Rare Footage from Egypt - Ancient Machined Artifacts found deep beneath the Step Pyramid!

Rare Footage from Egypt - Ancient Machined Artifacts found deep beneath the Step Pyramid!


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mike T
mike T - 25.09.2023 17:00

I can not tell you anything of how they did most of the things you see but I can tell you what the very deep wells are. They were made for the seven years of storage of wheat against seven years of Famine. Read the bible story of Joseph and the coat of many colors. Genesis 36-37

Mark Goddard
Mark Goddard - 25.09.2023 12:27

Surely all “footage” is unique. It may be of the same place, and even taken at the same time, but is always unique. ‘Rare” can only imply that there is a copy.

The Silver Seeker
The Silver Seeker - 23.09.2023 16:31

Has anyone tried to ask what exactly were the jars and vases doing down there?

The Silver Seeker
The Silver Seeker - 23.09.2023 16:13

The step pyramid was obviously built later than The Great Pyramid.

Sunshine in Arizona
Sunshine in Arizona - 22.09.2023 18:03

Awesome tour. Thank you. 🌻

Billy Aces
Billy Aces - 12.09.2023 00:29

You know ….he skipped a piece into his pocket 😂

sohrab Allahyari
sohrab Allahyari - 11.09.2023 15:11

Seems ever so simple minded thinking ,that the stone coffins of Saqarra, were transported, and moved around like the picture above, due to their extreme weight of around 140 tons(140k ,kgs)obviously the intentions of photo displayed is to emphesise on the same task using the man force as impossible,unless the good number of giants,could have performed the task,but the tricky part poping up could be, how could even any single giant be fitted into the underground facilities ,and corridors of the Saqarra site, at all,it all seems as totally impossible,also once looking at all other possible probabilities with an open minded point of view, not limited to our current understanding of physics and manufacturing technics,which could possibly have been used by the ancient advanced civilisations,and with reference to the existing highest levels of precisions and accuracies deployed to manufacture the hypotheticaly used as accoustic boxes,containing materials to be teleported to the Orion constalations,may be two possible alternatives could be suggested, one being to the stoned articles and statues of ancient egypt in general, could have been created at site using the thought /material conversion mechanisms and technics,or even
much more exciting task of having been ordered to be manufactured and teleported back to earth, installed at proper location, in one move,and off course such a hypothesis can be made once we should agree on the Saqarra being functioning as a teleportation site,considering the several existing evidences, explaining and justifying the said function,also knowing teleportation could work in a two ways , bilateraly, in back and forth, directions,are we in agreement on the subject hopefully dear freinds?

sohrab Allahyari
sohrab Allahyari - 04.09.2023 20:43

Again as I did emphasise on the same subject of having to look at the entire subjects with regard to ancient Egypt and any other ancient civilisations, from a completely different prospectives, other than a conventional way of thinking, about the whole phenomena, which can indeed be ever so confusing ,leading to dead ends, of not being explainable, as the case has been here, the detected contradictions in between manufacturing technologies, and different levels of precision,of alabaster manufacturing also not ever finding such machinery to explain the capabilities to make such vases and other artefacts, and also the concept of transfer of certain materials from far distance locations such as Afghanistan, these are the contridictary to each other, and to what evidences and artefacts being discovered down in underground basins , of different ancient sites in general, hence make it impossible to be explained via a dot connecting simple methode adding up together and mak8ng sense.
Another similar example of the same phenomena, could be that of , once the building process of the great Pyramid of gisa is studied, the spectaculators, usualy 9nly have a sim0le 8verview of their current prospectives of machinery and technol9gies deployed, and not baring in mind, that what they are doing with is not a linear ancient past time technology, but rather an imported none terrestrial civilisation technology evidently being deployed to undertake and complete the building processes, and that is why regardless of which pathways are tried, they eventualy are led back to square one , finding out the whole procedure cannot be explained ,say by ramp theory, or massive human slave work forces , or manual levitation technics or even moulding technics by its own without proper supplementary explanations and any other forwarded technics for that matter, and so on.
Hence still a more soffisticated more advanced ,and may be even automated systems of machinary and equipments were being deployed not observed at first glances, to the investigators right freinds?
Which also couldnt be covered and explained by all suggested technics, not fulfilling the whole complete criterias needed to be explained ,and again that is when the need for studying and investigating the ancient civilisations technologies envolved in creating and building different monumental sites , as well as other ancient artefacts are becoming a complicated , ambigious task as such no proper explanation has been able the cover the entire concept.
And hence may be I could explain the subject further, by delving into more details, once studied with a different prospective and point of view , to cover and explain different phenomenas, more clearly as follows:

