The Economics of Healthcare: Crash Course Economics #29

The Economics of Healthcare: Crash Course Economics #29


8 лет назад

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@itsssmenil7287 - 03.11.2023 08:23

hey can i use this video as as example in my discussion?what are the resources of this?

@ryanweaver962 - 27.08.2023 14:10

No one likes feeling like they are being used.

@SanityIsland - 18.08.2023 19:29

I can give you a crash course. Government controls everything and only they benefit. The end.

@authenticallysuperficial9874 - 27.07.2023 18:38

This government is so corrupt

@ryanweaver962 - 15.07.2023 01:19

interesting stuff

@crazygur1y - 04.07.2023 04:30

I know this video is 7 years old but Imma miss Jacob :( I love both of them and their dynamic, it sucks that I'm almost done with this course! DFTBA!

@idku6554 - 06.04.2023 21:52

The ACDC belt buckle tho

@polaris911 - 27.02.2023 21:11

can't take this seriously with the ACDC belt and the silly sound effects

@cameronwarttig1732 - 22.02.2023 05:44

The flashing corners make this very hard to watch at certain points

@zachwatson.Official - 13.02.2023 18:07

who else noticed the AC DC belt tho

@nassports8 - 10.02.2023 03:06

she looks like Pam from the office.

@emilyisreading_ - 27.11.2022 20:34

Woo! I watched the entire series! Time to move onto the next crash course series

@heidicampbell7863 - 02.11.2022 06:26

There seems to be no clear answer, just the same old same old. What is capitation? What if one doesn’t go to the doctor for 5 years, at $8k per year should they get a reimbursement of $40k? Or maybe apply the unused portion to something that insurance typically doesn’t cover.

@JakubWojciechowski933 - 21.06.2020 12:32

It annoys me they talk specifically about the American, healthcare here and not the healthcare in general. Other countries are just counter examples. It's supposed to be crush course economy, not American Economy!

@homemadetech5712 - 17.06.2020 07:07

Yeah, btw the VA system sucks and is responsible for many of the homeless vets you see on the streets (the real ones) And I’m pretty sure it’s more similar to Canada’s system than Britain’s because it’s single payer and not socialized

@syedmislam - 16.06.2020 12:29

Remember, Breaking Bad happened because Walter White couldn't afford his medical bills and his family had no money.

@abubakarbinkhalidkhalid5504 - 15.06.2020 01:42

Medicare doesn't work at all, it all back trek to Standard oil, the history of the medical formation and now the corrupt senate representatives

@jasminejoseph8307 - 12.06.2020 01:14

The premium pay should go towards the deductible or out-of-pocket cost. It's so unfair.

@mediumwritings4438 - 10.06.2020 20:15

who else is sick with ACDC belt comments?

@ericmorin9764 - 22.05.2020 05:50

ah yes. the pinnacle of healthcare and a national treasure. the health wagon

@160p2GHz - 18.05.2020 21:19

Maaan the too early to tell on the Affordable Care Act comment... when this video came out I was on ACA. Two months after this video came out I had a stroke, at 30 (I'm in great health it was just a freak injury that caused it). I am so so grateful I was able to get proper healthcare and afford the follow up to make sure I didn't have another. No way I could have afforded the two hour ambulance ride from my local hospital to the specialist hospital without insurance or probably even with the employer insurance I have now. Just an anecdote but I may well owe my life to ACA.

@carmiesanpaolo8689 - 07.05.2020 23:41

Another important consideration is the mixture of a for-profit system, that is also heavily subsidized. When the majority of healthcare dollars flowing through the system are from the government, the normal market forces that control costs in other industries, are essentially disabled. Add to that the tax incentives to employers to provide health insurance for employees, and that removes the consumer from the market even further.

@carltybjergkeith7784 - 26.04.2020 13:53

Europe gang!

@alankritigulati6186 - 21.04.2020 23:03

What's the difference between Canada and UK system for healthcare ?

@leeoswald668 - 17.04.2020 17:16

Master list? Master book?

@ray1983able - 15.04.2020 02:13

Private insurers + premiums , public insurers + taxes single payer system. Medicare for single poverty , Medicaid family poverty. Cost of health Care , Deductable to prevent over visits. Iron triangle = Congress, loobyist and beaurocrats.

@jacobthomas7571 - 11.04.2020 17:57

lol adcd

@thekaxmax - 09.04.2020 02:49

universal single-payer is cheaper. Evidence: every developed state that isn't the USA.

@nazor1824 - 06.04.2020 12:40

Healthcare is so expensive because you regulated to much.

