3D HUD Logo Generator (After Effects template)

3D HUD Logo Generator (After Effects template)

Infilm After Effects Templates

54 года назад

1,048 Просмотров

Download now '3D HUD Logo Generator' — https://1.envato.market/c/3410728/275988/4415?u=http://videohive.net/item/3d-hud-logo-generator/13585314
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Requires Plugins: Element 3D v2.2.2
3D Model included
Pre-rendered Optical Flares version
Easy to use
Fully customizable
Editable with After Effects CS6 and above
Resolution | 1920×1080
Easy color customization with Expression Controls
Video Tutorial included
PDF manual included
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Infilm After Effects Template is the leader in survey Adobe After Effects project and templates on Envato Marketplace. Infilm After Effects Template releases best videohive templates as Logo and Intro projects, Broadcast design packages, Slideshow, Lower Third, Kinetick typography and all other best animations templates.

Infilm portfolio on the VidoHive here — https://1.envato.market/jW3N4n
If you are the author of this project and believe any that the use of the project preview on this channel are not legitimate, please write to e-mail and we will resolve this issue. Unlimited After Effects templates downloads for a single monthly fee – https://1.envato.market/ORQEON. Access to millions of creative elements with unlimited downloads. Every month – Adobe After Effects free download projects!

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