Yoda Z
Yoda Z - 01.09.2023 08:09

I want to see you build a pyramid or any structure with copper tools....that would be funny...🥴

Daniel Collins
Daniel Collins - 28.08.2023 23:12

How many pieces were u able to pocket

zachary pelphrey
zachary pelphrey - 28.08.2023 05:53

All it takes is 1 person with an incredible talent to create all the pieces of art on display. I believe people 4,000 years ago operated under the same motives as today.
“Where there is will there’s a way”

Gary - 28.08.2023 04:39

Please share the Love of the Son of God. Please write His Words in your Heart, and share them. Please Forgive, and Pray for everyone. Immanuel, God with us.

James - 27.08.2023 20:20

Just walk through and step on everything oh don't forget to tear that ancient basket up nothing to see here...wow gd job guys

Rodolfo Lara
Rodolfo Lara - 27.08.2023 02:51

Bro keep it 100 !! CML sold out to philthy cuz CML referred Wop to philthy . Bro if u wanna come up on a bitch ass nigga that's what's gonna happen let philthy handle his shit. Fuck both sides tho I'm just saying

Giovanni Guarino
Giovanni Guarino - 27.08.2023 00:28

As with all the others of yours, this video contains news never heard before, news that can't be explained with the orthodox theory of the construction of all the shafts and passages under the step pyramid by the 3rd dynasty. Great, great job!

Christopher Lewis
Christopher Lewis - 26.08.2023 14:39

you seem like a clever bloke...the only physical way of doing that without a hidden genie is by that of direct energy. Milimeter waves technology is not new and I beleive it was the late 50s that the gyrotron was invented.

Copying the contours of soil could have been done with a key making contraption so low tech for that part as the high tech stuff was not for the serf workers and would have been policed by the dog mask wearing guys by the tube in glyphs which would have been the gyrotron.
As we negotiate our way around the problem of back emf and efficiency and also analogue computers who knows what their machines looked like...smaller less hot probably not so noisy.

I hope you agree that this was absolute dominion if you remember the bible stories from childhood. There must have been a revolt of some sorts who knows but all of the work described could be performed with a good gyrotron and a waveguide.

Vintech 64
Vintech 64 - 21.08.2023 23:22

Thank you. First time I have ever seen any of this. So interesting.

douglas barclay
douglas barclay - 21.08.2023 18:11

that second pyramid didn't collapse it was mined for rock by scavengers for 2000 years.

Braveheart - 18.08.2023 19:20

I believe a lot of these amazing sites throughout the world are connected. They're connected by the way they were built. You can see the way that the stones are honed. I am just a person watching and looking and observing and I see with my own eyes the lies that were being told everyday. We are a people that has come from a lost civilization. The cradle of life is far, far, far more reaching back in time, and anyone wants us to know. The lies are being discovered every day you can see it with your own eyes. Hunter-gatherers can not build amazing buildings like you see in the Amazon. If you look in China, some of the historic buildings they claim that were built by then are created out of complete stone-built downward into the Stone. Those were not harmed by simple layer Layman's tools. They were created using machinery that we are still unable to recreate. If something doesn't make sense, it's because it doesn't make sense and it's not real. The past that they would like for us to believe is that we went from animals to hunter-gatherers to building that reach to the sky with such precision that it can not even be recreated today. That never happened. The Smithsonian has destroyed now this is what they are accepting, to say 200 Giant skeletons. Yes, they said that this is what they did. They did not think that we would be ready to hear that there were giants that existed before we did. How much more has the Smithsonian and other major companies destroyed buried to save their faces not to tell the truth but to be able to lie about the truth about our existence. Information if you look at the pyramids and then you look all over the world at all of the pyramids you can only come up with one answer. We have been on this Earth much longer than the powers-that-be would like for us to know. We deserve to know are true past. Furthermore the people that created these beautiful unbelievable pyramids , step pyramids and even the coliseums in Athens, existed and they deserve for their story to be told. These people existed and we deserve to be able to tell their amazing story. What actually happened in our past. What happened to them. Are we doomed to the same destruction and will we not be remembered to future generations?! If we do not learn from our past we are doomed to create the same events over and over again.