@rickardkaufman3988 - 06.04.2020 10:58

Bernie Sanders has entered the chat.

@jonver92 - 24.03.2020 01:43

No mention of how every other system is in the red, causing tax increases and rationing (death panels). You get what you pay for.

@sanfran-switchcode5480 - 21.03.2020 01:58

Wait why is he leaving?

@julieflannery5014 - 09.03.2020 16:10

It was informative and interesting but the joke attempts were a bit lame and distracting...

@vincemarenger7122 - 04.03.2020 10:32

FEEL THE BERN!!! You social-fearing Americans !!! Laughs in Canadian goose

@jericho005 - 03.03.2020 16:15

Uhhh "...there is a small single payer system for the military called the VA and it's just for veterans..." you might want to do a little research. The VA covers about as many people as live in Sweden. It's the second largest department of the federal government (behind Defense) and unfortunately, it sucks, even though it's wildly expensive. Wait times are incredibly long for the VA. To remedy this, the VA budget has roughly doubled since 2009 but waiting times have actually gone up! The reason I bring it up is that this is the way WE do single payer here in the United States. The VA would cover many more people, except that people don't typically use it, even if they are entitled, because it sucks so badly. My opinion is that we should fix the VA, before we even think about "Medicare for All" which is really "VA for All."

@ankra12 - 25.02.2020 04:09

Poor Americans.

@jengable4888 - 24.02.2020 03:47

The corruption is x 1000 ! I will review this later...

@MarcoCuauhtemocMejia - 20.02.2020 10:19

This guy's eyes creep me out.

@SummerBaby728 - 20.02.2020 08:51

Original Medicare (parts A & B) doesn’t pay for all the healthcare of seniors. It only pays 80% and that doesn’t include all medical services, only some (and excludes all dental, vision and prescription). 20% of a medical bill is still a LOT for the average American senior (think about if its 20% of a hospital stay which could be 10’s of thousands of dollars!). And they still do have to pay the part b premium currently $144 every month. They’re not really getting a good deal.

@lalainaramarivelo - 17.02.2020 21:29

Never in my life have I expected to hear "shop" "hospital" and "heart attack" in the same sentence. And yet here we are, we shop for hospitals, we compare doctors profile, if this is not capitalism and consumerism giving you the illusion of control and choices while sh-*tting on the last ditch of dignity that health and life are supposed to carry... Pfffff Murica

@Danny984211 - 14.02.2020 01:42

The SWEET Canadian Healthcare that has you waiting in the emergency room for HOURS possibly days because they are too buys treating others... lol. I don't plan on spending my tax dollars on that.

@EntreCamaradas - 06.02.2020 11:15

You missed the part about Obamacare where it raised premiums for everyone who already had health insurance to subsidize everyone else.

@stalfosguardian5573 - 05.02.2020 07:56

You guys are failing to address the real reason healthcare is so expensive in the US. It is because the healthcare providers (the hospitals and doctors and pharmacies) know that the government will give them whatever they say the price is. Over 35% of Americans are on Medicaid or Medicare. Those are the people that will use it the most because they don't have to pay for it. So the providers will end up making much more keeping the prices double or triple the amount of what is resonable because the government won't haggle to bring the price down. Now the private health insurances have to be more expensive in order to stay in business because the healthcare providers (the hospitals and pharmacies) never lower their prices because they know that with combination of the patients that can afford expensive insurance and the constant flow of socialized health insurance (Medicare/Medicaid) they will make more of a profit continuing to have them overpay. The solution would be to defund Medicare and Medicaid. Stop the constant flow of taxpayer dollars to the healthcare providers, and the free market will naturally bring down the prices. Competition would kick in and other health care businesses would be created, health insurance would go way down, and everyone would end up winning.

@hannoo7858 - 04.02.2020 15:46

I’m new to the insurance topic, so I want to know what are the financial benefits of health insurances over paying directly for treatment?
I don’t see any differences as both would deduct from the income similarly.

@andrewcourt5156 - 02.02.2020 08:20

Part of the problem with the expense of the US health system is that every interaction / transaction with it is done on a retail / cost plus.. no matter who is paying for the service there is someone who is “clipping the ticket”.. making a profit !!

@forever_golfer1981 - 01.02.2020 01:29

US doctors don’t know what pro bono means.

@guyguyton7086 - 30.01.2020 19:05

I would rather die

@elevencooper3226 - 29.01.2020 13:31

I don’t think doctors are actually at fault in this process of negotiating. Doctors are caught up in this messed up system but they don’t even know how much these things will cost either. They just have to go along with it all.
