny hasnt suggested it.

Sakshi Tiwari
Sakshi Tiwari - 29.04.2022 10:12

I am still here in 2022 ❤️

Sammy Songate
Sammy Songate - 24.04.2022 05:30

This never gets old....

T Sam
T Sam - 09.04.2022 16:22

2022 and this song is still underrated
One of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard in my life

Zeria - 04.04.2022 11:20

Congratulations on finding/re-visiting this masterpiece. Good things are coming your way, have faith in life.✨

juventinosempre60 - 31.03.2022 01:54

I'm here in 2k22, 'cause this song reminds me when i met my fiancée.