Braveheart - 18.08.2023 18:57

I believe as many do that there was an early civilization. A Lost Civilization of mankind. I believe that they found the pyramids the way that they were. They've claimed them the Egyptians as their own pyramids. I believe with all my heart and that the dating of mankind has been a grave mistake made by men in power who do not want their incorrect dating other civilization to be exposed. So they continued the Lie by explaining to us somehow that the Egyptians, when they just found the way to make perfect pyramids, align with the Stars. They furthermore want us to accept that these people were able to hone vases with copper tools and no education. It does not happen. Thank you so much for this video because it continues my belief that the pyramids existed along with the Sphinx prior to Egyptian rule. I also believe that they changed the head on the Sphinx, I believe that it was a lion. My reasoning is that the head of the Sphinx does not fit the body. The sphynx is so old that it looks like it has been worn with watermarking. I believe that the Sphinx and the pyramids were submerged in water for many years before the Egyptians arrived. That would mean that they were built before the Ice Age or before a great flood.

Bruno Bournique
Bruno Bournique - 17.08.2023 02:38

Magnifiscent !

jimbobalob - 16.08.2023 16:27

These boxes and bowls have obviously been machined and with such precision so they had to have had some sort of energy to operate the machines, it really is a mystery.

fred flintstoner
fred flintstoner - 16.08.2023 08:05

Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ."
Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..."
Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"

Eazy Peazy
Eazy Peazy - 13.08.2023 08:28

I’ve watched this video and couple of times and every time I’m left with jaw dropped.

Alex Ivaschenko
Alex Ivaschenko - 11.08.2023 10:58

Awesome video

jcthejammer - 11.08.2023 06:23

I wonder how they saw anything or what they used as light. But my guess on making things is probably heat but 🤷

CarscatsandAliens - 09.08.2023 17:48

2 theories.... It's very possible,and not too difficult (I don't think ) with what the main stream says they had available at the time for them to possibly have used water for cutting.. having a gravity fed tank that had a primitive hose started out wider, and and at the end was very thin causing a water jet of sorts. They could have even pressurized the water.. Another theory/idea for hole drilling.. I watched someone test the "heat method" of drilling. The patent is for a nuclear drilling head (for tunnel building) using a sample stone, they first used a regular hammer drill with a rock bit. Took a bit, and made a mess. Not having a nuclear drill they used a plasma torch, and like a poker for lack of a better word. It took mere seconds with the plasma torch, turning the lining to glass, and no mess. Obviously Egypt didn't have a plasma torch but they did have the sun... Just a thought

mich str
mich str - 08.08.2023 23:24

you walked past a million things

Rony Ghosh
Rony Ghosh - 08.08.2023 21:40

Everything is awesome!!! How did you get the permission to go inside ??

Saber - 08.08.2023 21:39

Amazing video keep it up

Jeff Stratton
Jeff Stratton - 08.08.2023 00:21

I have been getting into this subject for the past few years, I have already heard so many different theories, really has me thinking that there are many things that they don't want the public to know or access, can assume that all of these religions in the world don't want to hear anything that deviates from what they believe even when the facts are right in front of them,the More I get into it the more flustering it becomes everything that I have watched on your channel is backed with evidence,and I thank you for all the information that you must of spent countless hours researching, people are scared of the truth normally and you can really see that here, it's like they're scared of the population learning the truth,the sculls they have had for how long? Never tested, what???I do like the French men's theory of the pyramid being built from the inside makes sense and has evidence to show,why don't they want to listen to anyone,

Mark D
Mark D - 07.08.2023 21:21

What I find interesting is why there's so much of this exotic stone work in fragments, and used as debris in these tunnels. Was there a factory nearby that produced this much material? Why is it so deep in tunnels? Who goes to the trouble of creating tunnels like this in the first place, and why? Are these tunnels part of an underground disposal system used by whoever was above ground creating these pieces? In order for there to be 40,000 pieces in the museum, plus all this debris, that means there had to be a very large scale production facility somewhere nearby.

I believe the author of this video is correct; these pieces are the work of a much older people, and not the Egyptians. I personally think these are the work of pre-flood people who lived centuries, and would have the time and experience to learn and make stuff of this caliber. The destruction the great flood caused could have just busted up a lot of this if flood waters came roaring in across the landscape. The survivors of Noah and his family would be the ones to find all this. In fact, Egypt was one of the sons of Ham, the youngest son of Noah.

Absolutely fascinating to see all this. I can't imagine what must be like to be there and hold pieces of stonework that have to be well over 10,000 years old.

leon jambondior
leon jambondior - 06.08.2023 22:45

excellente vidéo bravos ,oui je pense qu'il y avait une civilisation qui à disparue suite à des évènements une extinctions sans doute, après tout à été perdu...

guy smithson
guy smithson - 05.08.2023 22:15

Love the guide!

guy smithson
guy smithson - 05.08.2023 22:12

The salt proof of old age. Older than say lol

ILikeKnafs - 04.08.2023 17:49

This is only a tiny fraction (of what Egypt antiquities dept has access to ) they deny existence , and/or seal them closed for some unknown reason . Ones like thjs are only available for civilians to descend into if you pay them a hefty sum or money . The more research you do on them (antiquities dept) the more you realize they operate more like a criminal organization. They do not care about preserving artifacts. So it draws huge red flags wondering what would cause them to deny access to new caverns that would bring in $$

ILikeKnafs - 04.08.2023 17:26

I’m not a big conspiracy theorist but if you use logic,it’s pretty easy to see . We keep finding more and more of these enormous tunnels dug underground . You can’t even fathom the amount of work alone it would take to carve these. Yet all these civilizations thousands of years ago , from all over the world , with such primitive technology dug them ? There must have been a very good reason for this monumental task . The only thing that makes sense to me is some kind of catastrophe on earth which made the surface uninhabitable , pushing everyone underground .

Jaco Rossouw
Jaco Rossouw - 04.08.2023 00:54

Anyone there can just take a piece of fractured fase and nobody will know, makes me so angry.

O'hawa - 03.08.2023 11:45

Zawi Hawass is a seasoned liar.

Chris Skalski
Chris Skalski - 02.08.2023 03:22

The temple of Seti is really impressive in Abydos. Ohm Seti, a reincarnated temple priestess; also known as Dorothy Eady....instrumented reassembly together with experts and it is stunning.

Barry Ansell
Barry Ansell - 30.07.2023 12:18

Astonishing presentation, and thank you for showing us all what lays beneath this monument.with the incredible craftmanship in those stone jars. Perhaps they heated the granite and poured the liquid granite into a mould to give the finished product. Who would know.?
A great deal of higher learning is evident here, yet, exactly just how the pyramids were built have not yet been figured out.

Jeff Tkachuk
Jeff Tkachuk - 24.07.2023 14:14

Just wanted to say thanks Ben! I'm enthused by these videos, but more-so that independent investigators like yourself can both produce such quality content, and basically skip the whole "I'm a credentialed, blah blah" circus and simply film the artifacts--you are just showing the evidence and skipping the swamp of criticisms that you'd otherwise have to wade through from the mainstream. So I'm like doubly excited, b/c we are in a new age of archeology where the motivated and truly enthused investigators can just bust right through any ossified ideas that are hindering the flow of knowledge. Also, your commentary is just perfect (for me): i.e. the content, the calm delivery, the speed and pace at which it is delivered--it is super chill and rational, allowing ME to get genuinely enthused, without being pumped up artificially by someone selling it, pushing, boosting, sensationalizing, etc

Woody - 21.07.2023 07:06

Funny how archaeologists assume everything they find was 1) made by the Egyptians and 2) everything is a coffin of sorts. Shows how todays university professors are actually cloning themselves. Education becoming indoctrination, we will learn nothing.

PeterNinComPoop - 20.07.2023 12:32

I hate that we as humans take sites of great historical significance, and turn them into tourist traps

T Sclly
T Sclly - 19.07.2023 06:38

Great to hear the guide with such positive attitude.. .. and I agree.

Arther Focksake
Arther Focksake - 18.07.2023 13:58

Let's be honest the mainstream description / explanation for all of ancient Egyptian artifacts was probably put together by a five-year-old as they are so ridiculous. They have no more credibility than a person insisting "it was all constructed by aliens" then shouting "prove me wrong". If it's a building then bang it's a tomb, if it's a box then bang it's a sarcophagus, they insist the Egyptian hunter gatherers started by building the greatest buildings ever constructed by humans and then decided to build crap from that moment on, right-o sounds plausible to? As I say a five-year-old.
